8.8 KB

  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. # Author: yeho <lj2007331 AT>
  3. # BLOG:
  4. #
  5. # Notes: OneinStack for CentOS/RadHat 5+ Debian 6+ and Ubuntu 12+
  6. #
  7. # Project home page:
  8. #
  9. #
  10. export PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin
  11. clear
  12. printf "
  13. #######################################################################
  14. # OneinStack for CentOS/RadHat 5+ Debian 6+ and Ubuntu 12+ #
  15. # Setup the backup parameters #
  16. # For more information please visit #
  17. #######################################################################
  18. "
  19. # get pwd
  20. sed -i "s@^oneinstack_dir.*@oneinstack_dir=$(pwd)@" ./options.conf
  21. . ./options.conf
  22. . ./versions.txt
  23. . ./include/
  24. . ./include/
  25. . ./include/
  26. . ./include/
  27. # Check if user is root
  28. [ $(id -u) != "0" ] && { echo "${CFAILURE}Error: You must be root to run this script${CEND}"; exit 1; }
  29. while :; do echo
  30. echo 'Please select your backup destination:'
  31. echo -e "\t${CMSG}1${CEND}. Only Localhost"
  32. echo -e "\t${CMSG}2${CEND}. Only Remote host"
  33. echo -e "\t${CMSG}3${CEND}. Only Qcloud COS"
  34. echo -e "\t${CMSG}4${CEND}. Localhost and Remote host"
  35. echo -e "\t${CMSG}5${CEND}. Localhost and Qcloud COS"
  36. echo -e "\t${CMSG}6${CEND}. Remote host and Qcloud COS"
  37. read -p "Please input a number:(Default 1 press Enter) " DESC_BK
  38. [ -z "$DESC_BK" ] && DESC_BK=1
  39. if [[ ! $DESC_BK =~ ^[1-6]$ ]]; then
  40. echo "${CWARNING}input error! Please only input number 1,2,3,4,5,6${CEND}"
  41. else
  42. break
  43. fi
  44. done
  45. [ "$DESC_BK" == '1' ] && sed -i 's@^backup_destination=.*@backup_destination=local@' ./options.conf
  46. [ "$DESC_BK" == '2' ] && sed -i 's@^backup_destination=.*@backup_destination=remote@' ./options.conf
  47. [ "$DESC_BK" == '3' ] && sed -i 's@^backup_destination=.*@backup_destination=cos@' ./options.conf
  48. [ "$DESC_BK" == '4' ] && sed -i 's@^backup_destination=.*@backup_destination=local,remote@' ./options.conf
  49. [ "$DESC_BK" == '5' ] && sed -i 's@^backup_destination=.*@backup_destination=local,cos@' ./options.conf
  50. [ "$DESC_BK" == '6' ] && sed -i 's@^backup_destination=.*@backup_destination=Remote,cos@' ./options.conf
  51. while :; do echo
  52. echo 'Please select your backup content:'
  53. echo -e "\t${CMSG}1${CEND}. Only Database"
  54. echo -e "\t${CMSG}2${CEND}. Only Website"
  55. echo -e "\t${CMSG}3${CEND}. Database and Website"
  56. read -p "Please input a number:(Default 1 press Enter) " CONTENT_BK
  57. [ -z "$CONTENT_BK" ] && CONTENT_BK=1
  58. if [[ ! $CONTENT_BK =~ ^[1-3]$ ]]; then
  59. echo "${CWARNING}input error! Please only input number 1,2,3${CEND}"
  60. else
  61. break
  62. fi
  63. done
  64. [ "$CONTENT_BK" == '1' ] && sed -i 's@^backup_content=.*@backup_content=db@' ./options.conf
  65. [ "$CONTENT_BK" == '2' ] && sed -i 's@^backup_content=.*@backup_content=web@' ./options.conf
  66. [ "$CONTENT_BK" == '3' ] && sed -i 's@^backup_content=.*@backup_content=db,web@' ./options.conf
  67. if [ "$DESC_BK" != '3' ]; then
  68. while :; do echo
  69. echo "Please enter the directory for save the backup file: "
  70. read -p "(Default directory: $backup_dir): " NEW_backup_dir
  71. [ -z "$NEW_backup_dir" ] && NEW_backup_dir="$backup_dir"
  72. if [ -z "`echo $NEW_backup_dir| grep '^/'`" ]; then
  73. echo "${CWARNING}input error! ${CEND}"
  74. else
  75. break
  76. fi
  77. done
  78. sed -i "s@^backup_dir=.*@backup_dir=$NEW_backup_dir@" ./options.conf
  79. fi
  80. while :; do echo
  81. echo "Pleas enter a valid backup number of days: "
  82. read -p "(Default days: 5): " expired_days
  83. [ -z "$expired_days" ] && expired_days=5
  84. [ -n "`echo $expired_days | sed -n "/^[0-9]\+$/p"`" ] && break || echo "${CWARNING}input error! Please only enter numbers! ${CEND}"
  85. done
  86. sed -i "s@^expired_days=.*@expired_days=$expired_days@" ./options.conf
  87. if [ "$CONTENT_BK" != '2' ]; then
  88. databases=`$db_install_dir/bin/mysql -uroot -p$dbrootpwd -e "show databases\G" | grep Database | awk '{print $2}' | grep -Evw "(performance_schema|information_schema|mysql|sys)"`
  89. while :; do echo
  90. echo "Please enter one or more name for database, separate multiple database names with commas: "
  91. read -p "(Default database: `echo $databases | tr ' ' ','`) " db_name
  92. db_name=`echo $db_name | tr -d ' '`
  93. [ -z "$db_name" ] && db_name="`echo $databases | tr ' ' ','`"
  94. D_tmp=0
  95. for D in `echo $db_name | tr ',' ' '`
  96. do
  97. [ -z "`echo $databases | grep -w $D`" ] && { echo "${CWARNING}$D was not exist! ${CEND}" ; D_tmp=1; }
  98. done
  99. [ "$D_tmp" != '1' ] && break
  100. done
  101. sed -i "s@^db_name=.*@db_name=$db_name@" ./options.conf
  102. fi
  103. if [ "$CONTENT_BK" != '1' ]; then
  104. websites=`ls $wwwroot_dir | grep -vw default`
  105. while :; do echo
  106. echo "Please enter one or more name for website, separate multiple website names with commas: "
  107. read -p "(Default website: `echo $websites | tr ' ' ','`) " website_name
  108. website_name=`echo $website_name | tr -d ' '`
  109. [ -z "$website_name" ] && website_name="`echo $websites | tr ' ' ','`"
  110. W_tmp=0
  111. for W in `echo $website_name | tr ',' ' '`
  112. do
  113. [ ! -e "$wwwroot_dir/$W" ] && { echo "${CWARNING}$wwwroot_dir/$W not exist! ${CEND}" ; W_tmp=1; }
  114. done
  115. [ "$W_tmp" != '1' ] && break
  116. done
  117. sed -i "s@^website_name=.*@website_name=$website_name@" ./options.conf
  118. fi
  119. echo
  120. echo "You have to backup the content:"
  121. [ "$CONTENT_BK" != '2' ] && echo "Database: ${CMSG}$db_name${CEND}"
  122. [ "$CONTENT_BK" != '1' ] && echo "Website: ${CMSG}$website_name${CEND}"
  123. if [[ "$DESC_BK" =~ ^[2,4,6]$ ]]; then
  124. > tools/iplist.txt
  125. while :; do echo
  126. read -p "Please enter the remote host ip: " remote_ip
  127. [ -z "$remote_ip" -o "$remote_ip" == '' ] && continue
  128. echo
  129. read -p "Please enter the remote host port(Default: 22) : " remote_port
  130. [ -z "$remote_port" ] && remote_port=22
  131. echo
  132. read -p "Please enter the remote host user(Default: root) : " remote_user
  133. [ -z "$remote_user" ] && remote_user=root
  134. echo
  135. read -p "Please enter the remote host password: " remote_password
  136. IPcode=$(echo "ibase=16;$(echo "$remote_ip" | xxd -ps -u)"|bc|tr -d '\\'|tr -d '\n')
  137. Portcode=$(echo "ibase=16;$(echo "$remote_port" | xxd -ps -u)"|bc|tr -d '\\'|tr -d '\n')
  138. PWcode=$(echo "ibase=16;$(echo "$remote_password" | xxd -ps -u)"|bc|tr -d '\\'|tr -d '\n')
  139. [ -e "~/.ssh/known_hosts" ] && grep $remote_ip ~/.ssh/known_hosts | sed -i "/$remote_ip/d" ~/.ssh/known_hosts
  140. ./tools/mssh.exp ${IPcode}P $remote_user ${PWcode}P ${Portcode}P true 10
  141. if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
  142. [ -z "`grep $remote_ip tools/iplist.txt`" ] && echo "$remote_ip $remote_port $remote_user $remote_password" >> tools/iplist.txt || echo "${CWARNING}$remote_ip has been added! ${CEND}"
  143. while :; do
  144. read -p "Do you want to add more host ? [y/n]: " more_host_yn
  145. if [ "$more_host_yn" != 'y' -a "$more_host_yn" != 'n' ]; then
  146. echo "${CWARNING}input error! Please only input 'y' or 'n'${CEND}"
  147. else
  148. break
  149. fi
  150. done
  151. [ "$more_host_yn" == 'n' ] && break
  152. fi
  153. done
  154. fi
  155. if [[ "$DESC_BK" =~ ^[3,5,6]$ ]]; then
  156. [ ! -e "${python_install_dir}/bin/python" ] && Install_Python
  157. [ ! -e "${python_install_dir}/lib/python2.7/site-packages/requests" ] && ${python_install_dir}/bin/pip install requests
  158. while :; do echo
  159. echo 'Please select your backup datacenter:'
  160. echo -e "\t ${CMSG}1${CEND}. 华南(广州) ${CMSG}2${CEND}. 华北(天津)"
  161. echo -e "\t ${CMSG}3${CEND}. 华东(上海) ${CMSG}4${CEND}. 西南(成都)"
  162. echo -e "\t ${CMSG}5${CEND}. 新加坡"
  163. read -p "Please input a number:(Default 1 press Enter) " Location
  164. [ -z "$Location" ] && Location=1
  165. if [ ${Location} -ge 1 >/dev/null 2>&1 -a ${Location} -le 5 >/dev/null 2>&1 ]; then
  166. break
  167. else
  168. echo "${CWARNING}input error! Please only input number 1~5${CEND}"
  169. fi
  170. done
  171. [ "$Location" == '1' ] && region='gz'
  172. [ "$Location" == '2' ] && region='tj'
  173. [ "$Location" == '3' ] && region='sh'
  174. [ "$Location" == '4' ] && region='cd'
  175. [ "$Location" == '5' ] && region='sgp'
  176. while :; do echo
  177. read -p "Please enter the Qcloud COS appid: " appid
  178. [ -z "$appid" ] && continue
  179. echo
  180. read -p "Please enter the Qcloud COS secret id: " secret_id
  181. [ -z "$secret_id" ] && continue
  182. echo
  183. read -p "Please enter the Qcloud COS secret key: " secret_key
  184. [ -z "$secret_key" ] && continue
  185. echo
  186. read -p "Please enter the Qcloud COS bucket: " bucket
  187. [ -z "$bucket" ] && continue
  188. echo
  189. $python_install_dir/bin/python ./tools/coscmd config --appid=$appid --id=$secret_id --key=$secret_key --region=$region --bucket=$bucket >/dev/null 2>&1
  190. if [ "`$python_install_dir/bin/python ./tools/coscmd ls /`" == 'True' ];then
  191. echo "${CMSG}appid/secret_id/secret_key/region/bucket OK${CEND}"
  192. echo
  193. break
  194. else
  195. echo "${CWARNING}input error! appid/secret_id/secret_key/region/bucket invalid${CEND}"
  196. fi
  197. done
  198. fi