#!/bin/bash # Author: yeho # BLOG: https://blog.linuxeye.com # # Notes: OneinStack for CentOS/RadHat 5+ Debian 6+ and Ubuntu 12+ # # Project home page: # https://oneinstack.com # https://github.com/lj2007331/oneinstack Upgrade_Redis() { pushd ${oneinstack_dir}/src > /dev/null [ ! -d "$redis_install_dir" ] && echo "${CWARNING}Redis is not installed on your system! ${CEND}" && exit 1 OLD_Redis_version=`$redis_install_dir/bin/redis-cli --version | awk '{print $2}'` echo "Current Redis Version: ${CMSG}$OLD_Redis_version${CEND}" while :; do echo read -p "Please input upgrade Redis Version(example: 3.0.5): " NEW_Redis_version if [ "$NEW_Redis_version" != "$OLD_Redis_version" ]; then [ ! -e "redis-$NEW_Redis_version.tar.gz" ] && wget --no-check-certificate -c http://download.redis.io/releases/redis-$NEW_Redis_version.tar.gz > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ -e "redis-$NEW_Redis_version.tar.gz" ]; then echo "Download [${CMSG}redis-$NEW_Redis_version.tar.gz${CEND}] successfully! " break else echo "${CWARNING}Redis version does not exist! ${CEND}" fi else echo "${CWARNING}input error! Upgrade Redis version is the same as the old version${CEND}" fi done if [ -e "redis-$NEW_Redis_version.tar.gz" ]; then echo "[${CMSG}redis-$NEW_Redis_version.tar.gz${CEND}] found" echo "Press Ctrl+c to cancel or Press any key to continue..." char=`get_char` tar xzf redis-$NEW_Redis_version.tar.gz pushd redis-$NEW_Redis_version make clean if [ "$OS_BIT" == '32' ]; then sed -i '1i\CFLAGS= -march=i686' src/Makefile sed -i 's@^OPT=.*@OPT=-O2 -march=i686@' src/.make-settings fi make -j ${THREAD} if [ -f "src/redis-server" ]; then echo "Restarting Redis..." service redis-server stop /bin/cp src/{redis-benchmark,redis-check-aof,redis-check-rdb,redis-cli,redis-sentinel,redis-server} $redis_install_dir/bin/ service redis-server start popd > /dev/null echo "You have ${CMSG}successfully${CEND} upgrade from ${CWARNING}$OLD_Redis_version${CEND} to ${CWARNING}$NEW_Redis_version${CEND}" rm -rf redis-$NEW_Redis_version else echo "${CFAILURE}Upgrade Redis failed! ${CEND}" fi fi popd > /dev/null }