* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Predis\Replication; use PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase as StandardTestCase; use Predis\Command\CommandInterface; use Predis\Profile; /** * */ class ReplicationStrategyTest extends StandardTestCase { /** * @group disconnected */ public function testReadCommands() { $profile = Profile\Factory::getDevelopment(); $strategy = new ReplicationStrategy(); foreach ($this->getExpectedCommands('read') as $commandId) { $command = $profile->createCommand($commandId); $this->assertTrue($strategy->isReadOperation($command)); } } /** * @group disconnected */ public function testWriteCommands() { $profile = Profile\Factory::getDevelopment(); $strategy = new ReplicationStrategy(); foreach ($this->getExpectedCommands('write') as $commandId) { $command = $profile->createCommand($commandId); $this->assertFalse($strategy->isReadOperation($command), $commandId); } } /** * @group disconnected */ public function testDisallowedCommands() { $profile = Profile\Factory::getDevelopment(); $strategy = new ReplicationStrategy(); foreach ($this->getExpectedCommands('disallowed') as $commandId) { $command = $profile->createCommand($commandId); $this->assertTrue($strategy->isDisallowedOperation($command), $commandId); } } /** * @group disconnected */ public function testSortCommand() { $profile = Profile\Factory::getDevelopment(); $strategy = new ReplicationStrategy(); $cmdReadSort = $profile->createCommand('SORT', array('key:list')); $this->assertTrue($strategy->isReadOperation($cmdReadSort), 'SORT [read-only]'); $cmdWriteSort = $profile->createCommand('SORT', array('key:list', array('store' => 'key:stored'))); $this->assertFalse($strategy->isReadOperation($cmdWriteSort), 'SORT [write with STORE]'); } /** * @group disconnected * @expectedException Predis\NotSupportedException * @expectedExceptionMessage The command INFO is not allowed in replication mode */ public function testUsingDisallowedCommandThrowsException() { $profile = Profile\Factory::getDevelopment(); $strategy = new ReplicationStrategy(); $command = $profile->createCommand('INFO'); $strategy->isReadOperation($command); } /** * @group disconnected */ public function testDefaultIsWriteOperation() { $strategy = new ReplicationStrategy(); $command = $this->getMock('Predis\Command\CommandInterface'); $command->expects($this->any()) ->method('getId') ->will($this->returnValue('CMDTEST')); $this->assertFalse($strategy->isReadOperation($command)); } /** * @group disconnected */ public function testCanSetCommandAsReadOperation() { $strategy = new ReplicationStrategy(); $command = $this->getMock('Predis\Command\CommandInterface'); $command->expects($this->any()) ->method('getId') ->will($this->returnValue('CMDTEST')); $strategy->setCommandReadOnly('CMDTEST', true); $this->assertTrue($strategy->isReadOperation($command)); } /** * @group disconnected */ public function testCanSetCommandAsWriteOperation() { $strategy = new ReplicationStrategy(); $command = $this->getMock('Predis\Command\CommandInterface'); $command->expects($this->any()) ->method('getId') ->will($this->returnValue('CMDTEST')); $strategy->setCommandReadOnly('CMDTEST', false); $this->assertFalse($strategy->isReadOperation($command)); $strategy->setCommandReadOnly('GET', false); $this->assertFalse($strategy->isReadOperation($command)); } /** * @group disconnected */ public function testCanUseCallableToCheckCommand() { $strategy = new ReplicationStrategy(); $profile = Profile\Factory::getDevelopment(); $strategy->setCommandReadOnly('SET', function ($command) { return $command->getArgument(1) === true; }); $command = $profile->createCommand('SET', array('trigger', false)); $this->assertFalse($strategy->isReadOperation($command)); $command = $profile->createCommand('SET', array('trigger', true)); $this->assertTrue($strategy->isReadOperation($command)); } /** * @group disconnected */ public function testSetLuaScriptAsReadOperation() { $strategy = new ReplicationStrategy(); $profile = Profile\Factory::getDevelopment(); $writeScript = 'redis.call("set", "foo", "bar")'; $readScript = 'return true'; $strategy->setScriptReadOnly($readScript, true); $cmdEval = $profile->createCommand('EVAL', array($writeScript)); $cmdEvalSHA = $profile->createCommand('EVALSHA', array(sha1($writeScript))); $this->assertFalse($strategy->isReadOperation($cmdEval)); $this->assertFalse($strategy->isReadOperation($cmdEvalSHA)); $cmdEval = $profile->createCommand('EVAL', array($readScript)); $cmdEvalSHA = $profile->createCommand('EVALSHA', array(sha1($readScript))); $this->assertTrue($strategy->isReadOperation($cmdEval)); $this->assertTrue($strategy->isReadOperation($cmdEvalSHA)); } /** * @group disconnected */ public function testSetLuaScriptAsReadOperationWorksWithScriptCommand() { $strategy = new ReplicationStrategy(); $command = $this->getMock('Predis\Command\ScriptCommand', array('getScript')); $command->expects($this->any()) ->method('getScript') ->will($this->returnValue($script = 'return true')); $strategy->setScriptReadOnly($script, function ($command) { return $command->getArgument(2) === true; }); $command->setArguments(array(false)); $this->assertFalse($strategy->isReadOperation($command)); $command->setArguments(array(true)); $this->assertTrue($strategy->isReadOperation($command)); } /** * @group disconnected */ public function testSetLuaScriptAsReadOperationWorksWithScriptCommandAndCallableCheck() { $strategy = new ReplicationStrategy(); $command = $this->getMock('Predis\Command\ScriptCommand', array('getScript')); $command->expects($this->any()) ->method('getScript') ->will($this->returnValue($script = 'return true')); $command->setArguments(array('trigger', false)); $strategy->setScriptReadOnly($script, true); $this->assertTrue($strategy->isReadOperation($command)); } // ******************************************************************** // // ---- HELPER METHODS ------------------------------------------------ // // ******************************************************************** // /** * Returns the list of expected supported commands. * * @param string $type Optional type of command (based on its keys) * @return array */ protected function getExpectedCommands($type = null) { $commands = array( /* commands operating on the connection */ 'EXISTS' => 'read', 'AUTH' => 'read', 'SELECT' => 'read', 'ECHO' => 'read', 'QUIT' => 'read', 'OBJECT' => 'read', 'BITCOUNT' => 'read', 'TIME' => 'read', 'SHUTDOWN' => 'disallowed', 'INFO' => 'disallowed', 'DBSIZE' => 'disallowed', 'LASTSAVE' => 'disallowed', 'CONFIG' => 'disallowed', 'MONITOR' => 'disallowed', 'SLAVEOF' => 'disallowed', 'SAVE' => 'disallowed', 'BGSAVE' => 'disallowed', 'BGREWRITEAOF' => 'disallowed', 'SLOWLOG' => 'disallowed', /* commands operating on the key space */ 'EXISTS' => 'read', 'DEL' => 'write', 'TYPE' => 'read', 'EXPIRE' => 'write', 'EXPIREAT' => 'write', 'PERSIST' => 'write', 'PEXPIRE' => 'write', 'PEXPIREAT' => 'write', 'TTL' => 'read', 'PTTL' => 'write', 'SORT' => 'variable', 'KEYS' => 'read', 'SCAN' => 'read', 'RANDOMKEY' => 'read', /* commands operating on string values */ 'APPEND' => 'write', 'DECR' => 'write', 'DECRBY' => 'write', 'GET' => 'read', 'GETBIT' => 'read', 'MGET' => 'read', 'SET' => 'write', 'GETRANGE' => 'read', 'GETSET' => 'write', 'INCR' => 'write', 'INCRBY' => 'write', 'SETBIT' => 'write', 'SETEX' => 'write', 'MSET' => 'write', 'MSETNX' => 'write', 'SETNX' => 'write', 'SETRANGE' => 'write', 'STRLEN' => 'read', 'SUBSTR' => 'read', /* commands operating on lists */ 'LINSERT' => 'write', 'LINDEX' => 'read', 'LLEN' => 'read', 'LPOP' => 'write', 'RPOP' => 'write', 'BLPOP' => 'write', 'BRPOP' => 'write', 'LPUSH' => 'write', 'LPUSHX' => 'write', 'RPUSH' => 'write', 'RPUSHX' => 'write', 'LRANGE' => 'read', 'LREM' => 'write', 'LSET' => 'write', 'LTRIM' => 'write', /* commands operating on sets */ 'SADD' => 'write', 'SCARD' => 'read', 'SISMEMBER' => 'read', 'SMEMBERS' => 'read', 'SSCAN' => 'read', 'SRANDMEMBER' => 'read', 'SPOP' => 'write', 'SREM' => 'write', 'SINTER' => 'read', 'SUNION' => 'read', 'SDIFF' => 'read', /* commands operating on sorted sets */ 'ZADD' => 'write', 'ZCARD' => 'read', 'ZCOUNT' => 'read', 'ZINCRBY' => 'write', 'ZRANGE' => 'read', 'ZRANGEBYSCORE' => 'read', 'ZRANK' => 'read', 'ZREM' => 'write', 'ZREMRANGEBYRANK' => 'write', 'ZREMRANGEBYSCORE' => 'write', 'ZREVRANGE' => 'read', 'ZREVRANGEBYSCORE' => 'read', 'ZREVRANK' => 'read', 'ZSCORE' => 'read', 'ZSCAN' => 'read', /* commands operating on hashes */ 'HDEL' => 'write', 'HEXISTS' => 'read', 'HGET' => 'read', 'HGETALL' => 'read', 'HMGET' => 'read', 'HINCRBY' => 'write', 'HINCRBYFLOAT' => 'write', 'HKEYS' => 'read', 'HLEN' => 'read', 'HSET' => 'write', 'HSETNX' => 'write', 'HVALS' => 'read', 'HSCAN' => 'read', /* scripting */ 'EVAL' => 'write', 'EVALSHA' => 'write', ); if (isset($type)) { $commands = array_filter($commands, function ($expectedType) use ($type) { return $expectedType === $type; }); } return array_keys($commands); } }