@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
-v1.1.0 (2016-0x-xx)
+v1.1.0 (2016-06-xx)
-- Bumped the default server profile used by the client to Redis 3.2.
+- The default server profile for the client now targets Redis 3.2.
- Responses to the following commands are not casted into booleans anymore, the
original integer value is returned: `SETNX`, `MSETNX`, `SMOVE`, `SISMEMBER`,
+ `EXPIREAT`, `RENAMENX`. This change does not have a significant impact unless
+ when using strict comparisons (=== and !==) the returned value.
- Non-boolean string values passed to the `persistent` connection parameter can
be used to create different persistent connections. Note that this feature was
@@ -15,61 +16,60 @@ v1.1.0 (2016-0x-xx)
is needed to prevent confusion with how `path` is used to select a database
when using the `redis` scheme.
-- Error responses to initialization commands (the ones being automatically sent
- when a connection is established, such as `SELECT` and `AUTH` when `database`
- and `password` are set in connection parameters) result in an exception being
- thrown by the client regardless of the value of the `exception` client option.
+- The client throws exceptions when Redis returns any kind of error response to
+ initialization commands (the ones being automatically sent when a connection
+ is established, such as `SELECT` and `AUTH` when database and password are set
+ in connection parameters) regardless of the value of the exception option.
- Using `unix:///path/to/socket` in URI strings to specify a UNIX domain socket
file is now deprecated in favor of the format `unix:/path/to/socket` (note the
lack of the double slash after the scheme) and will not be supported starting
- with the next majore release.
+ with the next major release.
- Implemented full support for redis-sentinel.
-- Implemented the ability to specify some default connection parameters via the
- `parameters` client option to be used by `Predis\Connection\Factory`. Default
- parameters augment the user-supplied parameters when creating new connections
- to Redis (but do not take the precedence over them) and are mostly useful when
- using aggregate connections such as clustering or replication, especially with
- redis-cluster or redis-sentinel as they create connections on the fly based on
- responses and redirections from Redis.
-- Implemented SSL-encrypted connections. SSL-encrypted connections to Redis must
- use the `tls` or `rediss` schemes in connection parameters along with specific
- options via the `ssl` parameter (see http://php.net/manual/context.ssl.php).
-- Implemented the `IteratorAggregate` interface for `Predis\Client` so now it is
- possible to iterate over traversable aggregate connections and get a key/value
- pair consisting of $connectionID => $clientInstance for each node.
-- Iterating over `Predis\Connection\Aggregate\RedisCluster` now returns all the
- connections currently mapped in the slots map instead of just the connections
- initialized in the pool. When the slots map is retrieved from Redis (which is
- done automatically by default) this allows to iterate over all of the current
- master nodes of the cluster. When the use of `CLUSTER SLOTS` is disabled (see
- the `useClusterSlots()` method) the iteration returns only connections with a
- a slots range associated in their parameters (the ones supplied when creating
- a client instance) or the ones initialized by `-MOVED` responses to make the
- behaviour of the iteration consistent between the two modes of operation.
+- Implemented the ability to specify default connection parameters for aggregate
+ connections with the new `parameters` client option. These parameters augment
+ the usual user-supplied connection parameters (but do not take the precedence
+ over them) when creating new connections and they are mostly useful when the
+ client is using aggregate connections such as redis-cluster and redis-sentinel
+ as these backends can create new connections on the fly based on responses and
+ redirections from Redis.
+- Redis servers protected by SSL-encrypted connections can be accessed by using
+ the `tls` or `rediss` scheme in connection parameters along with SSL-specific
+ options in the `ssl` parameter (see http://php.net/manual/context.ssl.php).
+- `Predis\Client` implements `IteratorAggregate` making it possible to iterate
+ over traversable aggregate connections and get a new client instance for each
+ Redis node.
+- Iterating over an instance of `Predis\Connection\Aggregate\RedisCluster` will
+ return all the connections mapped in the slots map instead of just the ones in
+ the pool. This change makes it possible, when the slots map is retrieved from
+ Redis, to iterate over all of the master nodes in the cluster. When the use of
+ `CLUSTER SLOTS` is disabled via the `useClusterSlots()` method, the iteration
+ returns only the connections with slots ranges associated in their parameters
+ or the ones initialized by `-MOVED` responses in order to make the behaviour
+ of the iteration consistent between the two modes of operation.
- Various improvements to `Predis\Connection\Aggregate\MasterSlaveReplication`
- (the default replication backend that does not rely on redis-sentinel):
+ (the "basic" replication backend, not the new one based on redis-sentinel):
- - When the client fails to send a command on one slave because the connection
- fails or that specific slave is resyncing (`-LOADING` response from Redis),
- the associated connection is removed before attempting to send the command
- to the next slave in the pool. When no other slaves are availabe the client
- picks the master server also for read-only commands as last resort.
+ - When the client is not able to send a read-only command to a slave because
+ the current connection fails or the slave is resyncing (`-LOADING` response
+ returned by Redis), the backend discards the failed connection and performs
+ a new attempt on the next slave. When no other slave is available the master
+ server is used for read-only commands as last resort.
- It is possible to discover the current replication configuration on the fly
by invoking the `discover()` method which internally relies on the output of
the command `INFO REPLICATION` executed against the master server or one of
- the slaves. The connection can also be configured to do this automatically
- when it fails to reach one of the servers.
+ the slaves. The backend can also be configured to do this automatically when
+ it fails to reach one of the servers.
- - Implemented `switchToMaster()` and `switchToSlave()` to make make it easier
- to force a switch to the master server or a random slave if needed.
+ - Implemented the `switchToMaster()` and `switchToSlave()` methods to make it
+ easier to force a switch to the master server or a random slave when needed.
v1.0.4 (2016-05-30)