@@ -19,263 +19,31 @@ namespace Predis\Command;
class RedisFactory extends Factory
- * {@inheritdoc}
+ *
- public function getVersion()
+ public function __construct()
- return '3.2';
+ $this->commands = array(
+ 'ECHO' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\ECHO_',
+ 'EVAL' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\EVAL_',
+ );
* {@inheritdoc}
- public function getSupportedCommands()
+ public function getCommandClass($commandID)
- return array(
- /* ---------------- Redis 1.2 ---------------- */
- /* commands operating on the key space */
- 'EXISTS' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\EXISTS',
- 'DEL' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\DEL',
- 'TYPE' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\TYPE',
- 'KEYS' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\KEYS',
- 'RANDOMKEY' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\RANDOMKEY',
- 'RENAME' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\RENAME',
- 'RENAMENX' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\RENAMENX',
- 'EXPIRE' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\EXPIRE',
- 'EXPIREAT' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\EXPIREAT',
- 'TTL' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\TTL',
- 'MOVE' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\MOVE',
- 'SORT' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\SORT',
- 'DUMP' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\DUMP',
- 'RESTORE' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\RESTORE',
- /* commands operating on string values */
- 'SET' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\SET',
- 'SETNX' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\SETNX',
- 'MSET' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\MSET',
- 'MSETNX' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\MSETNX',
- 'GET' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\GET',
- 'MGET' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\MGET',
- 'GETSET' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\GETSET',
- 'INCR' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\INCR',
- 'INCRBY' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\INCRBY',
- 'DECR' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\DECR',
- 'DECRBY' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\DECRBY',
- /* commands operating on lists */
- 'RPUSH' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\RPUSH',
- 'LPUSH' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\LPUSH',
- 'LLEN' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\LLEN',
- 'LRANGE' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\LRANGE',
- 'LTRIM' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\LTRIM',
- 'LINDEX' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\LINDEX',
- 'LSET' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\LSET',
- 'LREM' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\LREM',
- 'LPOP' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\LPOP',
- 'RPOP' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\RPOP',
- 'RPOPLPUSH' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\RPOPLPUSH',
- /* commands operating on sets */
- 'SADD' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\SADD',
- 'SREM' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\SREM',
- 'SPOP' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\SPOP',
- 'SMOVE' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\SMOVE',
- 'SCARD' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\SCARD',
- 'SISMEMBER' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\SISMEMBER',
- 'SINTER' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\SINTER',
- 'SINTERSTORE' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\SINTERSTORE',
- 'SUNION' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\SUNION',
- 'SUNIONSTORE' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\SUNIONSTORE',
- 'SDIFF' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\SDIFF',
- 'SDIFFSTORE' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\SDIFFSTORE',
- 'SMEMBERS' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\SMEMBERS',
- 'SRANDMEMBER' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\SRANDMEMBER',
- /* commands operating on sorted sets */
- 'ZADD' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\ZADD',
- 'ZINCRBY' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\ZINCRBY',
- 'ZREM' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\ZREM',
- 'ZRANGE' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\ZRANGE',
- 'ZREVRANGE' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\ZREVRANGE',
- 'ZRANGEBYSCORE' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\ZRANGEBYSCORE',
- 'ZCARD' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\ZCARD',
- 'ZSCORE' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\ZSCORE',
- /* connection related commands */
- 'PING' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\PING',
- 'AUTH' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\AUTH',
- 'SELECT' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\SELECT',
- 'ECHO' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\ECHO_',
- 'QUIT' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\QUIT',
- /* remote server control commands */
- 'INFO' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\INFO',
- 'SLAVEOF' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\SLAVEOF',
- 'MONITOR' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\MONITOR',
- 'DBSIZE' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\DBSIZE',
- 'FLUSHDB' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\FLUSHDB',
- 'FLUSHALL' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\FLUSHALL',
- 'SAVE' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\SAVE',
- 'BGSAVE' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\BGSAVE',
- 'LASTSAVE' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\LASTSAVE',
- 'SHUTDOWN' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\SHUTDOWN',
- 'BGREWRITEAOF' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\BGREWRITEAOF',
- /* ---------------- Redis 2.0 ---------------- */
- /* commands operating on string values */
- 'SETEX' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\SETEX',
- 'APPEND' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\APPEND',
- 'SUBSTR' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\SUBSTR',
- /* commands operating on lists */
- 'BLPOP' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\BLPOP',
- 'BRPOP' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\BRPOP',
- /* commands operating on sorted sets */
- 'ZUNIONSTORE' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\ZUNIONSTORE',
- 'ZINTERSTORE' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\ZINTERSTORE',
- 'ZCOUNT' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\ZCOUNT',
- 'ZRANK' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\ZRANK',
- 'ZREVRANK' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\ZREVRANK',
- /* commands operating on hashes */
- 'HSET' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\HSET',
- 'HSETNX' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\HSETNX',
- 'HMSET' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\HMSET',
- 'HINCRBY' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\HINCRBY',
- 'HGET' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\HGET',
- 'HMGET' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\HMGET',
- 'HDEL' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\HDEL',
- 'HEXISTS' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\HEXISTS',
- 'HLEN' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\HLEN',
- 'HKEYS' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\HKEYS',
- 'HVALS' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\HVALS',
- 'HGETALL' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\HGETALL',
- /* transactions */
- 'MULTI' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\MULTI',
- 'EXEC' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\EXEC',
- 'DISCARD' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\DISCARD',
- /* publish - subscribe */
- 'SUBSCRIBE' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\SUBSCRIBE',
- 'UNSUBSCRIBE' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\UNSUBSCRIBE',
- 'PSUBSCRIBE' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\PSUBSCRIBE',
- 'PUNSUBSCRIBE' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\PUNSUBSCRIBE',
- 'PUBLISH' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\PUBLISH',
- /* remote server control commands */
- 'CONFIG' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\CONFIG',
- /* ---------------- Redis 2.2 ---------------- */
- /* commands operating on the key space */
- 'PERSIST' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\PERSIST',
- /* commands operating on string values */
- 'STRLEN' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\STRLEN',
- 'SETRANGE' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\SETRANGE',
- 'GETRANGE' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\GETRANGE',
- 'SETBIT' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\SETBIT',
- 'GETBIT' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\GETBIT',
- /* commands operating on lists */
- 'RPUSHX' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\RPUSHX',
- 'LPUSHX' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\LPUSHX',
- 'LINSERT' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\LINSERT',
- 'BRPOPLPUSH' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\BRPOPLPUSH',
+ $commandID = strtoupper($commandID);
- /* commands operating on sorted sets */
+ if (isset($this->commands[$commandID]) || array_key_exists($commandID, $this->commands)) {
+ $commandClass = $this->commands[$commandID];
+ } elseif (class_exists($commandClass = "Predis\Command\Redis\\$commandID")) {
+ $this->commands[$commandID] = $commandClass;
+ } else {
+ return;
+ }
- /* transactions */
- 'WATCH' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\WATCH',
- 'UNWATCH' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\UNWATCH',
- /* remote server control commands */
- 'OBJECT' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\OBJECT',
- 'SLOWLOG' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\SLOWLOG',
- /* ---------------- Redis 2.4 ---------------- */
- /* remote server control commands */
- 'CLIENT' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\CLIENT',
- /* ---------------- Redis 2.6 ---------------- */
- /* commands operating on the key space */
- 'PTTL' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\PTTL',
- 'PEXPIRE' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\PEXPIRE',
- 'PEXPIREAT' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\PEXPIREAT',
- 'MIGRATE' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\MIGRATE',
- /* commands operating on string values */
- 'PSETEX' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\PSETEX',
- 'INCRBYFLOAT' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\INCRBYFLOAT',
- 'BITOP' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\BITOP',
- 'BITCOUNT' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\BITCOUNT',
- /* commands operating on hashes */
- 'HINCRBYFLOAT' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\HINCRBYFLOAT',
- /* scripting */
- 'EVAL' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\EVAL_',
- 'EVALSHA' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\EVALSHA',
- 'SCRIPT' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\SCRIPT',
- /* remote server control commands */
- 'TIME' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\TIME',
- 'SENTINEL' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\SENTINEL',
- /* ---------------- Redis 2.8 ---------------- */
- /* commands operating on the key space */
- 'SCAN' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\SCAN',
- /* commands operating on string values */
- 'BITPOS' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\BITPOS',
- /* commands operating on sets */
- 'SSCAN' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\SSCAN',
- /* commands operating on sorted sets */
- 'ZSCAN' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\ZSCAN',
- 'ZLEXCOUNT' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\ZLEXCOUNT',
- 'ZRANGEBYLEX' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\ZRANGEBYLEX',
- /* commands operating on hashes */
- 'HSCAN' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\HSCAN',
- /* publish - subscribe */
- 'PUBSUB' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\PUBSUB',
- /* commands operating on HyperLogLog */
- 'PFADD' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\PFADD',
- 'PFCOUNT' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\PFCOUNT',
- 'PFMERGE' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\PFMERGE',
- /* remote server control commands */
- 'COMMAND' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\COMMAND',
- /* ---------------- Redis 3.2 ---------------- */
- /* commands operating on hashes */
- 'HSTRLEN' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\HSTRLEN',
- 'BITFIELD' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\BITFIELD',
- /* commands performing geospatial operations */
- 'GEOADD' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\GEOADD',
- 'GEOHASH' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\GEOHASH',
- 'GEOPOS' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\GEOPOS',
- 'GEODIST' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\GEODIST',
- 'GEORADIUS' => 'Predis\Command\Redis\GEORADIUS',
- );
+ return $commandClass;