@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+ * This file is part of the Predis package.
+ *
+ * (c) Daniele Alessandri <suppakilla@gmail.com>
+ *
+ * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
+ * file that was distributed with this source code.
+ */
+namespace Predis\Command\Hash;
+use \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase as StandardTestCase;
+use Predis\Distribution\CRC16HashGenerator;
+use Predis\Profile\ServerProfile;
+ *
+ */
+class RedisClusterHashStrategyTest extends StandardTestCase
+ /**
+ * @group disconnected
+ */
+ public function testDoesNotSupportKeyTags()
+ {
+ $distribution = new CRC16HashGenerator();
+ $hashstrategy = new RedisClusterHashStrategy();
+ $this->assertSame(35910, $hashstrategy->getKeyHash($distribution, '{foo}'));
+ $this->assertSame(60032, $hashstrategy->getKeyHash($distribution, '{foo}:bar'));
+ $this->assertSame(27528, $hashstrategy->getKeyHash($distribution, '{foo}:baz'));
+ $this->assertSame(34064, $hashstrategy->getKeyHash($distribution, 'bar:{foo}:bar'));
+ }
+ /**
+ * @group disconnected
+ */
+ public function testSupportedCommands()
+ {
+ $hashstrategy = new RedisClusterHashStrategy();
+ $this->assertSame($this->getExpectedCommands(), $hashstrategy->getSupportedCommands());
+ }
+ /**
+ * @group disconnected
+ */
+ public function testReturnsNullOnUnsupportedCommand()
+ {
+ $distribution = new CRC16HashGenerator();
+ $hashstrategy = new RedisClusterHashStrategy();
+ $command = ServerProfile::getDevelopment()->createCommand('ping');
+ $this->assertNull($hashstrategy->getHash($distribution, $command));
+ }
+ /**
+ * @group disconnected
+ */
+ public function testFirstKeyCommands()
+ {
+ $distribution = new CRC16HashGenerator();
+ $hashstrategy = new RedisClusterHashStrategy();
+ $profile = ServerProfile::getDevelopment();
+ $arguments = array('key');
+ foreach ($this->getExpectedCommands('keys-first') as $commandID) {
+ $command = $profile->createCommand($commandID, $arguments);
+ $this->assertNotNull($hashstrategy->getHash($distribution, $command), $commandID);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @group disconnected
+ */
+ public function testAllKeysCommandsWithOneKey()
+ {
+ $distribution = new CRC16HashGenerator();
+ $hashstrategy = new RedisClusterHashStrategy();
+ $profile = ServerProfile::getDevelopment();
+ $arguments = array('key');
+ foreach ($this->getExpectedCommands('keys-all') as $commandID) {
+ $command = $profile->createCommand($commandID, $arguments);
+ $this->assertNotNull($hashstrategy->getHash($distribution, $command), $commandID);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @group disconnected
+ */
+ public function testAllKeysCommandsWithMoreKeys()
+ {
+ $distribution = new CRC16HashGenerator();
+ $hashstrategy = new RedisClusterHashStrategy();
+ $profile = ServerProfile::getDevelopment();
+ $arguments = array('key1', 'key2');
+ foreach ($this->getExpectedCommands('keys-all') as $commandID) {
+ $command = $profile->createCommand($commandID, $arguments);
+ $this->assertNull($hashstrategy->getHash($distribution, $command), $commandID);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @group disconnected
+ */
+ public function testInterleavedKeysCommandsWithOneKey()
+ {
+ $distribution = new CRC16HashGenerator();
+ $hashstrategy = new RedisClusterHashStrategy();
+ $profile = ServerProfile::getDevelopment();
+ $arguments = array('key:1', 'value1');
+ foreach ($this->getExpectedCommands('keys-interleaved') as $commandID) {
+ $command = $profile->createCommand($commandID, $arguments);
+ $this->assertNotNull($hashstrategy->getHash($distribution, $command), $commandID);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @group disconnected
+ */
+ public function testInterleavedKeysCommandsWithMoreKeys()
+ {
+ $distribution = new CRC16HashGenerator();
+ $hashstrategy = new RedisClusterHashStrategy();
+ $profile = ServerProfile::getDevelopment();
+ $arguments = array('key:1', 'value1', 'key:2', 'value2');
+ foreach ($this->getExpectedCommands('keys-interleaved') as $commandID) {
+ $command = $profile->createCommand($commandID, $arguments);
+ $this->assertNull($hashstrategy->getHash($distribution, $command), $commandID);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @group disconnected
+ */
+ public function testKeysForBlockingListCommandsWithOneKey()
+ {
+ $distribution = new CRC16HashGenerator();
+ $hashstrategy = new RedisClusterHashStrategy();
+ $profile = ServerProfile::getDevelopment();
+ $arguments = array('key:1', 10);
+ foreach ($this->getExpectedCommands('keys-blockinglist') as $commandID) {
+ $command = $profile->createCommand($commandID, $arguments);
+ $this->assertNotNull($hashstrategy->getHash($distribution, $command), $commandID);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @group disconnected
+ */
+ public function testKeysForBlockingListCommandsWithMoreKeys()
+ {
+ $distribution = new CRC16HashGenerator();
+ $hashstrategy = new RedisClusterHashStrategy();
+ $profile = ServerProfile::getDevelopment();
+ $arguments = array('key:1', 'key:2', 10);
+ foreach ($this->getExpectedCommands('keys-blockinglist') as $commandID) {
+ $command = $profile->createCommand($commandID, $arguments);
+ $this->assertNull($hashstrategy->getHash($distribution, $command), $commandID);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @group disconnected
+ */
+ public function testUnsettingCommandHandler()
+ {
+ $distribution = new CRC16HashGenerator();
+ $hashstrategy = new RedisClusterHashStrategy();
+ $profile = ServerProfile::getDevelopment();
+ $hashstrategy->setCommandHandler('set');
+ $hashstrategy->setCommandHandler('get', null);
+ $command = $profile->createCommand('set', array('key', 'value'));
+ $this->assertNull($hashstrategy->getHash($distribution, $command));
+ $command = $profile->createCommand('get', array('key'));
+ $this->assertNull($hashstrategy->getHash($distribution, $command));
+ }
+ /**
+ * @group disconnected
+ */
+ public function testSettingCustomCommandHandler()
+ {
+ $distribution = new CRC16HashGenerator();
+ $hashstrategy = new RedisClusterHashStrategy();
+ $profile = ServerProfile::getDevelopment();
+ $callable = $this->getMock('stdClass', array('__invoke'));
+ $callable->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('__invoke')
+ ->with($this->isInstanceOf('Predis\Command\CommandInterface'))
+ ->will($this->returnValue('key'));
+ $hashstrategy->setCommandHandler('get', $callable);
+ $command = $profile->createCommand('get', array('key'));
+ $this->assertNotNull($hashstrategy->getHash($distribution, $command));
+ }
+ // ******************************************************************** //
+ // ---- HELPER METHODS ------------------------------------------------ //
+ // ******************************************************************** //
+ /**
+ * Returns the list of expected supported commands.
+ *
+ * @param string $type Optional type of command (based on its keys)
+ * @return array
+ */
+ protected function getExpectedCommands($type = null)
+ {
+ $commands = array(
+ /* commands operating on the key space */
+ 'EXISTS' => 'keys-first',
+ 'DEL' => 'keys-all',
+ 'TYPE' => 'keys-first',
+ 'EXPIRE' => 'keys-first',
+ 'EXPIREAT' => 'keys-first',
+ 'PERSIST' => 'keys-first',
+ 'PEXPIRE' => 'keys-first',
+ 'PEXPIREAT' => 'keys-first',
+ 'TTL' => 'keys-first',
+ 'PTTL' => 'keys-first',
+ 'SORT' => 'keys-first', // TODO
+ /* commands operating on string values */
+ 'APPEND' => 'keys-first',
+ 'DECR' => 'keys-first',
+ 'DECRBY' => 'keys-first',
+ 'GET' => 'keys-first',
+ 'GETBIT' => 'keys-first',
+ 'MGET' => 'keys-all',
+ 'SET' => 'keys-first',
+ 'GETRANGE' => 'keys-first',
+ 'GETSET' => 'keys-first',
+ 'INCR' => 'keys-first',
+ 'INCRBY' => 'keys-first',
+ 'SETBIT' => 'keys-first',
+ 'SETEX' => 'keys-first',
+ 'MSET' => 'keys-interleaved',
+ 'MSETNX' => 'keys-interleaved',
+ 'SETNX' => 'keys-first',
+ 'SETRANGE' => 'keys-first',
+ 'STRLEN' => 'keys-first',
+ 'SUBSTR' => 'keys-first',
+ 'BITCOUNT' => 'keys-first',
+ /* commands operating on lists */
+ 'LINSERT' => 'keys-first',
+ 'LINDEX' => 'keys-first',
+ 'LLEN' => 'keys-first',
+ 'LPOP' => 'keys-first',
+ 'RPOP' => 'keys-first',
+ 'BLPOP' => 'keys-blockinglist',
+ 'BRPOP' => 'keys-blockinglist',
+ 'LPUSH' => 'keys-first',
+ 'LPUSHX' => 'keys-first',
+ 'RPUSH' => 'keys-first',
+ 'RPUSHX' => 'keys-first',
+ 'LRANGE' => 'keys-first',
+ 'LREM' => 'keys-first',
+ 'LSET' => 'keys-first',
+ 'LTRIM' => 'keys-first',
+ /* commands operating on sets */
+ 'SADD' => 'keys-first',
+ 'SCARD' => 'keys-first',
+ 'SISMEMBER' => 'keys-first',
+ 'SMEMBERS' => 'keys-first',
+ 'SPOP' => 'keys-first',
+ 'SRANDMEMBER' => 'keys-first',
+ 'SREM' => 'keys-first',
+ /* commands operating on sorted sets */
+ 'ZADD' => 'keys-first',
+ 'ZCARD' => 'keys-first',
+ 'ZCOUNT' => 'keys-first',
+ 'ZINCRBY' => 'keys-first',
+ 'ZRANGE' => 'keys-first',
+ 'ZRANGEBYSCORE' => 'keys-first',
+ 'ZRANK' => 'keys-first',
+ 'ZREM' => 'keys-first',
+ 'ZREMRANGEBYRANK' => 'keys-first',
+ 'ZREMRANGEBYSCORE' => 'keys-first',
+ 'ZREVRANGE' => 'keys-first',
+ 'ZREVRANGEBYSCORE' => 'keys-first',
+ 'ZREVRANK' => 'keys-first',
+ 'ZSCORE' => 'keys-first',
+ /* commands operating on hashes */
+ 'HDEL' => 'keys-first',
+ 'HEXISTS' => 'keys-first',
+ 'HGET' => 'keys-first',
+ 'HGETALL' => 'keys-first',
+ 'HMGET' => 'keys-first',
+ 'HINCRBY' => 'keys-first',
+ 'HINCRBYFLOAT' => 'keys-first',
+ 'HKEYS' => 'keys-first',
+ 'HLEN' => 'keys-first',
+ 'HSET' => 'keys-first',
+ 'HSETNX' => 'keys-first',
+ 'HVALS' => 'keys-first',
+ );
+ if (isset($type)) {
+ $commands = array_filter($commands, function ($expectedType) use ($type) {
+ return $expectedType === $type;
+ });
+ }
+ return array_keys($commands);
+ }