#!/bin/bash # Author: yeho # BLOG: https://blog.linuxeye.com # # Notes: OneinStack for CentOS/RadHat 5+ Debian 6+ and Ubuntu 12+ # # Project home page: # http://oneinstack.com # https://github.com/lj2007331/oneinstack export PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin clear printf " ####################################################################### # OneinStack for CentOS/RadHat 5+ Debian 6+ and Ubuntu 12+ # # For more information please visit http://oneinstack.com # ####################################################################### " # get pwd sed -i "s@^oneinstack_dir.*@oneinstack_dir=`pwd`@" ./options.conf . ./apps.conf . ./options.conf . ./include/color.sh . ./include/check_os.sh . ./include/download.sh . ./include/get_char.sh . ./include/memory.sh # Check if user is root [ $(id -u) != "0" ] && { echo "${CFAILURE}Error: You must be root to run this script${CEND}"; exit 1; } # get the IP information IPADDR=`./include/get_ipaddr.py` PUBLIC_IPADDR=`./include/get_public_ipaddr.py` [ "`./include/get_ipaddr_state.py $PUBLIC_IPADDR`" == '\u4e2d\u56fd' ] && IPADDR_STATE=CN mkdir -p src $wwwroot_dir/default $wwwlogs_dir # choice upgrade OS while : do echo read -p "Do you want to upgrade operating system? [y/n]: " upgrade_yn if [ "$upgrade_yn" != 'y' -a "$upgrade_yn" != 'n' ];then echo "${CWARNING}input error! Please only input 'y' or 'n'${CEND}" else [ "$upgrade_yn" == 'y' ] && { echo "${CWARNING}Your system is already upgraded! ${CEND}" ; upgrade_yn=n ; } break fi done # Use default SSH port 22. If you use another SSH port on your server [ -z "`grep ^Port /etc/ssh/sshd_config`" ] && ssh_port=22 || ssh_port=`grep ^Port /etc/ssh/sshd_config | awk '{print $2}'` while : do echo read -p "Please input SSH port(Default: $ssh_port): " SSH_PORT [ -z "$SSH_PORT" ] && SSH_PORT=$ssh_port if [ $SSH_PORT -eq 22 >/dev/null 2>&1 -o $SSH_PORT -gt 1024 >/dev/null 2>&1 -a $SSH_PORT -lt 65535 >/dev/null 2>&1 ];then break else echo "${CWARNING}input error! Input range: 22,1024~65535${CEND}" fi done if [ -z "`grep ^Port /etc/ssh/sshd_config`" -a "$SSH_PORT" != '22' ];then sed -i "s@^#Port.*@&\nPort $SSH_PORT@" /etc/ssh/sshd_config elif [ -n "`grep ^Port /etc/ssh/sshd_config`" ];then sed -i "s@^Port.*@Port $SSH_PORT@" /etc/ssh/sshd_config fi # check Web server while : do echo read -p "Do you want to install Web server? [y/n]: " Web_yn if [ "$Web_yn" != 'y' -a "$Web_yn" != 'n' ];then echo "${CWARNING}input error! Please only input 'y' or 'n'${CEND}" else if [ "$Web_yn" == 'y' ];then [ -d "$web_install_dir/conf" ] && { echo "${CWARNING}The web service already installed! ${CEND}" ; Web_yn=Other ; break ; } while : do echo echo 'Please select Nginx server:' echo -e "\t${CMSG}1${CEND}. Install Nginx" echo -e "\t${CMSG}2${CEND}. Install Tengine" echo -e "\t${CMSG}3${CEND}. Do not install" read -p "Please input a number:(Default 1 press Enter) " Nginx_version [ -z "$Nginx_version" ] && Nginx_version=1 if [ $Nginx_version != 1 -a $Nginx_version != 2 -a $Nginx_version != 3 ];then echo "${CWARNING}input error! Please only input number 1,2,3${CEND}" else while : do echo echo 'Please select Apache server:' echo -e "\t${CMSG}1${CEND}. Install Apache-2.4" echo -e "\t${CMSG}2${CEND}. Install Apache-2.2" echo -e "\t${CMSG}3${CEND}. Do not install" read -p "Please input a number:(Default 3 press Enter) " Apache_version [ -z "$Apache_version" ] && Apache_version=3 if [ $Apache_version != 1 -a $Apache_version != 2 -a $Apache_version != 3 ];then echo "${CWARNING}input error! Please only input number 1,2,3${CEND}" else break fi done while : do echo echo 'Please select tomcat server:' echo -e "\t${CMSG}1${CEND}. Install Tomcat-8" echo -e "\t${CMSG}2${CEND}. Install Tomcat-7" echo -e "\t${CMSG}3${CEND}. Do not install" read -p "Please input a number:(Default 3 press Enter) " Tomcat_version [ -z "$Tomcat_version" ] && Tomcat_version=3 if [ $Tomcat_version != 1 -a $Tomcat_version != 2 -a $Tomcat_version != 3 ];then echo "${CWARNING}input error! Please only input number 1,2,3${CEND}" else if [ "$Tomcat_version" == '1' ];then while : do echo echo 'Please select JDK version:' echo -e "\t${CMSG}1${CEND}. Install JDK-1.8" echo -e "\t${CMSG}2${CEND}. Install JDK-1.7" read -p "Please input a number:(Default 2 press Enter) " JDK_version [ -z "$JDK_version" ] && JDK_version=2 if [ $JDK_version != 1 -a $JDK_version != 2 ];then echo "${CWARNING}input error! Please only input number 1,2${CEND}" else break fi done fi if [ "$Tomcat_version" == '2' ];then while : do echo echo 'Please select JDK version:' echo -e "\t${CMSG}1${CEND}. Install JDK-1.8" echo -e "\t${CMSG}2${CEND}. Install JDK-1.7" echo -e "\t${CMSG}3${CEND}. Install JDK-1.6" read -p "Please input a number:(Default 2 press Enter) " JDK_version [ -z "$JDK_version" ] && JDK_version=2 if [ $JDK_version != 1 -a $JDK_version != 2 -a $JDK_version != 3 ];then echo "${CWARNING}input error! Please only input number 1,2,3${CEND}" else break fi done fi break fi done break fi done fi break fi done # choice database while : do echo read -p "Do you want to install Database? [y/n]: " DB_yn if [ "$DB_yn" != 'y' -a "$DB_yn" != 'n' ];then echo "${CWARNING}input error! Please only input 'y' or 'n'${CEND}" else if [ "$DB_yn" == 'y' ];then [ -d "$db_install_dir/support-files" ] && { echo "${CWARNING}The database already installed! ${CEND}" ; DB_yn=Other ; break ; } while : do echo echo 'Please select a version of the Database:' echo -e "\t${CMSG}1${CEND}. Install MySQL-5.6" echo -e "\t${CMSG}2${CEND}. Install MySQL-5.5" echo -e "\t${CMSG}3${CEND}. Install MariaDB-10.0" echo -e "\t${CMSG}4${CEND}. Install MariaDB-5.5" echo -e "\t${CMSG}5${CEND}. Install Percona-5.6" echo -e "\t${CMSG}6${CEND}. Install Percona-5.5" read -p "Please input a number:(Default 1 press Enter) " DB_version [ -z "$DB_version" ] && DB_version=1 if [ $DB_version != 1 -a $DB_version != 2 -a $DB_version != 3 -a $DB_version != 4 -a $DB_version != 5 -a $DB_version != 6 ];then echo "${CWARNING}input error! Please only input number 1,2,3,4,5,6 ${CEND}" else while : do read -p "Please input the root password of database: " dbrootpwd [ -n "`echo $dbrootpwd | grep '[+|&]'`" ] && { echo "${CWARNING}input error,not contain a plus sign (+) and & ${CEND}"; continue; } (( ${#dbrootpwd} >= 5 )) && sed -i "s+^dbrootpwd.*+dbrootpwd='$dbrootpwd'+" ./options.conf && break || echo "${CWARNING}database root password least 5 characters! ${CEND}" done break fi done fi break fi done # check PHP while : do echo read -p "Do you want to install PHP? [y/n]: " PHP_yn if [ "$PHP_yn" != 'y' -a "$PHP_yn" != 'n' ];then echo "${CWARNING}input error! Please only input 'y' or 'n'${CEND}" else if [ "$PHP_yn" == 'y' ];then [ -e "$php_install_dir/bin/phpize" ] && { echo "${CWARNING}The php already installed! ${CEND}" ; PHP_yn=Other ; break ; } while : do echo echo 'Please select a version of the PHP:' echo -e "\t${CMSG}1${CEND}. Install php-5.3" echo -e "\t${CMSG}2${CEND}. Install php-5.4" echo -e "\t${CMSG}3${CEND}. Install php-5.5" echo -e "\t${CMSG}4${CEND}. Install php-5.6" echo -e "\t${CMSG}5${CEND}. Install php-7/phpng(beta)" read -p "Please input a number:(Default 1 press Enter) " PHP_version [ -z "$PHP_version" ] && PHP_version=1 if [ $PHP_version != 1 -a $PHP_version != 2 -a $PHP_version != 3 -a $PHP_version != 4 -a $PHP_version != 5 ];then echo "${CWARNING}input error! Please only input number 1,2,3,4,5${CEND}" else while : do echo read -p "Do you want to install opcode cache of the PHP? [y/n]: " PHP_cache_yn if [ "$PHP_cache_yn" != 'y' -a "$PHP_cache_yn" != 'n' ];then echo "${CWARNING}input error! Please only input 'y' or 'n'${CEND}" else if [ "$PHP_cache_yn" == 'y' ];then if [ $PHP_version == 1 ];then while : do echo 'Please select a opcode cache of the PHP:' echo -e "\t${CMSG}1${CEND}. Install Zend OPcache" echo -e "\t${CMSG}2${CEND}. Install XCache" echo -e "\t${CMSG}3${CEND}. Install APCU" echo -e "\t${CMSG}4${CEND}. Install eAccelerator-0.9" read -p "Please input a number:(Default 1 press Enter) " PHP_cache [ -z "$PHP_cache" ] && PHP_cache=1 if [ $PHP_cache != 1 -a $PHP_cache != 2 -a $PHP_cache != 3 -a $PHP_cache != 4 ];then echo "${CWARNING}input error! Please only input number 1,2,3,4${CEND}" else break fi done fi if [ $PHP_version == 2 ];then while : do echo 'Please select a opcode cache of the PHP:' echo -e "\t${CMSG}1${CEND}. Install Zend OPcache" echo -e "\t${CMSG}2${CEND}. Install XCache" echo -e "\t${CMSG}3${CEND}. Install APCU" echo -e "\t${CMSG}4${CEND}. Install eAccelerator-1.0-dev" read -p "Please input a number:(Default 1 press Enter) " PHP_cache [ -z "$PHP_cache" ] && PHP_cache=1 if [ $PHP_cache != 1 -a $PHP_cache != 2 -a $PHP_cache != 3 -a $PHP_cache != 4 ];then echo "${CWARNING}input error! Please only input number 1,2,3,4${CEND}" else break fi done fi if [ $PHP_version == 3 ];then while : do echo 'Please select a opcode cache of the PHP:' echo -e "\t${CMSG}1${CEND}. Install Zend OPcache" echo -e "\t${CMSG}2${CEND}. Install XCache" echo -e "\t${CMSG}3${CEND}. Install APCU" read -p "Please input a number:(Default 1 press Enter) " PHP_cache [ -z "$PHP_cache" ] && PHP_cache=1 if [ $PHP_cache != 1 -a $PHP_cache != 2 -a $PHP_cache != 3 ];then echo "${CWARNING}input error! Please only input number 1,2,3${CEND}" else break fi done fi if [ $PHP_version == 4 ];then while : do echo 'Please select a opcode cache of the PHP:' echo -e "\t${CMSG}1${CEND}. Install Zend OPcache" echo -e "\t${CMSG}2${CEND}. Install XCache" read -p "Please input a number:(Default 1 press Enter) " PHP_cache [ -z "$PHP_cache" ] && PHP_cache=1 if [ $PHP_cache != 1 -a $PHP_cache != 2 ];then echo "${CWARNING}input error! Please only input number 1,2${CEND}" else break fi done fi if [ $PHP_version == 5 ];then while : do echo 'Please select a opcode cache of the PHP:' echo -e "\t${CMSG}1${CEND}. Install Zend OPcache" read "Please input a number:(Default 1 press Enter) " PHP_cache [ -z "$PHP_cache" ] && PHP_cache=1 if [ $PHP_cache != 1 ];then echo "${CWARNING}input error! Please only input number 1${CEND}" else break fi done fi fi break fi done if [ "$PHP_cache" == '2' ];then while : do read -p "Please input xcache admin password: " xcache_admin_pass (( ${#xcache_admin_pass} >= 5 )) && { xcache_admin_md5_pass=`echo -n "$xcache_admin_pass" | md5sum | awk '{print $1}'` ; break ; } || echo "${CFAILURE}xcache admin password least 5 characters! ${CEND}" done fi if [ "$PHP_version" != '5' -a "$PHP_cache" != '1' ];then while : do echo read -p "Do you want to install ZendGuardLoader? [y/n]: " ZendGuardLoader_yn if [ "$ZendGuardLoader_yn" != 'y' -a "$ZendGuardLoader_yn" != 'n' ];then echo "${CWARNING}input error! Please only input 'y' or 'n'${CEND}" else break fi done fi if [ "$PHP_version" != '5' ];then while : do echo read -p "Do you want to install ionCube? [y/n]: " ionCube_yn if [ "$ionCube_yn" != 'y' -a "$ionCube_yn" != 'n' ];then echo "${CWARNING}input error! Please only input 'y' or 'n'${CEND}" else break fi done fi if [ "$PHP_version" != '5' ];then while : do echo read -p "Do you want to install ImageMagick or GraphicsMagick? [y/n]: " Magick_yn if [ "$Magick_yn" != 'y' -a "$Magick_yn" != 'n' ];then echo "${CWARNING}input error! Please only input 'y' or 'n'${CEND}" else break fi done fi if [ "$Magick_yn" == 'y' ];then while : do echo 'Please select ImageMagick or GraphicsMagick:' echo -e "\t${CMSG}1${CEND}. Install ImageMagick" echo -e "\t${CMSG}2${CEND}. Install GraphicsMagick" read -p "Please input a number:(Default 1 press Enter) " Magick [ -z "$Magick" ] && Magick=1 if [ $Magick != 1 -a $Magick != 2 ];then echo "${CWARNING}input error! Please only input number 1,2${CEND}" else break fi done fi break fi done fi break fi done # check Pureftpd while : do echo read -p "Do you want to install Pure-FTPd? [y/n]: " FTP_yn if [ "$FTP_yn" != 'y' -a "$FTP_yn" != 'n' ];then echo "${CWARNING}input error! Please only input 'y' or 'n'${CEND}" else [ "$FTP_yn" == 'y' -a -e "$pureftpd_install_dir/sbin/pure-ftpwho" ] && { echo "${CWARNING}The FTP service already installed! ${CEND}" ; FTP_yn=Other ; break ; } break fi done # check phpMyAdmin while : do echo read -p "Do you want to install phpMyAdmin? [y/n]: " phpMyAdmin_yn if [ "$phpMyAdmin_yn" != 'y' -a "$phpMyAdmin_yn" != 'n' ];then echo "${CWARNING}input error! Please only input 'y' or 'n'${CEND}" else if [ "$phpMyAdmin_yn" == 'y' ];then [ -d "$wwwroot_dir/default/phpMyAdmin" ] && echo "${CWARNING}The phpMyAdmin already installed! ${CEND}" && phpMyAdmin_yn=Other && break fi break fi done if [ "$PHP_version" != '5' ];then # check redis while : do echo read -p "Do you want to install redis? [y/n]: " redis_yn if [ "$redis_yn" != 'y' -a "$redis_yn" != 'n' ];then echo "${CWARNING}input error! Please only input 'y' or 'n'${CEND}" else if [ "$redis_yn" == 'y' ];then [ -e "$redis_install_dir/bin/redis-server" ] && { echo "${CWARNING}The redis already installed! ${CEND}" ; redis_yn=Other ; break ; } fi break fi done # check memcached while : do echo read -p "Do you want to install memcached? [y/n]: " memcached_yn if [ "$memcached_yn" != 'y' -a "$memcached_yn" != 'n' ];then echo "${CWARNING}input error! Please only input 'y' or 'n'${CEND}" else if [ "$memcached_yn" == 'y' ];then [ -d "$memcached_install_dir/include/memcached" ] && { echo "${CWARNING}The memcached already installed! ${CEND}" ; memcached_yn=Other ; break ; } fi break fi done fi # check jemalloc or tcmalloc if [ "$Web_yn" == 'y' -o "$DB_yn" == 'y' ];then while : do echo read -p "Do you want to use jemalloc or tcmalloc optimize Database and Web server? [y/n]: " je_tc_malloc_yn if [ "$je_tc_malloc_yn" != 'y' -a "$je_tc_malloc_yn" != 'n' ];then echo "${CWARNING}input error! Please only input 'y' or 'n'${CEND}" else if [ "$je_tc_malloc_yn" == 'y' ];then echo 'Please select jemalloc or tcmalloc:' echo -e "\t${CMSG}1${CEND}. jemalloc" echo -e "\t${CMSG}2${CEND}. tcmalloc" while : do read -p "Please input a number:(Default 1 press Enter) " je_tc_malloc [ -z "$je_tc_malloc" ] && je_tc_malloc=1 if [ $je_tc_malloc != 1 -a $je_tc_malloc != 2 ];then echo "${CWARNING}input error! Please only input number 1,2${CEND}" else break fi done fi break fi done fi while : do echo read -p "Do you want to install HHVM? [y/n]: " HHVM_yn if [ "$HHVM_yn" != 'y' -a "$HHVM_yn" != 'n' ];then echo "${CWARNING}input error! Please only input 'y' or 'n'${CEND}" else if [ "$HHVM_yn" == 'y' ];then if [ "$OS" == 'CentOS' -a "$OS_BIT" == '64' ] && [ -n "`grep -E ' 7\.| 6\.5| 6\.6| 6\.7' /etc/redhat-release`" ];then break else echo echo "${CFAILURE}HHVM only support CentOS6.5+ 64bit, CentOS7 64bit! ${CEND}" echo "Press Ctrl+c to cancel or Press any key to continue..." char=`get_char` HHVM_yn= break fi elif [ "$HHVM_yn" == 'n' ];then break fi fi done # init if [ "$OS" == 'CentOS' ];then . include/init_CentOS.sh 2>&1 | tee $oneinstack_dir/install.log [ -n "`gcc --version | head -n1 | grep '4\.1\.'`" ] && export CC="gcc44" CXX="g++44" elif [ "$OS" == 'Debian' ];then . include/init_Debian.sh 2>&1 | tee $oneinstack_dir/install.log elif [ "$OS" == 'Ubuntu' ];then . include/init_Ubuntu.sh 2>&1 | tee $oneinstack_dir/install.log fi # jemalloc or tcmalloc if [ "$je_tc_malloc_yn" == 'y' -a "$je_tc_malloc" == '1' -a ! -e "/usr/local/lib/libjemalloc.so" ];then . include/jemalloc.sh Install_jemalloc | tee -a $oneinstack_dir/install.log elif [ "$je_tc_malloc_yn" == 'y' -a "$je_tc_malloc" == '2' -a ! -e "/usr/local/lib/libtcmalloc.so" ];then . include/tcmalloc.sh Install_tcmalloc | tee -a $oneinstack_dir/install.log fi # Database if [ "$DB_version" == '1' ];then . include/mysql-5.6.sh Install_MySQL-5-6 2>&1 | tee -a $oneinstack_dir/install.log elif [ "$DB_version" == '2' ];then . include/mysql-5.5.sh Install_MySQL-5-5 2>&1 | tee -a $oneinstack_dir/install.log elif [ "$DB_version" == '3' ];then . include/mariadb-10.0.sh Install_MariaDB-10-0 2>&1 | tee -a $oneinstack_dir/install.log elif [ "$DB_version" == '4' ];then . include/mariadb-5.5.sh Install_MariaDB-5-5 2>&1 | tee -a $oneinstack_dir/install.log elif [ "$DB_version" == '5' ];then . include/percona-5.6.sh Install_Percona-5-6 2>&1 | tee -a $oneinstack_dir/install.log elif [ "$DB_version" == '6' ];then . include/percona-5.5.sh Install_Percona-5-5 2>&1 | tee -a $oneinstack_dir/install.log fi # Apache if [ "$Apache_version" == '1' ];then . include/apache-2.4.sh Install_Apache-2-4 2>&1 | tee -a $oneinstack_dir/install.log elif [ "$Apache_version" == '2' ];then . include/apache-2.2.sh Install_Apache-2-2 2>&1 | tee -a $oneinstack_dir/install.log fi # PHP if [ "$PHP_version" == '1' ];then . include/php-5.3.sh Install_PHP-5-3 2>&1 | tee -a $oneinstack_dir/install.log elif [ "$PHP_version" == '2' ];then . include/php-5.4.sh Install_PHP-5-4 2>&1 | tee -a $oneinstack_dir/install.log elif [ "$PHP_version" == '3' ];then . include/php-5.5.sh Install_PHP-5-5 2>&1 | tee -a $oneinstack_dir/install.log elif [ "$PHP_version" == '4' ];then . include/php-5.6.sh Install_PHP-5-6 2>&1 | tee -a $oneinstack_dir/install.log elif [ "$PHP_version" == '5' ];then . include/php-7.sh Install_PHP-7 2>&1 | tee -a $oneinstack_dir/install.log fi # ImageMagick or GraphicsMagick if [ "$Magick" == '1' ];then . include/ImageMagick.sh Install_ImageMagick 2>&1 | tee -a $oneinstack_dir/install.log elif [ "$Magick" == '2' ];then . include/GraphicsMagick.sh Install_GraphicsMagick 2>&1 | tee -a $oneinstack_dir/install.log fi # ionCube if [ "$ionCube_yn" == 'y' ];then . include/ioncube.sh Install_ionCube 2>&1 | tee -a $oneinstack_dir/install.log fi # PHP opcode cache if [ "$PHP_cache" == '1' ] && [ "$PHP_version" == '1' -o "$PHP_version" == '2' ];then . include/zendopcache.sh Install_ZendOPcache 2>&1 | tee -a $oneinstack_dir/install.log elif [ "$PHP_cache" == '2' ];then . include/xcache.sh Install_XCache 2>&1 | tee -a $oneinstack_dir/install.log elif [ "$PHP_cache" == '3' ];then . include/apcu.sh Install_APCU 2>&1 | tee -a $oneinstack_dir/install.log elif [ "$PHP_cache" == '4' -a "$PHP_version" == '2' ];then . include/eaccelerator-1.0-dev.sh Install_eAccelerator-1-0-dev 2>&1 | tee -a $oneinstack_dir/install.log elif [ "$PHP_cache" == '4' -a "$PHP_version" == '1' ];then . include/eaccelerator-0.9.sh Install_eAccelerator-0-9 2>&1 | tee -a $oneinstack_dir/install.log fi # ZendGuardLoader (php <= 5.6) if [ "$ZendGuardLoader_yn" == 'y' ];then . include/ZendGuardLoader.sh Install_ZendGuardLoader 2>&1 | tee -a $oneinstack_dir/install.log fi # Web server if [ "$Nginx_version" == '1' ];then . include/nginx.sh Install_Nginx 2>&1 | tee -a $oneinstack_dir/install.log elif [ "$Nginx_version" == '2' ];then . include/tengine.sh Install_Tengine 2>&1 | tee -a $oneinstack_dir/install.log fi # JDK if [ "$JDK_version" == '1' ];then . include/jdk-1.8.sh Install-JDK-1-8 2>&1 | tee -a $oneinstack_dir/install.log elif [ "$JDK_version" == '2' ];then . include/jdk-1.7.sh Install-JDK-1-7 2>&1 | tee -a $oneinstack_dir/install.log elif [ "$JDK_version" == '3' ];then . include/jdk-1.6.sh Install-JDK-1-6 2>&1 | tee -a $oneinstack_dir/install.log fi if [ "$Tomcat_version" == '1' ];then . include/tomcat-8.sh Install_tomcat-8 2>&1 | tee -a $oneinstack_dir/install.log elif [ "$Tomcat_version" == '2' ];then . include/tomcat-7.sh Install_tomcat-7 2>&1 | tee -a $oneinstack_dir/install.log fi # Pure-FTPd if [ "$FTP_yn" == 'y' ];then . include/pureftpd.sh Install_PureFTPd 2>&1 | tee -a $oneinstack_dir/install.log fi # phpMyAdmin if [ "$phpMyAdmin_yn" == 'y' ];then . include/phpmyadmin.sh Install_phpMyAdmin 2>&1 | tee -a $oneinstack_dir/install.log fi # redis if [ "$redis_yn" == 'y' ];then . include/redis.sh Install_redis 2>&1 | tee -a $oneinstack_dir/install.log fi # memcached if [ "$memcached_yn" == 'y' ];then . include/memcached.sh Install_memcached 2>&1 | tee -a $oneinstack_dir/install.log fi # get db_install_dir and web_install_dir . ./options.conf # index example if [ ! -e "$wwwroot_dir/default/index.html" -a "$Web_yn" == 'y' ];then . include/demo.sh DEMO 2>&1 | tee -a $oneinstack_dir/install.log fi if [ "$HHVM_yn" == 'y' ];then . include/hhvm_CentOS.sh Install_hhvm_CentOS 2>&1 | tee -a $oneinstack_dir/install.log fi # Starting DB [ -e "$db_install_dir" -a -z "`ps -ef | grep -v grep | grep mysql`" ] && /etc/init.d/mysqld start echo "####################Congratulations########################" [ "$Web_yn" == 'y' -a "$Nginx_version" != '3' -a "$Apache_version" == '3' ] && echo -e "\n`printf "%-32s" "Nginx/Tengine install dir":`${CMSG}$web_install_dir${CEND}" [ "$Web_yn" == 'y' -a "$Nginx_version" != '3' -a "$Apache_version" != '3' ] && echo -e "\n`printf "%-32s" "Nginx/Tengine install dir":`${CMSG}$web_install_dir${CEND}\n`printf "%-32s" "Apache install dir":`${CMSG}$apache_install_dir${CEND}" [ "$Web_yn" == 'y' -a "$Nginx_version" == '3' -a "$Apache_version" != '3' ] && echo -e "\n`printf "%-32s" "Apache install dir":`${CMSG}$apache_install_dir${CEND}" [ "$Tomcat_version" == '1' -o "$Tomcat_version" == '2' ] && echo -e "\n`printf "%-32s" "Tomcat install dir":`${CMSG}$tomcat_install_dir${CEND}" [ "$DB_yn" == 'y' ] && echo -e "\n`printf "%-32s" "Database install dir:"`${CMSG}$db_install_dir${CEND}" [ "$DB_yn" == 'y' ] && echo "`printf "%-32s" "Database data dir:"`${CMSG}$db_data_dir${CEND}" [ "$DB_yn" == 'y' ] && echo "`printf "%-32s" "Database user:"`${CMSG}root${CEND}" [ "$DB_yn" == 'y' ] && echo "`printf "%-32s" "Database password:"`${CMSG}${dbrootpwd}${CEND}" [ "$PHP_yn" == 'y' ] && echo -e "\n`printf "%-32s" "PHP install dir:"`${CMSG}$php_install_dir${CEND}" [ "$PHP_cache" == '1' ] && echo "`printf "%-32s" "Opcache Control Panel url:"`${CMSG}http://$IPADDR/ocp.php${CEND}" [ "$PHP_cache" == '2' ] && echo "`printf "%-32s" "xcache Control Panel url:"`${CMSG}http://$IPADDR/xcache${CEND}" [ "$PHP_cache" == '2' ] && echo "`printf "%-32s" "xcache user:"`${CMSG}admin${CEND}" [ "$PHP_cache" == '2' ] && echo "`printf "%-32s" "xcache password:"`${CMSG}$xcache_admin_pass${CEND}" [ "$PHP_cache" == '3' ] && echo "`printf "%-32s" "APC Control Panel url:"`${CMSG}http://$IPADDR/apc.php${CEND}" [ "$PHP_cache" == '4' ] && echo "`printf "%-32s" "eAccelerator Control Panel url:"`${CMSG}http://$IPADDR/control.php${CEND}" [ "$PHP_cache" == '4' ] && echo "`printf "%-32s" "eAccelerator user:"`${CMSG}admin${CEND}" [ "$PHP_cache" == '4' ] && echo "`printf "%-32s" "eAccelerator password:"`${CMSG}eAccelerator${CEND}" [ "$FTP_yn" == 'y' ] && echo -e "\n`printf "%-32s" "Pure-FTPd install dir:"`${CMSG}$pureftpd_install_dir${CEND}" [ "$FTP_yn" == 'y' ] && echo "`printf "%-32s" "Create FTP virtual script:"`${CMSG}./pureftpd_vhost.sh${CEND}" [ "$phpMyAdmin_yn" == 'y' ] && echo -e "\n`printf "%-32s" "phpMyAdmin dir:"`${CMSG}$wwwroot_dir/default/phpMyAdmin${CEND}" [ "$phpMyAdmin_yn" == 'y' ] && echo "`printf "%-32s" "phpMyAdmin Control Panel url:"`${CMSG}http://$IPADDR/phpMyAdmin${CEND}" [ "$redis_yn" == 'y' ] && echo -e "\n`printf "%-32s" "redis install dir:"`${CMSG}$redis_install_dir${CEND}" [ "$memcached_yn" == 'y' ] && echo -e "\n`printf "%-32s" "memcached install dir:"`${CMSG}$memcached_install_dir${CEND}" [ "$Web_yn" == 'y' ] && echo -e "\n`printf "%-32s" "index url:"`${CMSG}http://$IPADDR/${CEND}" while : do echo echo "${CMSG}Please restart the server and see if the services start up fine.${CEND}" read -p "Do you want to restart OS ? [y/n]: " restart_yn if [ "$restart_yn" != 'y' -a "$restart_yn" != 'n' ];then echo "${CWARNING}input error! Please only input 'y' or 'n'${CEND}" else break fi done [ "$restart_yn" == 'y' ] && reboot