#!/bin/bash # Author: yeho # BLOG: https://blog.linuxeye.com # # Version: 1.0-Alpha Jun 15,2015 lj2007331 AT gmail.com # Notes: OneinStack for CentOS/RadHat 5+ Debian 6+ and Ubuntu 12+ # # Project home page: # http://oneinstack.com # Check if user is root [ $(id -u) != "0" ] && { echo -e "\033[31mError: You must be root to run this script\033[0m"; exit 1; } export PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin clear printf " ####################################################################### # OneinStack for CentOS/RadHat 5+ Debian 6+ and Ubuntu 12+ # # For more information please visit http://oneinstack.com # ####################################################################### " . ./options.conf Choose_env() { if [ -e "$php_install_dir" -a -e "$tomcat_install_dir" -a -e "/usr/bin/hhvm" ];then Number=111 while : do echo echo 'Please choose to use environment:' echo -e "\t\033[32m1\033[0m. Use php" echo -e "\t\033[32m2\033[0m. Use java" echo -e "\t\033[32m3\033[0m. Use hhvm" read -p "Please input a number:(Default 1 press Enter) " Choose_number [ -z "$Choose_number" ] && Choose_number=1 if [ $Choose_number != 1 -a $Choose_number != 2 -a $Choose_number != 3 ];then echo -e "\033[31minput error! Please only input number 1,2,3\033[0m" else break fi done [ "$Choose_number" == '1' ] && NGX_FLAG=php [ "$Choose_number" == '2' ] && NGX_FLAG=java [ "$Choose_number" == '3' ] && NGX_FLAG=hhvm elif [ -e "$php_install_dir" -a -e "$tomcat_install_dir" -a ! -e "/usr/bin/hhvm" ];then Number=110 while : do echo echo 'Please choose to use environment:' echo -e "\t\033[32m1\033[0m. Use php" echo -e "\t\033[32m2\033[0m. Use java" read -p "Please input a number:(Default 1 press Enter) " Choose_number [ -z "$Choose_number" ] && Choose_number=1 if [ $Choose_number != 1 -a $Choose_number != 2 ];then echo -e "\033[31minput error! Please only input number 1,2\033[0m" else break fi done [ "$Choose_number" == '1' ] && NGX_FLAG=php [ "$Choose_number" == '2' ] && NGX_FLAG=java elif [ -e "$php_install_dir" -a ! -e "$tomcat_install_dir" -a ! -e "/usr/bin/hhvm" ];then Number=100 NGX_FLAG=php elif [ -e "$php_install_dir" -a ! -e "$tomcat_install_dir" -a -e "/usr/bin/hhvm" ];then Number=101 while : do echo echo 'Please choose to use environment:' echo -e "\t\033[32m1\033[0m. Use php" echo -e "\t\033[32m2\033[0m. Use hhvm" read -p "Please input a number:(Default 1 press Enter) " Choose_number [ -z "$Choose_number" ] && Choose_number=1 if [ $Choose_number != 1 -a $Choose_number != 2 ];then echo -e "\033[31minput error! Please only input number 1,2\033[0m" else break fi done [ "$Choose_number" == '1' ] && NGX_FLAG=php [ "$Choose_number" == '2' ] && NGX_FLAG=hhvm elif [ ! -e "$php_install_dir" -a -e "$tomcat_install_dir" -a -e "/usr/bin/hhvm" ];then Number=011 while : do echo echo 'Please choose to use environment:' echo -e "\t\033[32m1\033[0m. Use java" echo -e "\t\033[32m2\033[0m. Use hhvm" read -p "Please input a number:(Default 1 press Enter) " Choose_number [ -z "$Choose_number" ] && Choose_number=1 if [ $Choose_number != 1 -a $Choose_number != 2 ];then echo -e "\033[31minput error! Please only input number 1,2\033[0m" else break fi done [ "$Choose_number" == '1' ] && NGX_FLAG=java [ "$Choose_number" == '2' ] && NGX_FLAG=hhvm elif [ ! -e "$php_install_dir" -a -e "$tomcat_install_dir" -a ! -e "/usr/bin/hhvm" ];then Number=010 NGX_FLAG=java elif [ ! -e "$php_install_dir" -a ! -e "$tomcat_install_dir" -a -e "/usr/bin/hhvm" ];then Number=001 NGX_FLAG=hhvm else Number=000 exit fi if [ "$NGX_FLAG" == 'php' ];then NGX_CONF="location ~ .*\.(php|php5)?$ {\n\t#fastcgi_pass remote_php_ip:9000;\n\tfastcgi_pass unix:/dev/shm/php-cgi.sock;\n\tfastcgi_index index.php;\n\tinclude fastcgi.conf;\n\t}" elif [ "$NGX_FLAG" == 'java' ];then NGX_CONF="location ~ {\n\tproxy_set_header Host \$host;\n\tproxy_set_header X-Real-IP \$remote_addr;\n\tproxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For \$proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;\n\tproxy_pass;\n\t}" elif [ "$NGX_FLAG" == 'hhvm' ];then NGX_CONF="location ~ .*\.(php|php5)?$ {\n\tfastcgi_pass unix:/var/log/hhvm/sock;\n\tfastcgi_index index.php;\n\tfastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME \$document_root\$fastcgi_script_name;\n\tinclude fastcgi_params;\n\t}" fi } Input_domain() { while : do echo read -p "Please input domain(example: www.linuxeye.com): " domain if [ -z "`echo $domain | grep '.*\..*'`" ]; then echo -e "\033[31minput error! \033[0m" else break fi done if [ -e "$web_install_dir/conf/vhost/$domain.conf" -o -e "$apache_install_dir/conf/vhost/$domain.conf" ]; then [ -e "$web_install_dir/conf/vhost/$domain.conf" ] && echo -e "$domain in the Nginx/Tengine already exist! \nYou can delete \033[32m$web_install_dir/conf/vhost/$domain.conf\033[0m and re-create" [ -e "$apache_install_dir/conf/vhost/$domain.conf" ] && echo -e "$domain in the Apache already exist! \nYou can delete \033[32m$apache_install_dir/conf/vhost/$domain.conf\033[0m and re-create" exit else echo "domain=$domain" fi while : do echo '' read -p "Do you want to add more domain name? [y/n]: " moredomainame_yn if [ "$moredomainame_yn" != 'y' ] && [ "$moredomainame_yn" != 'n' ];then echo -e "\033[31minput error! Please only input 'y' or 'n'\033[0m" else break fi done if [ "$moredomainame_yn" == 'y' ]; then while : do echo read -p "Type domainname,example(linuxeye.com www.example.com): " moredomain if [ -z "`echo $moredomain | grep '.*\..*'`" ]; then echo -e "\033[31minput error\033[0m" else [ "$moredomain" == "$domain" ] && echo -e "\033[31mDomain name already exists! \033[0m" && continue echo domain list="$moredomain" moredomainame=" $moredomain" break fi done Domain_alias=ServerAlias$moredomainame fi echo echo "Please input the directory for the domain:$domain :" read -p "(Default directory: $wwwroot_dir/$domain): " vhostdir if [ -z "$vhostdir" ]; then vhostdir="$wwwroot_dir/$domain" echo -e "Virtual Host Directory=\033[32m$vhostdir\033[0m" fi echo echo "Create Virtul Host directory......" mkdir -p $vhostdir echo "set permissions of Virtual Host directory......" chown -R ${run_user}.$run_user $vhostdir } Nginx_anti_hotlinking() { while : do echo '' read -p "Do you want to add hotlink protection? [y/n]: " anti_hotlinking_yn if [ "$anti_hotlinking_yn" != 'y' ] && [ "$anti_hotlinking_yn" != 'n' ];then echo -e "\033[31minput error! Please only input 'y' or 'n'\033[0m" else break fi done if [ -n "`echo $domain | grep '.*\..*\..*'`" ];then domain_allow="*.${domain#*.} $domain" else domain_allow="*.$domain $domain" fi if [ "$anti_hotlinking_yn" == 'y' ];then if [ "$moredomainame_yn" == 'y' ]; then domain_allow_all=$domain_allow$moredomainame else domain_allow_all=$domain_allow fi anti_hotlinking=$(echo -e "location ~ .*\.(wma|wmv|asf|mp3|mmf|zip|rar|jpg|gif|png|swf|flv)$ {\n\tvalid_referers none blocked $domain_allow_all;\n\tif (\$invalid_referer) {\n\t\t#rewrite ^/ http://www.linuxeye.com/403.html;\n\t\treturn 403;\n\t\t}\n\t}") else anti_hotlinking= fi } Nginx_rewrite() { while : do echo '' read -p "Allow Rewrite rule? [y/n]: " rewrite_yn if [ "$rewrite_yn" != 'y' ] && [ "$rewrite_yn" != 'n' ];then echo -e "\033[31minput error! Please only input 'y' or 'n'\033[0m" else break fi done if [ "$rewrite_yn" == 'n' ];then rewrite="none" touch "$web_install_dir/conf/$rewrite.conf" else echo '' echo "Please input the rewrite of programme :" echo -e "\033[32mwordpress\033[0m,\033[32mdiscuz\033[0m,\033[32mphpwind\033[0m,\033[32mtypecho\033[0m,\033[32mecshop\033[0m,\033[32mdrupal\033[0m,\033[32mjoomla\033[0m rewrite was exist." read -p "(Default rewrite: other):" rewrite if [ "$rewrite" == "" ]; then rewrite="other" fi echo -e "You choose rewrite=\033[32m$rewrite\033[0m" if [ -s "conf/$rewrite.conf" ];then /bin/cp conf/$rewrite.conf $web_install_dir/conf/$rewrite.conf else touch "$web_install_dir/conf/$rewrite.conf" fi fi } Nginx_log() { while : do echo '' read -p "Allow Nginx/Tengine access_log? [y/n]: " access_yn if [ "$access_yn" != 'y' ] && [ "$access_yn" != 'n' ];then echo -e "\033[31minput error! Please only input 'y' or 'n'\033[0m" else break fi done if [ "$access_yn" == 'n' ]; then N_log="access_log off;" else N_log="access_log $wwwlogs_dir/${domain}_nginx.log combined;" echo -e "You access log file=\033[32m$wwwlogs_dir/${domain}_nginx.log\033[0m" fi } Create_nginx_tomcat_conf() { [ -n "`grep $vhostdir $tomcat_install_dir/conf/server.xml`" ] && { echo -e "\n$vhostdir in the tomcat already exist! \nYou must manually modify the file=\033[32m$tomcat_install_dir/conf/server.xml\033[0m"; exit; } [ ! -d $web_install_dir/conf/vhost ] && mkdir $web_install_dir/conf/vhost cat > $web_install_dir/conf/vhost/$domain.conf << EOF server { listen 80; server_name $domain$moredomainame; $N_log index index.html index.htm index.jsp index.php; root $vhostdir; #error_page 404 /404.html; #if ( \$query_string ~* ".*[\;'\<\>].*" ){ # return 404; # } $anti_hotlinking location ~ .*\.(gif|jpg|jpeg|png|bmp|swf|flv|ico)$ { expires 30d; } location ~ .*\.(js|css)?$ { expires 7d; } `echo -e $NGX_CONF` } EOF sed -i "s@autoDeploy=\"true\">@autoDeploy=\"true\">\n\t@" $tomcat_install_dir/conf/server.xml echo $web_install_dir/sbin/nginx -t if [ $? == 0 ];then echo "Restart Nginx......" $web_install_dir/sbin/nginx -s reload else rm -rf $web_install_dir/conf/vhost/$domain.conf echo -e "Create virtualhost ... \033[31m[FAILED]\033[0m" exit 1 fi printf " ####################################################################### # OneinStack for CentOS/RadHat 5+ Debian 6+ and Ubuntu 12+ # # For more information please visit http://oneinstack.com # ####################################################################### " echo -e "`printf "%-32s" "Your domain:"`\033[32m$domain\033[0m" echo -e "`printf "%-32s" "Virtualhost conf:"`\033[32m$web_install_dir/conf/vhost/$domain.conf\033[0m" echo -e "`printf "%-32s" "Directory of:"`\033[32m$vhostdir\033[0m" } Create_nginx_php-fpm_conf() { [ ! -d $web_install_dir/conf/vhost ] && mkdir $web_install_dir/conf/vhost cat > $web_install_dir/conf/vhost/$domain.conf << EOF server { listen 80; server_name $domain$moredomainame; $N_log index index.html index.htm index.jsp index.php; include $rewrite.conf; root $vhostdir; #error_page 404 /404.html; if ( \$query_string ~* ".*[\;'\<\>].*" ){ return 404; } $anti_hotlinking `echo -e $NGX_CONF` location ~ .*\.(gif|jpg|jpeg|png|bmp|swf|flv|ico)$ { expires 30d; } location ~ .*\.(js|css)?$ { expires 7d; } } EOF echo $web_install_dir/sbin/nginx -t if [ $? == 0 ];then echo "Restart Nginx......" $web_install_dir/sbin/nginx -s reload else rm -rf $web_install_dir/conf/vhost/$domain.conf echo -e "Create virtualhost ... \033[31m[FAILED]\033[0m" exit 1 fi printf " ####################################################################### # OneinStack for CentOS/RadHat 5+ Debian 6+ and Ubuntu 12+ # # For more information please visit http://oneinstack.com # ####################################################################### " echo -e "`printf "%-32s" "Your domain:"`\033[32m$domain\033[0m" echo -e "`printf "%-32s" "Virtualhost conf:"`\033[32m$web_install_dir/conf/vhost/$domain.conf\033[0m" echo -e "`printf "%-32s" "Directory of:"`\033[32m$vhostdir\033[0m" [ "$rewrite_yn" == 'y' ] && echo -e "`printf "%-32s" "Rewrite rule:"`\033[32m$rewrite\033[0m" } Apache_log() { while : do echo '' read -p "Allow Apache access_log? [y/n]: " access_yn if [ "$access_yn" != 'y' ] && [ "$access_yn" != 'n' ];then echo -e "\033[31minput error! Please only input 'y' or 'n'\033[0m" else break fi done if [ "$access_yn" == 'n' ]; then A_log='CustomLog "/dev/null" common' else A_log="CustomLog \"$wwwlogs_dir/${domain}_apache.log\" common" echo "You access log file=$wwwlogs_dir/${domain}_apache.log" fi } Create_apache_conf() { [ "`$apache_install_dir/bin/apachectl -v | awk -F'.' /version/'{print $2}'`" == '4' ] && R_TMP='Require all granted' || R_TMP= [ ! -d $apache_install_dir/conf/vhost ] && mkdir $apache_install_dir/conf/vhost cat > $apache_install_dir/conf/vhost/$domain.conf << EOF ServerAdmin admin@linuxeye.com DocumentRoot "$vhostdir" ServerName $domain $Domain_alias ErrorLog "$wwwlogs_dir/${domain}_error_apache.log" $A_log SetOutputFilter DEFLATE Options FollowSymLinks $R_TMP AllowOverride All Order allow,deny Allow from all DirectoryIndex index.html index.php EOF echo $apache_install_dir/bin/apachectl -t if [ $? == 0 ];then echo "Restart Apache......" /etc/init.d/httpd restart else rm -rf $apache_install_dir/conf/vhost/$domain.conf echo -e "Create virtualhost ... \033[31m[FAILED]\033[0m" exit 1 fi printf " ####################################################################### # OneinStack for CentOS/RadHat 5+ Debian 6+ and Ubuntu 12+ # # For more information please visit http://oneinstack.com # ####################################################################### " echo -e "`printf "%-32s" "Your domain:"`\033[32m$domain\033[0m" echo -e "`printf "%-32s" "Virtualhost conf:"`\033[32m$apache_install_dir/conf/vhost/$domain.conf\033[0m" echo -e "`printf "%-32s" "Directory of $domain:"`\033[32m$vhostdir\033[0m" } Create_nginx_apache_mod-php_conf() { # Nginx/Tengine [ ! -d $web_install_dir/conf/vhost ] && mkdir $web_install_dir/conf/vhost cat > $web_install_dir/conf/vhost/$domain.conf << EOF server { listen 80; server_name $domain$moredomainame; $N_log index index.html index.htm index.jsp index.php; root $vhostdir; #error_page 404 /404.html; if ( \$query_string ~* ".*[\;'\<\>].*" ){ return 404; } $anti_hotlinking location / { try_files \$uri @apache; } location @apache { internal; proxy_pass; } location ~ .*\.(php|php5)?$ { proxy_pass; } location ~ .*\.(gif|jpg|jpeg|png|bmp|swf|flv|ico)$ { expires 30d; } location ~ .*\.(js|css)?$ { expires 7d; } } EOF echo $web_install_dir/sbin/nginx -t if [ $? == 0 ];then echo "Restart Nginx......" $web_install_dir/sbin/nginx -s reload else rm -rf $web_install_dir/conf/vhost/$domain.conf echo -e "Create virtualhost ... \033[31m[FAILED]\033[0m" fi # Apache [ "`$apache_install_dir/bin/apachectl -v | awk -F'.' /version/'{print $2}'`" == '4' ] && R_TMP='Require all granted' || R_TMP= [ ! -d $apache_install_dir/conf/vhost ] && mkdir $apache_install_dir/conf/vhost cat > $apache_install_dir/conf/vhost/$domain.conf << EOF ServerAdmin admin@linuxeye.com DocumentRoot "$vhostdir" ServerName $domain $Domain_alias ErrorLog "$wwwlogs_dir/${domain}_error_apache.log" $A_log SetOutputFilter DEFLATE Options FollowSymLinks $R_TMP AllowOverride All Order allow,deny Allow from all DirectoryIndex index.html index.php EOF echo $apache_install_dir/bin/apachectl -t if [ $? == 0 ];then echo "Restart Apache......" /etc/init.d/httpd restart else rm -rf $apache_install_dir/conf/vhost/$domain.conf exit 1 fi printf " ####################################################################### # OneinStack for CentOS/RadHat 5+ Debian 6+ and Ubuntu 12+ # # For more information please visit http://oneinstack.com # ####################################################################### " echo -e "`printf "%-32s" "Your domain:"`\033[32m$domain\033[0m" echo -e "`printf "%-32s" "Nginx Virtualhost conf:"`\033[32m$web_install_dir/conf/vhost/$domain.conf\033[0m" echo -e "`printf "%-32s" "Apache Virtualhost conf:"`\033[32m$apache_install_dir/conf/vhost/$domain.conf\033[0m" echo -e "`printf "%-32s" "Directory of:"`\033[32m$vhostdir\033[0m" [ "$rewrite_yn" == 'y' ] && echo -e "`printf "%-32s" "Rewrite rule:"`\033[32m$rewrite\033[0m" } if [ -d "$web_install_dir" -a ! -d "$apache_install_dir" -a "$web_install_dir" != "$apache_install_dir" ];then Choose_env Input_domain Nginx_anti_hotlinking if [ "$Number" == '111' -o "$Number" == '110' -o "$Number" == '011' -o "$Number" == '010' ];then Nginx_log Create_nginx_tomcat_conf else Nginx_rewrite Nginx_log Create_nginx_php-fpm_conf fi elif [ -d "$web_install_dir" -a -d "$apache_install_dir" -a "$web_install_dir" == "$apache_install_dir" ];then Choose_env Input_domain Apache_log Create_apache_conf elif [ -d "$web_install_dir" -a -d "$apache_install_dir" -a "$web_install_dir" != "$apache_install_dir" ];then Choose_env Input_domain Nginx_anti_hotlinking if [ "$Number" == '111' -o "$Number" == '110' -o "$Number" == '011' -o "$Number" == '010' ];then Nginx_log Create_nginx_tomcat_conf else #Nginx_rewrite Nginx_log Apache_log Create_nginx_apache_mod-php_conf fi fi