@@ -48,29 +48,25 @@ Install_pecl_memcache() {
phpExtensionDir=$(${php_install_dir}/bin/php-config --extension-dir)
PHP_detail_ver=$(${php_install_dir}/bin/php -r 'echo PHP_VERSION;')
- if [[ "${PHP_main_ver}" =~ ^5.[3-6]$|^7.[0-2]$ ]]; then
- if [[ "${PHP_main_ver}" =~ ^7.[0-2]$ ]]; then
- #git clone https://github.com/websupport-sk/pecl-memcache.git
- #cd pecl-memcache
- tar xzf pecl-memcache-php7.tgz
- pushd pecl-memcache-php7 > /dev/null
- else
- tar xzf memcache-${pecl_memcache_ver}.tgz
- pushd memcache-${pecl_memcache_ver} > /dev/null
- fi
- ${php_install_dir}/bin/phpize
- ./configure --with-php-config=${php_install_dir}/bin/php-config
- make -j ${THREAD} && make install
- popd > /dev/null
- if [ -f "${phpExtensionDir}/memcache.so" ]; then
- echo "extension=memcache.so" > ${php_install_dir}/etc/php.d/05-memcache.ini
- echo "${CSUCCESS}PHP memcache module installed successfully! ${CEND}"
- rm -rf pecl-memcache-php7 memcache-${pecl_memcache_ver}
- else
- echo "${CFAILURE}PHP memcache module install failed, Please contact the author! ${CEND}"
- fi
+ if [[ "${PHP_main_ver}" =~ ^7.[0-3]$ ]]; then
+ #git clone https://github.com/websupport-sk/pecl-memcache.git
+ #cd pecl-memcache
+ tar xzf pecl-memcache-php7.tgz
+ pushd pecl-memcache-php7 > /dev/null
- echo; echo "${CWARNING}Your php ${PHP_detail_ver} does not support pecl_memcache! ${CEND}";
+ tar xzf memcache-${pecl_memcache_ver}.tgz
+ pushd memcache-${pecl_memcache_ver} > /dev/null
+ fi
+ ${php_install_dir}/bin/phpize
+ ./configure --with-php-config=${php_install_dir}/bin/php-config
+ make -j ${THREAD} && make install
+ popd > /dev/null
+ if [ -f "${phpExtensionDir}/memcache.so" ]; then
+ echo "extension=memcache.so" > ${php_install_dir}/etc/php.d/05-memcache.ini
+ echo "${CSUCCESS}PHP memcache module installed successfully! ${CEND}"
+ rm -rf pecl-memcache-php7 memcache-${pecl_memcache_ver}
+ else
+ echo "${CFAILURE}PHP memcache module install failed, Please contact the author! ${CEND}"
popd > /dev/null