parameters.yml.dist 1.3 KB

  1. parameters:
  2. database_driver: pdo_mysql
  3. database_host: localhost
  4. database_name: packagist
  5. database_user: root
  6. database_password:
  7. database_name_test: packagist_test
  8. mailer_transport:
  9. mailer_host: localhost
  10. mailer_user:
  11. mailer_password:
  12. mailer_from_email:
  13. mailer_from_name: Admin Team
  14. # packagist_host:
  15. # %packagist_host%
  16. # router.request_context.scheme: https
  17. redis_dsn: redis://localhost/1
  18. redis_dsn_test: redis://
  19. locale: en
  20. google_analytics:
  21. ga_key:
  22. # set those to values obtained by creating an application at
  23. github.client_id:
  24. github.client_secret:
  25. # -- performance features --
  26. # set both to apc to optimize things if it is available
  27. validation_cache_backend: ~
  28. doctrine_cache_backend: array
  29. # -- security features --
  30. secret: CHANGE_ME_IN_PROD
  31. remember_me.secret: CHANGE_ME_IN_PROD
  32. # set to true to enforce ssl, make sure you have a proper certificate in place
  33. force_ssl: false
  34. # e.g. [] if the app is running behind a reverse proxy on localhost
  35. trusted_proxies: ~
  36. # e.g. ['.*\.?packagist\.org$'] to allow and all subdomains as valid hosts
  37. trusted_hosts: ~