@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+ * This file is part of the Predis package.
+ *
+ * (c) Daniele Alessandri <suppakilla@gmail.com>
+ *
+ * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
+ * file that was distributed with this source code.
+ */
+namespace Predis\Profile;
+ * Server profile for Redis 3.0.
+ *
+ * @author Daniele Alessandri <suppakilla@gmail.com>
+ */
+class RedisVersion300 extends RedisProfile
+ /**
+ * {@inheritdoc}
+ */
+ public function getVersion()
+ {
+ return '3.0';
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritdoc}
+ */
+ public function getSupportedCommands()
+ {
+ return array(
+ /* ---------------- Redis 1.2 ---------------- */
+ /* commands operating on the key space */
+ 'EXISTS' => 'Predis\Command\KeyExists',
+ 'DEL' => 'Predis\Command\KeyDelete',
+ 'TYPE' => 'Predis\Command\KeyType',
+ 'KEYS' => 'Predis\Command\KeyKeys',
+ 'RANDOMKEY' => 'Predis\Command\KeyRandom',
+ 'RENAME' => 'Predis\Command\KeyRename',
+ 'RENAMENX' => 'Predis\Command\KeyRenamePreserve',
+ 'EXPIRE' => 'Predis\Command\KeyExpire',
+ 'EXPIREAT' => 'Predis\Command\KeyExpireAt',
+ 'TTL' => 'Predis\Command\KeyTimeToLive',
+ 'MOVE' => 'Predis\Command\KeyMove',
+ 'SORT' => 'Predis\Command\KeySort',
+ 'DUMP' => 'Predis\Command\KeyDump',
+ 'RESTORE' => 'Predis\Command\KeyRestore',
+ /* commands operating on string values */
+ 'SET' => 'Predis\Command\StringSet',
+ 'SETNX' => 'Predis\Command\StringSetPreserve',
+ 'MSET' => 'Predis\Command\StringSetMultiple',
+ 'MSETNX' => 'Predis\Command\StringSetMultiplePreserve',
+ 'GET' => 'Predis\Command\StringGet',
+ 'MGET' => 'Predis\Command\StringGetMultiple',
+ 'GETSET' => 'Predis\Command\StringGetSet',
+ 'INCR' => 'Predis\Command\StringIncrement',
+ 'INCRBY' => 'Predis\Command\StringIncrementBy',
+ 'DECR' => 'Predis\Command\StringDecrement',
+ 'DECRBY' => 'Predis\Command\StringDecrementBy',
+ /* commands operating on lists */
+ 'RPUSH' => 'Predis\Command\ListPushTail',
+ 'LPUSH' => 'Predis\Command\ListPushHead',
+ 'LLEN' => 'Predis\Command\ListLength',
+ 'LRANGE' => 'Predis\Command\ListRange',
+ 'LTRIM' => 'Predis\Command\ListTrim',
+ 'LINDEX' => 'Predis\Command\ListIndex',
+ 'LSET' => 'Predis\Command\ListSet',
+ 'LREM' => 'Predis\Command\ListRemove',
+ 'LPOP' => 'Predis\Command\ListPopFirst',
+ 'RPOP' => 'Predis\Command\ListPopLast',
+ 'RPOPLPUSH' => 'Predis\Command\ListPopLastPushHead',
+ /* commands operating on sets */
+ 'SADD' => 'Predis\Command\SetAdd',
+ 'SREM' => 'Predis\Command\SetRemove',
+ 'SPOP' => 'Predis\Command\SetPop',
+ 'SMOVE' => 'Predis\Command\SetMove',
+ 'SCARD' => 'Predis\Command\SetCardinality',
+ 'SISMEMBER' => 'Predis\Command\SetIsMember',
+ 'SINTER' => 'Predis\Command\SetIntersection',
+ 'SINTERSTORE' => 'Predis\Command\SetIntersectionStore',
+ 'SUNION' => 'Predis\Command\SetUnion',
+ 'SUNIONSTORE' => 'Predis\Command\SetUnionStore',
+ 'SDIFF' => 'Predis\Command\SetDifference',
+ 'SDIFFSTORE' => 'Predis\Command\SetDifferenceStore',
+ 'SMEMBERS' => 'Predis\Command\SetMembers',
+ 'SRANDMEMBER' => 'Predis\Command\SetRandomMember',
+ /* commands operating on sorted sets */
+ 'ZADD' => 'Predis\Command\ZSetAdd',
+ 'ZINCRBY' => 'Predis\Command\ZSetIncrementBy',
+ 'ZREM' => 'Predis\Command\ZSetRemove',
+ 'ZRANGE' => 'Predis\Command\ZSetRange',
+ 'ZREVRANGE' => 'Predis\Command\ZSetReverseRange',
+ 'ZRANGEBYSCORE' => 'Predis\Command\ZSetRangeByScore',
+ 'ZCARD' => 'Predis\Command\ZSetCardinality',
+ 'ZSCORE' => 'Predis\Command\ZSetScore',
+ 'ZREMRANGEBYSCORE' => 'Predis\Command\ZSetRemoveRangeByScore',
+ /* connection related commands */
+ 'PING' => 'Predis\Command\ConnectionPing',
+ 'AUTH' => 'Predis\Command\ConnectionAuth',
+ 'SELECT' => 'Predis\Command\ConnectionSelect',
+ 'ECHO' => 'Predis\Command\ConnectionEcho',
+ 'QUIT' => 'Predis\Command\ConnectionQuit',
+ /* remote server control commands */
+ 'INFO' => 'Predis\Command\ServerInfoV26x',
+ 'SLAVEOF' => 'Predis\Command\ServerSlaveOf',
+ 'MONITOR' => 'Predis\Command\ServerMonitor',
+ 'DBSIZE' => 'Predis\Command\ServerDatabaseSize',
+ 'FLUSHDB' => 'Predis\Command\ServerFlushDatabase',
+ 'FLUSHALL' => 'Predis\Command\ServerFlushAll',
+ 'SAVE' => 'Predis\Command\ServerSave',
+ 'BGSAVE' => 'Predis\Command\ServerBackgroundSave',
+ 'LASTSAVE' => 'Predis\Command\ServerLastSave',
+ 'SHUTDOWN' => 'Predis\Command\ServerShutdown',
+ 'BGREWRITEAOF' => 'Predis\Command\ServerBackgroundRewriteAOF',
+ /* ---------------- Redis 2.0 ---------------- */
+ /* commands operating on string values */
+ 'SETEX' => 'Predis\Command\StringSetExpire',
+ 'APPEND' => 'Predis\Command\StringAppend',
+ 'SUBSTR' => 'Predis\Command\StringSubstr',
+ /* commands operating on lists */
+ 'BLPOP' => 'Predis\Command\ListPopFirstBlocking',
+ 'BRPOP' => 'Predis\Command\ListPopLastBlocking',
+ /* commands operating on sorted sets */
+ 'ZUNIONSTORE' => 'Predis\Command\ZSetUnionStore',
+ 'ZINTERSTORE' => 'Predis\Command\ZSetIntersectionStore',
+ 'ZCOUNT' => 'Predis\Command\ZSetCount',
+ 'ZRANK' => 'Predis\Command\ZSetRank',
+ 'ZREVRANK' => 'Predis\Command\ZSetReverseRank',
+ 'ZREMRANGEBYRANK' => 'Predis\Command\ZSetRemoveRangeByRank',
+ /* commands operating on hashes */
+ 'HSET' => 'Predis\Command\HashSet',
+ 'HSETNX' => 'Predis\Command\HashSetPreserve',
+ 'HMSET' => 'Predis\Command\HashSetMultiple',
+ 'HINCRBY' => 'Predis\Command\HashIncrementBy',
+ 'HGET' => 'Predis\Command\HashGet',
+ 'HMGET' => 'Predis\Command\HashGetMultiple',
+ 'HDEL' => 'Predis\Command\HashDelete',
+ 'HEXISTS' => 'Predis\Command\HashExists',
+ 'HLEN' => 'Predis\Command\HashLength',
+ 'HKEYS' => 'Predis\Command\HashKeys',
+ 'HVALS' => 'Predis\Command\HashValues',
+ 'HGETALL' => 'Predis\Command\HashGetAll',
+ /* transactions */
+ 'MULTI' => 'Predis\Command\TransactionMulti',
+ 'EXEC' => 'Predis\Command\TransactionExec',
+ 'DISCARD' => 'Predis\Command\TransactionDiscard',
+ /* publish - subscribe */
+ 'SUBSCRIBE' => 'Predis\Command\PubSubSubscribe',
+ 'UNSUBSCRIBE' => 'Predis\Command\PubSubUnsubscribe',
+ 'PSUBSCRIBE' => 'Predis\Command\PubSubSubscribeByPattern',
+ 'PUNSUBSCRIBE' => 'Predis\Command\PubSubUnsubscribeByPattern',
+ 'PUBLISH' => 'Predis\Command\PubSubPublish',
+ /* remote server control commands */
+ 'CONFIG' => 'Predis\Command\ServerConfig',
+ /* ---------------- Redis 2.2 ---------------- */
+ /* commands operating on the key space */
+ 'PERSIST' => 'Predis\Command\KeyPersist',
+ /* commands operating on string values */
+ 'STRLEN' => 'Predis\Command\StringStrlen',
+ 'SETRANGE' => 'Predis\Command\StringSetRange',
+ 'GETRANGE' => 'Predis\Command\StringGetRange',
+ 'SETBIT' => 'Predis\Command\StringSetBit',
+ 'GETBIT' => 'Predis\Command\StringGetBit',
+ /* commands operating on lists */
+ 'RPUSHX' => 'Predis\Command\ListPushTailX',
+ 'LPUSHX' => 'Predis\Command\ListPushHeadX',
+ 'LINSERT' => 'Predis\Command\ListInsert',
+ 'BRPOPLPUSH' => 'Predis\Command\ListPopLastPushHeadBlocking',
+ /* commands operating on sorted sets */
+ 'ZREVRANGEBYSCORE' => 'Predis\Command\ZSetReverseRangeByScore',
+ /* transactions */
+ 'WATCH' => 'Predis\Command\TransactionWatch',
+ 'UNWATCH' => 'Predis\Command\TransactionUnwatch',
+ /* remote server control commands */
+ 'OBJECT' => 'Predis\Command\ServerObject',
+ 'SLOWLOG' => 'Predis\Command\ServerSlowlog',
+ /* ---------------- Redis 2.4 ---------------- */
+ /* remote server control commands */
+ 'CLIENT' => 'Predis\Command\ServerClient',
+ /* ---------------- Redis 2.6 ---------------- */
+ /* commands operating on the key space */
+ 'PTTL' => 'Predis\Command\KeyPreciseTimeToLive',
+ 'PEXPIRE' => 'Predis\Command\KeyPreciseExpire',
+ 'PEXPIREAT' => 'Predis\Command\KeyPreciseExpireAt',
+ /* commands operating on string values */
+ 'PSETEX' => 'Predis\Command\StringPreciseSetExpire',
+ 'INCRBYFLOAT' => 'Predis\Command\StringIncrementByFloat',
+ 'BITOP' => 'Predis\Command\StringBitOp',
+ 'BITCOUNT' => 'Predis\Command\StringBitCount',
+ /* commands operating on hashes */
+ 'HINCRBYFLOAT' => 'Predis\Command\HashIncrementByFloat',
+ /* scripting */
+ 'EVAL' => 'Predis\Command\ServerEval',
+ 'EVALSHA' => 'Predis\Command\ServerEvalSHA',
+ 'SCRIPT' => 'Predis\Command\ServerScript',
+ /* remote server control commands */
+ 'TIME' => 'Predis\Command\ServerTime',
+ 'SENTINEL' => 'Predis\Command\ServerSentinel',
+ /* ---------------- Redis 2.8 ---------------- */
+ /* commands operating on the key space */
+ 'SCAN' => 'Predis\Command\KeyScan',
+ /* commands operating on sets */
+ 'SSCAN' => 'Predis\Command\SetScan',
+ /* commands operating on sorted sets */
+ 'ZSCAN' => 'Predis\Command\ZSetScan',
+ 'ZLEXCOUNT' => 'Predis\Command\ZSetLexCount',
+ 'ZRANGEBYLEX' => 'Predis\Command\ZSetRangeByLex',
+ 'ZREMRANGEBYLEX' => 'Predis\Command\ZSetRemoveRangeByLex',
+ /* commands operating on hashes */
+ 'HSCAN' => 'Predis\Command\HashScan',
+ /* publish - subscribe */
+ 'PUBSUB' => 'Predis\Command\PubSubPubsub',
+ /* commands operating on HyperLogLog */
+ 'PFADD' => 'Predis\Command\HyperLogLogAdd',
+ 'PFCOUNT' => 'Predis\Command\HyperLogLogCount',
+ 'PFMERGE' => 'Predis\Command\HyperLogLogMerge',
+ /* ---------------- Redis 3.0 ---------------- */
+ );
+ }