@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+namespace Predis\Network;
+use Predis\ICommand;
+use Predis\ResponseError;
+use Predis\ResponseQueued;
+use Predis\ServerException;
+use Predis\ConnectionParameters;
+use Predis\CommunicationException;
+use Predis\Protocols\TextCommandSerializer;
+use Predis\Iterators\MultiBulkResponseSimple;
+class StreamConnection extends ConnectionBase {
+ private $_commandSerializer, $_mbiterable, $_throwErrors;
+ public function __construct(ConnectionParameters $parameters) {
+ parent::__construct($this->checkParameters($parameters));
+ $this->_commandSerializer = new TextCommandSerializer();
+ }
+ public function __destruct() {
+ if (!$this->_params->connection_persistent) {
+ $this->disconnect();
+ }
+ }
+ protected function checkParameters(ConnectionParameters $parameters) {
+ switch ($parameters->scheme) {
+ case 'unix':
+ $pathToSocket = $parameters->path;
+ if (!isset($pathToSocket)) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing UNIX domain socket path');
+ }
+ if (!file_exists($pathToSocket)) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Could not find $pathToSocket");
+ }
+ case 'tcp':
+ return $parameters;
+ default:
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Invalid scheme: {$parameters->scheme}");
+ }
+ }
+ protected function createResource() {
+ $parameters = $this->_params;
+ $initializer = array($this, "{$parameters->scheme}StreamInitializer");
+ return call_user_func($initializer, $parameters);
+ }
+ private function tcpStreamInitializer(ConnectionParameters $parameters) {
+ $uri = sprintf('tcp://%s:%d/', $parameters->host, $parameters->port);
+ if ($parameters->connection_async) {
+ }
+ if ($parameters->connection_persistent) {
+ }
+ $resource = @stream_socket_client(
+ $uri, $errno, $errstr, $parameters->connection_timeout, $flags
+ );
+ if (!$resource) {
+ $this->onCommunicationException(trim($errstr), $errno);
+ }
+ if (isset($parameters->read_write_timeout)) {
+ $timeoutSeconds = floor($parameters->read_write_timeout);
+ $timeoutUSeconds = ($parameters->read_write_timeout - $timeoutSeconds) * 1000000;
+ stream_set_timeout($resource, $timeoutSeconds, $timeoutUSeconds);
+ }
+ return $resource;
+ }
+ private function unixStreamInitializer(ConnectionParameters $parameters) {
+ $uri = sprintf('unix:///%s', $parameters->path);
+ if ($parameters->connection_persistent) {
+ }
+ $resource = @stream_socket_client(
+ $uri, $errno, $errstr, $parameters->connection_timeout, $flags
+ );
+ if (!$resource) {
+ $this->onCommunicationException(trim($errstr), $errno);
+ }
+ return $resource;
+ }
+ public function connect() {
+ parent::connect();
+ if (count($this->_initCmds) > 0){
+ $this->sendInitializationCommands();
+ }
+ }
+ public function disconnect() {
+ if ($this->isConnected()) {
+ fclose($this->getResource());
+ }
+ }
+ private function sendInitializationCommands() {
+ foreach ($this->_initCmds as $command) {
+ $this->writeCommand($command);
+ }
+ foreach ($this->_initCmds as $command) {
+ $this->readResponse($command);
+ }
+ }
+ private function write($buffer) {
+ $socket = $this->getResource();
+ while (($length = strlen($buffer)) > 0) {
+ $written = fwrite($socket, $buffer);
+ if ($length === $written) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if ($written === false || $written === 0) {
+ $this->onCommunicationException(
+ 'Error while writing bytes to the server'
+ );
+ }
+ $value = substr($buffer, $written);
+ }
+ }
+ public function read() {
+ $socket = $this->getResource();
+ $chunk = fgets($socket);
+ if ($chunk === false || $chunk === '') {
+ $this->onCommunicationException(
+ 'Error while reading line from the server'
+ );
+ }
+ $prefix = $chunk[0];
+ $payload = substr($chunk, 1, -2);
+ switch ($prefix) {
+ case '+':
+ switch ($payload) {
+ case 'OK':
+ return true;
+ case 'QUEUED':
+ return new ResponseQueued();
+ default:
+ return $payload;
+ }
+ case '$':
+ $size = (int) $payload;
+ if ($size === -1) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ $bulkData = '';
+ $bytesLeft = ($size += 2);
+ do {
+ $chunk = fread($socket, min($bytesLeft, 4096));
+ if ($chunk === false || $chunk === '') {
+ $this->onCommunicationException(
+ 'Error while reading bytes from the server'
+ );
+ }
+ $bulkData .= $chunk;
+ $bytesLeft = $size - strlen($bulkData);
+ } while ($bytesLeft > 0);
+ return substr($bulkData, 0, -2);
+ case '*':
+ $count = (int) $payload;
+ if ($count === -1) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ if ($this->_mbiterable === true) {
+ return new MultiBulkResponseSimple($this, $count);
+ }
+ $multibulk = array();
+ for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
+ $multibulk[$i] = $this->read();
+ }
+ return $multibulk;
+ case ':':
+ return (int) $payload;
+ case '-':
+ $errorMessage = substr($payload, 4);
+ if ($this->_throwErrors) {
+ throw new ServerException($errorMessage);
+ }
+ return new ResponseError($errorMessage);
+ default:
+ $this->onCommunicationException("Unknown prefix: '$prefix'");
+ }
+ }
+ public function writeCommand(ICommand $command) {
+ $this->write($this->_commandSerializer->serialize($command));
+ }
+ public function readResponse(ICommand $command) {
+ $reply = $this->read();
+ return isset($reply->skipParse) ? $reply : $command->parseResponse($reply);
+ }
+ public function setProtocolOption($option, $value) {
+ switch ($option) {
+ case 'iterable_multibulk':
+ $this->_mbiterable = (bool) $value;
+ break;
+ case 'throw_errors':
+ $this->_throwErrors = (bool) $value;
+ break;
+ }
+ }