@@ -807,6 +807,31 @@ class RedisCommandTestSuite extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
$this->assertEquals((float)(time() - $start), 2, '', 1);
$this->assertEquals((float)(time() - $start), 2, '', 1);
+ function testListBlockingPopLastPushHead() {
+ // TODO: this test does not cover all the aspects of BLPOP/BRPOP as it
+ // does not run with a concurrent client pushing items on lists.
+ $numbers = RC::pushTailAndReturn($this->redis, 'numbers', array(1, 2, 3));
+ $src_count = count($numbers);
+ $dst_count = 0;
+ while ($item = $this->redis->brpoplpush('numbers', 'temporary', 1)) {
+ $this->assertEquals(--$src_count, $this->redis->llen('numbers'));
+ $this->assertEquals(++$dst_count, $this->redis->llen('temporary'));
+ $this->assertEquals(array_pop($numbers), $this->redis->lindex('temporary', 0));
+ }
+ $start = time();
+ $this->assertNull($this->redis->brpoplpush('numbers', 'temporary', 2));
+ $this->assertEquals(2, (float)(time() - $start), '', 1);
+ RC::testForServerException($this, RC::EXCEPTION_WRONG_TYPE, function($test) {
+ $test->redis->del('numbers');
+ $test->redis->del('temporary');
+ $test->redis->set('numbers', 'foobar');
+ $test->redis->brpoplpush('numbers', 'temporary', 1);
+ });
+ }
function testListInsert() {
function testListInsert() {
$numbers = RC::pushTailAndReturn($this->redis, 'numbers', RC::getArrayOfNumbers());
$numbers = RC::pushTailAndReturn($this->redis, 'numbers', RC::getArrayOfNumbers());