error404.html.twig 534 B

  1. {% extends 'PackagistWebBundle::layout.html.twig' %}
  2. {% block content %}
  3. <section class="wrapper">
  4. <section class="container error">
  5. <div class="row">
  6. <h2 class="title">Oh noes, 404!</h2>
  7. <h3 class="font-normal">It looks like you requested a page that was not found.</h3>
  8. <h4>Go back to the <a href="{{ path('home') }}">homepage</a> or use the search above to find the package you want.</h4>
  9. </div>
  10. </section>
  11. </section>
  12. {% endblock %}
  13. {% block analytics %}{% endblock %}