@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
+ * This file is part of Packagist.
+ *
+ * (c) Jordi Boggiano <j.boggiano@seld.be>
+ * Nils Adermann <naderman@naderman.de>
+ *
+ * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
+ * file that was distributed with this source code.
+ */
+namespace Packagist\WebBundle\Command;
+use Packagist\WebBundle\Entity\Package;
+use Packagist\WebBundle\Model\DownloadManager;
+use Packagist\WebBundle\Model\FavoriteManager;
+use Solarium_Document_ReadWrite;
+use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Command\ContainerAwareCommand;
+use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputArgument;
+use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface;
+use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption;
+use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;
+use Symfony\Component\Filesystem\LockHandler;
+use Doctrine\DBAL\Connection;
+ * @author Igor Wiedler <igor@wiedler.ch>
+ */
+class IndexAlgoliaPackagesCommand extends ContainerAwareCommand
+ /**
+ * {@inheritdoc}
+ */
+ protected function configure()
+ {
+ $this
+ ->setName('algolia:index')
+ ->setDefinition(array(
+ new InputOption('force', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Force a re-indexing of all packages'),
+ new InputOption('all', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Index all packages without clearing the index first'),
+ new InputArgument('package', InputArgument::OPTIONAL, 'Package name to index'),
+ ))
+ ->setDescription('Indexes packages in Algolia')
+ ;
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritdoc}
+ */
+ protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
+ {
+ $verbose = $input->getOption('verbose');
+ $force = $input->getOption('force');
+ $indexAll = $input->getOption('all');
+ $package = $input->getArgument('package');
+ $index_name = $this->getContainer()->getParameter('algolia.index_name');
+ $deployLock = $this->getContainer()->getParameter('kernel.cache_dir').'/deploy.globallock';
+ if (file_exists($deployLock)) {
+ if ($verbose) {
+ $output->writeln('Aborting, '.$deployLock.' file present');
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ $doctrine = $this->getContainer()->get('doctrine');
+ $algolia = $this->getContainer()->get('packagist.algolia.client');
+ $index = $algolia->initIndex($index_name);
+ $redis = $this->getContainer()->get('snc_redis.default');
+ $downloadManager = $this->getContainer()->get('packagist.download_manager');
+ $favoriteManager = $this->getContainer()->get('packagist.favorite_manager');
+ $lock = new LockHandler('packagist_algolia_indexer');
+ // another dumper is still active
+ if (!$lock->lock()) {
+ if ($verbose) {
+ $output->writeln('Aborting, another indexer is still active');
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if ($package) {
+ $packages = array(array('id' => $doctrine->getRepository('PackagistWebBundle:Package')->findOneByName($package)->getId()));
+ } elseif ($force || $indexAll) {
+ $packages = $doctrine->getManager()->getConnection()->fetchAll('SELECT id FROM package ORDER BY id ASC');
+ $doctrine->getManager()->getConnection()->executeQuery('UPDATE package SET indexedAt = NULL');
+ } else {
+ $packages = $doctrine->getRepository('PackagistWebBundle:Package')->getStalePackagesForIndexing();
+ }
+ $ids = array();
+ foreach ($packages as $row) {
+ $ids[] = $row['id'];
+ }
+ // clear index before a full-update
+ if ($force && !$package) {
+ if ($verbose) {
+ $output->writeln('Deleting existing index');
+ }
+ $index->clearIndex();
+ }
+ $total = count($ids);
+ $current = 0;
+ // update package index
+ while ($ids) {
+ $indexTime = new \DateTime;
+ $idsSlice = array_splice($ids, 0, 50);
+ $packages = $doctrine->getRepository('PackagistWebBundle:Package')->findById($idsSlice);
+ $idsToUpdate = [];
+ $records = [];
+ foreach ($packages as $package) {
+ $current++;
+ if ($verbose) {
+ $output->writeln('['.sprintf('%'.strlen($total).'d', $current).'/'.$total.'] Indexing '.$package->getName());
+ }
+ try {
+ $tags_formatted = $this->getTags($doctrine, $package);
+ $records[] = $this->packageToSearchableArray($package, $tags_formatted, $redis, $downloadManager, $favoriteManager);
+ $idsToUpdate[] = $package->getId();
+ } catch (\Exception $e) {
+ $output->writeln('<error>Exception: '.$e->getMessage().', skipping package '.$package->getName().'.</error>');
+ continue;
+ }
+// $providers = $doctrine->getManager()->getConnection()->fetchAll(
+// 'SELECT lp.packageName
+// FROM package p
+// JOIN package_version pv ON p.id = pv.package_id
+// JOIN link_provide lp ON lp.version_id = pv.id
+// WHERE p.id = :id
+// AND pv.development = true
+// GROUP BY lp.packageName',
+// ['id' => $package->getId()]
+// );
+// foreach ($providers as $provided) {
+// $provided = $provided['packageName'];
+// try {
+// $document = $update->createDocument();
+// $document->setField('id', $provided);
+// $document->setField('name', $provided);
+// $document->setField('package_name', '');
+// $document->setField('description', '');
+// $document->setField('type', 'virtual-package');
+// $document->setField('trendiness', 100);
+// $document->setField('repository', '');
+// $document->setField('abandoned', 0);
+// $document->setField('replacementPackage', '');
+// $update->addDocument($document);
+// } catch (\Exception $e) {
+// $output->writeln('<error>'.get_class($e).': '.$e->getMessage().', skipping package '.$package->getName().':provide:'.$provided.'</error>');
+// }
+// }
+ }
+ try {
+ $index->addObjects($records);
+ } catch (\Exception $e) {
+ $output->writeln('<error>'.get_class($e).': '.$e->getMessage().', occurred while processing packages: '.implode(',', $idsSlice).'</error>');
+ continue;
+ }
+ $doctrine->getManager()->clear();
+ unset($packages);
+ if ($verbose) {
+ $output->writeln('Updating package indexedAt column');
+ }
+ $this->updateIndexedAt($idsToUpdate, $doctrine, $indexTime->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
+ }
+ $lock->release();
+ }
+ private function packageToSearchableArray(
+ Package $package,
+ array $tags,
+ $redis,
+ DownloadManager $downloadManager,
+ FavoriteManager $favoriteManager
+ ) {
+ $faversCount = $favoriteManager->getFaverCount($package);
+ $downloads = $downloadManager->getTotalDownloads($package);
+ $download_log = $package['downloads']['monthly'] ? log($package['downloads']['monthly'], 10) : 0;
+ $start_log = $package->getGitHubStars() ? log($package->getGitHubStars(), 10) : 0;
+ $popularity = round($download_log + $start_log);
+ $record = [
+ 'id' => $package->getId(),
+ 'objectID' => $package->getName(),
+ 'name' => $package->getName(),
+ 'package_organisation' => $package->getVendor(),
+ 'package_name' => $package->getPackageName(),
+ 'description' => preg_replace('{[\x00-\x1f]+}u', '', $package->getDescription()),
+ 'type' => $package->getType(),
+ 'repository' => $package->getRepository(),
+ 'language' => $package->getLanguage(),
+ 'trendiness' => $redis->zscore('downloads:trending', $package->getId()),
+ 'popularity' => $popularity,
+ 'meta' => [
+ 'downloads' => $downloads,
+ 'download_formatted' => [
+ 'total' => number_format($downloads['total'], 0, ',', ' '),
+ 'monthly' => number_format($downloads['monthly'], 0, ',', ' '),
+ 'daily' => number_format($downloads['daily'], 0, ',', ' '),
+ ],
+ 'favers' => $faversCount,
+ 'favers_formatted' => number_format($faversCount, 0, ',', ' '),
+ ],
+ ];
+ if ($package->isAbandoned()) {
+ $record['abandoned'] = 1;
+ $record['replacementPackage'] = $package->getReplacementPackage() ?: '';
+ } else {
+ $record['abandoned'] = 0;
+ $record['replacementPackage'] = '';
+ }
+ $record['tags'] = $tags;
+ return $record;
+ }
+ private function getTags($doctrine, $package)
+ {
+ $tags = $doctrine->getManager()->getConnection()->fetchAll(
+ 'SELECT t.name FROM package p
+ JOIN package_version pv ON p.id = pv.package_id
+ JOIN version_tag vt ON vt.version_id = pv.id
+ JOIN tag t ON t.id = vt.tag_id
+ WHERE p.id = :id
+ GROUP BY t.id, t.name',
+ ['id' => $package->getId()]
+ );
+ foreach ($tags as $idx => $tag) {
+ $tags[$idx] = $tag['name'];
+ }
+ return array_map(function ($tag) {
+ return mb_strtolower(preg_replace('{[\x00-\x1f]+}u', '', $tag), 'UTF-8');
+ }, $tags);
+ }
+ private function updateIndexedAt($idsToUpdate, $doctrine, $time)
+ {
+ $retries = 5;
+ // retry loop in case of a lock timeout
+ while ($retries--) {
+ try {
+ $doctrine->getManager()->getConnection()->executeQuery(
+ 'UPDATE package SET indexedAt=:indexed WHERE id IN (:ids)',
+ [
+ 'ids' => $idsToUpdate,
+ 'indexed' => $time,
+ ],
+ ['ids' => Connection::PARAM_INT_ARRAY]
+ );
+ } catch (\Exception $e) {
+ if (!$retries) {
+ throw $e;
+ }
+ sleep(2);
+ }
+ }
+ }