#!/bin/bash # Author: yeho <lj2007331 AT gmail.com> # BLOG: https://linuxeye.com # # Notes: OneinStack for CentOS/RedHat 7+ Debian 9+ and Ubuntu 16+ # # Project home page: # https://oneinstack.com # https://github.com/oneinstack/oneinstack Upgrade_PHP() { pushd ${oneinstack_dir}/src > /dev/null [ ! -e "${php_install_dir}" ] && echo "${CWARNING}PHP is not installed on your system! ${CEND}" && exit 1 OLD_php_ver=`${php_install_dir}/bin/php-config --version` Latest_php_ver=`curl --connect-timeout 2 -m 3 -s https://www.php.net/releases/active.php | python -mjson.tool | awk '/version/{print $2}' | sed 's/"//g' | grep "${OLD_php_ver%.*}"` Latest_php_ver=${Latest_php_ver:-5.5.38} echo echo "Current PHP Version: ${CMSG}$OLD_php_ver${CEND}" while :; do echo [ "${php_flag}" != 'y' ] && read -e -p "Please input upgrade PHP Version(Default: $Latest_php_ver): " NEW_php_ver NEW_php_ver=${NEW_php_ver:-${Latest_php_ver}} if [ "${NEW_php_ver%.*}" == "${OLD_php_ver%.*}" ]; then [ ! -e "php-${NEW_php_ver}.tar.gz" ] && wget --no-check-certificate -c https://secure.php.net/distributions/php-${NEW_php_ver}.tar.gz > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ -e "php-${NEW_php_ver}.tar.gz" ]; then echo "Download [${CMSG}php-${NEW_php_ver}.tar.gz${CEND}] successfully! " else echo "${CWARNING}PHP version does not exist! ${CEND}" fi break else echo "${CWARNING}input error! ${CEND}Please only input '${CMSG}${OLD_php_ver%.*}.xx${CEND}'" [ "${php_flag}" == 'y' ] && exit fi done if [ -e "php-${NEW_php_ver}.tar.gz" ]; then echo "[${CMSG}php-${NEW_php_ver}.tar.gz${CEND}] found" if [ "${php_flag}" != 'y' ]; then echo "Press Ctrl+c to cancel or Press any key to continue..." char=`get_char` fi tar xzf php-${NEW_php_ver}.tar.gz src_url=http://mirrors.linuxeye.com/oneinstack/src/fpm-race-condition.patch && Download_src patch -d php-${NEW_php_ver} -p0 < fpm-race-condition.patch pushd php-${NEW_php_ver} if [[ "${OLD_php_ver%.*}" =~ ^7.[1-4]$|^8.[0-1]$ ]] && [ -e ext/openssl/openssl.c ] && ! grep -Eqi '^#ifdef RSA_SSLV23_PADDING' ext/openssl/openssl.c; then sed -i '/OPENSSL_SSLV23_PADDING/i#ifdef RSA_SSLV23_PADDING' ext/openssl/openssl.c sed -i '/OPENSSL_SSLV23_PADDING/a#endif' ext/openssl/openssl.c fi make clean export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH ${php_install_dir}/bin/php -i |grep 'Configure Command' | awk -F'=>' '{print $2}' | bash make ZEND_EXTRA_LIBS='-liconv' -j ${THREAD} if [ -e "${apache_install_dir}/bin/httpd" ]; then echo "Stoping apache..." service httpd stop make install echo "Starting apache..." service httpd start else echo "Stoping php-fpm..." service php-fpm stop make install echo "Starting php-fpm..." service php-fpm start fi popd > /dev/null echo "You have ${CMSG}successfully${CEND} upgrade from ${CWARNING}$OLD_php_ver${CEND} to ${CWARNING}${NEW_php_ver}${CEND}" rm -rf php-${NEW_php_ver} fi popd > /dev/null }