@@ -77,6 +77,8 @@ class PackageController extends Controller
+ * Deprecated legacy change API for metadata v1
+ *
* @Route("/packages/updated.json", name="updated_packages", defaults={"_format"="json"}, methods={"GET"})
public function updatedSinceAction(Request $req)
@@ -102,6 +104,46 @@ class PackageController extends Controller
return new JsonResponse(['packageNames' => $names, 'timestamp' => $lastDumpTime]);
+ /**
+ * @Route("/metadata/changes.json", name="metadata_changes", defaults={"_format"="json"}, methods={"GET"})
+ */
+ public function metadataChangesAction(Request $req)
+ {
+ $redis = $this->get('snc_redis.default_client');
+ $topDump = $redis->zrevrange('metadata-dumps', 0, 0, ['WITHSCORES' => true]) ?: ['foo' => 0];
+ $topDelete = $redis->zrevrange('metadata-deletes', 0, 0, ['WITHSCORES' => true]) ?: ['foo' => 0];
+ $oldestSyncPoint = (int) $redis->get('metadata-oldest') ?: 15850612240000;
+ $now = max((int) current($topDump), (int) current($topDelete)) + 1;
+ $since = $req->query->getInt('since');
+ if (!$since || $since < 15850612240000) {
+ return new JsonResponse(['error' => 'Invalid or missing "since" query parameter, make sure you store the timestamp (as `microtime(true) * 10000`) at the initial point you started mirroring, then send that to begin receiving changes, e.g. '.$this->generateUrl('metadata_changes', ['since' => $now], UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_URL).' for example.'], 400);
+ }
+ if ($since < $oldestSyncPoint) {
+ return new JsonResponse(['actions' => ['type' => 'resync', 'time' => $now, 'package' => '*'], 'timestamp' => $now]);
+ }
+ // fetch changes from $since (inclusive) up to $now (non inclusive so -1)
+ $dumps = $redis->zrevrangebyscore('metadata-dumps', $now - 1, $since, ['WITHSCORES' => true]);
+ $deletes = $redis->zrevrangebyscore('metadata-deletes', $now - 1, $since, ['WITHSCORES' => true]);
+ $actions = [];
+ foreach ($dumps as $package => $time) {
+ $actions[$package] = ['type' => 'update', 'package' => $package, 'time' => (int) $time];
+ }
+ foreach ($deletes as $package => $time) {
+ // if a package is dumped then deleted then dumped again because it gets re-added, we want to keep the update action
+ // but if it is deleted and marked as dumped within 10 seconds of the deletion, it probably was a race condition between
+ // dumped job and deletion, so let's replace it by a delete job anyway
+ if (!isset($actions[$package]) || $actions[$package]['time'] < $time - (10 * 10000)) {
+ $actions[$package] = ['type' => 'delete', 'package' => $package, 'time' => (int) $time];
+ }
+ }
+ return new JsonResponse(['actions' => array_values($actions), 'timestamp' => $now]);
+ }
* @Template()
* @Route("/packages/submit", name="submit")