upgrade_db.sh 9.9 KB

  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. # Author: yeho <lj2007331 AT gmail.com>
  3. # BLOG: https://blog.linuxeye.com
  4. #
  5. # Notes: OneinStack for CentOS/RadHat 5+ Debian 6+ and Ubuntu 12+
  6. #
  7. # Project home page:
  8. # http://oneinstack.com
  9. # https://github.com/lj2007331/oneinstack
  10. Upgrade_DB() {
  11. cd $oneinstack_dir/src
  12. [ ! -e "$db_install_dir/bin/mysql" ] && echo "${CWARNING}The MySQL/MariaDB/Percona is not installed on your system! ${CEND}" && exit 1
  13. OLD_DB_version_tmp=`$db_install_dir/bin/mysql -V | awk '{print $5}' | awk -F, '{print $1}'`
  14. DB_tmp=`echo $OLD_DB_version_tmp | awk -F'-' '{print $2}'`
  15. if [ "$DB_tmp" == 'MariaDB' ];then
  16. [ "$IPADDR_STATE"x == "CN"x ] && DOWN_ADDR=http://mirrors.aliyun.com/mariadb || DOWN_ADDR=https://downloads.mariadb.org/f
  17. LIBC_VERSION=`getconf -a | grep GNU_LIBC_VERSION | awk '{print $NF}'`
  18. LIBC_YN=`echo "$LIBC_VERSION < 2.14" | bc`
  19. [ $LIBC_YN == '1' ] && GLIBC_FLAG=linux || GLIBC_FLAG=linux-glibc_214
  20. DB=MariaDB
  21. OLD_DB_version=`echo $OLD_DB_version_tmp | awk -F'-' '{print $1}'`
  22. elif [ -n "$DB_tmp" -a "$DB_tmp" != 'MariaDB' ];then
  23. DB=Percona
  24. OLD_DB_version=$OLD_DB_version_tmp
  25. else
  26. [ "$IPADDR_STATE"x == "CN"x ] && DOWN_ADDR=http://mirrors.sohu.com/mysql || DOWN_ADDR=http://cdn.mysql.com/Downloads
  27. DB=MySQL
  28. OLD_DB_version=$OLD_DB_version_tmp
  29. fi
  30. #backup
  31. while :
  32. do
  33. $db_install_dir/bin/mysql -uroot -p${dbrootpwd} -e "quit" >/dev/null 2>&1
  34. if [ $? -eq 0 ];then
  35. break
  36. else
  37. echo
  38. read -p "Please input the root password of database: " NEW_dbrootpwd
  39. $db_install_dir/bin/mysql -uroot -p${NEW_dbrootpwd} -e "quit" >/dev/null 2>&1
  40. if [ $? -eq 0 ];then
  41. dbrootpwd=$NEW_dbrootpwd
  42. sed -i "s+^dbrootpwd.*+dbrootpwd='$dbrootpwd'+" ../options.conf
  43. break
  44. else
  45. echo "${CFAILURE}$DB root password incorrect,Please enter again! ${CEND}"
  46. fi
  47. fi
  48. done
  49. echo
  50. echo "${CSUCCESS}Starting $DB backup${CEND}......"
  51. $db_install_dir/bin/mysqldump -uroot -p${dbrootpwd} --opt --all-databases > DB_all_backup_$(date +"%Y%m%d").sql
  52. [ -f "DB_all_backup_$(date +"%Y%m%d").sql" ] && echo "$DB backup success, Backup file: ${MSG}`pwd`/DB_all_backup_$(date +"%Y%m%d").sql${CEND}"
  53. #upgrade
  54. echo
  55. echo "Current $DB Version: ${CMSG}$OLD_DB_version${CEND}"
  56. [ -e /usr/local/lib/libjemalloc.so ] && { je_tc_malloc=1; EXE_LINKER="-DCMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS='-ljemalloc'"; }
  57. [ -e /usr/local/lib/libtcmalloc.so ] && { je_tc_malloc=2; EXE_LINKER="-DCMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS='-ltcmalloc'"; }
  58. [ -e /usr/local/lib/libjemalloc.so -a -e /usr/local/lib/libtcmalloc.so ] && { je_tc_malloc=1; EXE_LINKER="-DCMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS='-ljemalloc'"; }
  59. while :
  60. do
  61. echo
  62. read -p "Please input upgrade $DB Version(example: $OLD_DB_version): " NEW_DB_version
  63. if [ `echo $NEW_DB_version | awk -F. '{print $1"."$2}'` == `echo $OLD_DB_version | awk -F. '{print $1"."$2}'` ]; then
  64. if [ "$DB" == 'MariaDB' ];then
  65. DB_name=mariadb-${NEW_DB_version}-${GLIBC_FLAG}-${SYS_BIT_b}
  66. DB_URL=$DOWN_ADDR/mariadb-${NEW_DB_version}/bintar-${GLIBC_FLAG}-$SYS_BIT_a/$DB_name.tar.gz
  67. elif [ "$DB" == 'Percona' ];then
  68. DB_name=percona-server-$NEW_DB_version
  69. DB_URL=http://www.percona.com/redir/downloads/Percona-Server-`echo $NEW_DB_version | awk -F. '{print $1"."$2}'`/LATEST/source/tarball/$DB_name.tar.gz
  70. elif [ "$DB" == 'MySQL' ];then
  71. [ `echo $NEW_DB_version | awk -F. '{print $1"."$2}'` != '5.5' ] && DB_name=mysql-${NEW_DB_version}-linux-glibc2.5-${SYS_BIT_b} || DB_name=mysql-${NEW_DB_version}-linux2.6-${SYS_BIT_b}
  72. DB_URL=$DOWN_ADDR/MySQL-`echo $NEW_DB_version | awk -F. '{print $1"."$2}'`/$DB_name.tar.gz
  73. fi
  74. [ ! -e "$DB_name.tar.gz" ] && wget --no-check-certificate -c $DB_URL > /dev/null 2>&1
  75. if [ -e "$DB_name.tar.gz" ];then
  76. echo "Download [${CMSG}$DB_name.tar.gz${CEND}] successfully! "
  77. else
  78. echo "${CWARNING}$DB version does not exist! ${CEND}"
  79. fi
  80. break
  81. else
  82. echo "${CWARNING}input error! ${CEND}Please only input '${CMSG}${OLD_DB_version%.*}.xx${CEND}'"
  83. fi
  84. done
  85. if [ -e "$DB_name.tar.gz" ];then
  86. echo "[${CMSG}$DB_name.tar.gz${CEND}] found"
  87. echo "Press Ctrl+c to cancel or Press any key to continue..."
  88. char=`get_char`
  89. if [ "$DB" == 'MariaDB' ];then
  90. service mysqld stop
  91. mv ${mariadb_install_dir}{,_old_`date +"%Y%m%d_%H%M%S"`}
  92. mv ${mariadb_data_dir}{,_old_`date +"%Y%m%d_%H%M%S"`}
  93. mkdir -p $mariadb_data_dir;chown mysql.mysql -R $mariadb_data_dir
  94. tar xzf $DB_name.tar.gz
  95. [ ! -d "$mariadb_install_dir" ] && mkdir -p $mariadb_install_dir
  96. mv mariadb-${NEW_DB_version}-*-${SYS_BIT_b}/* $mariadb_install_dir
  97. if [ "$je_tc_malloc" == '1' -a "`echo $OLD_DB_version_tmp | awk -F'.' '{print $1"."$2}'`" != '10.1' ];then
  98. sed -i 's@executing mysqld_safe@executing mysqld_safe\nexport LD_PRELOAD=/usr/local/lib/libjemalloc.so@' $mariadb_install_dir/bin/mysqld_safe
  99. elif [ "$je_tc_malloc" == '2' -a "`echo $OLD_DB_version_tmp | awk -F'.' '{print $1"."$2}'`" != '10.1' ];then
  100. sed -i 's@executing mysqld_safe@executing mysqld_safe\nexport LD_PRELOAD=/usr/local/lib/libtcmalloc.so@' $mariadb_install_dir/bin/mysqld_safe
  101. fi
  102. $mariadb_install_dir/scripts/mysql_install_db --user=mysql --basedir=$mariadb_install_dir --datadir=$mariadb_data_dir
  103. chown mysql.mysql -R $mariadb_data_dir
  104. service mysqld start
  105. $mariadb_install_dir/bin/mysql < DB_all_backup_$(date +"%Y%m%d").sql
  106. service mysqld restart
  107. $mariadb_install_dir/bin/mysql -uroot -p${dbrootpwd} -e "drop database test;" >/dev/null 2>&1
  108. $mariadb_install_dir/bin/mysql -uroot -p${dbrootpwd} -e "reset master;" >/dev/null 2>&1
  109. [ $? -eq 0 ] && echo "You have ${CMSG}successfully${CEND} upgrade from ${CMSG}$OLD_DB_version${CEND} to ${CMSG}$NEW_DB_version${CEND}"
  110. elif [ "$DB" == 'Percona' ];then
  111. tar zxf $DB_name.tar.gz
  112. cd $DB_name
  113. make clean
  114. if [ "`echo $NEW_DB_version | awk -F. '{print $1"."$2}'`" == '5.5' ];then
  115. cmake . -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$percona_install_dir \
  116. -DMYSQL_DATADIR=$percona_data_dir \
  117. -DSYSCONFDIR=/etc \
  124. -DWITH_READLINE=1 \
  125. -DENABLE_DTRACE=0 \
  127. -DDEFAULT_CHARSET=utf8mb4 \
  128. -DDEFAULT_COLLATION=utf8mb4_general_ci \
  129. $EXE_LINKER
  130. else
  131. cmake . -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$percona_install_dir \
  132. -DMYSQL_DATADIR=$percona_data_dir \
  133. -DSYSCONFDIR=/etc \
  141. -DENABLE_DTRACE=0 \
  142. -DDEFAULT_CHARSET=utf8mb4 \
  143. -DDEFAULT_COLLATION=utf8mb4_general_ci \
  144. $EXE_LINKER
  145. fi
  146. make -j ${THREAD}
  147. service mysqld stop
  148. mv ${percona_install_dir}{,_old_`date +"%Y%m%d_%H%M%S"`}
  149. mv ${percona_data_dir}{,_old_`date +"%Y%m%d_%H%M%S"`}
  150. [ ! -d "$percona_install_dir" ] && mkdir -p $percona_install_dir
  151. mkdir -p $percona_data_dir;chown mysql.mysql -R $percona_data_dir
  152. make install
  153. cd ..
  154. if [ "`echo $NEW_DB_version | awk -F. '{print $1"."$2}'`" == '5.7' ];then
  155. $percona_install_dir/bin/mysqld --initialize-insecure --user=mysql --basedir=$percona_install_dir --datadir=$percona_data_dir
  156. else
  157. $percona_install_dir/scripts/mysql_install_db --user=mysql --basedir=$percona_install_dir --datadir=$percona_data_dir
  158. fi
  159. chown mysql.mysql -R $percona_data_dir
  160. service mysqld start
  161. $percona_install_dir/bin/mysql < DB_all_backup_$(date +"%Y%m%d").sql
  162. service mysqld restart
  163. $percona_install_dir/bin/mysql -uroot -p${dbrootpwd} -e "drop database test;" >/dev/null 2>&1
  164. $percona_install_dir/bin/mysql -uroot -p${dbrootpwd} -e "reset master;" >/dev/null 2>&1
  165. [ $? -eq 0 ] && echo "You have ${CMSG}successfully${CEND} upgrade from ${CMSG}$OLD_DB_version${CEND} to ${CMSG}$NEW_DB_version${CEND}"
  166. elif [ "$DB" == 'MySQL' ];then
  167. tar zxf $DB_name.tar.gz
  168. service mysqld stop
  169. mv ${mysql_install_dir}{,_old_`date +"%Y%m%d_%H%M%S"`}
  170. mv ${mysql_data_dir}{,_old_`date +"%Y%m%d_%H%M%S"`}
  171. [ ! -d "$mysql_install_dir" ] && mkdir -p $mysql_install_dir
  172. mkdir -p $mysql_data_dir;chown mysql.mysql -R $mysql_data_dir
  173. mv $DB_name/* $mysql_install_dir/
  174. [ "$je_tc_malloc" == '1' ] && sed -i 's@executing mysqld_safe@executing mysqld_safe\nexport LD_PRELOAD=/usr/local/lib/libjemalloc.so@' $mysql_install_dir/bin/mysqld_safe
  175. [ "$je_tc_malloc" == '2' ] && sed -i 's@executing mysqld_safe@executing mysqld_safe\nexport LD_PRELOAD=/usr/local/lib/libtcmalloc.so@' $mysql_install_dir/bin/mysqld_safe
  176. [ "`echo $NEW_DB_version | awk -F. '{print $1"."$2}'`" != '5.7' ] && $mysql_install_dir/scripts/mysql_install_db --user=mysql --basedir=$mysql_install_dir --datadir=$mysql_data_dir
  177. [ "`echo $NEW_DB_version | awk -F. '{print $1"."$2}'`" == '5.7' ] && $mysql_install_dir/bin/mysqld --initialize-insecure --user=mysql --basedir=$mysql_install_dir --datadir=$mysql_data_dir
  178. chown mysql.mysql -R $mysql_data_dir
  179. [ -e "$mysql_install_dir/my.cnf" ] && rm -rf $mysql_install_dir/my.cnf
  180. service mysqld start
  181. $mysql_install_dir/bin/mysql < DB_all_backup_$(date +"%Y%m%d").sql
  182. service mysqld restart
  183. $mysql_install_dir/bin/mysql -uroot -p${dbrootpwd} -e "drop database test;" >/dev/null 2>&1
  184. $mysql_install_dir/bin/mysql -uroot -p${dbrootpwd} -e "reset master;" >/dev/null 2>&1
  185. [ $? -eq 0 ] && echo "You have ${CMSG}successfully${CEND} upgrade from ${CMSG}$OLD_DB_version${CEND} to ${CMSG}$NEW_DB_version${CEND}"
  186. fi
  187. fi
  188. }