@@ -178,16 +178,24 @@ class ApiController extends Controller
$updated = true;
- $repository = new VcsRepository(array('url' => $package->getRepository()), new NullIO, $config);
+ $io = new BufferIO('', OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_VERBOSE);
+ $repository = new VcsRepository(array('url' => $package->getRepository()), $io, $config);
try {
$updater->update($package, $repository);
+ if ($repository->hadInvalidBranches()) {
+ throw new \RuntimeException('Some branches contained invalid data and were discarded, it is advised to review the log and fix any issues present in branches');
+ }
} catch (\Exception $e) {
- // TODO send email to maintainer
+ // TODO send email to maintainer(s)
- return new Response(json_encode(array('status' => 'error', 'message' => '['.get_class($e).'] '.$e->getMessage())), 400);
+ return new Response(json_encode(array(
+ 'status' => 'error',
+ 'message' => '['.get_class($e).'] '.$e->getMessage(),
+ 'details' => '<pre>'.$io->getOutput().'</pre>'
+ )), 400);