@@ -168,22 +168,13 @@ If you enter '.', the field will be left blank.
openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -sha256 -nodes -out ${PATH_SSL}/${domain}.csr -keyout ${PATH_SSL}/${domain}.key -subj "/C=${SELFSIGNEDSSL_C}/ST=${SELFSIGNEDSSL_ST}/L=${SELFSIGNEDSSL_L}/O=${SELFSIGNEDSSL_O}/OU=${SELFSIGNEDSSL_OU}/CN=${domain}" > /dev/null 2>&1
openssl x509 -req -days 36500 -sha256 -in ${PATH_SSL}/${domain}.csr -signkey ${PATH_SSL}/${domain}.key -out ${PATH_SSL}/${domain}.crt > /dev/null 2>&1
elif [ "${Domian_Mode}" == '3' ]; then
- while :; do echo
- read -p "Please enter Administrator Email(example: admin@example.com): " Admin_Email
- if [ -z "$(echo ${Admin_Email} | grep '.*@.*\..*')" ]; then
- echo "${CWARNING}Your email address is invalid! ${CEND}"
- else
- break
- fi
- done
[ "${moredomainame_flag}" == 'y' ] && moredomainame_D="$(for D in ${moredomainame}; do echo -d ${D}; done)"
- if [ "${nginx_ssl_flag}" == 'y' ]; then
+ if [ "${nginx_ssl_flag}" == 'y' ] && [ "${moredomain}" != "*.${domain}" ]; then
[ ! -d ${web_install_dir}/conf/vhost ] && mkdir ${web_install_dir}/conf/vhost
echo "server { server_name ${domain}${moredomainame}; root ${vhostdir}; access_log off; }" > ${web_install_dir}/conf/vhost/${domain}.conf
${web_install_dir}/sbin/nginx -s reload
- if [ "${apache_ssl_flag}" == 'y' ]; then
+ if [ "${apache_ssl_flag}" == 'y' ] && [ "${moredomain}" != "*.${domain}" ]; then
[ ! -d ${apache_install_dir}/conf/vhost ] && mkdir ${apache_install_dir}/conf/vhost
cat > ${apache_install_dir}/conf/vhost/${domain}.conf << EOF
<VirtualHost *:80>
@@ -204,21 +195,41 @@ If you enter '.', the field will be left blank.
/etc/init.d/httpd restart > /dev/null
- ${python_install_dir}/bin/certbot certonly --webroot --agree-tos --quiet --email ${Admin_Email} -w ${vhostdir} -d ${domain} ${moredomainame_D}
- if [ -s "/etc/letsencrypt/live/${domain}/cert.pem" ]; then
+ if [ "${moredomain}" == "*.${domain}" ]; then
+ while :; do echo
+ read -p "Please enter your DNS provider: " DNS_PRO
+ echo "${CMSG}dp${CEND},${CMSG}cx${CEND},${CMSG}ali${CEND},${CMSG}cf${CEND},${CMSG}aws${CEND},${CMSG}linode${CEND},${CMSG}he${CEND},${CMSG}namesilo${CEND},${CMSG}dgon${CEND},${CMSG}freedns${CEND},${CMSG}gd${CEND},${CMSG}namecom${CEND} and so on."
+ if [ -e ~/.acme.sh/dnsapi/dns_${DNS_PRO}.sh ]; then
+ break
+ else
+ echo "${CWARNING}You DNS api mode is not supported${CEND}"
+ fi
+ done
+ while :; do echo
+ echo "Syntax: export Key1=Value1 ; export Key2=Value1"
+ read -p "Please enter your dnsapi parameters: " DNS_PAR
+ echo
+ eval $DNS_PAR
+ if [ $? == 0 ]; then
+ break
+ else
+ echo "${CWARNING}Syntax error! PS: export Ali_Key=LTq ; export Ali_Secret=0q5E${CEND}"
+ fi
+ done
+ ~/.acme.sh/acme.sh --issue --dns dns_${DNS_PRO} -d ${domain} -d ${moredomain}
+ else
+ ~/.acme.sh/acme.sh --issue -d ${domain} ${moredomainame_D} -w ${vhostdir} > /dev/null
+ fi
+ if [ -s ~/.acme.sh/${domain}/fullchain.cer ]; then
[ -e "${PATH_SSL}/${domain}.crt" ] && rm -rf ${PATH_SSL}/${domain}.{crt,key}
- ln -s /etc/letsencrypt/live/${domain}/fullchain.pem ${PATH_SSL}/${domain}.crt
- ln -s /etc/letsencrypt/live/${domain}/privkey.pem ${PATH_SSL}/${domain}.key
if [ -e "${web_install_dir}/sbin/nginx" -a -e "${apache_install_dir}/conf/httpd.conf" ]; then
- Cron_Command="/etc/init.d/nginx reload;/etc/init.d/httpd graceful"
+ Command="/etc/init.d/nginx force-reload;/etc/init.d/httpd graceful"
elif [ -e "${web_install_dir}/sbin/nginx" -a ! -e "${apache_install_dir}/conf/httpd.conf" ]; then
- Cron_Command="/etc/init.d/nginx reload"
+ Command="/etc/init.d/nginx force-reload"
elif [ ! -e "${web_install_dir}/sbin/nginx" -a -e "${apache_install_dir}/conf/httpd.conf" ]; then
- Cron_Command="/etc/init.d/httpd graceful"
+ Command="/etc/init.d/httpd graceful"
- [ "${OS}" == "CentOS" ] && Cron_file=/var/spool/cron/root || Cron_file=/var/spool/cron/crontabs/root
- [ -z "$(grep 'certbot renew' ${Cron_file})" ] && echo "30 2 * * 1 ${python_install_dir}/bin/certbot renew --disable-hook-validation --force-renew --renew-hook \"${Cron_Command}\"" >> $Cron_file
+ ~/.acme.sh/acme.sh --install-cert -d ${domain} --fullchain-file ${PATH_SSL}/${domain}.crt --key-file ${PATH_SSL}/${domain}.key --reloadcmd "${Command}" > /dev/null
echo "${CFAILURE}Error: Create Let's Encrypt SSL Certificate failed! ${CEND}"
exit 1
@@ -232,8 +243,8 @@ Print_ssl() {
echo "$(printf "%-30s" "SSL Private Key:")${CMSG}${PATH_SSL}/${domain}.key${CEND}"
echo "$(printf "%-30s" "SSL CSR File:")${CMSG}${PATH_SSL}/${domain}.csr${CEND}"
elif [ "${Domian_Mode}" == '3' ]; then
- echo "$(printf "%-30s" "Let's Encrypt SSL Certificate:")${CMSG}/etc/letsencrypt/live/${domain}/fullchain.pem${CEND}"
- echo "$(printf "%-30s" "SSL Private Key:")${CMSG}/etc/letsencrypt/live/${domain}/privkey.pem${CEND}"
+ echo "$(printf "%-30s" "Let's Encrypt SSL Certificate:")${CMSG}${PATH_SSL}/${domain}.crt${CEND}"
+ echo "$(printf "%-30s" "SSL Private Key:")${CMSG}${PATH_SSL}/${domain}.key${CEND}"
@@ -250,7 +261,15 @@ What Are You Doing?
if [[ ! "${Domian_Mode}" =~ ^[1-3,q]$ ]]; then
echo "${CFAILURE}input error! Please only input 1~3 and q${CEND}"
- [ "${Domian_Mode}" == '3' ] && [ ! -e "${python_install_dir}/bin/certbot" ] && { echo "${CWARNING}You must to install Let's Encrypt client! Try running: ./addons.sh${CEND}"; exit 1; }
+ if [ "${Domian_Mode}" == '3' ] && [ ! -e ~/.acme.sh/acme.sh ]; then
+ pushd ${oneinstack_dir}/src > /dev/null
+ [ ! -e acme.sh-master.tar.gz ] && wget -qc http://mirrors.linuxeye.com/oneinstack/src/acme.sh-master.tar.gz
+ tar xzf acme.sh-master.tar.gz
+ pushd acme.sh-master > /dev/null
+ ./acme.sh --install > /dev/null 2>&1
+ popd > /dev/null
+ popd > /dev/null
+ fi
if [[ "${Domian_Mode}" =~ ^[2-3]$ ]]; then
if [ -e "${web_install_dir}/sbin/nginx" ]; then
@@ -329,7 +348,7 @@ What Are You Doing?
Tomcat_Domain_alias=$(for D in $(echo ${moredomainame}); do echo "<Alias>${D}</Alias>"; done)
- if [ "${Domian_Mode}" == '3' ]; then
+ if [ "${Domian_Mode}" == '3' ] && [ "${moredomain}" != "*.${domain}" ]; then
for D in ${domain} ${moredomainame}