@@ -1,16 +1,17 @@
{% extends "PackagistWebBundle::layout.html.twig" %}
{% block content %}
- <h1>What is Packagist?</h1>
- <p>Packagist is a Composer package repository. It lets you find packages you want, and lets Composer know where to get the code from. You can use Composer to manage your project or libraries' dependencies - read more about it on the <a href="{{ path('about.composer') }}">Composer page</a>.</p>
- <p>You can find the packagist.org source on <a href="https://github.com/composer/packagist">GitHub</a>.
+ <div class="box clearfix">
+ <h1>What is Packagist?</h1>
+ <p>Packagist is a Composer package repository. It lets you find packages you want, and lets Composer know where to get the code from. You can use Composer to manage your project or libraries' dependencies - read more about it on the <a href="{{ path('about.composer') }}">Composer page</a>.</p>
+ <p>You can find the packagist.org source on <a href="https://github.com/composer/packagist">GitHub</a>.
- <h1>How to submit packages?</h1>
- <h2>Naming your package</h2>
- <p>First of all, you must pick a package name. This is a very important step since it can not change, and it should be unique enough to avoid problems in the future.</p>
- <p>The most important part is that the first bit of the package name must be the vendor name, suffixed by a forward slash (/). This follows the <a href="https://github.com/php-fig/fig-standards/blob/master/accepted/PSR-0.md">PSR-0 standard</a> for namespaces naming.</p>
- <p>For libraries and applications, the vendor is in most cases the library name itself, and you can use any name, although it's best to avoid using common names like DB, Logger, MySQL, etc. Try to be imaginative when naming your project.</p>
- <p>For plugins, be it TYPO3 extensions, Symfony2 bundles, Drupal modules, or whatever your project of choice calls them, you are free to handle it as you wish, but you may want to add some specific information about the target platform in the package name to avoid conflicts if you provide many plugins to integrate one lib in many frameworks. For example, if your vendor name is Acme, and your library is called Email, you could have the following names: <code>acme/email-symfony-bundle</code>, <code>acme/email-typo3-ext</code> and such. This ensures uniqueness across frameworks/applications, and clearly says what your package relates to. Here is a list of typical package names for reference:
+ <h1>How to submit packages?</h1>
+ <h2>Naming your package</h2>
+ <p>First of all, you must pick a package name. This is a very important step since it can not change, and it should be unique enough to avoid problems in the future.</p>
+ <p>The most important part is that the first bit of the package name must be the vendor name, suffixed by a forward slash (/). This follows the <a href="https://github.com/php-fig/fig-standards/blob/master/accepted/PSR-0.md">PSR-0 standard</a> for namespaces naming.</p>
+ <p>For libraries and applications, the vendor is in most cases the library name itself, and you can use any name, although it's best to avoid using common names like DB, Logger, MySQL, etc. Try to be imaginative when naming your project.</p>
+ <p>For plugins, be it TYPO3 extensions, Symfony2 bundles, Drupal modules, or whatever your project of choice calls them, you are free to handle it as you wish, but you may want to add some specific information about the target platform in the package name to avoid conflicts if you provide many plugins to integrate one lib in many frameworks. For example, if your vendor name is Acme, and your library is called Email, you could have the following names: <code>acme/email-symfony-bundle</code>, <code>acme/email-typo3-ext</code> and such. This ensures uniqueness across frameworks/applications, and clearly says what your package relates to. Here is a list of typical package names for reference:
// Monolog is a library, so the vendor name and package name are the same.
@@ -23,11 +24,11 @@ monolog/monolog-drupal-module
// As long as it's in their own vendor namespace it does not conflict with anyone else.
- <p>Note that package names are case-insensitive, but it's encouraged to use a dash (-) as separator instead of CamelCased names.</p>
+ <p>Note that package names are case-insensitive, but it's encouraged to use a dash (-) as separator instead of CamelCased names.</p>
- <h2>Creating a composer.json file</h2>
- <p>The composer.json file should reside at the top of your package's git/svn/.. repository, and is the way you describe your package to both packagist and composer.</p>
- <p>A typical composer.json file looks like this:
+ <h2>Creating a composer.json file</h2>
+ <p>The composer.json file should reside at the top of your package's git/svn/.. repository, and is the way you describe your package to both packagist and composer.</p>
+ <p>A typical composer.json file looks like this:
"name": "monolog/monolog",
@@ -49,13 +50,13 @@ acme/email
Most of this information is obvious, keywords are tags, require are list of dependencies that your package has. This can of course be packages, not only a php version. You can use ext-foo to require php extensions (e.g. ext-apc). Note that most extensions don't expose version information, so unless you know for sure it does, it's safer to use <code>"ext-apc": "*"</code> to allow any version of it. Finally the type field is in this case indicating that this is a library. If you do plugins for frameworks etc, and if they integrate composer, they may have a custom package type for their plugins that you can use to install the package with their own installer. In the absence of custom type, you can omit it or use "library".</p>
- <p>Known package types include: symfony-bundle</p>
- <p>Once you have this file committed in your repository root, you can <a href="{{ path('submit') }}">submit the package</a> to Packagist by entering the public repository URL.</p>
+ <p>Known package types include: symfony-bundle</p>
+ <p>Once you have this file committed in your repository root, you can <a href="{{ path('submit') }}">submit the package</a> to Packagist by entering the public repository URL.</p>
- <h1>Managing package versions</h1>
- <p>New versions of your package are automatically fetched from tags you create in your VCS repository.</p>
- <p>There are two ways to manage version numbering. The easiest is to just omit the version field from the composer.json file. If it is missing, the version name will be parsed from the tag and branch names. The other way which offers you a bit more flexibility is to define it yourself, but that means you should update the version field in the composer.json file before creating a tag, otherwise the tag will be considered broken and not imported. If you think you're likely to forget, you probably should use the first method.</p>
- <p>Tag/version names should match 'X.Y.Z', or 'vX.Y.Z', with an optional suffix for RC, beta, alpha or patch versions. Here are a few examples of valid tag names:
+ <h1>Managing package versions</h1>
+ <p>New versions of your package are automatically fetched from tags you create in your VCS repository.</p>
+ <p>There are two ways to manage version numbering. The easiest is to just omit the version field from the composer.json file. If it is missing, the version name will be parsed from the tag and branch names. The other way which offers you a bit more flexibility is to define it yourself, but that means you should update the version field in the composer.json file before creating a tag, otherwise the tag will be considered broken and not imported. If you think you're likely to forget, you probably should use the first method.</p>
+ <p>Tag/version names should match 'X.Y.Z', or 'vX.Y.Z', with an optional suffix for RC, beta, alpha or patch versions. Here are a few examples of valid tag names:
@@ -64,8 +65,8 @@ v4.4.4beta2
- With manual versioning, in your master branch, or any other dev branch, you should change the composer.json version to the next future version that will be released from this branch (e.g. <code>1.1.0</code>), packagist will automatically add a -dev suffix to it until it is moved to a tag.</p>
- <p>Note that dev branches should follow one of the following patterns to be recognized:
+ With manual versioning, in your master branch, or any other dev branch, you should change the composer.json version to the next future version that will be released from this branch (e.g. <code>1.1.0</code>), packagist will automatically add a -dev suffix to it until it is moved to a tag.</p>
+ <p>Note that dev branches should follow one of the following patterns to be recognized:
@@ -75,5 +76,6 @@ v1.x
- Doing so will allow people to easily install pre-release versions of your code for testing or development purposes.</p>
+ Doing so will allow people to easily install pre-release versions of your code for testing or development purposes.</p>
+ </div>
{% endblock %}