@@ -32,46 +32,193 @@ FTP_tmp_passfile=${pureftpd_install_dir}/etc/pureftpd_psss.tmp
-[ -z "`grep ^PureDB $FTP_conf`" ] && { echo "${CFAILURE}pure-ftpd is not own password database${CEND}" ; exit 1; }
+[ -z "`grep ^PureDB ${FTP_conf}`" ] && { echo "${CFAILURE}pure-ftpd is not own password database${CEND}" ; exit 1; }
-USER() {
-while :; do echo
- read -e -p "Please input a username: " User
- if [ -z "${User}" ]; then
- echo "${CWARNING}username can't be NULL! ${CEND}"
- else
- break
- fi
+showhelp() {
+ echo
+ echo "Usage: $0 command ...[parameters]....
+ --help, -h Show this help message
+ --useradd,--add Add username
+ --usermod Modify directory
+ --passwd Modify password
+ --userdel,--delete Delete User
+ --listalluser,--list List all User
+ --showuser List User details
+ --username,-u [ftp username] Ftp username
+ --password,-p [ftp password] Ftp password
+ --directory,-d,-D [ftp directory] Ftp home directory
+ "
+TEMP=`getopt -o hu:p:d:D: --long help,useradd,add,usermod,passwd,userdel,delete,listalluser,list,showuser,username:,password:,directory: -- "$@" 2>/dev/null`
+[ $? != 0 ] && echo "${CWARNING}ERROR: unknown argument! ${CEND}" && showhelp && exit 1
+eval set -- "${TEMP}"
+while :; do
+ [ -z "$1" ] && break;
+ case "$1" in
+ -h|--help)
+ showhelp; exit 0
+ ;;
+ --add|--useradd)
+ useradd_quiet=y; shift 1
+ ;;
+ --usermod)
+ usermod_quiet=y; shift 1
+ ;;
+ --passwd)
+ passwd_quiet=y; shift 1
+ ;;
+ --delete|--userdel)
+ userdel_quiet=y; shift 1
+ ;;
+ --list|--listalluser)
+ listalluser_quiet=y; shift 1
+ ;;
+ --showuser)
+ showuser_quiet=y; shift 1
+ ;;
+ -u|--username)
+ username_quiet=y; User=$2; shift 2
+ ;;
+ -p|--password)
+ password_quiet=y; Password=$2; shift 2
+ ;;
+ -d|-D|--directory)
+ directory_quiet=y; Directory=$2; shift 2
+ ;;
+ --)
+ shift
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "${CWARNING}ERROR: unknown argument! ${CEND}" && showhelp && exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+USER() {
+ while :; do
+ if [ "${username_quiet}" != 'y' ]; then
+ echo
+ read -e -p "Please input a username: " User
+ fi
+ if [ -z "${User}" ]; then
+ echo "${CWARNING}username can't be NULL! ${CEND}"
+ else
+ break
+ fi
+ done
-while :; do echo
- read -e -p "Please input the password: " Password
- [ -n "`echo ${Password} | grep '[+|&]'`" ] && { echo "${CWARNING}input error,not contain a plus sign (+) and &${CEND}"; continue; }
- if (( ${#Password} >= 5 ));then
- echo -e "${Password}\n${Password}" > ${FTP_tmp_passfile}
- break
+ while :; do
+ if [ "${password_quiet}" != 'y' ]; then
+ echo
+ read -e -p "Please input the password: " Password
+ fi
+ [ -n "`echo ${Password} | grep '[+|&]'`" ] && { echo "${CWARNING}input error,not contain a plus sign (+) and &${CEND}"; continue; }
+ if (( ${#Password} >= 5 )); then
+ echo -e "${Password}\n${Password}" > ${FTP_tmp_passfile}
+ break
+ else
+ echo "${CWARNING}Ftp password least 5 characters! ${CEND}"
+ fi
+ done
+ while :; do
+ if [ "${directory_quiet}" != 'y' ]; then
+ echo
+ read -e -p "Please input the directory(Default directory: ${wwwroot_dir}): " Directory
+ fi
+ Directory=${Directory:-${wwwroot_dir}}
+ if [ ! -d "${Directory}" ]; then
+ echo "${CWARNING}The directory does not exist${CEND}"
+ else
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+UserAdd() {
+ [ -e "${Passwdfile}" ] && [ -n "`grep ^${User}: ${Passwdfile}`" ] && { echo "${CQUESTION}[${User}] is already existed! ${CEND}"; exit 1; }
+ ${FTP_bin} useradd ${User} -f ${Passwdfile} -u ${run_user} -g ${run_user} -d ${Directory} -m < ${FTP_tmp_passfile}
+ ${FTP_bin} mkdb ${Puredbfile} -f ${Passwdfile} > /dev/null 2>&1
+ echo "#####################################"
+ echo
+ echo "[${User}] create successful! "
+ echo
+ echo "You user name is : ${CMSG}${User}${CEND}"
+ echo "You Password is : ${CMSG}${Password}${CEND}"
+ echo "You directory is : ${CMSG}${Directory}${CEND}"
+ echo
+UserMod() {
+ [ -e "${Passwdfile}" ] && [ -z "`grep ^${User}: ${Passwdfile}`" ] && { echo "${CQUESTION}[${User}] was not existed! ${CEND}"; exit 1; }
+ ${FTP_bin} usermod ${User} -f ${Passwdfile} -d ${Directory} -m
+ ${FTP_bin} mkdb ${Puredbfile} -f ${Passwdfile} > /dev/null 2>&1
+ echo "#####################################"
+ echo
+ echo "[${User}] modify a successful! "
+ echo
+ echo "You user name is : ${CMSG}${User}${CEND}"
+ echo "You new directory is : ${CMSG}${Directory}${CEND}"
+ echo
+UserPasswd() {
+ [ -e "${Passwdfile}" ] && [ -z "`grep ^${User}: ${Passwdfile}`" ] && { echo "${CQUESTION}[${User}] was not existed! ${CEND}"; exit 1; }
+ ${FTP_bin} passwd ${User} -f ${Passwdfile} -m < ${FTP_tmp_passfile}
+ ${FTP_bin} mkdb ${Puredbfile} -f ${Passwdfile} > /dev/null 2>&1
+ echo "#####################################"
+ echo
+ echo "[${User}] Password changed successfully! "
+ echo
+ echo "You user name is : ${CMSG}${User}${CEND}"
+ echo "You new password is : ${CMSG}${Password}${CEND}"
+ echo
+UserDel() {
+ if [ ! -e "${Passwdfile}" ]; then
+ echo "${CQUESTION}User was not existed! ${CEND}"
- echo "${CWARNING}Ftp password least 5 characters! ${CEND}"
+ ${FTP_bin} list
+ [ -e "${Passwdfile}" ] && [ -z "`grep ^${User}: ${Passwdfile}`" ] && { echo "${CQUESTION}[${User}] was not existed! ${CEND}"; exit 1; }
+ ${FTP_bin} userdel ${User} -f ${Passwdfile} -m
+ ${FTP_bin} mkdb ${Puredbfile} -f ${Passwdfile} > /dev/null 2>&1
+ echo
+ echo "[${User}] have been deleted! "
-while :; do echo
- read -e -p "Please input the directory(Default directory: ${wwwroot_dir}): " Directory
- Directory=${Directory:-${wwwroot_dir}}
- if [ ! -d "${Directory}" ]; then
- echo "${CWARNING}The directory does not exist${CEND}"
+ListAllUser() {
+ if [ ! -e "${Passwdfile}" ]; then
+ echo "${CQUESTION}User was not existed! ${CEND}"
- break
+ ${FTP_bin} list
-while :; do
- printf "
+ShowUser() {
+ [ -e "${Passwdfile}" ] && [ -z "`grep ^${User}: ${Passwdfile}`" ] && { echo "${CQUESTION}[${User}] was not existed! ${CEND}"; exit 1; }
+ ${FTP_bin} show ${User}
+Menu() {
+ while :; do
+ printf "
What Are You Doing?
\t${CMSG}1${CEND}. UserAdd
\t${CMSG}2${CEND}. UserMod
@@ -81,83 +228,44 @@ What Are You Doing?
\t${CMSG}6${CEND}. ShowUser
\t${CMSG}q${CEND}. Exit
- read -e -p "Please input the correct option: " Number
- if [[ ! $Number =~ ^[1-6,q]$ ]]; then
- echo "${CFAILURE}input error! Please only input 1~6 and q${CEND}"
- else
- case "$Number" in
- 1)
- [ -e "${Passwdfile}" ] && [ -n "`grep ^${User}: ${Passwdfile}`" ] && { echo "${CQUESTION}[${User}] is already existed! ${CEND}"; continue; }
- ${FTP_bin} useradd ${User} -f ${Passwdfile} -u ${run_user} -g ${run_user} -d ${Directory} -m < ${FTP_tmp_passfile}
- ${FTP_bin} mkdb ${Puredbfile} -f ${Passwdfile} > /dev/null 2>&1
- echo "#####################################"
- echo
- echo "[${User}] create successful! "
- echo
- echo "You user name is : ${CMSG}${User}${CEND}"
- echo "You Password is : ${CMSG}${Password}${CEND}"
- echo "You directory is : ${CMSG}${Directory}${CEND}"
- echo
- ;;
- 2)
- [ -e "${Passwdfile}" ] && [ -z "`grep ^${User}: ${Passwdfile}`" ] && { echo "${CQUESTION}[${User}] was not existed! ${CEND}"; continue; }
- ${FTP_bin} usermod ${User} -f ${Passwdfile} -d ${Directory} -m
- ${FTP_bin} mkdb ${Puredbfile} -f ${Passwdfile} > /dev/null 2>&1
- echo "#####################################"
- echo
- echo "[${User}] modify a successful! "
- echo
- echo "You user name is : ${CMSG}${User}${CEND}"
- echo "You new directory is : ${CMSG}${Directory}${CEND}"
- echo
- ;;
- 3)
- [ -e "${Passwdfile}" ] && [ -z "`grep ^${User}: ${Passwdfile}`" ] && { echo "${CQUESTION}[${User}] was not existed! ${CEND}"; continue; }
- ${FTP_bin} passwd ${User} -f ${Passwdfile} -m < ${FTP_tmp_passfile}
- ${FTP_bin} mkdb ${Puredbfile} -f ${Passwdfile} > /dev/null 2>&1
- echo "#####################################"
- echo
- echo "[${User}] Password changed successfully! "
- echo
- echo "You user name is : ${CMSG}${User}${CEND}"
- echo "You new password is : ${CMSG}${Password}${CEND}"
- echo
- ;;
- 4)
- if [ ! -e "${Passwdfile}" ]; then
- echo "${CQUESTION}User was not existed! ${CEND}"
- else
- ${FTP_bin} list
- fi
- [ -e "${Passwdfile}" ] && [ -z "`grep ^${User}: ${Passwdfile}`" ] && { echo "${CQUESTION}[${User}] was not existed! ${CEND}"; continue; }
- ${FTP_bin} userdel ${User} -f ${Passwdfile} -m
- ${FTP_bin} mkdb ${Puredbfile} -f ${Passwdfile} > /dev/null 2>&1
- echo
- echo "[${User}] have been deleted! "
- ;;
- 5)
- if [ ! -e "${Passwdfile}" ]; then
- echo "${CQUESTION}User was not existed! ${CEND}"
- else
- ${FTP_bin} list
- fi
- ;;
- 6)
- [ -e "${Passwdfile}" ] && [ -z "`grep ^${User}: ${Passwdfile}`" ] && { echo "${CQUESTION}[${User}] was not existed! ${CEND}"; continue; }
- ${FTP_bin} show ${User}
- ;;
- q)
- exit
- ;;
- esac
- fi
+ read -e -p "Please input the correct option: " Number
+ if [[ ! ${Number} =~ ^[1-6,q]$ ]]; then
+ echo "${CFAILURE}input error! Please only input 1~6 and q${CEND}"
+ else
+ case "${Number}" in
+ 1)
+ UserAdd
+ ;;
+ 2)
+ UserMod
+ ;;
+ 3)
+ UserPasswd
+ ;;
+ 4)
+ UserDel
+ ;;
+ 5)
+ ListAllUser
+ ;;
+ 6)
+ ShowUser
+ ;;
+ q)
+ exit
+ ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ done
+if [ ${ARG_NUM} == 0 ]; then
+ Menu
+ [ "${useradd_quiet}" == 'y' ] && UserAdd
+ [ "${usermod_quiet}" == 'y' ] && UserMod
+ [ "${passwd_quiet}" == 'y' ] && UserPasswd
+ [ "${userdel_quiet}" == 'y' ] && UserDel
+ [ "${listalluser_quiet}" == 'y' ] && ListAllUser
+ [ "${showuser_quiet}" == 'y' ] && ShowUser