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+ 22 - 22

@@ -2,44 +2,44 @@ Packagist-备份
-**This project is not meant for re-use.**
-It is open source to make it easy to contribute. We provide no support if you want to run your own, and will do breaking changes without notice.
-Check out [Private Packagist]( if you want to host your own packages.
+如果您想托管自己的软件包,请查看 [Private Packagist]( .
-These steps are provided for development purposes only.
-### Requirements
+### 要求
-- **PHP** for the web app
-- **[Symfony CLI](** to run the web server
-- **MySQL** for the main data store
-- **Redis** for some functionality (favorites, download statistics)
-- **git / svn / hg** depending on which repositories you want to support
+- **PHP** Web应用程序
+- **[Symfony CLI](** 运行Web服务器
+- **MySQL** 用于主数据存储
+- **Redis** 用于某些功能(收藏夹,下载统计信息)
+- **git / svn / hg** 用于要支持的存储库
-### Installation
+### 安装
-1. Clone the repository
-2. Create 2 databases:
-    - `packagist` - for the web app
-    - `packagist_test` - for running the tests
-3. Install dependencies:
+1. 克隆存储库
+2. 创建2个数据库:
+    - `packagist` - 用于Web应用
+    - `packagist_test` - 用于运行测试
+3. 安装依赖项:
    composer install
-   The composer install will prompt you for the database connection details on first install.
-4. Setup the database:
+   在首次安装时,composer安装将提示您输入数据库连接详细信息.
+4. 设置数据库:
    app/console doctrine:schema:create
-5. Start the web server:
+5. 启动Web服务器:
    symfony serve
-6. Run a CRON job `app/console packagist:run-workers` to make sure packages update.
+6. 运行CRON作业 `app/console packagist:run-workers` 以确保软件包更新.
-You should now be able to access the site, create a user, etc.