@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+This class implements a Predis connection that actually talks with Webdis
+(http://github.com/nicolasff/webdis) instead of connecting directly to Redis.
+It relies on the http PECL extension to communicate with the web server and the
+phpiredis extension to parse the protocol of the replies returned in the http
+response bodies.
+Since this connection class is highly experimental, some features have not been
+implemented yet (or they simply cannot be implemented at all). Here is a list:
+ - Pipelining commands.
+ - Publish / Subscribe.
+ - MULTI / EXEC transactions (not yet supported by Webdis).
+namespace Predis\Network;
+use HttpRequest;
+use Predis\IConnectionParameters;
+use Predis\ResponseError;
+use Predis\ClientException;
+use Predis\ServerException;
+use Predis\CommunicationException;
+use Predis\Commands\ICommand;
+const ERR_MSG_EXTENSION = 'The %s extension must be loaded in order to be able to use this connection class';
+class WebdisConnection implements IConnectionSingle {
+ private $_parameters;
+ private $_webdisUrl;
+ private $_reader;
+ private static function throwNotImplementedException($class, $function) {
+ throw new \RuntimeException("The method $class::$function() is not implemented");
+ }
+ public function __construct(IConnectionParameters $parameters) {
+ $this->checkExtensions();
+ if ($parameters->scheme !== 'http') {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Invalid scheme: {$parameters->scheme}");
+ }
+ $this->_parameters = $parameters;
+ $this->_webdisUrl = "{$parameters->scheme}://{$parameters->host}:{$parameters->port}";
+ $this->_reader = $this->initializeReader($parameters);
+ }
+ public function __destruct() {
+ phpiredis_reader_destroy($this->_reader);
+ }
+ private function checkExtensions() {
+ if (!class_exists("HttpRequest")) {
+ throw new ClientException(sprintf(ERR_MSG_EXTENSION, 'http'));
+ }
+ if (!function_exists('phpiredis_reader_create')) {
+ throw new ClientException(sprintf(ERR_MSG_EXTENSION, 'phpiredis'));
+ }
+ }
+ private function initializeReader(IConnectionParameters $parameters) {
+ $throwErrors = $parameters->throw_errors;
+ $reader = phpiredis_reader_create();
+ phpiredis_reader_set_status_handler($reader, $this->getStatusHandler());
+ phpiredis_reader_set_error_handler($reader, $this->getErrorHandler($throwErrors));
+ return $reader;
+ }
+ private function getStatusHandler() {
+ return function($payload) {
+ return $payload === 'OK' ? true : $payload;
+ };
+ }
+ private function getErrorHandler($throwErrors) {
+ if ($throwErrors) {
+ return function($errorMessage) {
+ throw new ServerException($errorMessage);
+ };
+ }
+ return function($errorMessage) {
+ return new ResponseError($errorMessage);
+ };
+ }
+ private static function argumentsSerializer($str, $arg) {
+ $str .= '/' . urlencode($arg);
+ return $str;
+ }
+ public function connect() {
+ // NOOP
+ }
+ public function disconnect() {
+ // NOOP
+ }
+ public function isConnected() {
+ return true;
+ }
+ public function writeCommand(ICommand $command) {
+ self::throwNotImplementedException(__CLASS__, __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ public function readResponse(ICommand $command) {
+ self::throwNotImplementedException(__CLASS__, __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ public function executeCommand(ICommand $command) {
+ $params = $this->_parameters;
+ $arguments = array_reduce($command->getArguments(), 'self::argumentsSerializer');
+ $request = new HttpRequest($this->_webdisUrl, HttpRequest::METH_POST);
+ $request->setBody(sprintf('%s%s.raw', $command->getId(), $arguments));
+ $request->send();
+ phpiredis_reader_feed($this->_reader, $request->getResponseBody());
+ $reply = phpiredis_reader_get_reply($this->_reader);
+ return isset($reply->skipParse) ? $reply : $command->parseResponse($reply);
+ }
+ public function getResource() {
+ self::throwNotImplementedException(__CLASS__, __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ public function getParameters() {
+ return $this->_parameters;
+ }
+ public function pushInitCommand(ICommand $command) {
+ self::throwNotImplementedException(__CLASS__, __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ public function read() {
+ self::throwNotImplementedException(__CLASS__, __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ public function __toString() {
+ return "{$this->_parameters->host}:{$this->_parameters->port}";
+ }