@@ -74,10 +74,29 @@ class RawCommandTest extends PredisTestCase
* argument is missing, PHP emits an E_WARNING.
* argument is missing, PHP emits an E_WARNING.
* @group disconnected
* @group disconnected
- * @expectedException \PHPUnit_Framework_Error_Warning
public function testPHPWarningOnMissingCommandIDWithStaticCreate()
public function testPHPWarningOnMissingCommandIDWithStaticCreate()
+ if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, "7.1", '>')) {
+ $this->markTestSkipped('only for PHP < 7.1');
+ }
+ $this->setExpectedException('PHPUnit_Framework_Error_Warning');
+ RawCommand::create();
+ }
+ /**
+ * The signature of RawCommand::create() requires one argument which is the
+ * ID of the command (other arguments are fetched dinamically). If the first
+ * argument is missing, PHP 7.1 throw an exception
+ *
+ * @group disconnected
+ */
+ public function testPHPWarningOnMissingCommandIDWithStaticCreate71()
+ {
+ if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, "7.1", '<')) {
+ $this->markTestSkipped('only for PHP > 7.1');
+ }
+ $this->setExpectedException('ArgumentCountError');