@@ -1,3385 +0,0 @@
-namespace Predis;
-use Predis\Network\IConnection;
-use Predis\Network\IConnectionSingle;
-use Predis\Network\IConnectionCluster;
-use Predis\Network\ConnectionCluster;
-use Predis\Profiles\ServerProfile;
-use Predis\Profiles\IServerProfile;
-use Predis\Pipeline\IPipelineExecutor;
-use Predis\Distribution\IDistributionStrategy;
-class Client {
- private static $_connectionSchemes;
- private $_options, $_profile, $_connection;
- public function __construct($parameters = null, $options = null) {
- $this->_options = $this->filterOptions($options ?: new ClientOptions());
- $this->_profile = $this->_options->profile;
- $this->_connection = $this->initializeConnection($parameters);
- }
- private function filterOptions($options) {
- if ($options instanceof ClientOptions) {
- return $options;
- }
- if (is_array($options)) {
- return new ClientOptions($options);
- }
- if ($options instanceof IServerProfile) {
- return new ClientOptions(array('profile' => $options));
- }
- if (is_string($options)) {
- $profile = ServerProfile::get($options);
- return new ClientOptions(array('profile' => $profile));
- }
- throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Invalid type for client options");
- }
- private function initializeConnection($parameters = array()) {
- if (!isset($parameters)) {
- return $this->createConnection(array());
- }
- if ($parameters instanceof IConnection) {
- return $parameters;
- }
- if (is_array($parameters) && isset($parameters[0])) {
- $cluster = new ConnectionCluster($this->_options->key_distribution);
- foreach ($parameters as $single) {
- $cluster->add($single instanceof IConnectionSingle
- ? $single : $this->createConnection($single)
- );
- }
- return $cluster;
- }
- return $this->createConnection($parameters);
- }
- private function createConnection($parameters) {
- if (is_array($parameters) || is_string($parameters)) {
- $parameters = new ConnectionParameters($parameters);
- }
- else if (!$parameters instanceof ConnectionParameters) {
- $type = is_object($parameters) ? get_class($parameters) : gettype($parameters);
- throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
- "Cannot create a connection using an argument of type $type"
- );
- }
- $options = $this->_options;
- $connection = self::newConnection($parameters);
- $protocol = $connection->getProtocol();
- $protocol->setOption('iterable_multibulk', $options->iterable_multibulk);
- $protocol->setOption('throw_errors', $options->throw_errors);
- $this->pushInitCommands($connection);
- $callback = $this->_options->on_connection_initialized;
- if (isset($callback)) {
- $callback($this, $connection);
- }
- return $connection;
- }
- private function pushInitCommands(IConnectionSingle $connection) {
- $params = $connection->getParameters();
- if (isset($params->password)) {
- $connection->pushInitCommand($this->createCommand(
- 'auth', array($params->password)
- ));
- }
- if (isset($params->database)) {
- $connection->pushInitCommand($this->createCommand(
- 'select', array($params->database)
- ));
- }
- }
- public function getProfile() {
- return $this->_profile;
- }
- public function getOptions() {
- return $this->_options;
- }
- public function getClientFor($connectionAlias) {
- if (!Utils::isCluster($this->_connection)) {
- throw new ClientException(
- 'This method is supported only when the client is connected to a cluster of connections'
- );
- }
- $connection = $this->_connection->getConnectionById($connectionAlias);
- if ($connection === null) {
- throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
- "Invalid connection alias: '$connectionAlias'"
- );
- }
- return new Client($connection, $this->_options);
- }
- public function connect() {
- if (!$this->_connection->isConnected()) {
- $this->_connection->connect();
- }
- }
- public function disconnect() {
- $this->_connection->disconnect();
- }
- public function isConnected() {
- return $this->_connection->isConnected();
- }
- public function getConnection($id = null) {
- $connection = $this->_connection;
- if (!isset($id)) {
- return $connection;
- }
- $isCluster = Utils::isCluster($connection);
- return $isCluster ? $connection->getConnectionById($id) : $connection;
- }
- public function __call($method, $arguments) {
- $command = $this->_profile->createCommand($method, $arguments);
- return $this->_connection->executeCommand($command);
- }
- public function createCommand($method, $arguments = array()) {
- return $this->_profile->createCommand($method, $arguments);
- }
- public function executeCommand(ICommand $command) {
- return $this->_connection->executeCommand($command);
- }
- public function executeCommandOnShards(ICommand $command) {
- if (Utils::isCluster($this->_connection)) {
- $replies = array();
- foreach ($this->_connection as $connection) {
- $replies[] = $connection->executeCommand($command);
- }
- return $replies;
- }
- return array($this->_connection->executeCommand($command));
- }
- private function sharedInitializer($argv, $initializer) {
- $argc = count($argv);
- if ($argc === 0) {
- return $this->$initializer();
- }
- else if ($argc === 1) {
- list($arg0) = $argv;
- return is_array($arg0) ? $this->$initializer($arg0) : $this->$initializer(null, $arg0);
- }
- else if ($argc === 2) {
- list($arg0, $arg1) = $argv;
- return $this->$initializer($arg0, $arg1);
- }
- return $this->$initializer($this, $arguments);
- }
- public function pipeline(/* arguments */) {
- return $this->sharedInitializer(func_get_args(), 'initPipeline');
- }
- private function initPipeline(Array $options = null, $pipelineBlock = null) {
- $pipeline = null;
- if (isset($options)) {
- if (isset($options['safe']) && $options['safe'] == true) {
- $connection = $this->_connection;
- $pipeline = new CommandPipeline($this,
- Utils::isCluster($connection)
- ? new Pipeline\SafeClusterExecutor($connection)
- : new Pipeline\SafeExecutor($connection)
- );
- }
- else {
- $pipeline = new CommandPipeline($this);
- }
- }
- return $this->pipelineExecute(
- $pipeline ?: new CommandPipeline($this), $pipelineBlock
- );
- }
- private function pipelineExecute(CommandPipeline $pipeline, $block) {
- return $block !== null ? $pipeline->execute($block) : $pipeline;
- }
- public function multiExec(/* arguments */) {
- return $this->sharedInitializer(func_get_args(), 'initMultiExec');
- }
- private function initMultiExec(Array $options = null, $transBlock = null) {
- $multi = isset($options) ? new MultiExecContext($this, $options) : new MultiExecContext($this);
- return $transBlock !== null ? $multi->execute($transBlock) : $multi;
- }
- public function pubSubContext(Array $options = null) {
- return new PubSubContext($this, $options);
- }
- private static function ensureDefaultSchemes() {
- if (!isset(self::$_connectionSchemes)) {
- self::$_connectionSchemes = array(
- 'tcp' => '\Predis\Network\TcpConnection',
- 'unix' => '\Predis\Network\UnixDomainSocketConnection',
- // Compatibility with older versions.
- 'redis' => '\Predis\Network\TcpConnection',
- );
- }
- }
- public static function registerScheme($scheme, $connectionClass) {
- self::ensureDefaultSchemes();
- $connectionReflection = new \ReflectionClass($connectionClass);
- if (!$connectionReflection->isSubclassOf('\Predis\Network\IConnectionSingle')) {
- throw new ClientException(
- "Cannot register '$connectionClass' as it is not a valid connection class"
- );
- }
- self::$_connectionSchemes[$scheme] = $connectionClass;
- }
- public static function getConnectionClass($scheme) {
- self::ensureDefaultSchemes();
- if (!isset(self::$_connectionSchemes[$scheme])) {
- throw new ClientException("Unknown connection scheme: $scheme");
- }
- return self::$_connectionSchemes[$scheme];
- }
- private static function newConnection(ConnectionParameters $parameters, IRedisProtocol $protocol = null) {
- $connection = self::getConnectionClass($parameters->scheme);
- return new $connection($parameters, $protocol);
- }
- public static function newConnectionByScheme($scheme, $parameters = array()) {
- $connection = self::getConnectionClass($scheme);
- if (!$parameters instanceof ConnectionParameters) {
- $parameters = new ConnectionParameters($parameters);
- }
- return self::newConnection($parameters);
- }
-class CommandPipeline {
- private $_client, $_pipelineBuffer, $_returnValues, $_running, $_executor;
- public function __construct(Client $client, IPipelineExecutor $executor = null) {
- $this->_client = $client;
- $this->_executor = $executor ?: new Pipeline\StandardExecutor();
- $this->_pipelineBuffer = array();
- $this->_returnValues = array();
- }
- public function __call($method, $arguments) {
- $command = $this->_client->createCommand($method, $arguments);
- $this->recordCommand($command);
- return $this;
- }
- private function recordCommand(ICommand $command) {
- $this->_pipelineBuffer[] = $command;
- }
- public function flushPipeline() {
- if (count($this->_pipelineBuffer) > 0) {
- $connection = $this->_client->getConnection();
- $this->_returnValues = array_merge(
- $this->_returnValues,
- $this->_executor->execute($connection, $this->_pipelineBuffer)
- );
- $this->_pipelineBuffer = array();
- }
- return $this;
- }
- private function setRunning($bool) {
- if ($bool === true && $this->_running === true) {
- throw new ClientException("This pipeline is already opened");
- }
- $this->_running = $bool;
- }
- public function execute($block = null) {
- if ($block && !is_callable($block)) {
- throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Argument passed must be a callable object');
- }
- $this->setRunning(true);
- $pipelineBlockException = null;
- try {
- if ($block !== null) {
- $block($this);
- }
- $this->flushPipeline();
- }
- catch (\Exception $exception) {
- $pipelineBlockException = $exception;
- }
- $this->setRunning(false);
- if ($pipelineBlockException !== null) {
- throw $pipelineBlockException;
- }
- return $this->_returnValues;
- }
-class MultiExecContext {
- private $_initialized, $_discarded, $_insideBlock, $_checkAndSet;
- private $_client, $_options, $_commands, $_supportsWatch;
- public function __construct(Client $client, Array $options = null) {
- $this->checkCapabilities($client);
- $this->_options = $options ?: array();
- $this->_client = $client;
- $this->reset();
- }
- private function checkCapabilities(Client $client) {
- if (Utils::isCluster($client->getConnection())) {
- throw new ClientException(
- 'Cannot initialize a MULTI/EXEC context over a cluster of connections'
- );
- }
- $profile = $client->getProfile();
- if ($profile->supportsCommands(array('multi', 'exec', 'discard')) === false) {
- throw new ClientException(
- 'The current profile does not support MULTI, EXEC and DISCARD commands'
- );
- }
- $this->_supportsWatch = $profile->supportsCommands(array('watch', 'unwatch'));
- }
- private function isWatchSupported() {
- if ($this->_supportsWatch === false) {
- throw new ClientException(
- 'The current profile does not support WATCH and UNWATCH commands'
- );
- }
- }
- private function reset() {
- $this->_initialized = false;
- $this->_discarded = false;
- $this->_checkAndSet = false;
- $this->_insideBlock = false;
- $this->_commands = array();
- }
- private function initialize() {
- if ($this->_initialized === true) {
- return;
- }
- $options = $this->_options;
- $this->_checkAndSet = isset($options['cas']) && $options['cas'];
- if (isset($options['watch'])) {
- $this->watch($options['watch']);
- }
- if (!$this->_checkAndSet || ($this->_discarded && $this->_checkAndSet)) {
- $this->_client->multi();
- if ($this->_discarded) {
- $this->_checkAndSet = false;
- }
- }
- $this->_initialized = true;
- $this->_discarded = false;
- }
- public function __call($method, $arguments) {
- $this->initialize();
- $client = $this->_client;
- if ($this->_checkAndSet) {
- return call_user_func_array(array($client, $method), $arguments);
- }
- $command = $client->createCommand($method, $arguments);
- $response = $client->executeCommand($command);
- if (!$response instanceof ResponseQueued) {
- $this->malformedServerResponse(
- 'The server did not respond with a QUEUED status reply'
- );
- }
- $this->_commands[] = $command;
- return $this;
- }
- public function watch($keys) {
- $this->isWatchSupported();
- if ($this->_initialized && !$this->_checkAndSet) {
- throw new ClientException('WATCH inside MULTI is not allowed');
- }
- return $this->_client->watch($keys);
- }
- public function multi() {
- if ($this->_initialized && $this->_checkAndSet) {
- $this->_checkAndSet = false;
- $this->_client->multi();
- return $this;
- }
- $this->initialize();
- return $this;
- }
- public function unwatch() {
- $this->isWatchSupported();
- $this->_client->unwatch();
- return $this;
- }
- public function discard() {
- $this->_client->discard();
- $this->reset();
- $this->_discarded = true;
- return $this;
- }
- public function exec() {
- return $this->execute();
- }
- private function checkBeforeExecution($block) {
- if ($this->_insideBlock === true) {
- throw new ClientException(
- "Cannot invoke 'execute' or 'exec' inside an active client transaction block"
- );
- }
- if ($block) {
- if (!is_callable($block)) {
- throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
- 'Argument passed must be a callable object'
- );
- }
- if (count($this->_commands) > 0) {
- throw new ClientException(
- 'Cannot execute a transaction block after using fluent interface'
- );
- }
- }
- if (isset($this->_options['retry']) && !isset($block)) {
- $this->discard();
- throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
- 'Automatic retries can be used only when a transaction block is provided'
- );
- }
- }
- public function execute($block = null) {
- $this->checkBeforeExecution($block);
- $reply = null;
- $returnValues = array();
- $attemptsLeft = isset($this->_options['retry']) ? (int)$this->_options['retry'] : 0;
- do {
- $blockException = null;
- if ($block !== null) {
- $this->_insideBlock = true;
- try {
- $block($this);
- }
- catch (CommunicationException $exception) {
- $blockException = $exception;
- }
- catch (ServerException $exception) {
- $blockException = $exception;
- }
- catch (\Exception $exception) {
- $blockException = $exception;
- if ($this->_initialized === true) {
- $this->discard();
- }
- }
- $this->_insideBlock = false;
- if ($blockException !== null) {
- throw $blockException;
- }
- }
- if ($this->_initialized === false || count($this->_commands) == 0) {
- return;
- }
- $reply = $this->_client->exec();
- if ($reply === null) {
- if ($attemptsLeft === 0) {
- throw new AbortedMultiExec(
- 'The current transaction has been aborted by the server'
- );
- }
- $this->reset();
- if (isset($this->_options['on_retry']) && is_callable($this->_options['on_retry'])) {
- call_user_func($this->_options['on_retry'], $this, $attemptsLeft);
- }
- continue;
- }
- break;
- } while ($attemptsLeft-- > 0);
- $execReply = $reply instanceof \Iterator ? iterator_to_array($reply) : $reply;
- $sizeofReplies = count($execReply);
- $commands = &$this->_commands;
- if ($sizeofReplies !== count($commands)) {
- $this->malformedServerResponse(
- 'Unexpected number of responses for a MultiExecContext'
- );
- }
- for ($i = 0; $i < $sizeofReplies; $i++) {
- $returnValues[] = $commands[$i]->parseResponse($execReply[$i] instanceof \Iterator
- ? iterator_to_array($execReply[$i])
- : $execReply[$i]
- );
- unset($commands[$i]);
- }
- return $returnValues;
- }
- private function malformedServerResponse($message) {
- // Since a MULTI/EXEC block cannot be initialized over a clustered
- // connection, we can safely assume that Predis\Client::getConnection()
- // will always return an instance of Predis\Connection.
- Utils::onCommunicationException(new MalformedServerResponse(
- $this->_client->getConnection(), $message
- ));
- }
-class PubSubContext implements \Iterator {
- const SUBSCRIBE = 'subscribe';
- const UNSUBSCRIBE = 'unsubscribe';
- const PSUBSCRIBE = 'psubscribe';
- const PUNSUBSCRIBE = 'punsubscribe';
- const MESSAGE = 'message';
- const PMESSAGE = 'pmessage';
- const STATUS_VALID = 0x0001;
- const STATUS_SUBSCRIBED = 0x0010;
- const STATUS_PSUBSCRIBED = 0x0100;
- private $_client, $_position, $_options;
- public function __construct(Client $client, Array $options = null) {
- $this->checkCapabilities($client);
- $this->_options = $options ?: array();
- $this->_client = $client;
- $this->_statusFlags = self::STATUS_VALID;
- $this->genericSubscribeInit('subscribe');
- $this->genericSubscribeInit('psubscribe');
- }
- public function __destruct() {
- $this->closeContext();
- }
- private function checkCapabilities(Client $client) {
- if (Utils::isCluster($client->getConnection())) {
- throw new ClientException(
- 'Cannot initialize a PUB/SUB context over a cluster of connections'
- );
- }
- $profile = $client->getProfile();
- $commands = array('publish', 'subscribe', 'unsubscribe', 'psubscribe', 'punsubscribe');
- if ($profile->supportsCommands($commands) === false) {
- throw new ClientException(
- 'The current profile does not support PUB/SUB related commands'
- );
- }
- }
- private function genericSubscribeInit($subscribeAction) {
- if (isset($this->_options[$subscribeAction])) {
- if (is_array($this->_options[$subscribeAction])) {
- foreach ($this->_options[$subscribeAction] as $subscription) {
- $this->$subscribeAction($subscription);
- }
- }
- else {
- $this->$subscribeAction($this->_options[$subscribeAction]);
- }
- }
- }
- private function isFlagSet($value) {
- return ($this->_statusFlags & $value) === $value;
- }
- public function subscribe(/* arguments */) {
- $this->writeCommand(self::SUBSCRIBE, func_get_args());
- $this->_statusFlags |= self::STATUS_SUBSCRIBED;
- }
- public function unsubscribe(/* arguments */) {
- $this->writeCommand(self::UNSUBSCRIBE, func_get_args());
- }
- public function psubscribe(/* arguments */) {
- $this->writeCommand(self::PSUBSCRIBE, func_get_args());
- $this->_statusFlags |= self::STATUS_PSUBSCRIBED;
- }
- public function punsubscribe(/* arguments */) {
- $this->writeCommand(self::PUNSUBSCRIBE, func_get_args());
- }
- public function closeContext() {
- if ($this->valid()) {
- if ($this->isFlagSet(self::STATUS_SUBSCRIBED)) {
- $this->unsubscribe();
- }
- if ($this->isFlagSet(self::STATUS_PSUBSCRIBED)) {
- $this->punsubscribe();
- }
- }
- }
- private function writeCommand($method, $arguments) {
- if (count($arguments) === 1 && is_array($arguments[0])) {
- $arguments = $arguments[0];
- }
- $command = $this->_client->createCommand($method, $arguments);
- $this->_client->getConnection()->writeCommand($command);
- }
- public function rewind() {
- // NOOP
- }
- public function current() {
- return $this->getValue();
- }
- public function key() {
- return $this->_position;
- }
- public function next() {
- if ($this->isFlagSet(self::STATUS_VALID)) {
- $this->_position++;
- }
- return $this->_position;
- }
- public function valid() {
- $subscriptions = self::STATUS_SUBSCRIBED + self::STATUS_PSUBSCRIBED;
- return $this->isFlagSet(self::STATUS_VALID)
- && ($this->_statusFlags & $subscriptions) > 0;
- }
- private function invalidate() {
- $this->_statusFlags = 0x0000;
- }
- private function getValue() {
- $connection = $this->_client->getConnection();
- $protocol = $connection->getProtocol();
- $response = $protocol->read($connection);
- switch ($response[0]) {
- case self::SUBSCRIBE:
- case self::UNSUBSCRIBE:
- case self::PSUBSCRIBE:
- case self::PUNSUBSCRIBE:
- if ($response[2] === 0) {
- $this->invalidate();
- }
- case self::MESSAGE:
- return (object) array(
- 'kind' => $response[0],
- 'channel' => $response[1],
- 'payload' => $response[2],
- );
- case self::PMESSAGE:
- return (object) array(
- 'kind' => $response[0],
- 'pattern' => $response[1],
- 'channel' => $response[2],
- 'payload' => $response[3],
- );
- default:
- throw new ClientException(
- "Received an unknown message type {$response[0]} inside of a pubsub context"
- );
- }
- }
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-abstract class PredisException extends \Exception {
- // Base Predis exception class
-class ClientException extends PredisException {
- // Client-side errors
-class AbortedMultiExec extends PredisException {
- // Aborted MULTI/EXEC transactions
-class ServerException extends PredisException {
- // Server-side errors
- public function toResponseError() {
- return new ResponseError($this->getMessage());
- }
-class CommunicationException extends PredisException {
- // Communication errors
- private $_connection;
- public function __construct(IConnectionSingle $connection,
- $message = null, $code = null) {
- $this->_connection = $connection;
- parent::__construct($message, $code);
- }
- public function getConnection() { return $this->_connection; }
- public function shouldResetConnection() { return true; }
-class MalformedServerResponse extends CommunicationException {
- // Unexpected responses
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-interface ICommand {
- public function getCommandId();
- public function canBeHashed();
- public function closesConnection();
- public function getHash(IDistributionStrategy $distributor);
- public function setArgumentsArray(Array $arguments);
- public function getArguments();
- public function parseResponse($data);
-abstract class Command implements ICommand {
- private $_hash;
- private $_arguments = array();
- public function canBeHashed() {
- return true;
- }
- public function getHash(IDistributionStrategy $distributor) {
- if (isset($this->_hash)) {
- return $this->_hash;
- }
- if (isset($this->_arguments[0])) {
- // TODO: should we throw an exception if the command does not
- // support sharding?
- $key = $this->_arguments[0];
- $start = strpos($key, '{');
- if ($start !== false) {
- $end = strpos($key, '}', $start);
- if ($end !== false) {
- $key = substr($key, ++$start, $end - $start);
- }
- }
- $this->_hash = $distributor->generateKey($key);
- return $this->_hash;
- }
- return null;
- }
- public function closesConnection() {
- return false;
- }
- protected function filterArguments(Array $arguments) {
- return $arguments;
- }
- public function setArguments(/* arguments */) {
- $this->_arguments = $this->filterArguments(func_get_args());
- unset($this->_hash);
- }
- public function setArgumentsArray(Array $arguments) {
- $this->_arguments = $this->filterArguments($arguments);
- unset($this->_hash);
- }
- public function getArguments() {
- return $this->_arguments;
- }
- public function getArgument($index = 0) {
- if (isset($this->_arguments[$index]) === true) {
- return $this->_arguments[$index];
- }
- }
- public function parseResponse($data) {
- return $data;
- }
-class ResponseError {
- public $skipParse = true;
- private $_message;
- public function __construct($message) {
- $this->_message = $message;
- }
- public function __get($property) {
- if ($property === 'error') {
- return true;
- }
- if ($property === 'message') {
- return $this->_message;
- }
- }
- public function __isset($property) {
- return $property === 'error';
- }
- public function __toString() {
- return $this->_message;
- }
-class ResponseQueued {
- public $skipParse = true;
- public function __toString() {
- return 'QUEUED';
- }
- public function __get($property) {
- if ($property === 'queued') {
- return true;
- }
- }
- public function __isset($property) {
- return $property === 'queued';
- }
-class ConnectionParameters {
- private $_parameters;
- private static $_sharedOptions;
- public function __construct($parameters = null) {
- $parameters = $parameters ?: array();
- $this->_parameters = is_array($parameters)
- ? $this->filter($parameters)
- : $this->parseURI($parameters);
- }
- private static function paramsExtractor($params, $kv) {
- @list($k, $v) = explode('=', $kv);
- $params[$k] = $v;
- return $params;
- }
- private static function getSharedOptions() {
- if (isset(self::$_sharedOptions)) {
- return self::$_sharedOptions;
- }
- $optEmpty = new Options\Option();
- $optBoolean = new Options\CustomOption(array(
- 'validate' => function($value) { return (bool) $value; },
- 'default' => function() { return false; },
- ));
- self::$_sharedOptions = array(
- 'scheme' => new Options\CustomOption(array(
- 'default' => function() { return 'tcp'; },
- )),
- 'host' => new Options\CustomOption(array(
- 'default' => function() { return ''; },
- )),
- 'port' => new Options\CustomOption(array(
- 'validate' => function($value) { return (int) $value; },
- 'default' => function() { return 6379; },
- )),
- 'path' => $optEmpty,
- 'database' => $optEmpty,
- 'password' => $optEmpty,
- 'connection_async' => $optBoolean,
- 'connection_persistent' => $optBoolean,
- 'connection_timeout' => new Options\CustomOption(array(
- 'default' => function() { return 5; },
- )),
- 'read_write_timeout' => $optEmpty,
- 'alias' => $optEmpty,
- 'weight' => $optEmpty,
- );
- return self::$_sharedOptions;
- }
- protected function parseURI($uri) {
- if (!is_string($uri)) {
- throw new \InvalidArgumentException('URI must be a string');
- }
- if (stripos($uri, 'unix') === 0) {
- // Hack to support URIs for UNIX sockets with minimal effort.
- $uri = str_ireplace('unix:///', 'unix://localhost/', $uri);
- }
- $parsed = @parse_url($uri);
- if ($parsed == false || !isset($parsed['host'])) {
- throw new ClientException("Invalid URI: $uri");
- }
- if (array_key_exists('query', $parsed)) {
- $query = explode('&', $parsed['query']);
- $parsed = array_reduce($query, 'self::paramsExtractor', $parsed);
- }
- return $this->filter($parsed);
- }
- protected function filter($parameters) {
- $handlers = self::getSharedOptions();
- foreach ($parameters as $parameter => $value) {
- if (isset($handlers[$parameter])) {
- $parameters[$parameter] = $handlers[$parameter]($value);
- }
- }
- return $parameters;
- }
- private function tryInitializeValue($parameter) {
- if (isset(self::$_sharedOptions[$parameter])) {
- $value = self::$_sharedOptions[$parameter]->getDefault();
- $this->_parameters[$parameter] = $value;
- return $value;
- }
- }
- public function __get($parameter) {
- if (isset($this->_parameters[$parameter])) {
- return $this->_parameters[$parameter];
- }
- return $this->tryInitializeValue($parameter);
- }
- public function __isset($parameter) {
- if (isset($this->_parameters[$parameter])) {
- return true;
- }
- $value = $this->tryInitializeValue($parameter);
- return isset($value);
- }
-class ClientOptions {
- private $_handlers, $_options;
- private static $_sharedOptions;
- public function __construct($options = null) {
- $this->initialize($options ?: array());
- }
- private static function getSharedOptions() {
- if (isset(self::$_sharedOptions)) {
- return self::$_sharedOptions;
- }
- self::$_sharedOptions = array(
- 'profile' => new Options\ClientProfile(),
- 'key_distribution' => new Options\ClientKeyDistribution(),
- 'iterable_multibulk' => new Options\ClientIterableMultiBulk(),
- 'throw_errors' => new Options\ClientThrowOnError(),
- 'on_connection_initialized' => new Options\CustomOption(array(
- 'validate' => function($value) {
- if (isset($value) && is_callable($value)) {
- return $value;
- }
- },
- )),
- );
- return self::$_sharedOptions;
- }
- private function initialize($options) {
- $this->_handlers = $this->getOptions();
- foreach ($options as $option => $value) {
- if (isset($this->_handlers[$option])) {
- $handler = $this->_handlers[$option];
- $this->_options[$option] = $handler($value);
- }
- }
- }
- private function getOptions() {
- return self::getSharedOptions();
- }
- protected function defineOption($name, Options\IOption $option) {
- $this->_handlers[$name] = $option;
- }
- public function __get($option) {
- if (!isset($this->_options[$option])) {
- $handler = $this->_handlers[$option];
- $this->_options[$option] = $handler->getDefault();
- }
- return $this->_options[$option];
- }
- public function __isset($option) {
- return isset(self::$_sharedOptions[$option]);
- }
-class Utils {
- public static function isCluster(IConnection $connection) {
- return $connection instanceof IConnectionCluster;
- }
- public static function onCommunicationException(CommunicationException $exception) {
- if ($exception->shouldResetConnection()) {
- $connection = $exception->getConnection();
- if ($connection->isConnected()) {
- $connection->disconnect();
- }
- }
- throw $exception;
- }
- public static function filterArrayArguments(Array $arguments) {
- if (count($arguments) === 1 && is_array($arguments[0])) {
- return $arguments[0];
- }
- return $arguments;
- }
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-namespace Predis\Options;
-use Predis\Profiles\ServerProfile;
-use Predis\Profiles\IServerProfile;
-interface IOption {
- public function validate($value);
- public function getDefault();
- public function __invoke($value);
-class Option implements IOption {
- public function validate($value) {
- return $value;
- }
- public function getDefault() {
- return null;
- }
- public function __invoke($value) {
- return $this->validate($value ?: $this->getDefault());
- }
-class CustomOption extends Option {
- private $__validate, $_default;
- public function __construct(Array $options) {
- $validate = isset($options['validate']) ? $options['validate'] : 'parent::validate';
- $default = isset($options['default']) ? $options['default'] : 'parent::getDefault';
- if (!is_callable($validate) || !is_callable($default)) {
- throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Validate and default must be callable");
- }
- $this->_validate = $validate;
- $this->_default = $default;
- }
- public function validate($value) {
- return call_user_func($this->_validate, $value);
- }
- public function getDefault() {
- return $this->validate(call_user_func($this->_default));
- }
-class ClientProfile extends Option {
- public function validate($value) {
- if ($value instanceof IServerProfile) {
- return $value;
- }
- if (is_string($value)) {
- return ServerProfile::get($value);
- }
- throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
- "Invalid value for the profile option"
- );
- }
- public function getDefault() {
- return ServerProfile::getDefault();
- }
-class ClientKeyDistribution extends Option {
- public function validate($value) {
- if ($value instanceof \Predis\Distribution\IDistributionStrategy) {
- return $value;
- }
- if (is_string($value)) {
- $valueReflection = new \ReflectionClass($value);
- if ($valueReflection->isSubclassOf('\Predis\Distribution\IDistributionStrategy')) {
- return new $value;
- }
- }
- throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Invalid value for key distribution");
- }
- public function getDefault() {
- return new \Predis\Distribution\HashRing();
- }
-class ClientIterableMultiBulk extends Option {
- public function validate($value) {
- return (bool) $value;
- }
- public function getDefault() {
- return false;
- }
-class ClientThrowOnError extends Option {
- public function validate($value) {
- return (bool) $value;
- }
- public function getDefault() {
- return true;
- }
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-namespace Predis\Network;
-use Predis\Utils;
-use Predis\ICommand;
-use Predis\ConnectionParameters;
-use Predis\CommunicationException;
-use Predis\Protocols\IRedisProtocol;
-use Predis\Protocols\TextProtocol;
-use Predis\Protocols\ComposableTextProtocol;
-use Predis\Distribution\IDistributionStrategy;
-interface IConnection {
- public function connect();
- public function disconnect();
- public function isConnected();
- public function writeCommand(ICommand $command);
- public function readResponse(ICommand $command);
- public function executeCommand(ICommand $command);
-interface IConnectionSingle extends IConnection {
- public function getParameters();
- public function getProtocol();
- public function setProtocol(IRedisProtocol $protocol);
- public function __toString();
- public function writeBytes($buffer);
- public function readBytes($length);
- public function readLine();
- public function pushInitCommand(ICommand $command);
-interface IConnectionCluster extends IConnection {
- public function add(IConnectionSingle $connection);
- public function getConnection(ICommand $command);
- public function getConnectionById($connectionId);
-abstract class ConnectionBase implements IConnectionSingle {
- private $_cachedId;
- protected $_params, $_socket, $_initCmds, $_protocol;
- public function __construct(ConnectionParameters $parameters, IRedisProtocol $protocol) {
- $this->_initCmds = array();
- $this->_params = $parameters;
- $this->_protocol = $protocol;
- }
- public function __destruct() {
- $this->disconnect();
- }
- public function isConnected() {
- return is_resource($this->_socket);
- }
- protected abstract function createResource();
- public function connect() {
- if ($this->isConnected()) {
- throw new ClientException('Connection already estabilished');
- }
- $this->createResource();
- }
- public function disconnect() {
- if ($this->isConnected()) {
- fclose($this->_socket);
- }
- }
- public function pushInitCommand(ICommand $command){
- $this->_initCmds[] = $command;
- }
- public function executeCommand(ICommand $command) {
- $this->writeCommand($command);
- if ($command->closesConnection()) {
- return $this->disconnect();
- }
- return $this->readResponse($command);
- }
- protected function onCommunicationException($message, $code = null) {
- Utils::onCommunicationException(
- new CommunicationException($this, $message, $code)
- );
- }
- public function getResource() {
- if (!$this->isConnected()) {
- $this->connect();
- }
- return $this->_socket;
- }
- public function getParameters() {
- return $this->_params;
- }
- public function getProtocol() {
- return $this->_protocol;
- }
- public function setProtocol(IRedisProtocol $protocol) {
- if ($protocol === null) {
- throw new \InvalidArgumentException("The protocol instance cannot be a null value");
- }
- $this->_protocol = $protocol;
- }
- public function __toString() {
- if (!isset($this->_cachedId)) {
- $this->_cachedId = "{$this->_params->host}:{$this->_params->port}";
- }
- return $this->_cachedId;
- }
-class TcpConnection extends ConnectionBase implements IConnectionSingle {
- public function __construct(ConnectionParameters $parameters, IRedisProtocol $protocol = null) {
- parent::__construct($this->checkParameters($parameters), $protocol ?: new TextProtocol());
- }
- public function __destruct() {
- if (!$this->_params->connection_persistent) {
- $this->disconnect();
- }
- }
- protected function checkParameters(ConnectionParameters $parameters) {
- $scheme = $parameters->scheme;
- if ($scheme != 'tcp' && $scheme != 'redis') {
- throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Invalid scheme: {$scheme}");
- }
- return $parameters;
- }
- protected function createResource() {
- $uri = sprintf('tcp://%s:%d/', $this->_params->host, $this->_params->port);
- $connectFlags = STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT;
- if ($this->_params->connection_async) {
- }
- if ($this->_params->connection_persistent) {
- }
- $this->_socket = @stream_socket_client(
- $uri, $errno, $errstr, $this->_params->connection_timeout, $connectFlags
- );
- if (!$this->_socket) {
- $this->onCommunicationException(trim($errstr), $errno);
- }
- if (isset($this->_params->read_write_timeout)) {
- $timeoutSeconds = floor($this->_params->read_write_timeout);
- $timeoutUSeconds = ($this->_params->read_write_timeout - $timeoutSeconds) * 1000000;
- stream_set_timeout($this->_socket, $timeoutSeconds, $timeoutUSeconds);
- }
- }
- private function sendInitializationCommands() {
- foreach ($this->_initCmds as $command) {
- $this->writeCommand($command);
- }
- foreach ($this->_initCmds as $command) {
- $this->readResponse($command);
- }
- }
- public function connect() {
- parent::connect();
- if (count($this->_initCmds) > 0){
- $this->sendInitializationCommands();
- }
- }
- public function writeCommand(ICommand $command) {
- $this->_protocol->write($this, $command);
- }
- public function readResponse(ICommand $command) {
- $response = $this->_protocol->read($this);
- return isset($response->skipParse) ? $response : $command->parseResponse($response);
- }
- public function writeBytes($value) {
- $socket = $this->getResource();
- while (($length = strlen($value)) > 0) {
- $written = fwrite($socket, $value);
- if ($length === $written) {
- return true;
- }
- if ($written === false || $written === 0) {
- $this->onCommunicationException('Error while writing bytes to the server');
- }
- $value = substr($value, $written);
- }
- return true;
- }
- public function readBytes($length) {
- if ($length <= 0) {
- throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Length parameter must be greater than 0');
- }
- $socket = $this->getResource();
- $value = '';
- do {
- $chunk = fread($socket, $length);
- if ($chunk === false || $chunk === '') {
- $this->onCommunicationException('Error while reading bytes from the server');
- }
- $value .= $chunk;
- }
- while (($length -= strlen($chunk)) > 0);
- return $value;
- }
- public function readLine() {
- $socket = $this->getResource();
- $value = '';
- do {
- $chunk = fgets($socket);
- if ($chunk === false || $chunk === '') {
- $this->onCommunicationException('Error while reading line from the server');
- }
- $value .= $chunk;
- }
- while (substr($value, -2) !== "\r\n");
- return substr($value, 0, -2);
- }
-class UnixDomainSocketConnection extends TcpConnection {
- protected function checkParameters(ConnectionParameters $parameters) {
- if ($parameters->scheme != 'unix') {
- throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Invalid scheme: {$parameters->scheme}");
- }
- $pathToSocket = $parameters->path;
- if (!isset($pathToSocket)) {
- throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing UNIX domain socket path');
- }
- if (!file_exists($pathToSocket)) {
- throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Could not find $pathToSocket");
- }
- return $parameters;
- }
- protected function createResource() {
- $uri = sprintf('unix:///%s', $this->_params->path);
- $connectFlags = STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT;
- if ($this->_params->connection_persistent) {
- }
- $this->_socket = @stream_socket_client(
- $uri, $errno, $errstr, $this->_params->connection_timeout, $connectFlags
- );
- if (!$this->_socket) {
- $this->onCommunicationException(trim($errstr), $errno);
- }
- }
-class ConnectionCluster implements IConnectionCluster, \IteratorAggregate {
- private $_pool, $_distributor;
- public function __construct(IDistributionStrategy $distributor = null) {
- $this->_pool = array();
- $this->_distributor = $distributor ?: new Distribution\HashRing();
- }
- public function isConnected() {
- foreach ($this->_pool as $connection) {
- if ($connection->isConnected()) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- public function connect() {
- foreach ($this->_pool as $connection) {
- $connection->connect();
- }
- }
- public function disconnect() {
- foreach ($this->_pool as $connection) {
- $connection->disconnect();
- }
- }
- public function add(IConnectionSingle $connection) {
- $parameters = $connection->getParameters();
- if (isset($parameters->alias)) {
- $this->_pool[$parameters->alias] = $connection;
- }
- else {
- $this->_pool[] = $connection;
- }
- $this->_distributor->add($connection, $parameters->weight);
- }
- public function getConnection(ICommand $command) {
- if ($command->canBeHashed() === false) {
- throw new ClientException(
- sprintf("Cannot send '%s' commands to a cluster of connections", $command->getCommandId())
- );
- }
- return $this->_distributor->get($command->getHash($this->_distributor));
- }
- public function getConnectionById($id = null) {
- $alias = $id ?: 0;
- return isset($this->_pool[$alias]) ? $this->_pool[$alias] : null;
- }
- public function getIterator() {
- return new \ArrayIterator($this->_pool);
- }
- public function writeCommand(ICommand $command) {
- $this->getConnection($command)->writeCommand($command);
- }
- public function readResponse(ICommand $command) {
- return $this->getConnection($command)->readResponse($command);
- }
- public function executeCommand(ICommand $command) {
- $connection = $this->getConnection($command);
- $connection->writeCommand($command);
- return $connection->readResponse($command);
- }
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-namespace Predis\Protocols;
-use Predis\Utils;
-use Predis\ICommand;
-use Predis\CommunicationException;
-use Predis\MalformedServerResponse;
-use Predis\Network\IConnectionSingle;
-use Predis\Iterators\MultiBulkResponseSimple;
-interface IRedisProtocol {
- public function write(IConnectionSingle $connection, ICommand $command);
- public function read(IConnectionSingle $connection);
- public function setOption($option, $value);
-interface IRedisProtocolExtended extends IRedisProtocol {
- public function setSerializer(ICommandSerializer $serializer);
- public function getSerializer();
- public function setReader(IResponseReader $reader);
- public function getReader();
-interface ICommandSerializer {
- public function serialize(ICommand $command);
-interface IResponseReader {
- public function setHandler($prefix, IResponseHandler $handler);
- public function getHandler($prefix);
-interface IResponseHandler {
- function handle(IConnectionSingle $connection, $payload);
-class TextProtocol implements IRedisProtocol {
- const NEWLINE = "\r\n";
- const OK = 'OK';
- const ERROR = 'ERR';
- const QUEUED = 'QUEUED';
- const NULL = 'nil';
- const PREFIX_STATUS = '+';
- const PREFIX_ERROR = '-';
- const PREFIX_INTEGER = ':';
- const PREFIX_BULK = '$';
- const PREFIX_MULTI_BULK = '*';
- const BUFFER_SIZE = 8192;
- private $_mbiterable, $_throwErrors, $_serializer;
- public function __construct() {
- $this->_mbiterable = false;
- $this->_throwErrors = true;
- $this->_serializer = new TextCommandSerializer();
- }
- public function write(IConnectionSingle $connection, ICommand $command) {
- $buffer = $this->_serializer->serialize($command);
- $socket = $connection->getResource();
- while (($length = strlen($buffer)) > 0) {
- $written = fwrite($socket, $buffer);
- if ($length === $written) {
- return;
- }
- if ($written === false || $written === 0) {
- throw new CommunicationException(
- $connection, 'Error while writing bytes to the server'
- );
- }
- $value = substr($buffer, $written);
- }
- }
- public function read(IConnectionSingle $connection) {
- $socket = $connection->getResource();
- $chunk = fgets($socket);
- if ($chunk === false || $chunk === '') {
- throw new CommunicationException(
- $connection, 'Error while reading line from the server'
- );
- }
- $prefix = $chunk[0];
- $payload = substr($chunk, 1, -2);
- switch ($prefix) {
- case '+': // inline
- if ($payload === 'OK') {
- return true;
- }
- if ($payload === 'QUEUED') {
- return new \Predis\ResponseQueued();
- }
- return $payload;
- case '$': // bulk
- $size = (int) $payload;
- if ($size === -1) {
- return null;
- }
- $bulkData = '';
- $bytesLeft = ($size += 2);
- do {
- $chunk = fread($socket, min($bytesLeft, self::BUFFER_SIZE));
- if ($chunk === false || $chunk === '') {
- throw new CommunicationException(
- $connection, 'Error while reading bytes from the server'
- );
- }
- $bulkData .= $chunk;
- $bytesLeft = $size - strlen($bulkData);
- } while ($bytesLeft > 0);
- return substr($bulkData, 0, -2);
- case '*': // multi bulk
- $count = (int) $payload;
- if ($count === -1) {
- return null;
- }
- if ($this->_mbiterable == true) {
- return new MultiBulkResponseSimple($connection, $count);
- }
- $multibulk = array();
- for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
- $multibulk[$i] = $this->read($connection);
- }
- return $multibulk;
- case ':': // integer
- return (int) $payload;
- case '-': // error
- $errorMessage = substr($payload, 4);
- if ($this->_throwErrors) {
- throw new \Predis\ServerException($errorMessage);
- }
- return new \Predis\ResponseError($errorMessage);
- default:
- throw new CommunicationException(
- $connection, "Unknown prefix: '$prefix'"
- );
- }
- }
- public function setOption($option, $value) {
- switch ($option) {
- case 'iterable_multibulk':
- $this->_mbiterable = (bool) $value;
- break;
- case 'throw_errors':
- $this->_throwErrors = (bool) $value;
- break;
- }
- }
-class ComposableTextProtocol implements IRedisProtocolExtended {
- private $_serializer, $_reader;
- public function __construct(Array $options = array()) {
- $this->setSerializer(new TextCommandSerializer());
- $this->setReader(new TextResponseReader());
- if (count($options) > 0) {
- $this->initializeOptions($options);
- }
- }
- private function initializeOptions(Array $options) {
- foreach ($options as $k => $v) {
- $this->setOption($k, $v);
- }
- }
- public function setOption($option, $value) {
- switch ($option) {
- case 'iterable_multibulk':
- $handler = $value ? new ResponseMultiBulkStreamHandler() : new ResponseMultiBulkHandler();
- $this->_reader->setHandler(TextProtocol::PREFIX_MULTI_BULK, $handler);
- break;
- case 'throw_errors':
- $handler = $value ? new ResponseErrorHandler() : new ResponseErrorSilentHandler();
- $this->_reader->setHandler(TextProtocol::PREFIX_ERROR, $handler);
- break;
- default:
- throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
- "The option $option is not supported by the current protocol"
- );
- }
- }
- public function serialize(ICommand $command) {
- return $this->_serializer->serialize($command);
- }
- public function write(IConnectionSingle $connection, ICommand $command) {
- $connection->writeBytes($this->_serializer->serialize($command));
- }
- public function read(IConnectionSingle $connection) {
- return $this->_reader->read($connection);
- }
- public function setSerializer(ICommandSerializer $serializer) {
- $this->_serializer = $serializer;
- }
- public function getSerializer() {
- return $this->_serializer;
- }
- public function setReader(IResponseReader $reader) {
- $this->_reader = $reader;
- }
- public function getReader() {
- return $this->_reader;
- }
-class TextCommandSerializer implements ICommandSerializer {
- public function serialize(ICommand $command) {
- $commandId = $command->getCommandId();
- $arguments = $command->getArguments();
- $cmdlen = strlen($commandId);
- $reqlen = count($arguments) + 1;
- $buffer = "*{$reqlen}\r\n\${$cmdlen}\r\n{$commandId}\r\n";
- for ($i = 0; $i < $reqlen - 1; $i++) {
- $argument = $arguments[$i];
- $arglen = strlen($argument);
- $buffer .= "\${$arglen}\r\n{$argument}\r\n";
- }
- return $buffer;
- }
-class TextResponseReader implements IResponseReader {
- private $_prefixHandlers;
- public function __construct() {
- $this->_prefixHandlers = $this->getDefaultHandlers();
- }
- private function getDefaultHandlers() {
- return array(
- TextProtocol::PREFIX_STATUS => new ResponseStatusHandler(),
- TextProtocol::PREFIX_ERROR => new ResponseErrorHandler(),
- TextProtocol::PREFIX_INTEGER => new ResponseIntegerHandler(),
- TextProtocol::PREFIX_BULK => new ResponseBulkHandler(),
- TextProtocol::PREFIX_MULTI_BULK => new ResponseMultiBulkHandler(),
- );
- }
- public function setHandler($prefix, IResponseHandler $handler) {
- $this->_prefixHandlers[$prefix] = $handler;
- }
- public function getHandler($prefix) {
- if (isset($this->_prefixHandlers[$prefix])) {
- return $this->_prefixHandlers[$prefix];
- }
- }
- public function read(IConnectionSingle $connection) {
- $header = $connection->readLine();
- if ($header === '') {
- $this->throwMalformedResponse($connection, 'Unexpected empty header');
- }
- $prefix = $header[0];
- if (!isset($this->_prefixHandlers[$prefix])) {
- $this->throwMalformedResponse($connection, "Unknown prefix '$prefix'");
- }
- $handler = $this->_prefixHandlers[$prefix];
- return $handler->handle($connection, substr($header, 1));
- }
- private function throwMalformedResponse(IConnectionSingle $connection, $message) {
- Utils::onCommunicationException(new MalformedServerResponse(
- $connection, $message
- ));
- }
-class ResponseStatusHandler implements IResponseHandler {
- public function handle(IConnectionSingle $connection, $status) {
- if ($status === 'OK') {
- return true;
- }
- if ($status === 'QUEUED') {
- return new \Predis\ResponseQueued();
- }
- return $status;
- }
-class ResponseErrorHandler implements IResponseHandler {
- public function handle(IConnectionSingle $connection, $errorMessage) {
- throw new \Predis\ServerException(substr($errorMessage, 4));
- }
-class ResponseErrorSilentHandler implements IResponseHandler {
- public function handle(IConnectionSingle $connection, $errorMessage) {
- return new \Predis\ResponseError(substr($errorMessage, 4));
- }
-class ResponseBulkHandler implements IResponseHandler {
- public function handle(IConnectionSingle $connection, $lengthString) {
- $length = (int) $lengthString;
- if ($length != $lengthString) {
- Utils::onCommunicationException(new MalformedServerResponse(
- $connection, "Cannot parse '$length' as data length"
- ));
- }
- if ($length >= 0) {
- return substr($connection->readBytes($length + 2), 0, -2);
- }
- if ($length == -1) {
- return null;
- }
- }
-class ResponseMultiBulkHandler implements IResponseHandler {
- public function handle(IConnectionSingle $connection, $lengthString) {
- $length = (int) $lengthString;
- if ($length != $lengthString) {
- Utils::onCommunicationException(new MalformedServerResponse(
- $connection, "Cannot parse '$length' as data length"
- ));
- }
- if ($length === -1) {
- return null;
- }
- $list = array();
- if ($length > 0) {
- $handlersCache = array();
- $reader = $connection->getProtocol()->getReader();
- for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
- $header = $connection->readLine();
- $prefix = $header[0];
- if (isset($handlersCache[$prefix])) {
- $handler = $handlersCache[$prefix];
- }
- else {
- $handler = $reader->getHandler($prefix);
- $handlersCache[$prefix] = $handler;
- }
- $list[$i] = $handler->handle($connection, substr($header, 1));
- }
- }
- return $list;
- }
-class ResponseMultiBulkStreamHandler implements IResponseHandler {
- public function handle(IConnectionSingle $connection, $lengthString) {
- $length = (int) $lengthString;
- if ($length != $lengthString) {
- Utils::onCommunicationException(new MalformedServerResponse(
- $connection, "Cannot parse '$length' as data length"
- ));
- }
- return new MultiBulkResponseSimple($connection, $length);
- }
-class ResponseIntegerHandler implements IResponseHandler {
- public function handle(IConnectionSingle $connection, $number) {
- if (is_numeric($number)) {
- return (int) $number;
- }
- if ($number !== 'nil') {
- Utils::onCommunicationException(new MalformedServerResponse(
- $connection, "Cannot parse '$number' as numeric response"
- ));
- }
- return null;
- }
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-namespace Predis\Profiles;
-use Predis\ClientException;
-interface IServerProfile {
- public function getVersion();
- public function supportsCommand($command);
- public function supportsCommands(Array $commands);
- public function registerCommand($command, $aliases);
- public function registerCommands(Array $commands);
- public function createCommand($method, $arguments = array());
-abstract class ServerProfile implements IServerProfile {
- private static $_profiles;
- private $_registeredCommands;
- public function __construct() {
- $this->_registeredCommands = $this->getSupportedCommands();
- }
- protected abstract function getSupportedCommands();
- public static function getDefault() {
- return self::get('default');
- }
- public static function getDevelopment() {
- return self::get('dev');
- }
- private static function getDefaultProfiles() {
- return array(
- '1.2' => '\Predis\Profiles\Server_v1_2',
- '2.0' => '\Predis\Profiles\Server_v2_0',
- '2.2' => '\Predis\Profiles\Server_v2_2',
- 'default' => '\Predis\Profiles\Server_v2_2',
- 'dev' => '\Predis\Profiles\Server_vNext',
- );
- }
- public static function registerProfile($profileClass, $aliases) {
- if (!isset(self::$_profiles)) {
- self::$_profiles = self::getDefaultProfiles();
- }
- $profileReflection = new \ReflectionClass($profileClass);
- if (!$profileReflection->isSubclassOf('\Predis\Profiles\IServerProfile')) {
- throw new ClientException(
- "Cannot register '$profileClass' as it is not a valid profile class"
- );
- }
- if (is_array($aliases)) {
- foreach ($aliases as $alias) {
- self::$_profiles[$alias] = $profileClass;
- }
- }
- else {
- self::$_profiles[$aliases] = $profileClass;
- }
- }
- public static function get($version) {
- if (!isset(self::$_profiles)) {
- self::$_profiles = self::getDefaultProfiles();
- }
- if (!isset(self::$_profiles[$version])) {
- throw new ClientException("Unknown server profile: $version");
- }
- $profile = self::$_profiles[$version];
- return new $profile();
- }
- public function supportsCommands(Array $commands) {
- foreach ($commands as $command) {
- if ($this->supportsCommand($command) === false) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- public function supportsCommand($command) {
- return isset($this->_registeredCommands[$command]);
- }
- public function createCommand($method, $arguments = array()) {
- if (!isset($this->_registeredCommands[$method])) {
- throw new ClientException("'$method' is not a registered Redis command");
- }
- $commandClass = $this->_registeredCommands[$method];
- $command = new $commandClass();
- $command->setArgumentsArray($arguments);
- return $command;
- }
- public function registerCommands(Array $commands) {
- foreach ($commands as $command => $aliases) {
- $this->registerCommand($command, $aliases);
- }
- }
- public function registerCommand($command, $aliases) {
- $commandReflection = new \ReflectionClass($command);
- if (!$commandReflection->isSubclassOf('\Predis\ICommand')) {
- throw new ClientException("Cannot register '$command' as it is not a valid Redis command");
- }
- if (is_array($aliases)) {
- foreach ($aliases as $alias) {
- $this->_registeredCommands[$alias] = $command;
- }
- }
- else {
- $this->_registeredCommands[$aliases] = $command;
- }
- }
- public function __toString() {
- return $this->getVersion();
- }
-class Server_v1_2 extends ServerProfile {
- public function getVersion() { return '1.2'; }
- public function getSupportedCommands() {
- return array(
- /* miscellaneous commands */
- 'ping' => '\Predis\Commands\Ping',
- 'echo' => '\Predis\Commands\DoEcho',
- 'auth' => '\Predis\Commands\Auth',
- /* connection handling */
- 'quit' => '\Predis\Commands\Quit',
- /* commands operating on string values */
- 'set' => '\Predis\Commands\Set',
- 'setnx' => '\Predis\Commands\SetPreserve',
- 'mset' => '\Predis\Commands\SetMultiple',
- 'msetnx' => '\Predis\Commands\SetMultiplePreserve',
- 'get' => '\Predis\Commands\Get',
- 'mget' => '\Predis\Commands\GetMultiple',
- 'getset' => '\Predis\Commands\GetSet',
- 'incr' => '\Predis\Commands\Increment',
- 'incrby' => '\Predis\Commands\IncrementBy',
- 'decr' => '\Predis\Commands\Decrement',
- 'decrby' => '\Predis\Commands\DecrementBy',
- 'exists' => '\Predis\Commands\Exists',
- 'del' => '\Predis\Commands\Delete',
- 'type' => '\Predis\Commands\Type',
- /* commands operating on the key space */
- 'keys' => '\Predis\Commands\Keys_v1_2',
- 'randomkey' => '\Predis\Commands\RandomKey',
- 'rename' => '\Predis\Commands\Rename',
- 'renamenx' => '\Predis\Commands\RenamePreserve',
- 'expire' => '\Predis\Commands\Expire',
- 'expireat' => '\Predis\Commands\ExpireAt',
- 'dbsize' => '\Predis\Commands\DatabaseSize',
- 'ttl' => '\Predis\Commands\TimeToLive',
- /* commands operating on lists */
- 'rpush' => '\Predis\Commands\ListPushTail',
- 'lpush' => '\Predis\Commands\ListPushHead',
- 'llen' => '\Predis\Commands\ListLength',
- 'lrange' => '\Predis\Commands\ListRange',
- 'ltrim' => '\Predis\Commands\ListTrim',
- 'lindex' => '\Predis\Commands\ListIndex',
- 'lset' => '\Predis\Commands\ListSet',
- 'lrem' => '\Predis\Commands\ListRemove',
- 'lpop' => '\Predis\Commands\ListPopFirst',
- 'rpop' => '\Predis\Commands\ListPopLast',
- 'rpoplpush' => '\Predis\Commands\ListPopLastPushHead',
- /* commands operating on sets */
- 'sadd' => '\Predis\Commands\SetAdd',
- 'srem' => '\Predis\Commands\SetRemove',
- 'spop' => '\Predis\Commands\SetPop',
- 'smove' => '\Predis\Commands\SetMove',
- 'scard' => '\Predis\Commands\SetCardinality',
- 'sismember' => '\Predis\Commands\SetIsMember',
- 'sinter' => '\Predis\Commands\SetIntersection',
- 'sinterstore' => '\Predis\Commands\SetIntersectionStore',
- 'sunion' => '\Predis\Commands\SetUnion',
- 'sunionstore' => '\Predis\Commands\SetUnionStore',
- 'sdiff' => '\Predis\Commands\SetDifference',
- 'sdiffstore' => '\Predis\Commands\SetDifferenceStore',
- 'smembers' => '\Predis\Commands\SetMembers',
- 'srandmember' => '\Predis\Commands\SetRandomMember',
- /* commands operating on sorted sets */
- 'zadd' => '\Predis\Commands\ZSetAdd',
- 'zincrby' => '\Predis\Commands\ZSetIncrementBy',
- 'zrem' => '\Predis\Commands\ZSetRemove',
- 'zrange' => '\Predis\Commands\ZSetRange',
- 'zrevrange' => '\Predis\Commands\ZSetReverseRange',
- 'zrangebyscore' => '\Predis\Commands\ZSetRangeByScore',
- 'zcard' => '\Predis\Commands\ZSetCardinality',
- 'zscore' => '\Predis\Commands\ZSetScore',
- 'zremrangebyscore' => '\Predis\Commands\ZSetRemoveRangeByScore',
- /* multiple databases handling commands */
- 'select' => '\Predis\Commands\SelectDatabase',
- 'move' => '\Predis\Commands\MoveKey',
- 'flushdb' => '\Predis\Commands\FlushDatabase',
- 'flushall' => '\Predis\Commands\FlushAll',
- /* sorting */
- 'sort' => '\Predis\Commands\Sort',
- /* remote server control commands */
- 'info' => '\Predis\Commands\Info',
- 'slaveof' => '\Predis\Commands\SlaveOf',
- /* persistence control commands */
- 'save' => '\Predis\Commands\Save',
- 'bgsave' => '\Predis\Commands\BackgroundSave',
- 'lastsave' => '\Predis\Commands\LastSave',
- 'shutdown' => '\Predis\Commands\Shutdown',
- 'bgrewriteaof' => '\Predis\Commands\BackgroundRewriteAppendOnlyFile',
- );
- }
-class Server_v2_0 extends Server_v1_2 {
- public function getVersion() { return '2.0'; }
- public function getSupportedCommands() {
- return array_merge(parent::getSupportedCommands(), array(
- /* transactions */
- 'multi' => '\Predis\Commands\Multi',
- 'exec' => '\Predis\Commands\Exec',
- 'discard' => '\Predis\Commands\Discard',
- /* commands operating on string values */
- 'setex' => '\Predis\Commands\SetExpire',
- 'append' => '\Predis\Commands\Append',
- 'substr' => '\Predis\Commands\Substr',
- /* commands operating on the key space */
- 'keys' => '\Predis\Commands\Keys',
- /* commands operating on lists */
- 'blpop' => '\Predis\Commands\ListPopFirstBlocking',
- 'brpop' => '\Predis\Commands\ListPopLastBlocking',
- /* commands operating on sorted sets */
- 'zunionstore' => '\Predis\Commands\ZSetUnionStore',
- 'zinterstore' => '\Predis\Commands\ZSetIntersectionStore',
- 'zcount' => '\Predis\Commands\ZSetCount',
- 'zrank' => '\Predis\Commands\ZSetRank',
- 'zrevrank' => '\Predis\Commands\ZSetReverseRank',
- 'zremrangebyrank' => '\Predis\Commands\ZSetRemoveRangeByRank',
- /* commands operating on hashes */
- 'hset' => '\Predis\Commands\HashSet',
- 'hsetnx' => '\Predis\Commands\HashSetPreserve',
- 'hmset' => '\Predis\Commands\HashSetMultiple',
- 'hincrby' => '\Predis\Commands\HashIncrementBy',
- 'hget' => '\Predis\Commands\HashGet',
- 'hmget' => '\Predis\Commands\HashGetMultiple',
- 'hdel' => '\Predis\Commands\HashDelete',
- 'hexists' => '\Predis\Commands\HashExists',
- 'hlen' => '\Predis\Commands\HashLength',
- 'hkeys' => '\Predis\Commands\HashKeys',
- 'hvals' => '\Predis\Commands\HashValues',
- 'hgetall' => '\Predis\Commands\HashGetAll',
- /* publish - subscribe */
- 'subscribe' => '\Predis\Commands\Subscribe',
- 'unsubscribe' => '\Predis\Commands\Unsubscribe',
- 'psubscribe' => '\Predis\Commands\SubscribeByPattern',
- 'punsubscribe' => '\Predis\Commands\UnsubscribeByPattern',
- 'publish' => '\Predis\Commands\Publish',
- /* remote server control commands */
- 'config' => '\Predis\Commands\Config',
- ));
- }
-class Server_v2_2 extends Server_v2_0 {
- public function getVersion() { return '2.2'; }
- public function getSupportedCommands() {
- return array_merge(parent::getSupportedCommands(), array(
- /* transactions */
- 'watch' => '\Predis\Commands\Watch',
- 'unwatch' => '\Predis\Commands\Unwatch',
- /* commands operating on string values */
- 'strlen' => '\Predis\Commands\Strlen',
- 'setrange' => '\Predis\Commands\SetRange',
- 'getrange' => '\Predis\Commands\GetRange',
- 'setbit' => '\Predis\Commands\SetBit',
- 'getbit' => '\Predis\Commands\GetBit',
- /* commands operating on the key space */
- 'persist' => '\Predis\Commands\Persist',
- /* commands operating on lists */
- 'rpushx' => '\Predis\Commands\ListPushTailX',
- 'lpushx' => '\Predis\Commands\ListPushHeadX',
- 'linsert' => '\Predis\Commands\ListInsert',
- 'brpoplpush' => '\Predis\Commands\ListPopLastPushHeadBlocking',
- /* commands operating on sorted sets */
- 'zrevrangebyscore' => '\Predis\Commands\ZSetReverseRangeByScore',
- ));
- }
-class Server_vNext extends Server_v2_2 {
- public function getVersion() { return 'DEV'; }
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-namespace Predis\Distribution;
-interface IDistributionStrategy {
- public function add($node, $weight = null);
- public function remove($node);
- public function get($key);
- public function generateKey($value);
-class EmptyRingException extends \Exception {
-class HashRing implements IDistributionStrategy {
- const DEFAULT_REPLICAS = 128;
- const DEFAULT_WEIGHT = 100;
- private $_nodes, $_ring, $_ringKeys, $_ringKeysCount, $_replicas;
- public function __construct($replicas = self::DEFAULT_REPLICAS) {
- $this->_replicas = $replicas;
- $this->_nodes = array();
- }
- public function add($node, $weight = null) {
- // In case of collisions in the hashes of the nodes, the node added
- // last wins, thus the order in which nodes are added is significant.
- $this->_nodes[] = array('object' => $node, 'weight' => (int) $weight ?: $this::DEFAULT_WEIGHT);
- $this->reset();
- }
- public function remove($node) {
- // A node is removed by resetting the ring so that it's recreated from
- // scratch, in order to reassign possible hashes with collisions to the
- // right node according to the order in which they were added in the
- // first place.
- for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->_nodes); ++$i) {
- if ($this->_nodes[$i]['object'] === $node) {
- array_splice($this->_nodes, $i, 1);
- $this->reset();
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- private function reset() {
- unset($this->_ring);
- unset($this->_ringKeys);
- unset($this->_ringKeysCount);
- }
- private function isInitialized() {
- return isset($this->_ringKeys);
- }
- private function computeTotalWeight() {
- $totalWeight = 0;
- foreach ($this->_nodes as $node) {
- $totalWeight += $node['weight'];
- }
- return $totalWeight;
- }
- private function initialize() {
- if ($this->isInitialized()) {
- return;
- }
- if (count($this->_nodes) === 0) {
- throw new EmptyRingException('Cannot initialize empty hashring');
- }
- $this->_ring = array();
- $totalWeight = $this->computeTotalWeight();
- $nodesCount = count($this->_nodes);
- foreach ($this->_nodes as $node) {
- $weightRatio = $node['weight'] / $totalWeight;
- $this->addNodeToRing($this->_ring, $node, $nodesCount, $this->_replicas, $weightRatio);
- }
- ksort($this->_ring, SORT_NUMERIC);
- $this->_ringKeys = array_keys($this->_ring);
- $this->_ringKeysCount = count($this->_ringKeys);
- }
- protected function addNodeToRing(&$ring, $node, $totalNodes, $replicas, $weightRatio) {
- $nodeObject = $node['object'];
- $nodeHash = (string) $nodeObject;
- $replicas = (int) round($weightRatio * $totalNodes * $replicas);
- for ($i = 0; $i < $replicas; $i++) {
- $key = crc32("$nodeHash:$i");
- $ring[$key] = $nodeObject;
- }
- }
- public function generateKey($value) {
- return crc32($value);
- }
- public function get($key) {
- return $this->_ring[$this->getNodeKey($key)];
- }
- private function getNodeKey($key) {
- $this->initialize();
- $ringKeys = $this->_ringKeys;
- $upper = $this->_ringKeysCount - 1;
- $lower = 0;
- while ($lower <= $upper) {
- $index = ($lower + $upper) >> 1;
- $item = $ringKeys[$index];
- if ($item > $key) {
- $upper = $index - 1;
- }
- else if ($item < $key) {
- $lower = $index + 1;
- }
- else {
- return $item;
- }
- }
- return $ringKeys[$this->wrapAroundStrategy($upper, $lower, $this->_ringKeysCount)];
- }
- protected function wrapAroundStrategy($upper, $lower, $ringKeysCount) {
- // Binary search for the last item in _ringkeys with a value less or
- // equal to the key. If no such item exists, return the last item.
- return $upper >= 0 ? $upper : $ringKeysCount - 1;
- }
-class KetamaPureRing extends HashRing {
- const DEFAULT_REPLICAS = 160;
- public function __construct() {
- parent::__construct($this::DEFAULT_REPLICAS);
- }
- protected function addNodeToRing(&$ring, $node, $totalNodes, $replicas, $weightRatio) {
- $nodeObject = $node['object'];
- $nodeHash = (string) $nodeObject;
- $replicas = (int) floor($weightRatio * $totalNodes * ($replicas / 4));
- for ($i = 0; $i < $replicas; $i++) {
- $unpackedDigest = unpack('V4', md5("$nodeHash-$i", true));
- foreach ($unpackedDigest as $key) {
- $ring[$key] = $nodeObject;
- }
- }
- }
- public function generateKey($value) {
- $hash = unpack('V', md5($value, true));
- return $hash[1];
- }
- protected function wrapAroundStrategy($upper, $lower, $ringKeysCount) {
- // Binary search for the first item in _ringkeys with a value greater
- // or equal to the key. If no such item exists, return the first item.
- return $lower < $ringKeysCount ? $lower : 0;
- }
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-namespace Predis\Pipeline;
-use Predis\Network\IConnection;
-interface IPipelineExecutor {
- public function execute(IConnection $connection, &$commands);
-class StandardExecutor implements IPipelineExecutor {
- public function execute(IConnection $connection, &$commands) {
- $sizeofPipe = count($commands);
- $values = array();
- foreach ($commands as $command) {
- $connection->writeCommand($command);
- }
- try {
- for ($i = 0; $i < $sizeofPipe; $i++) {
- $response = $connection->readResponse($commands[$i]);
- $values[] = $response instanceof Iterator
- ? iterator_to_array($response)
- : $response;
- unset($commands[$i]);
- }
- }
- catch (\Predis\ServerException $exception) {
- // Force disconnection to prevent protocol desynchronization.
- $connection->disconnect();
- throw $exception;
- }
- return $values;
- }
-class SafeExecutor implements IPipelineExecutor {
- public function execute(IConnection $connection, &$commands) {
- $sizeofPipe = count($commands);
- $values = array();
- foreach ($commands as $command) {
- try {
- $connection->writeCommand($command);
- }
- catch (\Predis\CommunicationException $exception) {
- return array_fill(0, $sizeofPipe, $exception);
- }
- }
- for ($i = 0; $i < $sizeofPipe; $i++) {
- $command = $commands[$i];
- unset($commands[$i]);
- try {
- $response = $connection->readResponse($command);
- $values[] = ($response instanceof \Iterator
- ? iterator_to_array($response)
- : $response
- );
- }
- catch (\Predis\ServerException $exception) {
- $values[] = $exception->toResponseError();
- }
- catch (\Predis\CommunicationException $exception) {
- $toAdd = count($commands) - count($values);
- $values = array_merge($values, array_fill(0, $toAdd, $exception));
- break;
- }
- }
- return $values;
- }
-class SafeClusterExecutor implements IPipelineExecutor {
- public function execute(IConnection $connection, &$commands) {
- $connectionExceptions = array();
- $sizeofPipe = count($commands);
- $values = array();
- foreach ($commands as $command) {
- $cmdConnection = $connection->getConnection($command);
- if (isset($connectionExceptions[spl_object_hash($cmdConnection)])) {
- continue;
- }
- try {
- $cmdConnection->writeCommand($command);
- }
- catch (\Predis\CommunicationException $exception) {
- $connectionExceptions[spl_object_hash($cmdConnection)] = $exception;
- }
- }
- for ($i = 0; $i < $sizeofPipe; $i++) {
- $command = $commands[$i];
- unset($commands[$i]);
- $cmdConnection = $connection->getConnection($command);
- $connectionObjectHash = spl_object_hash($cmdConnection);
- if (isset($connectionExceptions[$connectionObjectHash])) {
- $values[] = $connectionExceptions[$connectionObjectHash];
- continue;
- }
- try {
- $response = $cmdConnection->readResponse($command);
- $values[] = ($response instanceof \Iterator
- ? iterator_to_array($response)
- : $response
- );
- }
- catch (\Predis\ServerException $exception) {
- $values[] = $exception->toResponseError();
- }
- catch (\Predis\CommunicationException $exception) {
- $values[] = $exception;
- $connectionExceptions[$connectionObjectHash] = $exception;
- }
- }
- return $values;
- }
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-namespace Predis\Iterators;
-use Predis\CommunicationException;
-use Predis\Network\IConnection;
-use Predis\Network\IConnectionSingle;
-abstract class MultiBulkResponse implements \Iterator, \Countable {
- protected $_position, $_current, $_replySize;
- public function rewind() {
- // NOOP
- }
- public function current() {
- return $this->_current;
- }
- public function key() {
- return $this->_position;
- }
- public function next() {
- if (++$this->_position < $this->_replySize) {
- $this->_current = $this->getValue();
- }
- return $this->_position;
- }
- public function valid() {
- return $this->_position < $this->_replySize;
- }
- public function count() {
- // Use count if you want to get the size of the current multi-bulk
- // response without using iterator_count (which actually consumes our
- // iterator to calculate the size, and we cannot perform a rewind)
- return $this->_replySize;
- }
- protected abstract function getValue();
-class MultiBulkResponseSimple extends MultiBulkResponse {
- private $_connection;
- public function __construct(IConnectionSingle $connection, $size) {
- $this->_connection = $connection;
- $this->_protocol = $connection->getProtocol();
- $this->_position = 0;
- $this->_current = $size > 0 ? $this->getValue() : null;
- $this->_replySize = $size;
- }
- public function __destruct() {
- // When the iterator is garbage-collected (e.g. it goes out of the
- // scope of a foreach) but it has not reached its end, we must sync
- // the client with the queued elements that have not been read from
- // the connection with the server.
- $this->sync();
- }
- public function sync($drop = false) {
- if ($drop == true) {
- if ($this->valid()) {
- $this->_position = $this->_replySize;
- $this->_connection->disconnect();
- }
- }
- else {
- while ($this->valid()) {
- $this->next();
- }
- }
- }
- protected function getValue() {
- return $this->_protocol->read($this->_connection);
- }
-class MultiBulkResponseTuple extends MultiBulkResponse {
- private $_iterator;
- public function __construct(MultiBulkResponseSimple $iterator) {
- $virtualSize = count($iterator) / 2;
- $this->_iterator = $iterator;
- $this->_position = 0;
- $this->_current = $virtualSize > 0 ? $this->getValue() : null;
- $this->_replySize = $virtualSize;
- }
- public function __destruct() {
- $this->_iterator->sync();
- }
- protected function getValue() {
- $k = $this->_iterator->current();
- $this->_iterator->next();
- $v = $this->_iterator->current();
- $this->_iterator->next();
- return array($k, $v);
- }
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-namespace Predis\Commands;
-use Predis\Utils;
-use Predis\Command;
-use Predis\Iterators\MultiBulkResponseTuple;
-/* miscellaneous commands */
-class Ping extends Command {
- public function canBeHashed() { return false; }
- public function getCommandId() { return 'PING'; }
- public function parseResponse($data) {
- return $data === 'PONG' ? true : false;
- }
-class DoEcho extends Command {
- public function canBeHashed() { return false; }
- public function getCommandId() { return 'ECHO'; }
-class Auth extends Command {
- public function canBeHashed() { return false; }
- public function getCommandId() { return 'AUTH'; }
-/* connection handling */
-class Quit extends Command {
- public function canBeHashed() { return false; }
- public function getCommandId() { return 'QUIT'; }
- public function closesConnection() { return true; }
-/* commands operating on string values */
-class Set extends Command {
- public function getCommandId() { return 'SET'; }
-class SetExpire extends Command {
- public function getCommandId() { return 'SETEX'; }
-class SetPreserve extends Command {
- public function getCommandId() { return 'SETNX'; }
- public function parseResponse($data) { return (bool) $data; }
-class SetMultiple extends Command {
- public function canBeHashed() { return false; }
- public function getCommandId() { return 'MSET'; }
- public function filterArguments(Array $arguments) {
- if (count($arguments) === 1 && is_array($arguments[0])) {
- $flattenedKVs = array();
- $args = $arguments[0];
- foreach ($args as $k => $v) {
- $flattenedKVs[] = $k;
- $flattenedKVs[] = $v;
- }
- return $flattenedKVs;
- }
- return $arguments;
- }
-class SetMultiplePreserve extends SetMultiple {
- public function canBeHashed() { return false; }
- public function getCommandId() { return 'MSETNX'; }
- public function parseResponse($data) { return (bool) $data; }
-class Get extends Command {
- public function getCommandId() { return 'GET'; }
-class GetMultiple extends Command {
- public function canBeHashed() { return false; }
- public function getCommandId() { return 'MGET'; }
- public function filterArguments(Array $arguments) {
- return Utils::filterArrayArguments($arguments);
- }
-class GetSet extends Command {
- public function getCommandId() { return 'GETSET'; }
-class Increment extends Command {
- public function getCommandId() { return 'INCR'; }
-class IncrementBy extends Command {
- public function getCommandId() { return 'INCRBY'; }
-class Decrement extends Command {
- public function getCommandId() { return 'DECR'; }
-class DecrementBy extends Command {
- public function getCommandId() { return 'DECRBY'; }
-class Exists extends Command {
- public function getCommandId() { return 'EXISTS'; }
- public function parseResponse($data) { return (bool) $data; }
-class Delete extends Command {
- public function getCommandId() { return 'DEL'; }
- public function filterArguments(Array $arguments) {
- return Utils::filterArrayArguments($arguments);
- }
-class Type extends Command {
- public function getCommandId() { return 'TYPE'; }
-class Append extends Command {
- public function getCommandId() { return 'APPEND'; }
-class SetRange extends Command {
- public function getCommandId() { return 'SETRANGE'; }
-class GetRange extends Command {
- public function getCommandId() { return 'GETRANGE'; }
-class Substr extends Command {
- public function getCommandId() { return 'SUBSTR'; }
-class SetBit extends Command {
- public function getCommandId() { return 'SETBIT'; }
-class GetBit extends Command {
- public function getCommandId() { return 'GETBIT'; }
-class Strlen extends Command {
- public function getCommandId() { return 'STRLEN'; }
-/* commands operating on the key space */
-class Keys extends Command {
- public function canBeHashed() { return false; }
- public function getCommandId() { return 'KEYS'; }
-class Keys_v1_2 extends Keys {
- public function parseResponse($data) {
- return explode(' ', $data);
- }
-class RandomKey extends Command {
- public function canBeHashed() { return false; }
- public function getCommandId() { return 'RANDOMKEY'; }
- public function parseResponse($data) { return $data !== '' ? $data : null; }
-class Rename extends Command {
- public function canBeHashed() { return false; }
- public function getCommandId() { return 'RENAME'; }
-class RenamePreserve extends Command {
- public function canBeHashed() { return false; }
- public function getCommandId() { return 'RENAMENX'; }
- public function parseResponse($data) { return (bool) $data; }
-class Expire extends Command {
- public function getCommandId() { return 'EXPIRE'; }
- public function parseResponse($data) { return (bool) $data; }
-class ExpireAt extends Command {
- public function getCommandId() { return 'EXPIREAT'; }
- public function parseResponse($data) { return (bool) $data; }
-class Persist extends Command {
- public function getCommandId() { return 'PERSIST'; }
- public function parseResponse($data) { return (bool) $data; }
-class DatabaseSize extends Command {
- public function canBeHashed() { return false; }
- public function getCommandId() { return 'DBSIZE'; }
-class TimeToLive extends Command {
- public function getCommandId() { return 'TTL'; }
-/* commands operating on lists */
-class ListPushTail extends Command {
- public function getCommandId() { return 'RPUSH'; }
-class ListPushTailX extends Command {
- public function getCommandId() { return 'RPUSHX'; }
-class ListPushHead extends Command {
- public function getCommandId() { return 'LPUSH'; }
-class ListPushHeadX extends Command {
- public function getCommandId() { return 'LPUSHX'; }
-class ListLength extends Command {
- public function getCommandId() { return 'LLEN'; }
-class ListRange extends Command {
- public function getCommandId() { return 'LRANGE'; }
-class ListTrim extends Command {
- public function getCommandId() { return 'LTRIM'; }
-class ListIndex extends Command {
- public function getCommandId() { return 'LINDEX'; }
-class ListSet extends Command {
- public function getCommandId() { return 'LSET'; }
-class ListRemove extends Command {
- public function getCommandId() { return 'LREM'; }
-class ListPopLastPushHead extends Command {
- public function getCommandId() { return 'RPOPLPUSH'; }
-class ListPopLastPushHeadBlocking extends Command {
- public function getCommandId() { return 'BRPOPLPUSH'; }
-class ListPopFirst extends Command {
- public function getCommandId() { return 'LPOP'; }
-class ListPopLast extends Command {
- public function getCommandId() { return 'RPOP'; }
-class ListPopFirstBlocking extends Command {
- public function getCommandId() { return 'BLPOP'; }
-class ListPopLastBlocking extends Command {
- public function getCommandId() { return 'BRPOP'; }
-class ListInsert extends Command {
- public function getCommandId() { return 'LINSERT'; }
-/* commands operating on sets */
-class SetAdd extends Command {
- public function getCommandId() { return 'SADD'; }
- public function parseResponse($data) { return (bool) $data; }
-class SetRemove extends Command {
- public function getCommandId() { return 'SREM'; }
- public function parseResponse($data) { return (bool) $data; }
-class SetPop extends Command {
- public function getCommandId() { return 'SPOP'; }
-class SetMove extends Command {
- public function canBeHashed() { return false; }
- public function getCommandId() { return 'SMOVE'; }
- public function parseResponse($data) { return (bool) $data; }
-class SetCardinality extends Command {
- public function getCommandId() { return 'SCARD'; }
-class SetIsMember extends Command {
- public function getCommandId() { return 'SISMEMBER'; }
- public function parseResponse($data) { return (bool) $data; }
-class SetIntersection extends Command {
- public function getCommandId() { return 'SINTER'; }
- public function filterArguments(Array $arguments) {
- return Utils::filterArrayArguments($arguments);
- }
-class SetIntersectionStore extends Command {
- public function getCommandId() { return 'SINTERSTORE'; }
- public function filterArguments(Array $arguments) {
- return Utils::filterArrayArguments($arguments);
- }
-class SetUnion extends SetIntersection {
- public function getCommandId() { return 'SUNION'; }
-class SetUnionStore extends SetIntersectionStore {
- public function getCommandId() { return 'SUNIONSTORE'; }
-class SetDifference extends SetIntersection {
- public function getCommandId() { return 'SDIFF'; }
-class SetDifferenceStore extends SetIntersectionStore {
- public function getCommandId() { return 'SDIFFSTORE'; }
-class SetMembers extends Command {
- public function getCommandId() { return 'SMEMBERS'; }
-class SetRandomMember extends Command {
- public function getCommandId() { return 'SRANDMEMBER'; }
-/* commands operating on sorted sets */
-class ZSetAdd extends Command {
- public function getCommandId() { return 'ZADD'; }
- public function parseResponse($data) { return (bool) $data; }
-class ZSetIncrementBy extends Command {
- public function getCommandId() { return 'ZINCRBY'; }
-class ZSetRemove extends Command {
- public function getCommandId() { return 'ZREM'; }
- public function parseResponse($data) { return (bool) $data; }
-class ZSetUnionStore extends Command {
- public function getCommandId() { return 'ZUNIONSTORE'; }
- public function filterArguments(Array $arguments) {
- $options = array();
- $argc = count($arguments);
- if ($argc > 1 && is_array($arguments[$argc - 1])) {
- $options = $this->prepareOptions(array_pop($arguments));
- }
- $args = is_array($arguments[0]) ? $arguments[0] : $arguments;
- return array_merge($args, $options);
- }
- private function prepareOptions($options) {
- $opts = array_change_key_case($options, CASE_UPPER);
- $finalizedOpts = array();
- if (isset($opts['WEIGHTS']) && is_array($opts['WEIGHTS'])) {
- $finalizedOpts[] = 'WEIGHTS';
- foreach ($opts['WEIGHTS'] as $weight) {
- $finalizedOpts[] = $weight;
- }
- }
- if (isset($opts['AGGREGATE'])) {
- $finalizedOpts[] = 'AGGREGATE';
- $finalizedOpts[] = $opts['AGGREGATE'];
- }
- return $finalizedOpts;
- }
-class ZSetIntersectionStore extends ZSetUnionStore {
- public function getCommandId() { return 'ZINTERSTORE'; }
-class ZSetRange extends Command {
- private $_withScores = false;
- public function getCommandId() { return 'ZRANGE'; }
- public function filterArguments(Array $arguments) {
- if (count($arguments) === 4) {
- $lastType = gettype($arguments[3]);
- if ($lastType === 'string' && strtolower($arguments[3]) === 'withscores') {
- // Used for compatibility with older versions
- $arguments[3] = array('WITHSCORES' => true);
- $lastType = 'array';
- }
- if ($lastType === 'array') {
- $options = $this->prepareOptions(array_pop($arguments));
- return array_merge($arguments, $options);
- }
- }
- return $arguments;
- }
- protected function prepareOptions($options) {
- $opts = array_change_key_case($options, CASE_UPPER);
- $finalizedOpts = array();
- if (isset($opts['WITHSCORES'])) {
- $finalizedOpts[] = 'WITHSCORES';
- $this->_withScores = true;
- }
- return $finalizedOpts;
- }
- public function parseResponse($data) {
- if ($this->_withScores) {
- if ($data instanceof \Iterator) {
- return new MultiBulkResponseTuple($data);
- }
- $result = array();
- for ($i = 0; $i < count($data); $i++) {
- $result[] = array($data[$i], $data[++$i]);
- }
- return $result;
- }
- return $data;
- }
-class ZSetReverseRange extends ZSetRange {
- public function getCommandId() { return 'ZREVRANGE'; }
-class ZSetRangeByScore extends ZSetRange {
- public function getCommandId() { return 'ZRANGEBYSCORE'; }
- protected function prepareOptions($options) {
- $opts = array_change_key_case($options, CASE_UPPER);
- $finalizedOpts = array();
- if (isset($opts['LIMIT']) && is_array($opts['LIMIT'])) {
- $limit = array_change_key_case($opts['LIMIT'], CASE_UPPER);
- $finalizedOpts[] = 'LIMIT';
- $finalizedOpts[] = isset($limit['OFFSET']) ? $limit['OFFSET'] : $limit[0];
- $finalizedOpts[] = isset($limit['COUNT']) ? $limit['COUNT'] : $limit[1];
- }
- return array_merge($finalizedOpts, parent::prepareOptions($options));
- }
-class ZSetReverseRangeByScore extends ZSetRangeByScore {
- public function getCommandId() { return 'ZREVRANGEBYSCORE'; }
-class ZSetCount extends Command {
- public function getCommandId() { return 'ZCOUNT'; }
-class ZSetCardinality extends Command {
- public function getCommandId() { return 'ZCARD'; }
-class ZSetScore extends Command {
- public function getCommandId() { return 'ZSCORE'; }
-class ZSetRemoveRangeByScore extends Command {
- public function getCommandId() { return 'ZREMRANGEBYSCORE'; }
-class ZSetRank extends Command {
- public function getCommandId() { return 'ZRANK'; }
-class ZSetReverseRank extends Command {
- public function getCommandId() { return 'ZREVRANK'; }
-class ZSetRemoveRangeByRank extends Command {
- public function getCommandId() { return 'ZREMRANGEBYRANK'; }
-/* commands operating on hashes */
-class HashSet extends Command {
- public function getCommandId() { return 'HSET'; }
- public function parseResponse($data) { return (bool) $data; }
-class HashSetPreserve extends Command {
- public function getCommandId() { return 'HSETNX'; }
- public function parseResponse($data) { return (bool) $data; }
-class HashSetMultiple extends Command {
- public function getCommandId() { return 'HMSET'; }
- public function filterArguments(Array $arguments) {
- if (count($arguments) === 2 && is_array($arguments[1])) {
- $flattenedKVs = array($arguments[0]);
- $args = $arguments[1];
- foreach ($args as $k => $v) {
- $flattenedKVs[] = $k;
- $flattenedKVs[] = $v;
- }
- return $flattenedKVs;
- }
- return $arguments;
- }
-class HashIncrementBy extends Command {
- public function getCommandId() { return 'HINCRBY'; }
-class HashGet extends Command {
- public function getCommandId() { return 'HGET'; }
-class HashGetMultiple extends Command {
- public function getCommandId() { return 'HMGET'; }
- public function filterArguments(Array $arguments) {
- if (count($arguments) === 2 && is_array($arguments[1])) {
- $flattenedKVs = array($arguments[0]);
- $args = $arguments[1];
- foreach ($args as $v) {
- $flattenedKVs[] = $v;
- }
- return $flattenedKVs;
- }
- return $arguments;
- }
-class HashDelete extends Command {
- public function getCommandId() { return 'HDEL'; }
- public function parseResponse($data) { return (bool) $data; }
-class HashExists extends Command {
- public function getCommandId() { return 'HEXISTS'; }
- public function parseResponse($data) { return (bool) $data; }
-class HashLength extends Command {
- public function getCommandId() { return 'HLEN'; }
-class HashKeys extends Command {
- public function getCommandId() { return 'HKEYS'; }
-class HashValues extends Command {
- public function getCommandId() { return 'HVALS'; }
-class HashGetAll extends Command {
- public function getCommandId() { return 'HGETALL'; }
- public function parseResponse($data) {
- if ($data instanceof \Iterator) {
- return new MultiBulkResponseTuple($data);
- }
- $result = array();
- for ($i = 0; $i < count($data); $i++) {
- $result[$data[$i]] = $data[++$i];
- }
- return $result;
- }
-/* multiple databases handling commands */
-class SelectDatabase extends Command {
- public function canBeHashed() { return false; }
- public function getCommandId() { return 'SELECT'; }
-class MoveKey extends Command {
- public function canBeHashed() { return false; }
- public function getCommandId() { return 'MOVE'; }
- public function parseResponse($data) { return (bool) $data; }
-class FlushDatabase extends Command {
- public function canBeHashed() { return false; }
- public function getCommandId() { return 'FLUSHDB'; }
-class FlushAll extends Command {
- public function canBeHashed() { return false; }
- public function getCommandId() { return 'FLUSHALL'; }
-/* sorting */
-class Sort extends Command {
- public function getCommandId() { return 'SORT'; }
- public function filterArguments(Array $arguments) {
- if (count($arguments) === 1) {
- return $arguments;
- }
- $query = array($arguments[0]);
- $sortParams = array_change_key_case($arguments[1], CASE_UPPER);
- if (isset($sortParams['BY'])) {
- $query[] = 'BY';
- $query[] = $sortParams['BY'];
- }
- if (isset($sortParams['GET'])) {
- $getargs = $sortParams['GET'];
- if (is_array($getargs)) {
- foreach ($getargs as $getarg) {
- $query[] = 'GET';
- $query[] = $getarg;
- }
- }
- else {
- $query[] = 'GET';
- $query[] = $getargs;
- }
- }
- if (isset($sortParams['LIMIT']) && is_array($sortParams['LIMIT'])
- && count($sortParams['LIMIT']) == 2) {
- $query[] = 'LIMIT';
- $query[] = $sortParams['LIMIT'][0];
- $query[] = $sortParams['LIMIT'][1];
- }
- if (isset($sortParams['SORT'])) {
- $query[] = strtoupper($sortParams['SORT']);
- }
- if (isset($sortParams['ALPHA']) && $sortParams['ALPHA'] == true) {
- $query[] = 'ALPHA';
- }
- if (isset($sortParams['STORE'])) {
- $query[] = 'STORE';
- $query[] = $sortParams['STORE'];
- }
- return $query;
- }
-/* transactions */
-class Multi extends Command {
- public function canBeHashed() { return false; }
- public function getCommandId() { return 'MULTI'; }
-class Exec extends Command {
- public function canBeHashed() { return false; }
- public function getCommandId() { return 'EXEC'; }
-class Discard extends Command {
- public function canBeHashed() { return false; }
- public function getCommandId() { return 'DISCARD'; }
-class Watch extends Command {
- public function canBeHashed() { return false; }
- public function getCommandId() { return 'WATCH'; }
- public function filterArguments(Array $arguments) {
- if (isset($arguments[0]) && is_array($arguments[0])) {
- return $arguments[0];
- }
- return $arguments;
- }
- public function parseResponse($data) { return (bool) $data; }
-class Unwatch extends Command {
- public function canBeHashed() { return false; }
- public function getCommandId() { return 'UNWATCH'; }
- public function parseResponse($data) { return (bool) $data; }
-/* publish/subscribe */
-class Subscribe extends Command {
- public function canBeHashed() { return false; }
- public function getCommandId() { return 'SUBSCRIBE'; }
-class Unsubscribe extends Command {
- public function canBeHashed() { return false; }
- public function getCommandId() { return 'UNSUBSCRIBE'; }
-class SubscribeByPattern extends Command {
- public function canBeHashed() { return false; }
- public function getCommandId() { return 'PSUBSCRIBE'; }
-class UnsubscribeByPattern extends Command {
- public function canBeHashed() { return false; }
- public function getCommandId() { return 'PUNSUBSCRIBE'; }
-class Publish extends Command {
- public function canBeHashed() { return false; }
- public function getCommandId() { return 'PUBLISH'; }
-/* persistence control commands */
-class Save extends Command {
- public function canBeHashed() { return false; }
- public function getCommandId() { return 'SAVE'; }
-class BackgroundSave extends Command {
- public function canBeHashed() { return false; }
- public function getCommandId() { return 'BGSAVE'; }
- public function parseResponse($data) {
- if ($data == 'Background saving started') {
- return true;
- }
- return $data;
- }
-class BackgroundRewriteAppendOnlyFile extends Command {
- public function canBeHashed() { return false; }
- public function getCommandId() { return 'BGREWRITEAOF'; }
- public function parseResponse($data) {
- return $data == 'Background append only file rewriting started';
- }
-class LastSave extends Command {
- public function canBeHashed() { return false; }
- public function getCommandId() { return 'LASTSAVE'; }
-class Shutdown extends Command {
- public function canBeHashed() { return false; }
- public function getCommandId() { return 'SHUTDOWN'; }
- public function closesConnection() { return true; }
-/* remote server control commands */
-class Info extends Command {
- public function canBeHashed() { return false; }
- public function getCommandId() { return 'INFO'; }
- public function parseResponse($data) {
- $info = array();
- $infoLines = explode("\r\n", $data, -1);
- foreach ($infoLines as $row) {
- list($k, $v) = explode(':', $row);
- if (!preg_match('/^db\d+$/', $k)) {
- $info[$k] = $v;
- }
- else {
- $db = array();
- foreach (explode(',', $v) as $dbvar) {
- list($dbvk, $dbvv) = explode('=', $dbvar);
- $db[trim($dbvk)] = $dbvv;
- }
- $info[$k] = $db;
- }
- }
- return $info;
- }
-class SlaveOf extends Command {
- public function canBeHashed() { return false; }
- public function getCommandId() { return 'SLAVEOF'; }
- public function filterArguments(Array $arguments) {
- if (count($arguments) === 0 || $arguments[0] === 'NO ONE') {
- return array('NO', 'ONE');
- }
- return $arguments;
- }
-class Config extends Command {
- public function canBeHashed() { return false; }
- public function getCommandId() { return 'CONFIG'; }