@@ -1,2181 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of the Predis package.
- *
- * (c) Daniele Alessandri <suppakilla@gmail.com>
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
-class RedisCommandTestSuite extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
- public $redis;
- // TODO: instead of an boolean assertion against the return value
- // of RC::sameValuesInArrays, we should extend PHPUnit with
- // a new assertion, e.g. $this->assertSameValues();
- // TODO: an option to skip certain tests such as testflushdbs
- // should be provided.
- // TODO: missing test with float values for a few commands
- protected function setUp()
- {
- $this->redis = RC::getConnection();
- $this->redis->flushdb();
- }
- protected function tearDown()
- {
- }
- protected function onNotSuccessfulTest(Exception $exception)
- {
- // drops and reconnect to a redis server on uncaught exceptions
- RC::resetConnection();
- parent::onNotSuccessfulTest($exception);
- }
- /* miscellaneous commands */
- function testPing()
- {
- $this->assertTrue($this->redis->ping());
- }
- function testEcho()
- {
- $string = 'This is an echo test!';
- $this->assertEquals($string, $this->redis->echo($string));
- }
- function testQuit()
- {
- $this->redis->quit();
- $this->assertFalse($this->redis->isConnected());
- }
- function testMultiExec()
- {
- // NOTE: due to a limitation in the current implementation of Predis\Client,
- // the replies returned by Predis\Commands\Exec are not parsed by their
- // respective Predis\Commands\Command::parseResponse methods. If you
- // need that kind of behaviour, you should use an instance of
- // Predis\MultiExecBlock.
- $this->assertTrue($this->redis->multi());
- $this->assertInstanceOf('Predis\ResponseQueued', $this->redis->ping());
- $this->assertInstanceOf('Predis\ResponseQueued', $this->redis->echo('hello'));
- $this->assertInstanceOf('Predis\ResponseQueued', $this->redis->echo('redis'));
- $this->assertEquals(array('PONG', 'hello', 'redis'), $this->redis->exec());
- $this->assertTrue($this->redis->multi());
- $this->assertEquals(array(), $this->redis->exec());
- // should throw an exception when trying to EXEC without having previously issued MULTI
- RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_EXEC_NO_MULTI, function($test) {
- $test->redis->exec();
- });
- }
- function testDiscard()
- {
- $this->assertTrue($this->redis->multi());
- $this->assertInstanceOf('Predis\ResponseQueued', $this->redis->set('foo', 'bar'));
- $this->assertInstanceOf('Predis\ResponseQueued', $this->redis->set('hoge', 'piyo'));
- $this->assertEquals(true, $this->redis->discard());
- // should throw an exception when trying to EXEC after a DISCARD
- RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_EXEC_NO_MULTI, function($test) {
- $test->redis->exec();
- });
- $this->assertFalse($this->redis->exists('foo'));
- $this->assertFalse($this->redis->exists('hoge'));
- }
- /* commands operating on string values */
- function testSet()
- {
- $this->assertTrue($this->redis->set('foo', 'bar'));
- $this->assertEquals('bar', $this->redis->get('foo'));
- }
- function testGet()
- {
- $this->redis->set('foo', 'bar');
- $this->assertEquals('bar', $this->redis->get('foo'));
- $this->assertTrue($this->redis->set('foo', ''));
- $this->assertEquals('', $this->redis->get('foo'));
- $this->assertNull($this->redis->get('fooDoesNotExist'));
- // should throw an exception when trying to do a GET on non-string types
- RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_WRONG_TYPE, function($test) {
- $test->redis->rpush('metavars', 'foo');
- $test->redis->get('metavars');
- });
- }
- function testExists()
- {
- $this->redis->set('foo', 'bar');
- $this->assertTrue($this->redis->exists('foo'));
- $this->assertFalse($this->redis->exists('key_does_not_exist'));
- }
- function testSetPreserve()
- {
- $multi = RC::getKeyValueArray();
- $this->assertTrue($this->redis->setnx('foo', 'bar'));
- $this->assertFalse($this->redis->setnx('foo', 'rab'));
- $this->assertEquals('bar', $this->redis->get('foo'));
- }
- function testMultipleSetAndGet()
- {
- $multi = RC::getKeyValueArray();
- // key=>value pairs via array instance
- $this->assertTrue($this->redis->mset($multi));
- $multiRet = $this->redis->mget(array_keys($multi));
- $this->assertEquals($multi, array_combine(array_keys($multi), array_values($multiRet)));
- // key=>value pairs via function arguments
- $this->assertTrue($this->redis->mset('a', 1, 'b', 2, 'c', 3));
- $this->assertEquals(array(1, 2, 3), $this->redis->mget('a', 'b', 'c'));
- }
- function testSetMultiplePreserve()
- {
- $multi = RC::getKeyValueArray();
- $newpair = array('hogehoge' => 'piyopiyo');
- $hijacked = array('foo' => 'baz', 'hoge' => 'fuga');
- // successful set
- $expectedResult = array_merge($multi, $newpair);
- $this->redis->mset($multi);
- $this->assertTrue($this->redis->msetnx($newpair));
- $this->assertEquals(
- array_values($expectedResult),
- $this->redis->mget(array_keys($expectedResult))
- );
- $this->redis->flushdb();
- // unsuccessful set
- $expectedResult = array_merge($multi, array('hogehoge' => null));
- $this->redis->mset($multi);
- $this->assertFalse($this->redis->msetnx(array_merge($newpair, $hijacked)));
- $this->assertEquals(
- array_values($expectedResult),
- $this->redis->mget(array_keys($expectedResult))
- );
- }
- function testGetSet()
- {
- $this->assertNull($this->redis->getset('foo', 'bar'));
- $this->assertEquals('bar', $this->redis->getset('foo', 'barbar'));
- $this->assertEquals('barbar', $this->redis->getset('foo', 'baz'));
- }
- function testIncrementAndIncrementBy()
- {
- // test subsequent increment commands
- $this->assertEquals(1, $this->redis->incr('foo'));
- $this->assertEquals(2, $this->redis->incr('foo'));
- // test subsequent incrementBy commands
- $this->assertEquals(22, $this->redis->incrby('foo', 20));
- $this->assertEquals(10, $this->redis->incrby('foo', -12));
- $this->assertEquals(-100, $this->redis->incrby('foo', -110));
- }
- function testDecrementAndDecrementBy()
- {
- // test subsequent decrement commands
- $this->assertEquals(-1, $this->redis->decr('foo'));
- $this->assertEquals(-2, $this->redis->decr('foo'));
- // test subsequent decrementBy commands
- $this->assertEquals(-22, $this->redis->decrby('foo', 20));
- $this->assertEquals(-10, $this->redis->decrby('foo', -12));
- $this->assertEquals(100, $this->redis->decrby('foo', -110));
- }
- function testDelete()
- {
- $this->redis->set('foo', 'bar');
- $this->assertEquals(1, $this->redis->del('foo'));
- $this->assertFalse($this->redis->exists('foo'));
- $this->assertEquals(0, $this->redis->del('foo'));
- }
- function testType()
- {
- $this->assertEquals('none', $this->redis->type('fooDoesNotExist'));
- $this->redis->set('fooString', 'bar');
- $this->assertEquals('string', $this->redis->type('fooString'));
- $this->redis->rpush('fooList', 'bar');
- $this->assertEquals('list', $this->redis->type('fooList'));
- $this->redis->sadd('fooSet', 'bar');
- $this->assertEquals('set', $this->redis->type('fooSet'));
- $this->redis->zadd('fooZSet', 0, 'bar');
- $this->assertEquals('zset', $this->redis->type('fooZSet'));
- $this->redis->hset('fooHash', 'value', 'bar');
- $this->assertEquals('hash', $this->redis->type('fooHash'));
- }
- function testAppend()
- {
- $this->redis->set('foo', 'bar');
- $this->assertEquals(5, $this->redis->append('foo', '__'));
- $this->assertEquals(8, $this->redis->append('foo', 'bar'));
- $this->assertEquals('bar__bar', $this->redis->get('foo'));
- $this->assertEquals(4, $this->redis->append('hoge', 'piyo'));
- $this->assertEquals('piyo', $this->redis->get('hoge'));
- RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_WRONG_TYPE, function($test) {
- $test->redis->rpush('metavars', 'foo');
- $test->redis->append('metavars', 'bar');
- });
- }
- function testSetRange()
- {
- $this->assertEquals(6, $this->redis->setrange('var', 0, 'foobar'));
- $this->assertEquals('foobar', $this->redis->get('var'));
- $this->assertEquals(6, $this->redis->setrange('var', 3, 'foo'));
- $this->assertEquals('foofoo', $this->redis->get('var'));
- $this->assertEquals(16, $this->redis->setrange('var', 10, 'barbar'));
- $this->assertEquals("foofoo\x00\x00\x00\x00barbar", $this->redis->get('var'));
- $this->assertEquals(4, $this->redis->setrange('binary', 0, pack('l', -2147483648)));
- list($unpacked) = array_values(unpack('l', $this->redis->get('binary')));
- $this->assertEquals(-2147483648, $unpacked);
- RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_OFFSET_RANGE, function($test) {
- $test->redis->setrange('var', -1, 'bogus');
- });
- RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_WRONG_TYPE, function($test) {
- $test->redis->rpush('metavars', 'foo');
- $test->redis->setrange('metavars', 0, 'hoge');
- });
- }
- function testSubstr()
- {
- $this->redis->set('var', 'foobar');
- $this->assertEquals('foo', $this->redis->substr('var', 0, 2));
- $this->assertEquals('bar', $this->redis->substr('var', 3, 5));
- $this->assertEquals('bar', $this->redis->substr('var', -3, -1));
- $this->assertEquals('', $this->redis->substr('var', 5, 0));
- $this->redis->set('numeric', 123456789);
- $this->assertEquals(12345, $this->redis->substr('numeric', 0, 4));
- RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_WRONG_TYPE, function($test) {
- $test->redis->rpush('metavars', 'foo');
- $test->redis->substr('metavars', 0, 3);
- });
- }
- function testStrlen()
- {
- $this->redis->set('var', 'foobar');
- $this->assertEquals(6, $this->redis->strlen('var'));
- $this->assertEquals(9, $this->redis->append('var', '___'));
- $this->assertEquals(9, $this->redis->strlen('var'));
- RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_WRONG_TYPE, function($test) {
- $test->redis->rpush('metavars', 'foo');
- $test->redis->strlen('metavars');
- });
- }
- function testSetBit()
- {
- $this->assertEquals(0, $this->redis->setbit('binary', 31, 1));
- $this->assertEquals(0, $this->redis->setbit('binary', 0, 1));
- $this->assertEquals(4, $this->redis->strlen('binary'));
- $this->assertEquals("\x80\x00\00\x01", $this->redis->get('binary'));
- $this->assertEquals(1, $this->redis->setbit('binary', 0, 0));
- $this->assertEquals(0, $this->redis->setbit('binary', 0, 0));
- $this->assertEquals("\x00\x00\00\x01", $this->redis->get('binary'));
- RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_BIT_OFFSET, function($test) {
- $test->redis->setbit('binary', -1, 1);
- });
- RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_BIT_OFFSET, function($test) {
- $test->redis->setbit('binary', 'invalid', 1);
- });
- RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_BIT_VALUE, function($test) {
- $test->redis->setbit('binary', 15, 255);
- });
- RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_BIT_VALUE, function($test) {
- $test->redis->setbit('binary', 15, 'invalid');
- });
- RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_WRONG_TYPE, function($test) {
- $test->redis->rpush('metavars', 'foo');
- $test->redis->setbit('metavars', 0, 1);
- });
- }
- function testGetBit()
- {
- $this->redis->set('binary', "\x80\x00\00\x01");
- $this->assertEquals(1, $this->redis->getbit('binary', 0));
- $this->assertEquals(0, $this->redis->getbit('binary', 15));
- $this->assertEquals(1, $this->redis->getbit('binary', 31));
- $this->assertEquals(0, $this->redis->getbit('binary', 63));
- RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_BIT_OFFSET, function($test) {
- $test->redis->getbit('binary', -1);
- });
- RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_BIT_OFFSET, function($test) {
- $test->redis->getbit('binary', 'invalid');
- });
- RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_WRONG_TYPE, function($test) {
- $test->redis->rpush('metavars', 'foo');
- $test->redis->getbit('metavars', 0);
- });
- }
- /* commands operating on the key space */
- function testKeys()
- {
- $keyValsNs = RC::getNamespacedKeyValueArray();
- $keyValsOthers = array('aaa' => 1, 'aba' => 2, 'aca' => 3);
- $allKeyVals = array_merge($keyValsNs, $keyValsOthers);
- $this->redis->mset($allKeyVals);
- $this->assertEquals(array(), $this->redis->keys('nokeys:*'));
- $keysFromRedis = $this->redis->keys('metavar:*');
- $this->assertEquals(array(), array_diff(array_keys($keyValsNs), $keysFromRedis));
- $keysFromRedis = $this->redis->keys('*');
- $this->assertEquals(array(), array_diff(array_keys($allKeyVals), $keysFromRedis));
- $keysFromRedis = $this->redis->keys('a?a');
- $this->assertEquals(array(), array_diff(array_keys($keyValsOthers), $keysFromRedis));
- }
- function testRandomKey()
- {
- $keyvals = RC::getKeyValueArray();
- $this->assertNull($this->redis->randomkey());
- $this->redis->mset($keyvals);
- $this->assertTrue(in_array($this->redis->randomkey(), array_keys($keyvals)));
- }
- function testRename()
- {
- $this->redis->mset(array('foo' => 'bar', 'foofoo' => 'barbar'));
- // rename existing keys
- $this->assertTrue($this->redis->rename('foo', 'foofoo'));
- $this->assertFalse($this->redis->exists('foo'));
- $this->assertEquals('bar', $this->redis->get('foofoo'));
- // should throw an excepion then trying to rename non-existing keys
- RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_NO_SUCH_KEY, function($test) {
- $test->redis->rename('hoge', 'hogehoge');
- });
- }
- function testRenamePreserve()
- {
- $this->redis->mset(array('foo' => 'bar', 'hoge' => 'piyo', 'hogehoge' => 'piyopiyo'));
- $this->assertTrue($this->redis->renamenx('foo', 'foofoo'));
- $this->assertFalse($this->redis->exists('foo'));
- $this->assertEquals('bar', $this->redis->get('foofoo'));
- $this->assertFalse($this->redis->renamenx('hoge', 'hogehoge'));
- $this->assertTrue($this->redis->exists('hoge'));
- // should throw an excepion then trying to rename non-existing keys
- RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_NO_SUCH_KEY, function($test) {
- $test->redis->renamenx('fuga', 'baz');
- });
- }
- function testExpirationAndTTL()
- {
- $this->redis->set('foo', 'bar');
- // check for key expiration
- $this->assertTrue($this->redis->expire('foo', 1));
- $this->assertEquals(1, $this->redis->ttl('foo'));
- $this->assertTrue($this->redis->exists('foo'));
- sleep(2);
- $this->assertFalse($this->redis->exists('foo'));
- $this->assertEquals(-1, $this->redis->ttl('foo'));
- // check for consistent TTL values
- $this->redis->set('foo', 'bar');
- $this->assertTrue($this->redis->expire('foo', 100));
- sleep(3);
- $this->assertEquals(97, $this->redis->ttl('foo'));
- // delete key on negative TTL
- $this->redis->set('foo', 'bar');
- $this->assertTrue($this->redis->expire('foo', -100));
- $this->assertFalse($this->redis->exists('foo'));
- $this->assertEquals(-1, $this->redis->ttl('foo'));
- }
- function testPersist()
- {
- $this->redis->set('foo', 'bar');
- $this->assertTrue($this->redis->expire('foo', 1));
- $this->assertEquals(1, $this->redis->ttl('foo'));
- $this->assertTrue($this->redis->persist('foo'));
- $this->assertEquals(-1, $this->redis->ttl('foo'));
- $this->assertFalse($this->redis->persist('foo'));
- $this->assertFalse($this->redis->persist('foobar'));
- }
- function testSetExpire()
- {
- $this->assertTrue($this->redis->setex('foo', 10, 'bar'));
- $this->assertTrue($this->redis->exists('foo'));
- $this->assertEquals(10, $this->redis->ttl('foo'));
- $this->assertTrue($this->redis->setex('hoge', 1, 'piyo'));
- sleep(2);
- $this->assertFalse($this->redis->exists('hoge'));
- // TODO: do not check the error message RC::EXCEPTION_VALUE_NOT_INT for now
- RC::testForServerException($this, null, function($test) {
- $test->redis->setex('hoge', 2.5, 'piyo');
- });
- RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_SETEX_TTL, function($test) {
- $test->redis->setex('hoge', 0, 'piyo');
- });
- RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_SETEX_TTL, function($test) {
- $test->redis->setex('hoge', -10, 'piyo');
- });
- }
- function testDatabaseSize()
- {
- // TODO: is this really OK?
- $this->assertEquals(0, $this->redis->dbsize());
- $this->redis->mset(RC::getKeyValueArray());
- $this->assertGreaterThan(0, $this->redis->dbsize());
- }
- /* commands operating on lists */
- function testPushTail()
- {
- // NOTE: List push operations return the list length since Redis commit 520b5a3
- $this->assertEquals(1, $this->redis->rpush('metavars', 'foo'));
- $this->assertTrue($this->redis->exists('metavars'));
- $this->assertEquals(2, $this->redis->rpush('metavars', 'hoge'));
- // should throw an exception when trying to do a RPUSH on non-list types
- RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_WRONG_TYPE, function($test) {
- $test->redis->set('foo', 'bar');
- $test->redis->rpush('foo', 'bar');
- });
- }
- function testPushTailX()
- {
- $this->assertEquals(0, $this->redis->rpushx('numbers', 1));
- $this->assertEquals(1, $this->redis->rpush('numbers', 2));
- $this->assertEquals(2, $this->redis->rpushx('numbers', 3));
- $this->assertEquals(2, $this->redis->llen('numbers'));
- $this->assertEquals(array(2, 3), $this->redis->lrange('numbers', 0, -1));
- RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_WRONG_TYPE, function($test) {
- $test->redis->set('foo', 'bar');
- $test->redis->rpushx('foo', 'bar');
- });
- }
- function testPushHead()
- {
- // NOTE: List push operations return the list length since Redis commit 520b5a3
- $this->assertEquals(1, $this->redis->lpush('metavars', 'foo'));
- $this->assertTrue($this->redis->exists('metavars'));
- $this->assertEquals(2, $this->redis->lpush('metavars', 'hoge'));
- // should throw an exception when trying to do a LPUSH on non-list types
- RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_WRONG_TYPE, function($test) {
- $test->redis->set('foo', 'bar');
- $test->redis->lpush('foo', 'bar');
- });
- }
- function testPushHeadX()
- {
- $this->assertEquals(0, $this->redis->lpushx('numbers', 1));
- $this->assertEquals(1, $this->redis->lpush('numbers', 2));
- $this->assertEquals(2, $this->redis->lpushx('numbers', 3));
- $this->assertEquals(2, $this->redis->llen('numbers'));
- $this->assertEquals(array(3, 2), $this->redis->lrange('numbers', 0, -1));
- RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_WRONG_TYPE, function($test) {
- $test->redis->set('foo', 'bar');
- $test->redis->lpushx('foo', 'bar');
- });
- }
- function testListLength()
- {
- $this->assertEquals(1, $this->redis->rpush('metavars', 'foo'));
- $this->assertEquals(2, $this->redis->rpush('metavars', 'hoge'));
- $this->assertEquals(2, $this->redis->llen('metavars'));
- $this->assertEquals(0, $this->redis->llen('doesnotexist'));
- // should throw an exception when trying to do a LLEN on non-list types
- RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_WRONG_TYPE, function($test) {
- $test->redis->set('foo', 'bar');
- $test->redis->llen('foo');
- });
- }
- function testListRange()
- {
- $numbers = RC::pushTailAndReturn($this->redis, 'numbers', RC::getArrayOfNumbers());
- $this->assertEquals(
- array_slice($numbers, 0, 4),
- $this->redis->lrange('numbers', 0, 3)
- );
- $this->assertEquals(
- array_slice($numbers, 4, 5),
- $this->redis->lrange('numbers', 4, 8)
- );
- $this->assertEquals(
- array_slice($numbers, 0, 1),
- $this->redis->lrange('numbers', 0, 0)
- );
- $this->assertEquals(
- array(),
- $this->redis->lrange('numbers', 1, 0)
- );
- $this->assertEquals(
- $numbers,
- $this->redis->lrange('numbers', 0, -1)
- );
- $this->assertEquals(
- array(5),
- $this->redis->lrange('numbers', 5, -5)
- );
- $this->assertEquals(
- array(),
- $this->redis->lrange('numbers', 7, -5)
- );
- $this->assertEquals(
- array_slice($numbers, -5, -1),
- $this->redis->lrange('numbers', -5, -2)
- );
- $this->assertEquals(
- $numbers,
- $this->redis->lrange('numbers', -100, 100)
- );
- $this->assertEquals(
- array(),
- $this->redis->lrange('keyDoesNotExist', 0, 1)
- );
- // should throw an exception when trying to do a LRANGE on non-list types
- RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_WRONG_TYPE, function($test) {
- $test->redis->set('foo', 'bar');
- $test->redis->lrange('foo', 0, -1);
- });
- }
- function testListTrim()
- {
- $numbers = RC::pushTailAndReturn($this->redis, 'numbers', RC::getArrayOfNumbers());
- $this->assertTrue($this->redis->ltrim('numbers', 0, 2));
- $this->assertEquals(
- array_slice($numbers, 0, 3),
- $this->redis->lrange('numbers', 0, -1)
- );
- $numbers = RC::pushTailAndReturn($this->redis, 'numbers', RC::getArrayOfNumbers(), RC::WIPE_OUT);
- $this->assertTrue($this->redis->ltrim('numbers', 5, 9));
- $this->assertEquals(
- array_slice($numbers, 5, 5),
- $this->redis->lrange('numbers', 0, -1)
- );
- $numbers = RC::pushTailAndReturn($this->redis, 'numbers', RC::getArrayOfNumbers(), RC::WIPE_OUT);
- $this->assertTrue($this->redis->ltrim('numbers', 0, -6));
- $this->assertEquals(
- array_slice($numbers, 0, -5),
- $this->redis->lrange('numbers', 0, -1)
- );
- $numbers = RC::pushTailAndReturn($this->redis, 'numbers', RC::getArrayOfNumbers(), RC::WIPE_OUT);
- $this->assertTrue($this->redis->ltrim('numbers', -5, -3));
- $this->assertEquals(
- array_slice($numbers, 5, 3),
- $this->redis->lrange('numbers', 0, -1)
- );
- $numbers = RC::pushTailAndReturn($this->redis, 'numbers', RC::getArrayOfNumbers(), RC::WIPE_OUT);
- $this->assertTrue($this->redis->ltrim('numbers', -100, 100));
- $this->assertEquals(
- $numbers,
- $this->redis->lrange('numbers', 0, -1)
- );
- RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_WRONG_TYPE, function($test) {
- $test->redis->set('foo', 'bar');
- $test->redis->ltrim('foo', 0, 1);
- });
- }
- function testListIndex()
- {
- $numbers = RC::pushTailAndReturn($this->redis, 'numbers', RC::getArrayOfNumbers());
- $this->assertEquals(0, $this->redis->lindex('numbers', 0));
- $this->assertEquals(5, $this->redis->lindex('numbers', 5));
- $this->assertEquals(9, $this->redis->lindex('numbers', 9));
- $this->assertNull($this->redis->lindex('numbers', 100));
- $this->assertEquals(0, $this->redis->lindex('numbers', -0));
- $this->assertEquals(9, $this->redis->lindex('numbers', -1));
- $this->assertEquals(7, $this->redis->lindex('numbers', -3));
- $this->assertNull($this->redis->lindex('numbers', -100));
- RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_WRONG_TYPE, function($test) {
- $test->redis->set('foo', 'bar');
- $test->redis->lindex('foo', 0);
- });
- }
- function testListSet()
- {
- $numbers = RC::pushTailAndReturn($this->redis, 'numbers', RC::getArrayOfNumbers());
- $this->assertTrue($this->redis->lset('numbers', 5, -5));
- $this->assertEquals(-5, $this->redis->lindex('numbers', 5));
- RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_OUT_OF_RANGE, function($test) {
- $test->redis->lset('numbers', 99, 99);
- });
- RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_WRONG_TYPE, function($test) {
- $test->redis->set('foo', 'bar');
- $test->redis->lset('foo', 0, 0);
- });
- }
- function testListRemove()
- {
- $mixed = array(0, '_', 2, '_', 4, '_', 6, '_');
- RC::pushTailAndReturn($this->redis, 'mixed', $mixed);
- $this->assertEquals(2, $this->redis->lrem('mixed', 2, '_'));
- $this->assertEquals(array(0, 2, 4, '_', 6, '_'), $this->redis->lrange('mixed', 0, -1));
- RC::pushTailAndReturn($this->redis, 'mixed', $mixed, RC::WIPE_OUT);
- $this->assertEquals(4, $this->redis->lrem('mixed', 0, '_'));
- $this->assertEquals(array(0, 2, 4, 6), $this->redis->lrange('mixed', 0, -1));
- RC::pushTailAndReturn($this->redis, 'mixed', $mixed, RC::WIPE_OUT);
- $this->assertEquals(2, $this->redis->lrem('mixed', -2, '_'));
- $this->assertEquals(array(0, '_', 2, '_', 4, 6), $this->redis->lrange('mixed', 0, -1));
- RC::pushTailAndReturn($this->redis, 'mixed', $mixed, RC::WIPE_OUT);
- $this->assertEquals(0, $this->redis->lrem('mixed', 2, '|'));
- $this->assertEquals($mixed, $this->redis->lrange('mixed', 0, -1));
- $this->assertEquals(0, $this->redis->lrem('listDoesNotExist', 2, '_'));
- RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_WRONG_TYPE, function($test) {
- $test->redis->set('foo', 'bar');
- $test->redis->lrem('foo', 0, 0);
- });
- }
- function testListPopFirst()
- {
- $numbers = RC::pushTailAndReturn($this->redis, 'numbers', array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4));
- $this->assertEquals(0, $this->redis->lpop('numbers'));
- $this->assertEquals(1, $this->redis->lpop('numbers'));
- $this->assertEquals(2, $this->redis->lpop('numbers'));
- $this->assertEquals(array(3, 4), $this->redis->lrange('numbers', 0, -1));
- $this->redis->lpop('numbers');
- $this->redis->lpop('numbers');
- $this->assertNull($this->redis->lpop('numbers'));
- $this->assertNull($this->redis->lpop('numbers'));
- $this->assertNull($this->redis->lpop('listDoesNotExist'));
- RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_WRONG_TYPE, function($test) {
- $test->redis->set('foo', 'bar');
- $test->redis->lpop('foo');
- });
- }
- function testListPopLast()
- {
- $numbers = RC::pushTailAndReturn($this->redis, 'numbers', array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4));
- $this->assertEquals(4, $this->redis->rpop('numbers'));
- $this->assertEquals(3, $this->redis->rpop('numbers'));
- $this->assertEquals(2, $this->redis->rpop('numbers'));
- $this->assertEquals(array(0, 1), $this->redis->lrange('numbers', 0, -1));
- $this->redis->rpop('numbers');
- $this->redis->rpop('numbers');
- $this->assertNull($this->redis->rpop('numbers'));
- $this->assertNull($this->redis->rpop('numbers'));
- $this->assertNull($this->redis->rpop('listDoesNotExist'));
- RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_WRONG_TYPE, function($test) {
- $test->redis->set('foo', 'bar');
- $test->redis->rpop('foo');
- });
- }
- function testListPopLastPushHead()
- {
- $numbers = RC::pushTailAndReturn($this->redis, 'numbers', array(0, 1, 2));
- $this->assertEquals(0, $this->redis->llen('temporary'));
- $this->assertEquals(2, $this->redis->rpoplpush('numbers', 'temporary'));
- $this->assertEquals(1, $this->redis->rpoplpush('numbers', 'temporary'));
- $this->assertEquals(0, $this->redis->rpoplpush('numbers', 'temporary'));
- $this->assertEquals(0, $this->redis->llen('numbers'));
- $this->assertEquals(3, $this->redis->llen('temporary'));
- $this->assertEquals(array(), $this->redis->lrange('numbers', 0, -1));
- $this->assertEquals($numbers, $this->redis->lrange('temporary', 0, -1));
- $numbers = RC::pushTailAndReturn($this->redis, 'numbers', array(0, 1, 2));
- $this->redis->rpoplpush('numbers', 'numbers');
- $this->redis->rpoplpush('numbers', 'numbers');
- $this->redis->rpoplpush('numbers', 'numbers');
- $this->assertEquals($numbers, $this->redis->lrange('numbers', 0, -1));
- $this->assertNull($this->redis->rpoplpush('listDoesNotExist1', 'listDoesNotExist2'));
- RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_WRONG_TYPE, function($test) {
- $test->redis->set('foo', 'bar');
- $test->redis->rpoplpush('foo', 'hoge');
- });
- RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_WRONG_TYPE, function($test) {
- $test->redis->set('foo', 'bar');
- $test->redis->rpoplpush('temporary', 'foo');
- });
- }
- function testListBlockingPopFirst()
- {
- // TODO: this test does not cover all the aspects of BLPOP/BRPOP as it
- // does not run with a concurrent client pushing items on lists.
- RC::helperForBlockingPops('blpop');
- // BLPOP on one key
- $start = time();
- $item = $this->redis->blpop('blpop3', 5);
- $this->assertEquals((float)(time() - $start), 0, '', 1);
- $this->assertEquals($item, array('blpop3', 'c'));
- // BLPOP on more than one key
- $poppedItems = array();
- while ($item = $this->redis->blpop('blpop1', 'blpop2', 1)) {
- $poppedItems[] = $item;
- }
- $this->assertEquals(
- array(array('blpop1', 'a'), array('blpop1', 'd'), array('blpop2', 'b')),
- $poppedItems
- );
- // check if BLPOP timeouts as expected on empty lists
- $start = time();
- $this->redis->blpop('blpop4', 2);
- $this->assertEquals((float)(time() - $start), 2, '', 1);
- }
- function testListBlockingPopLast()
- {
- // TODO: this test does not cover all the aspects of BLPOP/BRPOP as it
- // does not run with a concurrent client pushing items on lists.
- RC::helperForBlockingPops('brpop');
- // BRPOP on one key
- $start = time();
- $item = $this->redis->brpop('brpop3', 5);
- $this->assertEquals((float)(time() - $start), 0, '', 1);
- $this->assertEquals($item, array('brpop3', 'c'));
- // BRPOP on more than one key
- $poppedItems = array();
- while ($item = $this->redis->brpop('brpop1', 'brpop2', 1)) {
- $poppedItems[] = $item;
- }
- $this->assertEquals(
- array(array('brpop1', 'd'), array('brpop1', 'a'), array('brpop2', 'b')),
- $poppedItems
- );
- // check if BRPOP timeouts as expected on empty lists
- $start = time();
- $this->redis->brpop('brpop4', 2);
- $this->assertEquals((float)(time() - $start), 2, '', 1);
- }
- function testListBlockingPopLastPushHead()
- {
- // TODO: this test does not cover all the aspects of BLPOP/BRPOP as it
- // does not run with a concurrent client pushing items on lists.
- $numbers = RC::pushTailAndReturn($this->redis, 'numbers', array(1, 2, 3));
- $src_count = count($numbers);
- $dst_count = 0;
- while ($item = $this->redis->brpoplpush('numbers', 'temporary', 1)) {
- $this->assertEquals(--$src_count, $this->redis->llen('numbers'));
- $this->assertEquals(++$dst_count, $this->redis->llen('temporary'));
- $this->assertEquals(array_pop($numbers), $this->redis->lindex('temporary', 0));
- }
- $start = time();
- $this->assertNull($this->redis->brpoplpush('numbers', 'temporary', 2));
- $this->assertEquals(2, (float)(time() - $start), '', 1);
- RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_WRONG_TYPE, function($test) {
- $test->redis->del('numbers');
- $test->redis->del('temporary');
- $test->redis->set('numbers', 'foobar');
- $test->redis->brpoplpush('numbers', 'temporary', 1);
- });
- }
- function testListInsert()
- {
- $numbers = RC::pushTailAndReturn($this->redis, 'numbers', RC::getArrayOfNumbers());
- $this->assertEquals(11, $this->redis->linsert('numbers', 'before', 0, -2));
- $this->assertEquals(12, $this->redis->linsert('numbers', 'after', -2, -1));
- $this->assertEquals(array(-2, -1, 0, 1), $this->redis->lrange('numbers', 0, 3));
- $this->assertEquals(-1, $this->redis->linsert('numbers', 'after', 100, 200));
- $this->assertEquals(-1, $this->redis->linsert('numbers', 'before', 100, 50));
- RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_WRONG_TYPE, function($test) {
- $test->redis->set('foo', 'bar');
- $test->redis->linsert('foo', 'before', 0, 0);
- });
- }
- /* commands operating on sets */
- function testSetAdd()
- {
- $this->assertTrue($this->redis->sadd('set', 0));
- $this->assertTrue($this->redis->sadd('set', 1));
- $this->assertFalse($this->redis->sadd('set', 0));
- RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_WRONG_TYPE, function($test) {
- $test->redis->set('foo', 'bar');
- $test->redis->sadd('foo', 0);
- });
- }
- function testSetRemove()
- {
- $set = RC::setAddAndReturn($this->redis, 'set', array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4));
- $this->assertTrue($this->redis->srem('set', 0));
- $this->assertTrue($this->redis->srem('set', 4));
- $this->assertFalse($this->redis->srem('set', 10));
- RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_WRONG_TYPE, function($test) {
- $test->redis->set('foo', 'bar');
- $test->redis->srem('foo', 0);
- });
- }
- function testSetPop()
- {
- $set = RC::setAddAndReturn($this->redis, 'set', array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4));
- $this->assertTrue(in_array($this->redis->spop('set'), $set));
- $this->assertNull($this->redis->spop('setDoesNotExist'));
- RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_WRONG_TYPE, function($test) {
- $test->redis->set('foo', 'bar');
- $test->redis->spop('foo');
- });
- }
- function testSetMove()
- {
- $setA = RC::setAddAndReturn($this->redis, 'setA', array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5));
- $setB = RC::setAddAndReturn($this->redis, 'setB', array(5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10));
- $this->assertTrue($this->redis->smove('setA', 'setB', 0));
- $this->assertFalse($this->redis->srem('setA', 0));
- $this->assertTrue($this->redis->srem('setB', 0));
- $this->assertTrue($this->redis->smove('setA', 'setB', 5));
- $this->assertFalse($this->redis->smove('setA', 'setB', 100));
- // wrong type
- $this->redis->set('foo', 'bar');
- RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_WRONG_TYPE, function($test) {
- $test->redis->smove('foo', 'setB', 5);
- });
- RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_WRONG_TYPE, function($test) {
- $test->redis->smove('setA', 'foo', 5);
- });
- }
- function testSetCardinality()
- {
- RC::setAddAndReturn($this->redis, 'setA', array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5));
- $this->assertEquals(6, $this->redis->scard('setA'));
- // empty set
- $this->redis->sadd('setB', 0);
- $this->redis->spop('setB');
- $this->assertEquals(0, $this->redis->scard('setB'));
- // non-existing set
- $this->assertEquals(0, $this->redis->scard('setDoesNotExist'));
- // wrong type
- RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_WRONG_TYPE, function($test) {
- $test->redis->set('foo', 'bar');
- $test->redis->scard('foo');
- });
- }
- function testSetIsMember()
- {
- RC::setAddAndReturn($this->redis, 'set', array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5));
- $this->assertTrue($this->redis->sismember('set', 3));
- $this->assertFalse($this->redis->sismember('set', 100));
- $this->assertFalse($this->redis->sismember('setDoesNotExist', 0));
- // wrong type
- RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_WRONG_TYPE, function($test) {
- $test->redis->set('foo', 'bar');
- $test->redis->sismember('foo', 0);
- });
- }
- function testSetMembers()
- {
- $set = RC::setAddAndReturn($this->redis, 'set', array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6));
- $this->assertTrue(RC::sameValuesInArrays($set, $this->redis->smembers('set')));
- $this->assertEquals(array(), $this->redis->smembers('setDoesNotExist'));
- // wrong type
- $this->redis->set('foo', 'bar');
- RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_WRONG_TYPE, function($test) {
- $test->redis->smembers('foo');
- });
- }
- function testSetIntersection()
- {
- $setA = RC::setAddAndReturn($this->redis, 'setA', array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6));
- $setB = RC::setAddAndReturn($this->redis, 'setB', array(1, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10));
- $this->assertTrue(RC::sameValuesInArrays(
- $setA,
- $this->redis->sinter('setA')
- ));
- $this->assertTrue(RC::sameValuesInArrays(
- array_intersect($setA, $setB),
- $this->redis->sinter('setA', 'setB')
- ));
- $this->assertEquals(array(), $this->redis->sinter('setA', 'setDoesNotExist'));
- // wrong type
- $this->redis->set('foo', 'bar');
- RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_WRONG_TYPE, function($test) {
- $test->redis->sinter('foo');
- });
- RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_WRONG_TYPE, function($test) {
- $test->redis->sinter('setA', 'foo');
- });
- }
- function testSetIntersectionStore()
- {
- $setA = RC::setAddAndReturn($this->redis, 'setA', array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6));
- $setB = RC::setAddAndReturn($this->redis, 'setB', array(1, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10));
- $this->assertEquals(count($setA), $this->redis->sinterstore('setC', 'setA'));
- $this->assertTrue(RC::sameValuesInArrays(
- $setA,
- $this->redis->smembers('setC')
- ));
- $this->redis->del('setC');
- $this->assertEquals(4, $this->redis->sinterstore('setC', 'setA', 'setB'));
- $this->assertTrue(RC::sameValuesInArrays(
- array(1, 3, 4, 6),
- $this->redis->smembers('setC')
- ));
- $this->redis->del('setC');
- $this->assertEquals(array(), $this->redis->sinter('setC', 'setDoesNotExist'));
- $this->assertFalse($this->redis->exists('setC'));
- // existing keys are replaced by SINTERSTORE
- $this->redis->set('foo', 'bar');
- $this->assertEquals(count($setA), $this->redis->sinterstore('foo', 'setA'));
- // accepts an array for the list of source keys
- $this->assertEquals(4, $this->redis->sinterstore('setC', array('setA', 'setB')));
- // wrong type
- $this->redis->set('foo', 'bar');
- RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_WRONG_TYPE, function($test) {
- $test->redis->sinterstore('setA', 'foo');
- });
- }
- function testSetUnion()
- {
- $setA = RC::setAddAndReturn($this->redis, 'setA', array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6));
- $setB = RC::setAddAndReturn($this->redis, 'setB', array(1, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10));
- $this->assertTrue(RC::sameValuesInArrays(
- $setA,
- $this->redis->sunion('setA')
- ));
- $this->assertTrue(RC::sameValuesInArrays(
- array_union($setA, $setB),
- $this->redis->sunion('setA', 'setB')
- ));
- $this->assertTrue(RC::sameValuesInArrays(
- $setA,
- $this->redis->sunion('setA', 'setDoesNotExist')
- ));
- // wrong type
- $this->redis->set('foo', 'bar');
- RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_WRONG_TYPE, function($test) {
- $test->redis->sunion('foo');
- });
- RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_WRONG_TYPE, function($test) {
- $test->redis->sunion('setA', 'foo');
- });
- }
- function testSetUnionStore()
- {
- $setA = RC::setAddAndReturn($this->redis, 'setA', array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6));
- $setB = RC::setAddAndReturn($this->redis, 'setB', array(1, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10));
- $this->assertEquals(count($setA), $this->redis->sunionstore('setC', 'setA'));
- $this->assertTrue(RC::sameValuesInArrays(
- $setA,
- $this->redis->smembers('setC')
- ));
- $this->redis->del('setC');
- $this->assertEquals(9, $this->redis->sunionstore('setC', 'setA', 'setB'));
- $this->assertTrue(RC::sameValuesInArrays(
- array_union($setA, $setB),
- $this->redis->smembers('setC')
- ));
- // non-existing keys are considered empty sets
- $this->redis->del('setC');
- $this->assertEquals(0, $this->redis->sunionstore('setC', 'setDoesNotExist'));
- $this->assertFalse($this->redis->exists('setC'));
- $this->assertEquals(0, $this->redis->scard('setC'));
- // existing keys are replaced by SUNIONSTORE
- $this->redis->set('foo', 'bar');
- $this->assertEquals(count($setA), $this->redis->sunionstore('foo', 'setA'));
- // accepts an array for the list of source keys
- $this->assertEquals(9, $this->redis->sunionstore('setC', array('setA', 'setB')));
- // wrong type
- $this->redis->set('foo', 'bar');
- RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_WRONG_TYPE, function($test) {
- $test->redis->sunionstore('setA', 'foo');
- });
- }
- function testSetDifference()
- {
- $setA = RC::setAddAndReturn($this->redis, 'setA', array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6));
- $setB = RC::setAddAndReturn($this->redis, 'setB', array(1, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10));
- $this->assertTrue(RC::sameValuesInArrays(
- $setA,
- $this->redis->sdiff('setA')
- ));
- $this->assertTrue(RC::sameValuesInArrays(
- array_diff($setA, $setB),
- $this->redis->sdiff('setA', 'setB')
- ));
- $this->assertTrue(RC::sameValuesInArrays(
- $setA,
- $this->redis->sdiff('setA', 'setDoesNotExist')
- ));
- // wrong type
- $this->redis->set('foo', 'bar');
- RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_WRONG_TYPE, function($test) {
- $test->redis->sdiff('foo');
- });
- RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_WRONG_TYPE, function($test) {
- $test->redis->sdiff('setA', 'foo');
- });
- }
- function testSetDifferenceStore()
- {
- $setA = RC::setAddAndReturn($this->redis, 'setA', array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6));
- $setB = RC::setAddAndReturn($this->redis, 'setB', array(1, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10));
- $this->assertEquals(count($setA), $this->redis->sdiffstore('setC', 'setA'));
- $this->assertTrue(RC::sameValuesInArrays(
- $setA,
- $this->redis->smembers('setC')
- ));
- $this->redis->del('setC');
- $this->assertEquals(3, $this->redis->sdiffstore('setC', 'setA', 'setB'));
- $this->assertTrue(RC::sameValuesInArrays(
- array_diff($setA, $setB),
- $this->redis->smembers('setC')
- ));
- // non-existing keys are considered empty sets
- $this->redis->del('setC');
- $this->assertEquals(0, $this->redis->sdiffstore('setC', 'setDoesNotExist'));
- $this->assertFalse($this->redis->exists('setC'));
- $this->assertEquals(0, $this->redis->scard('setC'));
- // existing keys are replaced by SDIFFSTORE
- $this->redis->set('foo', 'bar');
- $this->assertEquals(count($setA), $this->redis->sdiffstore('foo', 'setA'));
- // wrong type
- $this->redis->set('foo', 'bar');
- RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_WRONG_TYPE, function($test) {
- $test->redis->sdiffstore('setA', 'foo');
- });
- }
- function testRandomMember()
- {
- $set = RC::setAddAndReturn($this->redis, 'set', array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6));
- $this->assertTrue(in_array($this->redis->srandmember('set'), $set));
- $this->assertNull($this->redis->srandmember('setDoesNotExist'));
- // wrong type
- $this->redis->set('foo', 'bar');
- RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_WRONG_TYPE, function($test) {
- $test->redis->srandmember('foo');
- });
- }
- /* commands operating on sorted sets */
- function testZsetAdd()
- {
- $this->assertTrue($this->redis->zadd('zset', 0, 'a'));
- $this->assertTrue($this->redis->zadd('zset', 1, 'b'));
- $this->assertTrue($this->redis->zadd('zset', -1, 'c'));
- // TODO: floats?
- //$this->assertTrue($this->redis->zadd('zset', -1.0, 'c'));
- //$this->assertTrue($this->redis->zadd('zset', -1.0, 'c'));
- $this->assertFalse($this->redis->zadd('zset', 2, 'b'));
- $this->assertFalse($this->redis->zadd('zset', -2, 'b'));
- RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_WRONG_TYPE, function($test) {
- $test->redis->set('foo', 'bar');
- $test->redis->zadd('foo', 0, 'a');
- });
- }
- function testZsetIncrementBy()
- {
- $this->assertEquals(1, $this->redis->zincrby('zsetDoesNotExist', 1, 'foo'));
- $this->assertEquals('zset', $this->redis->type('zsetDoesNotExist'));
- RC::zsetAddAndReturn($this->redis, 'zset', RC::getZSetArray());
- $this->assertEquals(-5, $this->redis->zincrby('zset', 5, 'a'));
- $this->assertEquals(1, $this->redis->zincrby('zset', 1, 'b'));
- $this->assertEquals(10, $this->redis->zincrby('zset', 0, 'c'));
- $this->assertEquals(0, $this->redis->zincrby('zset', -20, 'd'));
- $this->assertEquals(2, $this->redis->zincrby('zset', 2, 'd'));
- $this->assertEquals(-10, $this->redis->zincrby('zset', -30, 'e'));
- $this->assertEquals(1, $this->redis->zincrby('zset', 1, 'x'));
- // wrong type
- $this->redis->set('foo', 'bar');
- RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_WRONG_TYPE, function($test) {
- $test->redis->zincrby('foo', 1, 'a');
- });
- }
- function testZsetRemove()
- {
- RC::zsetAddAndReturn($this->redis, 'zset', RC::getZSetArray());
- $this->assertTrue($this->redis->zrem('zset', 'a'));
- $this->assertFalse($this->redis->zrem('zset', 'x'));
- RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_WRONG_TYPE, function($test) {
- $test->redis->set('foo', 'bar');
- $test->redis->zrem('foo', 'bar');
- });
- }
- function testZsetRange()
- {
- $zset = RC::zsetAddAndReturn($this->redis, 'zset', RC::getZSetArray());
- $this->assertEquals(
- array_slice(array_keys($zset), 0, 4),
- $this->redis->zrange('zset', 0, 3)
- );
- $this->assertEquals(
- array_slice(array_keys($zset), 0, 1),
- $this->redis->zrange('zset', 0, 0)
- );
- $this->assertEquals(
- array(),
- $this->redis->zrange('zset', 1, 0)
- );
- $this->assertEquals(
- array_values(array_keys($zset)),
- $this->redis->zrange('zset', 0, -1)
- );
- $this->assertEquals(
- array_slice(array_keys($zset), 3, 1),
- $this->redis->zrange('zset', 3, -3)
- );
- $this->assertEquals(
- array(),
- $this->redis->zrange('zset', 5, -3)
- );
- $this->assertEquals(
- array_slice(array_keys($zset), -5, -1),
- $this->redis->zrange('zset', -5, -2)
- );
- $this->assertEquals(
- array_values(array_keys($zset)),
- $this->redis->zrange('zset', -100, 100)
- );
- $this->assertEquals(
- array_values(array_keys($zset)),
- $this->redis->zrange('zset', -100, 100)
- );
- $this->assertEquals(
- array(array('a', -10), array('b', 0), array('c', 10)),
- $this->redis->zrange('zset', 0, 2, 'withscores')
- );
- $this->assertEquals(
- array(array('a', -10), array('b', 0), array('c', 10)),
- $this->redis->zrange('zset', 0, 2, array('withscores' => true))
- );
- RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_WRONG_TYPE, function($test) {
- $test->redis->set('foo', 'bar');
- $test->redis->zrange('foo', 0, -1);
- });
- }
- function testZsetReverseRange()
- {
- $zset = RC::zsetAddAndReturn($this->redis, 'zset', RC::getZSetArray());
- $this->assertEquals(
- array_slice(array_reverse(array_keys($zset)), 0, 4),
- $this->redis->zrevrange('zset', 0, 3)
- );
- $this->assertEquals(
- array_slice(array_reverse(array_keys($zset)), 0, 1),
- $this->redis->zrevrange('zset', 0, 0)
- );
- $this->assertEquals(
- array(),
- $this->redis->zrevrange('zset', 1, 0)
- );
- $this->assertEquals(
- array_values(array_reverse(array_keys($zset))),
- $this->redis->zrevrange('zset', 0, -1)
- );
- $this->assertEquals(
- array_slice(array_reverse(array_keys($zset)), 3, 1),
- $this->redis->zrevrange('zset', 3, -3)
- );
- $this->assertEquals(
- array(),
- $this->redis->zrevrange('zset', 5, -3)
- );
- $this->assertEquals(
- array_slice(array_reverse(array_keys($zset)), -5, -1),
- $this->redis->zrevrange('zset', -5, -2)
- );
- $this->assertEquals(
- array_values(array_reverse(array_keys($zset))),
- $this->redis->zrevrange('zset', -100, 100)
- );
- $this->assertEquals(
- array(array('f', 30), array('e', 20), array('d', 20)),
- $this->redis->zrevrange('zset', 0, 2, 'withscores')
- );
- $this->assertEquals(
- array(array('f', 30), array('e', 20), array('d', 20)),
- $this->redis->zrevrange('zset', 0, 2, array('withscores' => true))
- );
- RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_WRONG_TYPE, function($test) {
- $test->redis->set('foo', 'bar');
- $test->redis->zrevrange('foo', 0, -1);
- });
- }
- function testZsetRangeByScore()
- {
- $zset = RC::zsetAddAndReturn($this->redis, 'zset', RC::getZSetArray());
- $this->assertEquals(
- array('a'),
- $this->redis->zrangebyscore('zset', -10, -10)
- );
- $this->assertEquals(
- array('c', 'd', 'e', 'f'),
- $this->redis->zrangebyscore('zset', 10, 30)
- );
- $this->assertEquals(
- array('d', 'e'),
- $this->redis->zrangebyscore('zset', 20, 20)
- );
- $this->assertEquals(
- array(),
- $this->redis->zrangebyscore('zset', 30, 0)
- );
- $this->assertEquals(
- array(array('c', 10), array('d', 20), array('e', 20)),
- $this->redis->zrangebyscore('zset', 10, 20, 'withscores')
- );
- $this->assertEquals(
- array(array('c', 10), array('d', 20), array('e', 20)),
- $this->redis->zrangebyscore('zset', 10, 20, array('withscores' => true))
- );
- $this->assertEquals(
- array('d', 'e'),
- $this->redis->zrangebyscore('zset', 10, 20, array('limit' => array(1, 2)))
- );
- $this->assertEquals(
- array('d', 'e'),
- $this->redis->zrangebyscore('zset', 10, 20, array(
- 'limit' => array('offset' => 1, 'count' => 2)
- ))
- );
- $this->assertEquals(
- array(array('d', 20), array('e', 20)),
- $this->redis->zrangebyscore('zset', 10, 20, array(
- 'limit' => array(1, 2),
- 'withscores' => true,
- ))
- );
- RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_WRONG_TYPE, function($test) {
- $test->redis->set('foo', 'bar');
- $test->redis->zrangebyscore('foo', 0, 0);
- });
- }
- function testZsetReverseRangeByScore()
- {
- $zset = RC::zsetAddAndReturn($this->redis, 'zset', RC::getZSetArray());
- $this->assertEquals(
- array('a'),
- $this->redis->zrevrangebyscore('zset', -10, -10)
- );
- $this->assertEquals(
- array('b', 'a'),
- $this->redis->zrevrangebyscore('zset', 0, -10)
- );
- $this->assertEquals(
- array('e', 'd'),
- $this->redis->zrevrangebyscore('zset', 20, 20)
- );
- $this->assertEquals(
- array('f', 'e', 'd', 'c', 'b'),
- $this->redis->zrevrangebyscore('zset', 30, 0)
- );
- $this->assertEquals(
- array(array('e', 20), array('d', 20), array('c', 10)),
- $this->redis->zrevrangebyscore('zset', 20, 10, 'withscores')
- );
- $this->assertEquals(
- array(array('e', 20), array('d', 20), array('c', 10)),
- $this->redis->zrevrangebyscore('zset', 20, 10, array('withscores' => true))
- );
- $this->assertEquals(
- array('d', 'c'),
- $this->redis->zrevrangebyscore('zset', 20, 10, array('limit' => array(1, 2)))
- );
- $this->assertEquals(
- array('d', 'c'),
- $this->redis->zrevrangebyscore('zset', 20, 10, array(
- 'limit' => array('offset' => 1, 'count' => 2)
- ))
- );
- $this->assertEquals(
- array(array('d', 20), array('c', 10)),
- $this->redis->zrevrangebyscore('zset', 20, 10, array(
- 'limit' => array(1, 2),
- 'withscores' => true,
- ))
- );
- RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_WRONG_TYPE, function($test) {
- $test->redis->set('foo', 'bar');
- $test->redis->zrevrangebyscore('foo', 0, 0);
- });
- }
- function testZsetUnionStore()
- {
- $zsetA = RC::zsetAddAndReturn($this->redis, 'zseta', array('a' => 1, 'b' => 2, 'c' => 3));
- $zsetB = RC::zsetAddAndReturn($this->redis, 'zsetb', array('b' => 1, 'c' => 2, 'd' => 3));
- // basic ZUNIONSTORE
- $this->assertEquals(4, $this->redis->zunionstore('zsetc', 2, 'zseta', 'zsetb'));
- $this->assertEquals(
- array(array('a', 1), array('b', 3), array('d', 3), array('c', 5)),
- $this->redis->zrange('zsetc', 0, -1, 'withscores')
- );
- $this->assertEquals(3, $this->redis->zunionstore('zsetc', 2, 'zseta', 'zsetbNull'));
- $this->assertEquals(
- array(array('a', 1), array('b', 2), array('c', 3)),
- $this->redis->zrange('zsetc', 0, -1, 'withscores')
- );
- $this->assertEquals(3, $this->redis->zunionstore('zsetc', 2, 'zsetaNull', 'zsetb'));
- $this->assertEquals(
- array(array('b', 1), array('c', 2), array('d', 3)),
- $this->redis->zrange('zsetc', 0, -1, 'withscores')
- );
- $this->assertEquals(0, $this->redis->zunionstore('zsetc', 2, 'zsetaNull', 'zsetbNull'));
- // with WEIGHTS
- $options = array('weights' => array(2, 3));
- $this->assertEquals(4, $this->redis->zunionstore('zsetc', 2, 'zseta', 'zsetb', $options));
- $this->assertEquals(
- array(array('a', 2), array('b', 7), array('d', 9), array('c', 12)),
- $this->redis->zrange('zsetc', 0, -1, 'withscores')
- );
- // with AGGREGATE (min)
- $options = array('aggregate' => 'min');
- $this->assertEquals(4, $this->redis->zunionstore('zsetc', 2, 'zseta', 'zsetb', $options));
- $this->assertEquals(
- array(array('a', 1), array('b', 1), array('c', 2), array('d', 3)),
- $this->redis->zrange('zsetc', 0, -1, 'withscores')
- );
- // with AGGREGATE (max)
- $options = array('aggregate' => 'max');
- $this->assertEquals(4, $this->redis->zunionstore('zsetc', 2, 'zseta', 'zsetb', $options));
- $this->assertEquals(
- array(array('a', 1), array('b', 2), array('c', 3), array('d', 3)),
- $this->redis->zrange('zsetc', 0, -1, 'withscores')
- );
- // using an array to pass the list of source keys
- $sourceKeys = array('zseta', 'zsetb');
- $this->assertEquals(4, $this->redis->zunionstore('zsetc', $sourceKeys));
- $this->assertEquals(
- array(array('a', 1), array('b', 3), array('d', 3), array('c', 5)),
- $this->redis->zrange('zsetc', 0, -1, 'withscores')
- );
- // using an array to pass the list of source keys + options array
- $options = array('weights' => array(2, 3));
- $this->assertEquals(4, $this->redis->zunionstore('zsetc', $sourceKeys, $options));
- $this->assertEquals(
- array(array('a', 2), array('b', 7), array('d', 9), array('c', 12)),
- $this->redis->zrange('zsetc', 0, -1, 'withscores')
- );
- RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_WRONG_TYPE, function($test) {
- $test->redis->set('zsetFake', 'fake');
- $test->redis->zunionstore('zsetc', 2, 'zseta', 'zsetFake');
- });
- }
- function testZsetIntersectionStore()
- {
- $zsetA = RC::zsetAddAndReturn($this->redis, 'zseta', array('a' => 1, 'b' => 2, 'c' => 3));
- $zsetB = RC::zsetAddAndReturn($this->redis, 'zsetb', array('b' => 1, 'c' => 2, 'd' => 3));
- // basic ZINTERSTORE
- $this->assertEquals(2, $this->redis->zinterstore('zsetc', 2, 'zseta', 'zsetb'));
- $this->assertEquals(
- array(array('b', 3), array('c', 5)),
- $this->redis->zrange('zsetc', 0, -1, 'withscores')
- );
- $this->assertEquals(0, $this->redis->zinterstore('zsetc', 2, 'zseta', 'zsetbNull'));
- $this->assertEquals(0, $this->redis->zinterstore('zsetc', 2, 'zsetaNull', 'zsetb'));
- $this->assertEquals(0, $this->redis->zinterstore('zsetc', 2, 'zsetaNull', 'zsetbNull'));
- // with WEIGHTS
- $options = array('weights' => array(2, 3));
- $this->assertEquals(2, $this->redis->zinterstore('zsetc', 2, 'zseta', 'zsetb', $options));
- $this->assertEquals(
- array(array('b', 7), array('c', 12)),
- $this->redis->zrange('zsetc', 0, -1, 'withscores')
- );
- // with AGGREGATE (min)
- $options = array('aggregate' => 'min');
- $this->assertEquals(2, $this->redis->zinterstore('zsetc', 2, 'zseta', 'zsetb', $options));
- $this->assertEquals(
- array(array('b', 1), array('c', 2)),
- $this->redis->zrange('zsetc', 0, -1, 'withscores')
- );
- // with AGGREGATE (max)
- $options = array('aggregate' => 'max');
- $this->assertEquals(2, $this->redis->zinterstore('zsetc', 2, 'zseta', 'zsetb', $options));
- $this->assertEquals(
- array(array('b', 2), array('c', 3)),
- $this->redis->zrange('zsetc', 0, -1, 'withscores')
- );
- // using an array to pass the list of source keys
- $sourceKeys = array('zseta', 'zsetb');
- $this->assertEquals(2, $this->redis->zinterstore('zsetc', $sourceKeys));
- $this->assertEquals(
- array(array('b', 3), array('c', 5)),
- $this->redis->zrange('zsetc', 0, -1, 'withscores')
- );
- // using an array to pass the list of source keys + options array
- $options = array('weights' => array(2, 3));
- $this->assertEquals(2, $this->redis->zinterstore('zsetc', $sourceKeys, $options));
- $this->assertEquals(
- array(array('b', 7), array('c', 12)),
- $this->redis->zrange('zsetc', 0, -1, 'withscores')
- );
- RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_WRONG_TYPE, function($test) {
- $test->redis->set('zsetFake', 'fake');
- $test->redis->zinterstore('zsetc', 2, 'zseta', 'zsetFake');
- });
- }
- function testZsetCount()
- {
- $zset = RC::zsetAddAndReturn($this->redis, 'zset', RC::getZSetArray());
- $this->assertEquals(0, $this->redis->zcount('zset', 50, 100));
- $this->assertEquals(6, $this->redis->zcount('zset', -100, 100));
- $this->assertEquals(3, $this->redis->zcount('zset', 10, 20));
- $this->assertEquals(2, $this->redis->zcount('zset', "(10", 20));
- $this->assertEquals(1, $this->redis->zcount('zset', 10, "(20"));
- $this->assertEquals(0, $this->redis->zcount('zset', "(10", "(20"));
- $this->assertEquals(3, $this->redis->zcount('zset', "(0", "(30"));
- RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_WRONG_TYPE, function($test) {
- $test->redis->set('foo', 'bar');
- $test->redis->zcount('foo', 0, 0);
- });
- }
- function testZsetCardinality()
- {
- $zset = RC::zsetAddAndReturn($this->redis, 'zset', RC::getZSetArray());
- $this->assertEquals(count($zset), $this->redis->zcard('zset'));
- $this->redis->zrem('zset', 'a');
- $this->assertEquals(count($zset) - 1, $this->redis->zcard('zset'));
- // empty zset
- $this->redis->zadd('zsetB', 0, 'a');
- $this->redis->zrem('zsetB', 'a');
- $this->assertEquals(0, $this->redis->zcard('setB'));
- // non-existing zset
- $this->assertEquals(0, $this->redis->zcard('zsetDoesNotExist'));
- RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_WRONG_TYPE, function($test) {
- $test->redis->set('foo', 'bar');
- $test->redis->zcard('foo');
- });
- }
- function testZsetScore()
- {
- $zset = RC::zsetAddAndReturn($this->redis, 'zset', RC::getZSetArray());
- $this->assertEquals(-10, $this->redis->zscore('zset', 'a'));
- $this->assertEquals(10, $this->redis->zscore('zset', 'c'));
- $this->assertEquals(20, $this->redis->zscore('zset', 'e'));
- $this->assertNull($this->redis->zscore('zset', 'x'));
- $this->assertNull($this->redis->zscore('zsetDoesNotExist', 'a'));
- RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_WRONG_TYPE, function($test) {
- $test->redis->set('foo', 'bar');
- $test->redis->zscore('foo', 'bar');
- });
- }
- function testZsetRemoveRangeByScore()
- {
- $zset = RC::zsetAddAndReturn($this->redis, 'zset', RC::getZSetArray());
- $this->assertEquals(2, $this->redis->zremrangebyscore('zset', -10, 0));
- $this->assertEquals(
- array('c', 'd', 'e', 'f'),
- $this->redis->zrange('zset', 0, -1)
- );
- $this->assertEquals(1, $this->redis->zremrangebyscore('zset', 10, 10));
- $this->assertEquals(
- array('d', 'e', 'f'),
- $this->redis->zrange('zset', 0, -1)
- );
- $this->assertEquals(0, $this->redis->zremrangebyscore('zset', 100, 100));
- $this->assertEquals(3, $this->redis->zremrangebyscore('zset', 0, 100));
- $this->assertEquals(0, $this->redis->zremrangebyscore('zset', 0, 100));
- $this->assertEquals(0, $this->redis->zremrangebyscore('zsetDoesNotExist', 0, 100));
- RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_WRONG_TYPE, function($test) {
- $test->redis->set('foo', 'bar');
- $test->redis->zremrangebyscore('foo', 0, 0);
- });
- }
- function testZsetRank()
- {
- $zset = RC::zsetAddAndReturn($this->redis, 'zset', RC::getZSetArray());
- $this->assertEquals(0, $this->redis->zrank('zset', 'a'));
- $this->assertEquals(1, $this->redis->zrank('zset', 'b'));
- $this->assertEquals(4, $this->redis->zrank('zset', 'e'));
- $this->redis->zrem('zset', 'd');
- $this->assertEquals(3, $this->redis->zrank('zset', 'e'));
- $this->assertNull($this->redis->zrank('zset', 'x'));
- RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_WRONG_TYPE, function($test) {
- $test->redis->set('foo', 'bar');
- $test->redis->zrank('foo', 'a');
- });
- }
- function testZsetReverseRank()
- {
- $zset = RC::zsetAddAndReturn($this->redis, 'zset', RC::getZSetArray());
- $this->assertEquals(5, $this->redis->zrevrank('zset', 'a'));
- $this->assertEquals(4, $this->redis->zrevrank('zset', 'b'));
- $this->assertEquals(1, $this->redis->zrevrank('zset', 'e'));
- $this->redis->zrem('zset', 'e');
- $this->assertEquals(1, $this->redis->zrevrank('zset', 'd'));
- $this->assertNull($this->redis->zrevrank('zset', 'x'));
- RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_WRONG_TYPE, function($test) {
- $test->redis->set('foo', 'bar');
- $test->redis->zrevrank('foo', 'a');
- });
- }
- function testZsetRemoveRangeByRank()
- {
- RC::zsetAddAndReturn($this->redis, 'zseta', RC::getZSetArray());
- $this->assertEquals(3, $this->redis->zremrangebyrank('zseta', 0, 2));
- $this->assertEquals(
- array('d', 'e', 'f'),
- $this->redis->zrange('zseta', 0, -1)
- );
- $this->assertEquals(1, $this->redis->zremrangebyrank('zseta', 0, 0));
- $this->assertEquals(
- array('e', 'f'),
- $this->redis->zrange('zseta', 0, -1)
- );
- RC::zsetAddAndReturn($this->redis, 'zsetb', RC::getZSetArray());
- $this->assertEquals(3, $this->redis->zremrangebyrank('zsetb', -3, -1));
- $this->assertEquals(
- array('a', 'b', 'c'),
- $this->redis->zrange('zsetb', 0, -1)
- );
- $this->assertEquals(1, $this->redis->zremrangebyrank('zsetb', -1, -1));
- $this->assertEquals(
- array('a', 'b'),
- $this->redis->zrange('zsetb', 0, -1)
- );
- $this->assertEquals(2, $this->redis->zremrangebyrank('zsetb', -2, 1));
- $this->assertEquals(
- array(),
- $this->redis->zrange('zsetb', 0, -1)
- );
- $this->assertFalse($this->redis->exists('zsetb'));
- $this->assertEquals(0, $this->redis->zremrangebyrank('zsetc', 0, 0));
- RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_WRONG_TYPE, function($test) {
- $test->redis->set('foo', 'bar');
- $test->redis->zremrangebyrank('foo', 0, 1);
- });
- }
- /* commands operating on hashes */
- function testHashSet()
- {
- $this->assertTrue($this->redis->hset('metavars', 'foo', 'bar'));
- $this->assertTrue($this->redis->hset('metavars', 'hoge', 'piyo'));
- $this->assertEquals('bar', $this->redis->hget('metavars', 'foo'));
- $this->assertEquals('piyo', $this->redis->hget('metavars', 'hoge'));
- RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_WRONG_TYPE, function($test) {
- $test->redis->set('test', 'foobar');
- $test->redis->hset('test', 'hoge', 'piyo');
- });
- }
- function testHashGet()
- {
- $this->assertTrue($this->redis->hset('metavars', 'foo', 'bar'));
- $this->assertEquals('bar', $this->redis->hget('metavars', 'foo'));
- $this->assertEquals('bar', $this->redis->hget('metavars', 'foo'));
- $this->assertNull($this->redis->hget('metavars', 'hoge'));
- $this->assertNull($this->redis->hget('hashDoesNotExist', 'field'));
- RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_WRONG_TYPE, function($test) {
- $test->redis->rpush('metavars', 'foo');
- $test->redis->hget('metavars', 'foo');
- });
- }
- function testHashExists()
- {
- $this->assertTrue($this->redis->hset('metavars', 'foo', 'bar'));
- $this->assertTrue($this->redis->hexists('metavars', 'foo'));
- $this->assertFalse($this->redis->hexists('metavars', 'hoge'));
- $this->assertFalse($this->redis->hexists('hashDoesNotExist', 'field'));
- }
- function testHashDelete()
- {
- $this->assertTrue($this->redis->hset('metavars', 'foo', 'bar'));
- $this->assertTrue($this->redis->hexists('metavars', 'foo'));
- $this->assertTrue($this->redis->hdel('metavars', 'foo'));
- $this->assertFalse($this->redis->hexists('metavars', 'foo'));
- $this->assertFalse($this->redis->hdel('metavars', 'hoge'));
- $this->assertFalse($this->redis->hdel('hashDoesNotExist', 'field'));
- RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_WRONG_TYPE, function($test) {
- $test->redis->set('foo', 'bar');
- $test->redis->hdel('foo', 'field');
- });
- }
- function testHashLength()
- {
- $this->assertTrue($this->redis->hset('metavars', 'foo', 'bar'));
- $this->assertTrue($this->redis->hset('metavars', 'hoge', 'piyo'));
- $this->assertTrue($this->redis->hset('metavars', 'foofoo', 'barbar'));
- $this->assertTrue($this->redis->hset('metavars', 'hogehoge', 'piyopiyo'));
- $this->assertEquals(4, $this->redis->hlen('metavars'));
- $this->assertEquals(0, $this->redis->hlen('hashDoesNotExist'));
- RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_WRONG_TYPE, function($test) {
- $test->redis->set('foo', 'bar');
- $test->redis->hlen('foo');
- });
- }
- function testHashSetPreserve()
- {
- $this->assertTrue($this->redis->hsetnx('metavars', 'foo', 'bar'));
- $this->assertFalse($this->redis->hsetnx('metavars', 'foo', 'barbar'));
- $this->assertEquals('bar', $this->redis->hget('metavars', 'foo'));
- RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_WRONG_TYPE, function($test) {
- $test->redis->set('test', 'foobar');
- $test->redis->hsetnx('test', 'hoge', 'piyo');
- });
- }
- function testHashSetAndGetMultiple()
- {
- $hashKVs = array('foo' => 'bar', 'hoge' => 'piyo');
- // key=>value pairs via array instance
- $this->assertTrue($this->redis->hmset('metavars', $hashKVs));
- $multiRet = $this->redis->hmget('metavars', array_keys($hashKVs));
- $this->assertEquals($hashKVs, array_combine(array_keys($hashKVs), array_values($multiRet)));
- // key=>value pairs via function arguments
- $this->redis->del('metavars');
- $this->assertTrue($this->redis->hmset('metavars', 'foo', 'bar', 'hoge', 'piyo'));
- $this->assertEquals(array('bar', 'piyo'), $this->redis->hmget('metavars', 'foo', 'hoge'));
- }
- function testHashIncrementBy()
- {
- // test subsequent increment commands
- $this->assertEquals(10, $this->redis->hincrby('hash', 'counter', 10));
- $this->assertEquals(20, $this->redis->hincrby('hash', 'counter', 10));
- $this->assertEquals(0, $this->redis->hincrby('hash', 'counter', -20));
- RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_HASH_VALNOTINT, function($test) {
- $test->redis->hset('hash', 'field', 'stringvalue');
- $test->redis->hincrby('hash', 'field', 10);
- });
- RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_WRONG_TYPE, function($test) {
- $test->redis->set('foo', 'bar');
- $test->redis->hincrby('foo', 'bar', 1);
- });
- }
- function testHashKeys()
- {
- $hashKVs = array('foo' => 'bar', 'hoge' => 'piyo');
- $this->assertTrue($this->redis->hmset('metavars', $hashKVs));
- $this->assertEquals(array_keys($hashKVs), $this->redis->hkeys('metavars'));
- $this->assertEquals(array(), $this->redis->hkeys('hashDoesNotExist'));
- RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_WRONG_TYPE, function($test) {
- $test->redis->set('foo', 'bar');
- $test->redis->hkeys('foo');
- });
- }
- function testHashValues()
- {
- $hashKVs = array('foo' => 'bar', 'hoge' => 'piyo');
- $this->assertTrue($this->redis->hmset('metavars', $hashKVs));
- $this->assertEquals(array_values($hashKVs), $this->redis->hvals('metavars'));
- $this->assertEquals(array(), $this->redis->hvals('hashDoesNotExist'));
- RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_WRONG_TYPE, function($test) {
- $test->redis->set('foo', 'bar');
- $test->redis->hvals('foo');
- });
- }
- function testHashGetAll()
- {
- $hashKVs = array('foo' => 'bar', 'hoge' => 'piyo');
- $this->assertTrue($this->redis->hmset('metavars', $hashKVs));
- $this->assertEquals($hashKVs, $this->redis->hgetall('metavars'));
- $this->assertEquals(array(), $this->redis->hgetall('hashDoesNotExist'));
- RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_WRONG_TYPE, function($test) {
- $test->redis->set('foo', 'bar');
- $test->redis->hgetall('foo');
- });
- }
- /* multiple databases handling commands */
- function testSelectDatabase()
- {
- $this->assertTrue($this->redis->select(0));
- $this->assertTrue($this->redis->select(RC::DEFAULT_DATABASE));
- RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_INVALID_DB_IDX, function($test) {
- $test->redis->select(32);
- });
- RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_INVALID_DB_IDX, function($test) {
- $test->redis->select(-1);
- });
- }
- function testMove()
- {
- // TODO: This test sucks big time. Period.
- $otherDb = 5;
- $this->redis->set('foo', 'bar');
- $this->redis->select($otherDb);
- $this->redis->flushdb();
- $this->redis->select(RC::DEFAULT_DATABASE);
- $this->assertTrue($this->redis->move('foo', $otherDb));
- $this->assertFalse($this->redis->move('foo', $otherDb));
- $this->assertFalse($this->redis->move('keyDoesNotExist', $otherDb));
- $this->redis->set('hoge', 'piyo');
- // TODO: shouldn't Redis send an EXCEPTION_INVALID_DB_IDX instead of EXCEPTION_OUT_OF_RANGE?
- RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_OUT_OF_RANGE, function($test) {
- $test->redis->move('hoge', 32);
- });
- }
- function testFlushdb()
- {
- $this->assertTrue($this->redis->flushdb());
- }
- /* sorting */
- function testSort()
- {
- $unorderedList = RC::pushTailAndReturn($this->redis, 'unordered', array(2, 100, 3, 1, 30, 10));
- // without parameters
- $this->assertEquals(array(1, 2, 3, 10, 30, 100), $this->redis->sort('unordered'));
- // with parameter ASC/DESC
- $this->assertEquals(
- array(100, 30, 10, 3, 2, 1),
- $this->redis->sort('unordered', array(
- 'sort' => 'desc'
- ))
- );
- // with parameter LIMIT
- $this->assertEquals(
- array(1, 2, 3),
- $this->redis->sort('unordered', array(
- 'limit' => array(0, 3)
- ))
- );
- $this->assertEquals(
- array(10, 30),
- $this->redis->sort('unordered', array(
- 'limit' => array(3, 2)
- ))
- );
- // with parameter ALPHA
- $this->assertEquals(
- array(1, 10, 100, 2, 3, 30),
- $this->redis->sort('unordered', array(
- 'alpha' => true
- ))
- );
- // with combined parameters
- $this->assertEquals(
- array(30, 10, 3, 2),
- $this->redis->sort('unordered', array(
- 'alpha' => false,
- 'sort' => 'desc',
- 'limit' => array(1, 4)
- ))
- );
- // with parameter ALPHA
- $this->assertEquals(
- array(1, 10, 100, 2, 3, 30),
- $this->redis->sort('unordered', array(
- 'alpha' => true
- ))
- );
- // with parameter STORE
- $this->assertEquals(
- count($unorderedList),
- $this->redis->sort('unordered', array(
- 'store' => 'ordered'
- ))
- );
- $this->assertEquals(array(1, 2, 3, 10, 30, 100), $this->redis->lrange('ordered', 0, -1));
- // with parameter GET
- $this->redis->rpush('uids', 1003);
- $this->redis->rpush('uids', 1001);
- $this->redis->rpush('uids', 1002);
- $this->redis->rpush('uids', 1000);
- $sortget = array(
- 'uid:1000' => 'foo', 'uid:1001' => 'bar',
- 'uid:1002' => 'hoge', 'uid:1003' => 'piyo'
- );
- $this->redis->mset($sortget);
- $this->assertEquals(
- array_values($sortget),
- $this->redis->sort('uids', array('get' => 'uid:*'))
- );
- // wrong type
- RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_WRONG_TYPE, function($test) {
- $test->redis->set('foo', 'bar');
- $test->redis->sort('foo');
- });
- }
- /* remote server control commands */
- function testInfo()
- {
- $serverInfo = $this->redis->info();
- $this->assertInternalType('array', $serverInfo);
- $this->assertNotNull($serverInfo['redis_version']);
- $this->assertGreaterThan(0, $serverInfo['uptime_in_seconds']);
- $this->assertGreaterThan(0, $serverInfo['total_connections_received']);
- }
- function testSlaveOf()
- {
- $masterHost = 'www.google.com';
- $masterPort = 80;
- $this->assertTrue($this->redis->slaveof($masterHost, $masterPort));
- // slave of NO ONE, the implicit way
- $this->assertTrue($this->redis->slaveof());
- // slave of NO ONE, the explicit way
- $this->assertTrue($this->redis->slaveof('NO ONE'));
- }
- /* persistence control commands */
- function testSave()
- {
- $this->assertTrue($this->redis->save());
- }
- function testBackgroundSave()
- {
- $this->assertTrue($this->redis->bgsave());
- sleep(1);
- }
- function testBackgroundRewriteAppendOnlyFile()
- {
- $this->assertTrue($this->redis->bgrewriteaof());
- }
- function testLastSave()
- {
- $this->assertGreaterThan(0, $this->redis->lastsave());
- }