@@ -11,356 +11,44 @@
namespace Predis\Cluster;
-use InvalidArgumentException;
-use Predis\Cluster\Hash\HashGeneratorInterface;
-use Predis\Command\CommandInterface;
-use Predis\Command\ScriptCommand;
+use Predis\Cluster\Distributor\DistributorInterface;
+use Predis\Cluster\Distributor\HashRing;
- * Default class used by Predis for client-side sharding to calculate hashes out
- * of keys for supported commands.
+ * Default cluster strategy used by Predis to handle client-side sharding.
* @author Daniele Alessandri <suppakilla@gmail.com>
-class PredisStrategy implements StrategyInterface
+class PredisStrategy extends ClusterStrategy
- protected $commands;
- protected $hashGenerator;
+ protected $distributor;
- * @param HashGeneratorInterface $hashGenerator Hash generator instance.
+ * @param DistributorInterface $distributor Optional distributor instance.
- public function __construct(HashGeneratorInterface $hashGenerator)
+ public function __construct(DistributorInterface $distributor = null)
- $this->commands = $this->getDefaultCommands();
- $this->hashGenerator = $hashGenerator;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the default map of supported commands with their handlers.
- *
- * @return array
- */
- protected function getDefaultCommands()
- {
- $getKeyFromFirstArgument = array($this, 'getKeyFromFirstArgument');
- $getKeyFromAllArguments = array($this, 'getKeyFromAllArguments');
- return array(
- /* commands operating on the key space */
- 'EXISTS' => $getKeyFromFirstArgument,
- 'DEL' => $getKeyFromAllArguments,
- 'TYPE' => $getKeyFromFirstArgument,
- 'EXPIRE' => $getKeyFromFirstArgument,
- 'EXPIREAT' => $getKeyFromFirstArgument,
- 'PERSIST' => $getKeyFromFirstArgument,
- 'PEXPIRE' => $getKeyFromFirstArgument,
- 'PEXPIREAT' => $getKeyFromFirstArgument,
- 'TTL' => $getKeyFromFirstArgument,
- 'PTTL' => $getKeyFromFirstArgument,
- 'SORT' => $getKeyFromFirstArgument, // TODO
- 'DUMP' => $getKeyFromFirstArgument,
- 'RESTORE' => $getKeyFromFirstArgument,
- /* commands operating on string values */
- 'APPEND' => $getKeyFromFirstArgument,
- 'DECR' => $getKeyFromFirstArgument,
- 'DECRBY' => $getKeyFromFirstArgument,
- 'GET' => $getKeyFromFirstArgument,
- 'GETBIT' => $getKeyFromFirstArgument,
- 'MGET' => $getKeyFromAllArguments,
- 'SET' => $getKeyFromFirstArgument,
- 'GETRANGE' => $getKeyFromFirstArgument,
- 'GETSET' => $getKeyFromFirstArgument,
- 'INCR' => $getKeyFromFirstArgument,
- 'INCRBY' => $getKeyFromFirstArgument,
- 'INCRBYFLOAT' => $getKeyFromFirstArgument,
- 'SETBIT' => $getKeyFromFirstArgument,
- 'SETEX' => $getKeyFromFirstArgument,
- 'MSET' => array($this, 'getKeyFromInterleavedArguments'),
- 'MSETNX' => array($this, 'getKeyFromInterleavedArguments'),
- 'SETNX' => $getKeyFromFirstArgument,
- 'SETRANGE' => $getKeyFromFirstArgument,
- 'STRLEN' => $getKeyFromFirstArgument,
- 'SUBSTR' => $getKeyFromFirstArgument,
- 'BITOP' => array($this, 'getKeyFromBitOp'),
- 'BITCOUNT' => $getKeyFromFirstArgument,
- /* commands operating on lists */
- 'LINSERT' => $getKeyFromFirstArgument,
- 'LINDEX' => $getKeyFromFirstArgument,
- 'LLEN' => $getKeyFromFirstArgument,
- 'LPOP' => $getKeyFromFirstArgument,
- 'RPOP' => $getKeyFromFirstArgument,
- 'RPOPLPUSH' => $getKeyFromAllArguments,
- 'BLPOP' => array($this, 'getKeyFromBlockingListCommands'),
- 'BRPOP' => array($this, 'getKeyFromBlockingListCommands'),
- 'BRPOPLPUSH' => array($this, 'getKeyFromBlockingListCommands'),
- 'LPUSH' => $getKeyFromFirstArgument,
- 'LPUSHX' => $getKeyFromFirstArgument,
- 'RPUSH' => $getKeyFromFirstArgument,
- 'RPUSHX' => $getKeyFromFirstArgument,
- 'LRANGE' => $getKeyFromFirstArgument,
- 'LREM' => $getKeyFromFirstArgument,
- 'LSET' => $getKeyFromFirstArgument,
- 'LTRIM' => $getKeyFromFirstArgument,
- /* commands operating on sets */
- 'SADD' => $getKeyFromFirstArgument,
- 'SCARD' => $getKeyFromFirstArgument,
- 'SDIFF' => $getKeyFromAllArguments,
- 'SDIFFSTORE' => $getKeyFromAllArguments,
- 'SINTER' => $getKeyFromAllArguments,
- 'SINTERSTORE' => $getKeyFromAllArguments,
- 'SUNION' => $getKeyFromAllArguments,
- 'SUNIONSTORE' => $getKeyFromAllArguments,
- 'SISMEMBER' => $getKeyFromFirstArgument,
- 'SMEMBERS' => $getKeyFromFirstArgument,
- 'SSCAN' => $getKeyFromFirstArgument,
- 'SPOP' => $getKeyFromFirstArgument,
- 'SRANDMEMBER' => $getKeyFromFirstArgument,
- 'SREM' => $getKeyFromFirstArgument,
- /* commands operating on sorted sets */
- 'ZADD' => $getKeyFromFirstArgument,
- 'ZCARD' => $getKeyFromFirstArgument,
- 'ZCOUNT' => $getKeyFromFirstArgument,
- 'ZINCRBY' => $getKeyFromFirstArgument,
- 'ZINTERSTORE' => array($this, 'getKeyFromZsetAggregationCommands'),
- 'ZRANGE' => $getKeyFromFirstArgument,
- 'ZRANGEBYSCORE' => $getKeyFromFirstArgument,
- 'ZRANK' => $getKeyFromFirstArgument,
- 'ZREM' => $getKeyFromFirstArgument,
- 'ZREMRANGEBYRANK' => $getKeyFromFirstArgument,
- 'ZREMRANGEBYSCORE' => $getKeyFromFirstArgument,
- 'ZREVRANGE' => $getKeyFromFirstArgument,
- 'ZREVRANGEBYSCORE' => $getKeyFromFirstArgument,
- 'ZREVRANK' => $getKeyFromFirstArgument,
- 'ZSCORE' => $getKeyFromFirstArgument,
- 'ZUNIONSTORE' => array($this, 'getKeyFromZsetAggregationCommands'),
- 'ZSCAN' => $getKeyFromFirstArgument,
- 'ZLEXCOUNT' => $getKeyFromFirstArgument,
- 'ZRANGEBYLEX' => $getKeyFromFirstArgument,
- 'ZREMRANGEBYLEX' => $getKeyFromFirstArgument,
- /* commands operating on hashes */
- 'HDEL' => $getKeyFromFirstArgument,
- 'HEXISTS' => $getKeyFromFirstArgument,
- 'HGET' => $getKeyFromFirstArgument,
- 'HGETALL' => $getKeyFromFirstArgument,
- 'HMGET' => $getKeyFromFirstArgument,
- 'HMSET' => $getKeyFromFirstArgument,
- 'HINCRBY' => $getKeyFromFirstArgument,
- 'HINCRBYFLOAT' => $getKeyFromFirstArgument,
- 'HKEYS' => $getKeyFromFirstArgument,
- 'HLEN' => $getKeyFromFirstArgument,
- 'HSET' => $getKeyFromFirstArgument,
- 'HSETNX' => $getKeyFromFirstArgument,
- 'HVALS' => $getKeyFromFirstArgument,
- 'HSCAN' => $getKeyFromFirstArgument,
- /* commands operating on HyperLogLog */
- 'PFADD' => $getKeyFromFirstArgument,
- 'PFCOUNT' => $getKeyFromAllArguments,
- 'PFMERGE' => $getKeyFromAllArguments,
- /* scripting */
- 'EVAL' => array($this, 'getKeyFromScriptingCommands'),
- 'EVALSHA' => array($this, 'getKeyFromScriptingCommands'),
- );
- }
- /**
- * Returns the list of IDs for the supported commands.
- *
- * @return array
- */
- public function getSupportedCommands()
- {
- return array_keys($this->commands);
- }
- /**
- * Sets an handler for the specified command ID.
- *
- * The signature of the callback must have a single parameter of type
- * Predis\Command\CommandInterface.
- *
- * When the callback argument is omitted or NULL, the previously associated
- * handler for the specified command ID is removed.
- *
- * @param string $commandID Command ID.
- * @param mixed $callback A valid callable object, or NULL to unset the handler.
- */
- public function setCommandHandler($commandID, $callback = null)
- {
- $commandID = strtoupper($commandID);
- if (!isset($callback)) {
- unset($this->commands[$commandID]);
- return;
- }
- if (!is_callable($callback)) {
- throw new InvalidArgumentException(
- "The argument must be a callable object or NULL."
- );
- }
- $this->commands[$commandID] = $callback;
- }
- /**
- * Extracts the key from the first argument of a command instance.
- *
- * @param CommandInterface $command Command instance.
- * @return string
- */
- protected function getKeyFromFirstArgument(CommandInterface $command)
- {
- return $command->getArgument(0);
- }
- /**
- * Extracts the key from a command with multiple keys only when all keys in
- * the arguments array produce the same hash.
- *
- * @param CommandInterface $command Command instance.
- * @return string
- */
- protected function getKeyFromAllArguments(CommandInterface $command)
- {
- $arguments = $command->getArguments();
- if ($this->checkSameHashForKeys($arguments)) {
- return $arguments[0];
- }
- }
- /**
- * Extracts the key from a command with multiple keys only when all keys in
- * the arguments array produce the same hash.
- *
- * @param CommandInterface $command Command instance.
- * @return string
- */
- protected function getKeyFromInterleavedArguments(CommandInterface $command)
- {
- $arguments = $command->getArguments();
- $keys = array();
- for ($i = 0; $i < count($arguments); $i += 2) {
- $keys[] = $arguments[$i];
- }
- if ($this->checkSameHashForKeys($keys)) {
- return $arguments[0];
- }
- }
- /**
- * Extracts the key from BLPOP and BRPOP commands.
- *
- * @param CommandInterface $command Command instance.
- * @return string
- */
- protected function getKeyFromBlockingListCommands(CommandInterface $command)
- {
- $arguments = $command->getArguments();
- if ($this->checkSameHashForKeys(array_slice($arguments, 0, count($arguments) - 1))) {
- return $arguments[0];
- }
- }
- /**
- * Extracts the key from BITOP command.
- *
- * @param CommandInterface $command Command instance.
- * @return string
- */
- protected function getKeyFromBitOp(CommandInterface $command)
- {
- $arguments = $command->getArguments();
- if ($this->checkSameHashForKeys(array_slice($arguments, 1, count($arguments)))) {
- return $arguments[1];
- }
- }
+ parent::__construct();
- /**
- * Extracts the key from ZINTERSTORE and ZUNIONSTORE commands.
- *
- * @param CommandInterface $command Command instance.
- * @return string
- */
- protected function getKeyFromZsetAggregationCommands(CommandInterface $command)
- {
- $arguments = $command->getArguments();
- $keys = array_merge(array($arguments[0]), array_slice($arguments, 2, $arguments[1]));
- if ($this->checkSameHashForKeys($keys)) {
- return $arguments[0];
- }
- }
- /**
- * Extracts the key from EVAL and EVALSHA commands.
- *
- * @param CommandInterface $command Command instance.
- * @return string
- */
- protected function getKeyFromScriptingCommands(CommandInterface $command)
- {
- if ($command instanceof ScriptCommand) {
- $keys = $command->getKeys();
- } else {
- $keys = array_slice($args = $command->getArguments(), 2, $args[1]);
- }
- if ($keys && $this->checkSameHashForKeys($keys)) {
- return $keys[0];
- }
+ $this->distributor = $distributor ?: new HashRing();
* {@inheritdoc}
- public function getHash(CommandInterface $command)
- {
- $hash = $command->getHash();
- if (!isset($hash) && isset($this->commands[$cmdID = $command->getId()])) {
- $key = call_user_func($this->commands[$cmdID], $command);
- if (isset($key)) {
- $hash = $this->getKeyHash($key);
- $command->setHash($hash);
- }
- }
- return $hash;
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritdoc}
- */
- public function getKeyHash($key)
+ public function getSlotByKey($key)
$key = $this->extractKeyTag($key);
- $hash = $this->hashGenerator->hash($key);
+ $hash = $this->distributor->hash($key);
+ $slot = $this->distributor->getSlot($hash);
- return $hash;
+ return $slot;
- * Checks if the specified array of keys will generate the same hash.
- *
- * @param array $keys Array of keys.
- * @return bool
+ * {@inheritdoc}
- protected function checkSameHashForKeys(array $keys)
+ protected function checkSameSlotForKeys(array $keys)
if (!$count = count($keys)) {
return false;
@@ -382,20 +70,10 @@ class PredisStrategy implements StrategyInterface
- * Returns only the hashable part of a key (delimited by "{...}"), or the
- * whole key if a key tag is not found in the string.
- *
- * @param string $key A key.
- * @return string
+ * {@inheritdoc}
- protected function extractKeyTag($key)
+ public function getDistributor()
- if (false !== $start = strpos($key, '{')) {
- if (false !== ($end = strpos($key, '}', $start)) && $end !== ++$start) {
- $key = substr($key, $start, $end - $start);
- }
- }
- return $key;
+ return $this->distributor;