@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ $parameters = ['tcp://', 'tcp://'];
$options = ['replication' => function () {
$strategy = new Predis\Replication\ReplicationStrategy();
- // This exact script won't trigger a switch from slave to the master node.
+ // This exact script won't trigger a switch from a slave to the master node.
return new Predis\Connection\Aggregate\MasterSlaveReplication($strategy);
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ $client->getProfile()->defineCommand('newcmd', 'BrandNewRedisCommand');
$response = $client->newcmd();
-hTere is also a method to allow sending raw commands without filtering their arguments or parsing
+There is also a method to allow sending raw commands without filtering their arguments or parsing
responses. Users must provide the arguments list as an array, following the command signatures as
defined by the [Redis documentation for commands](http://redis.io/commands):