@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ use Packagist\WebBundle\Entity\Job;
use Packagist\WebBundle\Model\PackageManager;
use Seld\Signal\SignalHandler;
use Composer\Factory;
+use Composer\Downloader\TransportException;
class UpdaterWorker
@@ -59,7 +60,7 @@ class UpdaterWorker
if (!$package) {
$this->logger->info('Package is gone, skipping', ['id' => $id]);
- return ['status' => Job::STATUS_FAILED, 'message' => 'Package is gone, skipped'];
+ return ['status' => Job::STATUS_PACKAGE_GONE, 'message' => 'Package was deleted, skipped'];
$lockAcquired = $this->locker->lockPackageUpdate($id);
@@ -92,14 +93,64 @@ class UpdaterWorker
// perform the actual update (fetch and re-scan the repository's source)
$this->updater->update($io, $config, $package, $repository, $flags);
- // update the package entity
- $package->setAutoUpdated(true);
- $em->flush($package);
- } catch (\Composer\Downloader\TransportException $e) {
+ } catch (\Throwable $e) {
+ $output = $io->getOutput();
+ if (!$this->doctrine->getEntityManager()->isOpen()) {
+ $this->doctrine->resetManager();
+ $package = $this->doctrine->getEntityManager()->getRepository(Package::class)->findOneById($package->getId());
+ }
+ // invalid composer data somehow, notify the owner and then mark the job failed
+ if ($e instanceof InvalidRepositoryException) {
+ $this->packageManager->notifyUpdateFailure($package, $e, $output);
+ return [
+ 'status' => Job::STATUS_FAILED,
+ 'message' => 'Update of '.$package->getName().' failed, invalid composer.json metadata',
+ 'details' => '<pre>'.$output.'</pre>',
+ 'exception' => $e,
+ ];
+ }
+ $found404 = false;
+ // attempt to detect a 404/dead repository
+ // TODO check and delete those packages with crawledAt in the far future but updatedAt in the past in a second step/job if the repo is really unreachable
+ // probably should check for download count and a few other metrics to avoid false positives and ask humans to check the others
+ if ($e instanceof \RuntimeException && strpos($e->getMessage(), 'remote: Repository not found')) {
+ // git clone was attempted and says the repo is not found, that's very conclusive
+ $found404 = true;
+ } elseif ($e instanceof \RuntimeException && strpos($e->getMessage(), 'git@gitlab.com') && strpos($e->getMessage(), 'Please make sure you have the correct access rights')) {
+ // git clone says we have no right on gitlab for 404s
+ $found404 = true;
+ } elseif ($e instanceof \RuntimeException && strpos($e->getMessage(), 'git@bitbucket.org') && strpos($e->getMessage(), 'Please make sure you have the correct access rights')) {
+ // git clone says we have no right on bitbucket for 404s
+ $found404 = true;
+ } elseif ($e instanceof \RuntimeException && strpos($e->getMessage(), '@github.com/') && strpos($e->getMessage(), ' Please ask the owner to check their account')) {
+ // git clone says account is disabled on github for private repos(?) if cloning via https
+ $found404 = true;
+ } elseif ($e instanceof TransportException && preg_match('{https://api.bitbucket.org/2.0/repositories/[^/]+/.+?\?fields=-project}i', $e->getMessage()) && $e->getStatusCode() == 404) {
+ // bitbucket api root returns a 404
+ $found404 = true;
+ }
+ // detected a 404 so mark the package as gone and prevent updates for 1y
+ if ($found404) {
+ $package->setCrawledAt(new \DateTime('+1 year'));
+ $this->doctrine->getEntityManager()->flush($package);
+ return [
+ 'status' => Job::STATUS_PACKAGE_GONE,
+ 'message' => 'Update of '.$package->getName().' failed, package appears to be 404/gone and has been marked as crawled for 1year',
+ 'details' => '<pre>'.$output.'</pre>',
+ 'exception' => $e,
+ ];
+ }
// Catch request timeouts e.g. gitlab.com
- if (strpos($e->getMessage(), 'file could not be downloaded: failed to open stream: HTTP request failed!')) {
+ if ($e instanceof TransportException && strpos($e->getMessage(), 'file could not be downloaded: failed to open stream: HTTP request failed!')) {
return [
'status' => Job::STATUS_FAILED,
'message' => 'Package data of '.$package->getName().' could not be downloaded. Could not reach remote VCS server. Please try again later.',
@@ -107,35 +158,19 @@ class UpdaterWorker
- return [
- 'status' => Job::STATUS_FAILED,
- 'message' => 'Package data of '.$package->getName().' could not be downloaded.',
- 'exception' => $e
- ];
- } catch (\Throwable $e) {
- if (!$this->doctrine->getEntityManager()->isOpen()) {
- $this->doctrine->resetManager();
- $this->doctrine->getEntityManager()->refresh($package);
- }
- if ($e instanceof InvalidRepositoryException) {
- $this->packageManager->notifyUpdateFailure($package, $e, $io->getOutput());
- } else {
- // TODO check and delete those packages with crawledAt in the far future but updatedAt in the past in a second step/job if the repo is really unreachable
- if (strpos($io->getOutput(), 'Repository not found')) {
- $package->setCrawledAt(new \DateTime('+1 year'));
- $this->doctrine->getEntityManager()->flush($package);
- }
+ // generic transport exception
+ if ($e instanceof TransportException) {
+ return [
+ 'status' => Job::STATUS_FAILED,
+ 'message' => 'Package data of '.$package->getName().' could not be downloaded.',
+ 'exception' => $e
+ ];
$this->logger->error('Failed update of '.$package->getName(), ['exception' => $e]);
- return [
- 'status' => Job::STATUS_FAILED,
- 'message' => 'Update of '.$package->getName().' failed',
- 'details' => '<pre>'.$io->getOutput().'</pre>',
- 'exception' => $e,
- ];
+ // unexpected error so mark the job errored
+ throw $e;
} finally {