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Keeping the server profiles classes independent leads to faster initialization times.

Daniele Alessandri 14 years ago

+ 2 - 0

@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ class ServerVersion12 extends ServerProfile {
     public function getVersion() { return '1.2'; }
     public function getSupportedCommands() {
         return array(
+            /* ---------------- Redis 1.2 ---------------- */
             /* miscellaneous commands */
             'ping'                      => '\Predis\Commands\Ping',
             'echo'                      => '\Predis\Commands\DoEcho',

+ 102 - 6

@@ -2,10 +2,109 @@
 namespace Predis\Profiles;
-class ServerVersion20 extends ServerVersion12 {
+class ServerVersion20 extends ServerProfile {
     public function getVersion() { return '2.0'; }
     public function getSupportedCommands() {
-        return array_merge(parent::getSupportedCommands(), array(
+        return array(
+            /* ---------------- Redis 1.2 ---------------- */
+            /* miscellaneous commands */
+            'ping'                      => '\Predis\Commands\Ping',
+            'echo'                      => '\Predis\Commands\DoEcho',
+            'auth'                      => '\Predis\Commands\Auth',
+            /* connection handling */
+            'quit'                      => '\Predis\Commands\Quit',
+            /* commands operating on string values */
+            'set'                       => '\Predis\Commands\Set',
+            'setnx'                     => '\Predis\Commands\SetPreserve',
+            'mset'                      => '\Predis\Commands\SetMultiple',
+            'msetnx'                    => '\Predis\Commands\SetMultiplePreserve',
+            'get'                       => '\Predis\Commands\Get',
+            'mget'                      => '\Predis\Commands\GetMultiple',
+            'getset'                    => '\Predis\Commands\GetSet',
+            'incr'                      => '\Predis\Commands\Increment',
+            'incrby'                    => '\Predis\Commands\IncrementBy',
+            'decr'                      => '\Predis\Commands\Decrement',
+            'decrby'                    => '\Predis\Commands\DecrementBy',
+            'exists'                    => '\Predis\Commands\Exists',
+            'del'                       => '\Predis\Commands\Delete',
+            'type'                      => '\Predis\Commands\Type',
+            /* commands operating on the key space */
+            'keys'                      => '\Predis\Commands\Keys',
+            'randomkey'                 => '\Predis\Commands\RandomKey',
+            'rename'                    => '\Predis\Commands\Rename',
+            'renamenx'                  => '\Predis\Commands\RenamePreserve',
+            'expire'                    => '\Predis\Commands\Expire',
+            'expireat'                  => '\Predis\Commands\ExpireAt',
+            'dbsize'                    => '\Predis\Commands\DatabaseSize',
+            'ttl'                       => '\Predis\Commands\TimeToLive',
+            /* commands operating on lists */
+            'rpush'                     => '\Predis\Commands\ListPushTail',
+            'lpush'                     => '\Predis\Commands\ListPushHead',
+            'llen'                      => '\Predis\Commands\ListLength',
+            'lrange'                    => '\Predis\Commands\ListRange',
+            'ltrim'                     => '\Predis\Commands\ListTrim',
+            'lindex'                    => '\Predis\Commands\ListIndex',
+            'lset'                      => '\Predis\Commands\ListSet',
+            'lrem'                      => '\Predis\Commands\ListRemove',
+            'lpop'                      => '\Predis\Commands\ListPopFirst',
+            'rpop'                      => '\Predis\Commands\ListPopLast',
+            'rpoplpush'                 => '\Predis\Commands\ListPopLastPushHead',
+            /* commands operating on sets */
+            'sadd'                      => '\Predis\Commands\SetAdd',
+            'srem'                      => '\Predis\Commands\SetRemove',
+            'spop'                      => '\Predis\Commands\SetPop',
+            'smove'                     => '\Predis\Commands\SetMove',
+            'scard'                     => '\Predis\Commands\SetCardinality',
+            'sismember'                 => '\Predis\Commands\SetIsMember',
+            'sinter'                    => '\Predis\Commands\SetIntersection',
+            'sinterstore'               => '\Predis\Commands\SetIntersectionStore',
+            'sunion'                    => '\Predis\Commands\SetUnion',
+            'sunionstore'               => '\Predis\Commands\SetUnionStore',
+            'sdiff'                     => '\Predis\Commands\SetDifference',
+            'sdiffstore'                => '\Predis\Commands\SetDifferenceStore',
+            'smembers'                  => '\Predis\Commands\SetMembers',
+            'srandmember'               => '\Predis\Commands\SetRandomMember',
+            /* commands operating on sorted sets */
+            'zadd'                      => '\Predis\Commands\ZSetAdd',
+            'zincrby'                   => '\Predis\Commands\ZSetIncrementBy',
+            'zrem'                      => '\Predis\Commands\ZSetRemove',
+            'zrange'                    => '\Predis\Commands\ZSetRange',
+            'zrevrange'                 => '\Predis\Commands\ZSetReverseRange',
+            'zrangebyscore'             => '\Predis\Commands\ZSetRangeByScore',
+            'zcard'                     => '\Predis\Commands\ZSetCardinality',
+            'zscore'                    => '\Predis\Commands\ZSetScore',
+            'zremrangebyscore'          => '\Predis\Commands\ZSetRemoveRangeByScore',
+            /* multiple databases handling commands */
+            'select'                    => '\Predis\Commands\SelectDatabase',
+            'move'                      => '\Predis\Commands\MoveKey',
+            'flushdb'                   => '\Predis\Commands\FlushDatabase',
+            'flushall'                  => '\Predis\Commands\FlushAll',
+            /* sorting */
+            'sort'                      => '\Predis\Commands\Sort',
+            /* remote server control commands */
+            'info'                      => '\Predis\Commands\Info',
+            'slaveof'                   => '\Predis\Commands\SlaveOf',
+            /* persistence control commands */
+            'save'                      => '\Predis\Commands\Save',
+            'bgsave'                    => '\Predis\Commands\BackgroundSave',
+            'lastsave'                  => '\Predis\Commands\LastSave',
+            'shutdown'                  => '\Predis\Commands\Shutdown',
+            'bgrewriteaof'              => '\Predis\Commands\BackgroundRewriteAppendOnlyFile',
+            /* ---------------- Redis 2.0 ---------------- */
             /* transactions */
             'multi'                     => '\Predis\Commands\Multi',
             'exec'                      => '\Predis\Commands\Exec',
@@ -16,9 +115,6 @@ class ServerVersion20 extends ServerVersion12 {
             'append'                    => '\Predis\Commands\Append',
             'substr'                    => '\Predis\Commands\Substr',
-            /* commands operating on the key space */
-            'keys'                      => '\Predis\Commands\Keys',
             /* commands operating on lists */
             'blpop'                     => '\Predis\Commands\ListPopFirstBlocking',
             'brpop'                     => '\Predis\Commands\ListPopLastBlocking',
@@ -54,6 +150,6 @@ class ServerVersion20 extends ServerVersion12 {
             /* remote server control commands */
             'config'                    => '\Predis\Commands\Config',
-        ));
+        );

+ 151 - 3

@@ -2,10 +2,158 @@
 namespace Predis\Profiles;
-class ServerVersion22 extends ServerVersion20 {
+class ServerVersion22 extends ServerProfile {
     public function getVersion() { return '2.2'; }
     public function getSupportedCommands() {
-        return array_merge(parent::getSupportedCommands(), array(
+        return array(
+            /* ---------------- Redis 1.2 ---------------- */
+            /* miscellaneous commands */
+            'ping'                      => '\Predis\Commands\Ping',
+            'echo'                      => '\Predis\Commands\DoEcho',
+            'auth'                      => '\Predis\Commands\Auth',
+            /* connection handling */
+            'quit'                      => '\Predis\Commands\Quit',
+            /* commands operating on string values */
+            'set'                       => '\Predis\Commands\Set',
+            'setnx'                     => '\Predis\Commands\SetPreserve',
+            'mset'                      => '\Predis\Commands\SetMultiple',
+            'msetnx'                    => '\Predis\Commands\SetMultiplePreserve',
+            'get'                       => '\Predis\Commands\Get',
+            'mget'                      => '\Predis\Commands\GetMultiple',
+            'getset'                    => '\Predis\Commands\GetSet',
+            'incr'                      => '\Predis\Commands\Increment',
+            'incrby'                    => '\Predis\Commands\IncrementBy',
+            'decr'                      => '\Predis\Commands\Decrement',
+            'decrby'                    => '\Predis\Commands\DecrementBy',
+            'exists'                    => '\Predis\Commands\Exists',
+            'del'                       => '\Predis\Commands\Delete',
+            'type'                      => '\Predis\Commands\Type',
+            /* commands operating on the key space */
+            'keys'                      => '\Predis\Commands\KeysV12x',
+            'randomkey'                 => '\Predis\Commands\RandomKey',
+            'rename'                    => '\Predis\Commands\Rename',
+            'renamenx'                  => '\Predis\Commands\RenamePreserve',
+            'expire'                    => '\Predis\Commands\Expire',
+            'expireat'                  => '\Predis\Commands\ExpireAt',
+            'dbsize'                    => '\Predis\Commands\DatabaseSize',
+            'ttl'                       => '\Predis\Commands\TimeToLive',
+            /* commands operating on lists */
+            'rpush'                     => '\Predis\Commands\ListPushTail',
+            'lpush'                     => '\Predis\Commands\ListPushHead',
+            'llen'                      => '\Predis\Commands\ListLength',
+            'lrange'                    => '\Predis\Commands\ListRange',
+            'ltrim'                     => '\Predis\Commands\ListTrim',
+            'lindex'                    => '\Predis\Commands\ListIndex',
+            'lset'                      => '\Predis\Commands\ListSet',
+            'lrem'                      => '\Predis\Commands\ListRemove',
+            'lpop'                      => '\Predis\Commands\ListPopFirst',
+            'rpop'                      => '\Predis\Commands\ListPopLast',
+            'rpoplpush'                 => '\Predis\Commands\ListPopLastPushHead',
+            /* commands operating on sets */
+            'sadd'                      => '\Predis\Commands\SetAdd',
+            'srem'                      => '\Predis\Commands\SetRemove',
+            'spop'                      => '\Predis\Commands\SetPop',
+            'smove'                     => '\Predis\Commands\SetMove',
+            'scard'                     => '\Predis\Commands\SetCardinality',
+            'sismember'                 => '\Predis\Commands\SetIsMember',
+            'sinter'                    => '\Predis\Commands\SetIntersection',
+            'sinterstore'               => '\Predis\Commands\SetIntersectionStore',
+            'sunion'                    => '\Predis\Commands\SetUnion',
+            'sunionstore'               => '\Predis\Commands\SetUnionStore',
+            'sdiff'                     => '\Predis\Commands\SetDifference',
+            'sdiffstore'                => '\Predis\Commands\SetDifferenceStore',
+            'smembers'                  => '\Predis\Commands\SetMembers',
+            'srandmember'               => '\Predis\Commands\SetRandomMember',
+            /* commands operating on sorted sets */
+            'zadd'                      => '\Predis\Commands\ZSetAdd',
+            'zincrby'                   => '\Predis\Commands\ZSetIncrementBy',
+            'zrem'                      => '\Predis\Commands\ZSetRemove',
+            'zrange'                    => '\Predis\Commands\ZSetRange',
+            'zrevrange'                 => '\Predis\Commands\ZSetReverseRange',
+            'zrangebyscore'             => '\Predis\Commands\ZSetRangeByScore',
+            'zcard'                     => '\Predis\Commands\ZSetCardinality',
+            'zscore'                    => '\Predis\Commands\ZSetScore',
+            'zremrangebyscore'          => '\Predis\Commands\ZSetRemoveRangeByScore',
+            /* multiple databases handling commands */
+            'select'                    => '\Predis\Commands\SelectDatabase',
+            'move'                      => '\Predis\Commands\MoveKey',
+            'flushdb'                   => '\Predis\Commands\FlushDatabase',
+            'flushall'                  => '\Predis\Commands\FlushAll',
+            /* sorting */
+            'sort'                      => '\Predis\Commands\Sort',
+            /* remote server control commands */
+            'info'                      => '\Predis\Commands\Info',
+            'slaveof'                   => '\Predis\Commands\SlaveOf',
+            /* persistence control commands */
+            'save'                      => '\Predis\Commands\Save',
+            'bgsave'                    => '\Predis\Commands\BackgroundSave',
+            'lastsave'                  => '\Predis\Commands\LastSave',
+            'shutdown'                  => '\Predis\Commands\Shutdown',
+            'bgrewriteaof'              => '\Predis\Commands\BackgroundRewriteAppendOnlyFile',
+            /* ---------------- Redis 2.0 ---------------- */
+            /* transactions */
+            'multi'                     => '\Predis\Commands\Multi',
+            'exec'                      => '\Predis\Commands\Exec',
+            'discard'                   => '\Predis\Commands\Discard',
+            /* commands operating on string values */
+            'setex'                     => '\Predis\Commands\SetExpire',
+            'append'                    => '\Predis\Commands\Append',
+            'substr'                    => '\Predis\Commands\Substr',
+            /* commands operating on lists */
+            'blpop'                     => '\Predis\Commands\ListPopFirstBlocking',
+            'brpop'                     => '\Predis\Commands\ListPopLastBlocking',
+            /* commands operating on sorted sets */
+            'zunionstore'               => '\Predis\Commands\ZSetUnionStore',
+            'zinterstore'               => '\Predis\Commands\ZSetIntersectionStore',
+            'zcount'                    => '\Predis\Commands\ZSetCount',
+            'zrank'                     => '\Predis\Commands\ZSetRank',
+            'zrevrank'                  => '\Predis\Commands\ZSetReverseRank',
+            'zremrangebyrank'           => '\Predis\Commands\ZSetRemoveRangeByRank',
+            /* commands operating on hashes */
+            'hset'                      => '\Predis\Commands\HashSet',
+            'hsetnx'                    => '\Predis\Commands\HashSetPreserve',
+            'hmset'                     => '\Predis\Commands\HashSetMultiple',
+            'hincrby'                   => '\Predis\Commands\HashIncrementBy',
+            'hget'                      => '\Predis\Commands\HashGet',
+            'hmget'                     => '\Predis\Commands\HashGetMultiple',
+            'hdel'                      => '\Predis\Commands\HashDelete',
+            'hexists'                   => '\Predis\Commands\HashExists',
+            'hlen'                      => '\Predis\Commands\HashLength',
+            'hkeys'                     => '\Predis\Commands\HashKeys',
+            'hvals'                     => '\Predis\Commands\HashValues',
+            'hgetall'                   => '\Predis\Commands\HashGetAll',
+            /* publish - subscribe */
+            'subscribe'                 => '\Predis\Commands\Subscribe',
+            'unsubscribe'               => '\Predis\Commands\Unsubscribe',
+            'psubscribe'                => '\Predis\Commands\SubscribeByPattern',
+            'punsubscribe'              => '\Predis\Commands\UnsubscribeByPattern',
+            'publish'                   => '\Predis\Commands\Publish',
+            /* remote server control commands */
+            'config'                    => '\Predis\Commands\Config',
+            /* ---------------- Redis 2.2 ---------------- */
             /* transactions */
             'watch'                     => '\Predis\Commands\Watch',
             'unwatch'                   => '\Predis\Commands\Unwatch',
@@ -28,6 +176,6 @@ class ServerVersion22 extends ServerVersion20 {
             /* commands operating on sorted sets */
             'zrevrangebyscore'          => '\Predis\Commands\ZSetReverseRangeByScore',
-        ));
+        );