setServerProfile( $serverProfile === null ? Predis_RedisServerProfile::getDefault() : $serverProfile ); $this->setupConnection($parameters); } public function __destruct() { $this->_connection->disconnect(); } public static function create(/* arguments */) { $argv = func_get_args(); $argc = func_num_args(); $serverProfile = null; if ($argc > 0 && is_subclass_of($argv[$argc-1], 'Predis_RedisServerProfile')) { $serverProfile = array_pop($argv); $argc--; } if ($argc === 0) { throw new Predis_ClientException('Missing connection parameters'); } return new Predis_Client($argc === 1 ? $argv[0] : $argv, $serverProfile); } private function setupConnection($parameters) { if ($parameters !== null && !(is_array($parameters) || is_string($parameters))) { throw new Predis_ClientException('Invalid parameters type (array or string expected)'); } if (is_array($parameters) && isset($parameters[0]) && is_array($parameters[0])) { $cluster = new Predis_ConnectionCluster(); foreach ($parameters as $shardParams) { $cluster->add($this->createConnection($shardParams)); } $this->setConnection($cluster); } else { $this->setConnection($this->createConnection($parameters)); } } private function createConnection($parameters) { $params = new Predis_ConnectionParameters($parameters); $connection = new Predis_Connection($params); if ($params->password !== null) { $connection->pushInitCommand($this->createCommandInstance( 'auth', array($params->password) )); } if ($params->database !== null) { $connection->pushInitCommand($this->createCommandInstance( 'select', array($params->database) )); } return $connection; } private function setConnection(Predis_IConnection $connection) { $this->_connection = $connection; } public function setServerProfile(Predis_RedisServerProfile $serverProfile) { $this->_serverProfile = $serverProfile; } public function connect() { $this->_connection->connect(); } public function disconnect() { $this->_connection->disconnect(); } public function isConnected() { return $this->_connection->isConnected(); } public function getConnection() { return $this->_connection; } public function __call($method, $arguments) { $command = $this->createCommandInstance($method, $arguments); return $this->executeCommand($command); } public function createCommandInstance($method, $arguments = array()) { return $this->_serverProfile->createCommandInstance($method, $arguments); } private function executeCommandInternal(Predis_IConnection $connection, Predis_Command $command) { $connection->writeCommand($command); if ($command->closesConnection()) { return $connection->disconnect(); } return $connection->readResponse($command); } public function executeCommand(Predis_Command $command) { return self::executeCommandInternal($this->_connection, $command); } public function executeCommandOnShards(Predis_Command $command) { $replies = array(); if (is_a($this->_connection, 'Predis_ConnectionCluster')) { foreach($this->_connection as $connection) { $replies[] = self::executeCommandInternal($connection, $command); } } else { $replies[] = self::executeCommandInternal($this->_connection, $command); } return $replies; } public function rawCommand($rawCommandData, $closesConnection = false) { // TODO: rather than check the type of a connection instance, we should // check if it does respond to the rawCommand method. if (is_a($this->_connection, 'Predis_ConnectionCluster')) { throw new Predis_ClientException('Cannot send raw commands when connected to a cluster of Redis servers'); } return $this->_connection->rawCommand($rawCommandData, $closesConnection); } public function pipeline() { return new Predis_CommandPipeline($this); } public function registerCommands(Array $commands) { $this->_serverProfile->registerCommands($commands); } public function registerCommand($command, $aliases) { $this->_serverProfile->registerCommand($command, $aliases); } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ abstract class Predis_Command { private $_arguments, $_hash; public abstract function getCommandId(); public abstract function serializeRequest($command, $arguments); public function canBeHashed() { return true; } public function getHash() { if (isset($this->_hash)) { return $this->_hash; } else { if (isset($this->_arguments[0])) { $key = $this->_arguments[0]; $start = strpos($key, '{'); $end = strpos($key, '}'); if ($start !== false && $end !== false) { $key = substr($key, ++$start, $end - $start); } $this->_hash = crc32($key); return $this->_hash; } } return null; } public function closesConnection() { return false; } protected function filterArguments(Array $arguments) { return $arguments; } public function setArguments(/* arguments */) { $this->_arguments = $this->filterArguments(func_get_args()); } public function setArgumentsArray(Array $arguments) { $this->_arguments = $this->filterArguments($arguments); } protected function getArguments() { return isset($this->_arguments) ? $this->_arguments : array(); } public function getArgument($index = 0) { return isset($this->_arguments[$index]) ? $this->_arguments[$index] : null; } public function parseResponse($data) { return $data; } public final function invoke() { return $this->serializeRequest($this->getCommandId(), $this->getArguments()); } } abstract class Predis_InlineCommand extends Predis_Command { public function serializeRequest($command, $arguments) { if (isset($arguments[0]) && is_array($arguments[0])) { $arguments[0] = implode($arguments[0], ' '); } return $command . ' ' . implode($arguments, ' ') . Predis_Response::NEWLINE; } } abstract class Predis_BulkCommand extends Predis_Command { public function serializeRequest($command, $arguments) { $data = array_pop($arguments); if (is_array($data)) { $data = implode($data, ' '); } return $command . ' ' . implode($arguments, ' ') . ' ' . strlen($data) . Predis_Response::NEWLINE . $data . Predis_Response::NEWLINE; } } abstract class Predis_MultiBulkCommand extends Predis_Command { public function serializeRequest($command, $arguments) { $buffer = array(); $cmd_args = null; if (count($arguments) === 1 && is_array($arguments[0])) { $cmd_args = array(); foreach ($arguments[0] as $k => $v) { $cmd_args[] = $k; $cmd_args[] = $v; } } else { $cmd_args = $arguments; } $buffer[] = '*' . ((string) count($cmd_args) + 1) . Predis_Response::NEWLINE; $buffer[] = '$' . strlen($command) . Predis_Response::NEWLINE . $command . Predis_Response::NEWLINE; foreach ($cmd_args as $argument) { $buffer[] = '$' . strlen($argument) . Predis_Response::NEWLINE . $argument . Predis_Response::NEWLINE; } return implode('', $buffer); } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ class Predis_Response { const NEWLINE = "\r\n"; const OK = 'OK'; const ERROR = 'ERR'; const NULL = 'nil'; private static $_prefixHandlers; private static function initializePrefixHandlers() { return array( // status '+' => array('Predis_Response', 'handleStatus'), // error '-' => array('Predis_Response', 'handleError'), // bulk '$' => array('Predis_Response', 'handleBulk'), // multibulk '*' => array('Predis_Response', 'handleMultiBulk'), // integer ':' => array('Predis_Response', 'handleInteger') ); } public static function getPrefixHandler($prefix) { if (self::$_prefixHandlers === null) { self::$_prefixHandlers = self::initializePrefixHandlers(); } $handler = self::$_prefixHandlers[$prefix]; if ($handler === null) { throw new Predis_MalformedServerResponse("Unknown prefix '$prefix'"); } return $handler; } public static function handleStatus($socket) { $status = rtrim(fgets($socket), Predis_Response::NEWLINE); return $status === Predis_Response::OK ? true : $status; } public static function handleError($socket) { $errorMessage = rtrim(fgets($socket), Predis_Response::NEWLINE); throw new Predis_ServerException(substr($errorMessage, 4)); } public static function handleBulk($socket) { $dataLength = rtrim(fgets($socket), Predis_Response::NEWLINE); if (!is_numeric($dataLength)) { throw new Predis_ClientException("Cannot parse '$dataLength' as data length"); } if ($dataLength > 0) { $value = stream_get_contents($socket, $dataLength); fread($socket, 2); return $value; } else if ($dataLength == 0) { // TODO: I just have a doubt here... fread($socket, 2); } return null; } public static function handleMultiBulk($socket) { $rawLength = rtrim(fgets($socket), Predis_Response::NEWLINE); if (!is_numeric($rawLength)) { throw new Predis_ClientException("Cannot parse '$rawLength' as data length"); } $listLength = (int) $rawLength; if ($listLength === -1) { return null; } $list = array(); if ($listLength > 0) { for ($i = 0; $i < $listLength; $i++) { $handler = Predis_Response::getPrefixHandler(fgetc($socket)); $list[] = call_user_func($handler, $socket); } } return $list; } public static function handleInteger($socket) { $number = rtrim(fgets($socket), Predis_Response::NEWLINE); if (is_numeric($number)) { return (int) $number; } else { if ($number !== Predis_Response::NULL) { throw new Predis_ClientException("Cannot parse '$number' as numeric response"); } return null; } } } class Predis_CommandPipeline { private $_redisClient, $_pipelineBuffer, $_returnValues, $_running; public function __construct(Predis_Client $redisClient) { $this->_redisClient = $redisClient; $this->_pipelineBuffer = array(); $this->_returnValues = array(); } public function __call($method, $arguments) { $command = $this->_redisClient->createCommandInstance($method, $arguments); $this->recordCommand($command); } private function recordCommand(Predis_Command $command) { $this->_pipelineBuffer[] = $command; } private function getRecordedCommands() { return $this->_pipelineBuffer; } public function flushPipeline() { if (count($this->_pipelineBuffer) === 0) { return; } $connection = $this->_redisClient->getConnection(); $commands = &$this->getRecordedCommands(); foreach ($commands as $command) { $connection->writeCommand($command); } foreach ($commands as $command) { $this->_returnValues[] = $connection->readResponse($command); } $this->_pipelineBuffer = array(); } private function setRunning($bool) { // TODO: I am honest when I say that I don't like this approach. if ($bool == true && $this->_running == true) { throw new Predis_ClientException("This pipeline is already opened"); } $this->_running = $bool; } public function execute() { $this->setRunning(true); $pipelineBlockException = null; try { $this->flushPipeline(); } catch (Exception $exception) { $pipelineBlockException = $exception; } $this->setRunning(false); if ($pipelineBlockException !== null) { throw $pipelineBlockException; } return $this->_returnValues; } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ class Predis_ConnectionParameters { const DEFAULT_HOST = ''; const DEFAULT_PORT = 6379; private $_parameters; public function __construct($parameters) { $parameters = $parameters !== null ? $parameters : array(); $this->_parameters = is_array($parameters) ? self::filterConnectionParams($parameters) : self::parseURI($parameters); } private static function parseURI($uri) { $parsed = @parse_url($uri); if ($parsed == false || $parsed['scheme'] != 'redis' || $parsed['host'] == null) { throw new Predis_ClientException("Invalid URI: $uri"); } if (array_key_exists('query', $parsed)) { $details = array(); foreach (explode('&', $parsed['query']) as $kv) { list($k, $v) = explode('=', $kv); switch ($k) { case 'database': $details['database'] = $v; break; case 'password': $details['password'] = $v; break; } } $parsed = array_merge($parsed, $details); } return self::filterConnectionParams($parsed); } private static function getParamOrDefault(Array $parameters, $param, $default = null) { return array_key_exists($param, $parameters) ? $parameters[$param] : $default; } private static function filterConnectionParams($parameters) { return array( 'host' => self::getParamOrDefault($parameters, 'host', self::DEFAULT_HOST), 'port' => (int) self::getParamOrDefault($parameters, 'port', self::DEFAULT_PORT), 'database' => self::getParamOrDefault($parameters, 'database'), 'password' => self::getParamOrDefault($parameters, 'password') ); } public function __get($parameter) { return $this->_parameters[$parameter]; } } interface Predis_IConnection { public function connect(); public function disconnect(); public function isConnected(); public function writeCommand(Predis_Command $command); public function readResponse(Predis_Command $command); } class Predis_Connection implements Predis_IConnection { const CONNECTION_TIMEOUT = 2; const READ_WRITE_TIMEOUT = 5; private $_params, $_socket, $_initCmds; public function __construct(Predis_ConnectionParameters $parameters) { $this->_params = $parameters; $this->_initCmds = array(); } public function __destruct() { $this->disconnect(); } public function isConnected() { return is_resource($this->_socket); } public function connect() { if ($this->isConnected()) { throw new Predis_ClientException('Connection already estabilished'); } $uri = sprintf('tcp://%s:%d/', $this->_params->host, $this->_params->port); $this->_socket = @stream_socket_client($uri, $errno, $errstr, self::CONNECTION_TIMEOUT); if (!$this->_socket) { throw new Predis_ClientException(trim($errstr), $errno); } stream_set_timeout($this->_socket, self::READ_WRITE_TIMEOUT); if (count($this->_initCmds) > 0){ $this->sendInitializationCommands(); } } public function disconnect() { if ($this->isConnected()) { fclose($this->_socket); } } public function pushInitCommand(Predis_Command $command){ $this->_initCmds[] = $command; } private function sendInitializationCommands() { foreach ($this->_initCmds as $command) { $this->writeCommand($command); } foreach ($this->_initCmds as $command) { $this->readResponse($command); } } public function writeCommand(Predis_Command $command) { fwrite($this->getSocket(), $command->invoke()); } public function readResponse(Predis_Command $command) { $socket = $this->getSocket(); $handler = Predis_Response::getPrefixHandler(fgetc($socket)); $response = $command->parseResponse(call_user_func($handler, $socket)); return $response; } public function rawCommand($rawCommandData, $closesConnection = false) { $socket = $this->getSocket(); fwrite($socket, $rawCommandData); if ($closesConnection) { return; } $handler = Predis_Response::getPrefixHandler(fgetc($socket)); return $handler($socket); } public function getSocket() { if (!$this->isConnected()) { $this->connect(); } return $this->_socket; } public function __toString() { return sprintf('%s:%d', $this->_params->host, $this->_params->port); } } class Predis_ConnectionCluster implements Predis_IConnection, IteratorAggregate { // TODO: find a clean way to handle connection failures of single nodes. private $_pool, $_ring; public function __construct() { $this->_pool = array(); $this->_ring = new Utilities_HashRing(); } public function __destruct() { $this->disconnect(); } public function isConnected() { foreach ($this->_pool as $connection) { if ($connection->isConnected()) { return true; } } return false; } public function connect() { foreach ($this->_pool as $connection) { $connection->connect(); } } public function disconnect() { foreach ($this->_pool as $connection) { $connection->disconnect(); } } public function add(Predis_Connection $connection) { $this->_pool[] = $connection; $this->_ring->add($connection); } private function getConnection(Predis_Command $command) { if ($command->canBeHashed() === false) { throw new Predis_ClientException( sprintf("Cannot send '%s' commands to a cluster of connections.", $command->getCommandId()) ); } return $this->_ring->get($command->getHash()); } public function getConnectionById($id = null) { return $this->_pool[$id === null ? 0 : $id]; } public function getIterator() { return new ArrayIterator($this->_pool); } public function writeCommand(Predis_Command $command) { $this->getConnection($command)->writeCommand($command); } public function readResponse(Predis_Command $command) { return $this->getConnection($command)->readResponse($command); } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ abstract class Predis_RedisServerProfile { const DEFAULT_SERVER_PROFILE = 'Predis_RedisServer__V1_2'; private $_registeredCommands; public function __construct() { $this->_registeredCommands = $this->getSupportedCommands(); } public abstract function getVersion(); protected abstract function getSupportedCommands(); public static function getDefault() { $defaultProfile = self::DEFAULT_SERVER_PROFILE; return new $defaultProfile(); } public function createCommandInstance($method, $arguments = array()) { $commandClass = $this->_registeredCommands[$method]; if ($commandClass === null) { throw new Predis_ClientException("'$method' is not a registered Redis command"); } $command = new $commandClass(); $command->setArgumentsArray($arguments); return $command; } public function registerCommands(Array $commands) { foreach ($commands as $command => $aliases) { $this->registerCommand($command, $aliases); } } public function registerCommand($command, $aliases) { $commandReflection = new ReflectionClass($command); if (!$commandReflection->isSubclassOf('Predis_Command')) { throw new Predis_ClientException("Cannot register '$command' as it is not a valid Redis command"); } if (is_array($aliases)) { foreach ($aliases as $alias) { $this->_registeredCommands[$alias] = $command; } } else { $this->_registeredCommands[$aliases] = $command; } } } class Predis_RedisServer__V1_0 extends Predis_RedisServerProfile { public function getVersion() { return 1.0; } public function getSupportedCommands() { return array( /* miscellaneous commands */ 'ping' => 'Predis_Commands_Ping', 'echo' => 'Predis_Commands_DoEcho', 'auth' => 'Predis_Commands_Auth', /* connection handling */ 'quit' => 'Predis_Commands_Quit', /* commands operating on string values */ 'set' => 'Predis_Commands_Set', 'setnx' => 'Predis_Commands_SetPreserve', 'setPreserve' => 'Predis_Commands_SetPreserve', 'get' => 'Predis_Commands_Get', 'mget' => 'Predis_Commands_GetMultiple', 'getMultiple' => 'Predis_Commands_GetMultiple', 'getset' => 'Predis_Commands_GetSet', 'getSet' => 'Predis_Commands_GetSet', 'incr' => 'Predis_Commands_Increment', 'increment' => 'Predis_Commands_Increment', 'incrby' => 'Predis_Commands_IncrementBy', 'incrementBy' => 'Predis_Commands_IncrementBy', 'decr' => 'Predis_Commands_Decrement', 'decrement' => 'Predis_Commands_Decrement', 'decrby' => 'Predis_Commands_DecrementBy', 'decrementBy' => 'Predis_Commands_DecrementBy', 'exists' => 'Predis_Commands_Exists', 'del' => 'Predis_Commands_Delete', 'delete' => 'Predis_Commands_Delete', 'type' => 'Predis_Commands_Type', /* commands operating on the key space */ 'keys' => 'Predis_Commands_Keys', 'randomkey' => 'Predis_Commands_RandomKey', 'randomKey' => 'Predis_Commands_RandomKey', 'rename' => 'Predis_Commands_Rename', 'renamenx' => 'Predis_Commands_RenamePreserve', 'renamePreserve' => 'Predis_Commands_RenamePreserve', 'expire' => 'Predis_Commands_Expire', 'expireat' => 'Predis_Commands_ExpireAt', 'expireAt' => 'Predis_Commands_ExpireAt', 'dbsize' => 'Predis_Commands_DatabaseSize', 'databaseSize' => 'Predis_Commands_DatabaseSize', 'ttl' => 'Predis_Commands_TimeToLive', 'timeToLive' => 'Predis_Commands_TimeToLive', /* commands operating on lists */ 'rpush' => 'Predis_Commands_ListPushTail', 'pushTail' => 'Predis_Commands_ListPushTail', 'lpush' => 'Predis_Commands_ListPushHead', 'pushHead' => 'Predis_Commands_ListPushHead', 'llen' => 'Predis_Commands_ListLength', 'listLength' => 'Predis_Commands_ListLength', 'lrange' => 'Predis_Commands_ListRange', 'listRange' => 'Predis_Commands_ListRange', 'ltrim' => 'Predis_Commands_ListTrim', 'listTrim' => 'Predis_Commands_ListTrim', 'lindex' => 'Predis_Commands_ListIndex', 'listIndex' => 'Predis_Commands_ListIndex', 'lset' => 'Predis_Commands_ListSet', 'listSet' => 'Predis_Commands_ListSet', 'lrem' => 'Predis_Commands_ListRemove', 'listRemove' => 'Predis_Commands_ListRemove', 'lpop' => 'Predis_Commands_ListPopFirst', 'popFirst' => 'Predis_Commands_ListPopFirst', 'rpop' => 'Predis_Commands_ListPopLast', 'popLast' => 'Predis_Commands_ListPopLast', /* commands operating on sets */ 'sadd' => 'Predis_Commands_SetAdd', 'setAdd' => 'Predis_Commands_SetAdd', 'srem' => 'Predis_Commands_SetRemove', 'setRemove' => 'Predis_Commands_SetRemove', 'spop' => 'Predis_Commands_SetPop', 'setPop' => 'Predis_Commands_SetPop', 'smove' => 'Predis_Commands_SetMove', 'setMove' => 'Predis_Commands_SetMove', 'scard' => 'Predis_Commands_SetCardinality', 'setCardinality' => 'Predis_Commands_SetCardinality', 'sismember' => 'Predis_Commands_SetIsMember', 'setIsMember' => 'Predis_Commands_SetIsMember', 'sinter' => 'Predis_Commands_SetIntersection', 'setIntersection' => 'Predis_Commands_SetIntersection', 'sinterstore' => 'Predis_Commands_SetIntersectionStore', 'setIntersectionStore' => 'Predis_Commands_SetIntersectionStore', 'sunion' => 'Predis_Commands_SetUnion', 'setUnion' => 'Predis_Commands_SetUnion', 'sunionstore' => 'Predis_Commands_SetUnionStore', 'setUnionStore' => 'Predis_Commands_SetUnionStore', 'sdiff' => 'Predis_Commands_SetDifference', 'setDifference' => 'Predis_Commands_SetDifference', 'sdiffstore' => 'Predis_Commands_SetDifferenceStore', 'setDifferenceStore' => 'Predis_Commands_SetDifferenceStore', 'smembers' => 'Predis_Commands_SetMembers', 'setMembers' => 'Predis_Commands_SetMembers', 'srandmember' => 'Predis_Commands_SetRandomMember', 'setRandomMember' => 'Predis_Commands_SetRandomMember', /* multiple databases handling commands */ 'select' => 'Predis_Commands_SelectDatabase', 'selectDatabase' => 'Predis_Commands_SelectDatabase', 'move' => 'Predis_Commands_MoveKey', 'moveKey' => 'Predis_Commands_MoveKey', 'flushdb' => 'Predis_Commands_FlushDatabase', 'flushDatabase' => 'Predis_Commands_FlushDatabase', 'flushall' => 'Predis_Commands_FlushAll', 'flushDatabases' => 'Predis_Commands_FlushAll', /* sorting */ 'sort' => 'Predis_Commands_Sort', /* remote server control commands */ 'info' => 'Predis_Commands_Info', 'slaveof' => 'Predis_Commands_SlaveOf', 'slaveOf' => 'Predis_Commands_SlaveOf', /* persistence control commands */ 'save' => 'Predis_Commands_Save', 'bgsave' => 'Predis_Commands_BackgroundSave', 'backgroundSave' => 'Predis_Commands_BackgroundSave', 'lastsave' => 'Predis_Commands_LastSave', 'lastSave' => 'Predis_Commands_LastSave', 'shutdown' => 'Predis_Commands_Shutdown' ); } } class Predis_RedisServer__V1_2 extends Predis_RedisServer__V1_0 { public function getVersion() { return 1.2; } public function getSupportedCommands() { return array_merge(parent::getSupportedCommands(), array( /* commands operating on string values */ 'mset' => 'Predis_Commands_SetMultiple', 'setMultiple' => 'Predis_Commands_SetMultiple', 'msetnx' => 'Predis_Commands_SetMultiplePreserve', 'setMultiplePreserve' => 'Predis_Commands_SetMultiplePreserve', /* commands operating on lists */ 'rpoplpush' => 'Predis_Commands_ListPushTailPopFirst', 'listPopLastPushHead' => 'Predis_Commands_ListPopLastPushHead', /* commands operating on sorted sets */ 'zadd' => 'Predis_Commands_ZSetAdd', 'zsetAdd' => 'Predis_Commands_ZSetAdd', 'zincrby' => 'Predis_Commands_ZSetIncrementBy', 'zsetIncrementBy' => 'Predis_Commands_ZSetIncrementBy', 'zrem' => 'Predis_Commands_ZSetRemove', 'zsetRemove' => 'Predis_Commands_ZSetRemove', 'zrange' => 'Predis_Commands_ZSetRange', 'zsetRange' => 'Predis_Commands_ZSetRange', 'zrevrange' => 'Predis_Commands_ZSetReverseRange', 'zsetReverseRange' => 'Predis_Commands_ZSetReverseRange', 'zrangebyscore' => 'Predis_Commands_ZSetRangeByScore', 'zsetRangeByScore' => 'Predis_Commands_ZSetRangeByScore', 'zcard' => 'Predis_Commands_ZSetCardinality', 'zsetCardinality' => 'Predis_Commands_ZSetCardinality', 'zscore' => 'Predis_Commands_ZSetScore', 'zsetScore' => 'Predis_Commands_ZSetScore', 'zremrangebyscore' => 'Predis_Commands_ZSetRemoveRangeByScore', 'zsetRemoveRangeByScore' => 'Predis_Commands_ZSetRemoveRangeByScore' )); } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ class Utilities_HashRing { const DEFAULT_REPLICAS = 128; private $_ring, $_ringKeys, $_replicas; public function __construct($replicas = self::DEFAULT_REPLICAS) { $this->_replicas = $replicas; $this->_ring = array(); $this->_ringKeys = array(); } public function add($node) { $nodeHash = (string) $node; $replicas = $this->_replicas; for ($i = 0; $i < $replicas; $i++) { $key = crc32($nodeHash . ':' . $i); $this->_ring[$key] = $node; } ksort($this->_ring, SORT_NUMERIC); $this->_ringKeys = array_keys($this->_ring); } public function remove($node) { $nodeHash = (string) $node; $replicas = $this->_replicas; for ($i = 0; $i < $replicas; $i++) { $key = crc32($nodeHash . ':' . $i); unset($this->_ring[$key]); $newRing = array(); foreach ($this->_ringKeys as $rk) { if ($rk !== $key) { $newRing[] = $rk; } } $this->_ringKeys = $newRing; } } public function get($key) { return $this->_ring[$this->getNodeKey($key)]; } private function getNodeKey($key) { $ringKeys = $this->_ringKeys; $upper = count($ringKeys) - 1; $lower = 0; $index = 0; while ($lower <= $upper) { $index = ($lower + $upper) / 2; $item = $ringKeys[$index]; if ($item > $key) { $upper = $index - 1; } else if ($item < $key) { $lower = $index + 1; } else { return $index; } } return $ringKeys[$upper]; } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* miscellaneous commands */ class Predis_Commands_Ping extends Predis_InlineCommand { public function canBeHashed() { return false; } public function getCommandId() { return 'PING'; } public function parseResponse($data) { return $data === 'PONG' ? true : false; } } class Predis_Commands_DoEcho extends Predis_BulkCommand { public function canBeHashed() { return false; } public function getCommandId() { return 'ECHO'; } } class Predis_Commands_Auth extends Predis_InlineCommand { public function canBeHashed() { return false; } public function getCommandId() { return 'AUTH'; } } /* connection handling */ class Predis_Commands_Quit extends Predis_InlineCommand { public function canBeHashed() { return false; } public function getCommandId() { return 'QUIT'; } public function closesConnection() { return true; } } /* commands operating on string values */ class Predis_Commands_Set extends Predis_BulkCommand { public function getCommandId() { return 'SET'; } } class Predis_Commands_SetPreserve extends Predis_BulkCommand { public function getCommandId() { return 'SETNX'; } public function parseResponse($data) { return (bool) $data; } } class Predis_Commands_SetMultiple extends Predis_MultiBulkCommand { public function canBeHashed() { return false; } public function getCommandId() { return 'MSET'; } } class Predis_Commands_SetMultiplePreserve extends Predis_MultiBulkCommand { public function canBeHashed() { return false; } public function getCommandId() { return 'MSETNX'; } public function parseResponse($data) { return (bool) $data; } } class Predis_Commands_Get extends Predis_InlineCommand { public function getCommandId() { return 'GET'; } } class Predis_Commands_GetMultiple extends Predis_InlineCommand { public function canBeHashed() { return false; } public function getCommandId() { return 'MGET'; } } class Predis_Commands_GetSet extends Predis_BulkCommand { public function getCommandId() { return 'GETSET'; } } class Predis_Commands_Increment extends Predis_InlineCommand { public function getCommandId() { return 'INCR'; } } class Predis_Commands_IncrementBy extends Predis_InlineCommand { public function getCommandId() { return 'INCRBY'; } } class Predis_Commands_Decrement extends Predis_InlineCommand { public function getCommandId() { return 'DECR'; } } class Predis_Commands_DecrementBy extends Predis_InlineCommand { public function getCommandId() { return 'DECRBY'; } } class Predis_Commands_Exists extends Predis_InlineCommand { public function getCommandId() { return 'EXISTS'; } public function parseResponse($data) { return (bool) $data; } } class Predis_Commands_Delete extends Predis_InlineCommand { public function getCommandId() { return 'DEL'; } public function parseResponse($data) { return (bool) $data; } } class Predis_Commands_Type extends Predis_InlineCommand { public function getCommandId() { return 'TYPE'; } } /* commands operating on the key space */ class Predis_Commands_Keys extends Predis_InlineCommand { public function canBeHashed() { return false; } public function getCommandId() { return 'KEYS'; } public function parseResponse($data) { // TODO: is this behaviour correct? return strlen($data) > 0 ? explode(' ', $data) : array(); } } class Predis_Commands_RandomKey extends Predis_InlineCommand { public function canBeHashed() { return false; } public function getCommandId() { return 'RANDOMKEY'; } public function parseResponse($data) { return $data !== '' ? $data : null; } } class Predis_Commands_Rename extends Predis_InlineCommand { // TODO: doesn't RENAME break the hash-based client-side sharding? public function canBeHashed() { return false; } public function getCommandId() { return 'RENAME'; } } class Predis_Commands_RenamePreserve extends Predis_InlineCommand { public function canBeHashed() { return false; } public function getCommandId() { return 'RENAMENX'; } public function parseResponse($data) { return (bool) $data; } } class Predis_Commands_Expire extends Predis_InlineCommand { public function getCommandId() { return 'EXPIRE'; } public function parseResponse($data) { return (bool) $data; } } class Predis_Commands_ExpireAt extends Predis_InlineCommand { public function getCommandId() { return 'EXPIREAT'; } public function parseResponse($data) { return (bool) $data; } } class Predis_Commands_DatabaseSize extends Predis_InlineCommand { public function canBeHashed() { return false; } public function getCommandId() { return 'DBSIZE'; } } class Predis_Commands_TimeToLive extends Predis_InlineCommand { public function getCommandId() { return 'TTL'; } } /* commands operating on lists */ class Predis_Commands_ListPushTail extends Predis_BulkCommand { public function getCommandId() { return 'RPUSH'; } } class Predis_Commands_ListPushHead extends Predis_BulkCommand { public function getCommandId() { return 'LPUSH'; } } class Predis_Commands_ListLength extends Predis_InlineCommand { public function getCommandId() { return 'LLEN'; } } class Predis_Commands_ListRange extends Predis_InlineCommand { public function getCommandId() { return 'LRANGE'; } } class Predis_Commands_ListTrim extends Predis_InlineCommand { public function getCommandId() { return 'LTRIM'; } } class Predis_Commands_ListIndex extends Predis_InlineCommand { public function getCommandId() { return 'LINDEX'; } } class Predis_Commands_ListSet extends Predis_BulkCommand { public function getCommandId() { return 'LSET'; } } class Predis_Commands_ListRemove extends Predis_BulkCommand { public function getCommandId() { return 'LREM'; } } class Predis_Commands_ListPopLastPushHead extends Predis_BulkCommand { public function getCommandId() { return 'RPOPLPUSH'; } } class Predis_Commands_ListPopFirst extends Predis_InlineCommand { public function getCommandId() { return 'LPOP'; } } class Predis_Commands_ListPopLast extends Predis_InlineCommand { public function getCommandId() { return 'RPOP'; } } /* commands operating on sets */ class Predis_Commands_SetAdd extends Predis_BulkCommand { public function getCommandId() { return 'SADD'; } public function parseResponse($data) { return (bool) $data; } } class Predis_Commands_SetRemove extends Predis_BulkCommand { public function getCommandId() { return 'SREM'; } public function parseResponse($data) { return (bool) $data; } } class Predis_Commands_SetPop extends Predis_InlineCommand { public function getCommandId() { return 'SPOP'; } } class Predis_Commands_SetMove extends Predis_BulkCommand { public function canBeHashed() { return false; } public function getCommandId() { return 'SMOVE'; } public function parseResponse($data) { return (bool) $data; } } class Predis_Commands_SetCardinality extends Predis_InlineCommand { public function getCommandId() { return 'SCARD'; } } class Predis_Commands_SetIsMember extends Predis_BulkCommand { public function getCommandId() { return 'SISMEMBER'; } public function parseResponse($data) { return (bool) $data; } } class Predis_Commands_SetIntersection extends Predis_InlineCommand { public function getCommandId() { return 'SINTER'; } } class Predis_Commands_SetIntersectionStore extends Predis_InlineCommand { public function getCommandId() { return 'SINTERSTORE'; } } class Predis_Commands_SetUnion extends Predis_InlineCommand { public function getCommandId() { return 'SUNION'; } } class Predis_Commands_SetUnionStore extends Predis_InlineCommand { public function getCommandId() { return 'SUNIONSTORE'; } } class Predis_Commands_SetDifference extends Predis_InlineCommand { public function getCommandId() { return 'SDIFF'; } } class Predis_Commands_SetDifferenceStore extends Predis_InlineCommand { public function getCommandId() { return 'SDIFFSTORE'; } } class Predis_Commands_SetMembers extends Predis_InlineCommand { public function getCommandId() { return 'SMEMBERS'; } } class Predis_Commands_SetRandomMember extends Predis_InlineCommand { public function getCommandId() { return 'SRANDMEMBER'; } } /* commands operating on sorted sets */ class Predis_Commands_ZSetAdd extends Predis_BulkCommand { public function getCommandId() { return 'ZADD'; } public function parseResponse($data) { return (bool) $data; } } class Predis_Commands_ZSetIncrementBy extends Predis_BulkCommand { public function getCommandId() { return 'ZINCRBY'; } } class Predis_Commands_ZSetRemove extends Predis_BulkCommand { public function getCommandId() { return 'ZREM'; } public function parseResponse($data) { return (bool) $data; } } class Predis_Commands_ZSetRange extends Predis_InlineCommand { public function getCommandId() { return 'ZRANGE'; } public function parseResponse($data) { $arguments = $this->getArguments(); if (count($arguments) === 4) { if (strtolower($arguments[3]) === 'withscores') { $result = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($data); $i++) { $result[] = array($data[$i], $data[++$i]); } return $result; } } return $data; } } class Predis_Commands_ZSetReverseRange extends Predis_InlineCommand { public function getCommandId() { return 'ZREVRANGE'; } public function parseResponse($data) { $arguments = $this->getArguments(); if (count($arguments) === 4) { if (strtolower($arguments[3]) === 'withscores') { $result = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($data); $i++) { $result[] = array($data[$i], $data[++$i]); } return $result; } } return $data; } } class Predis_Commands_ZSetRangeByScore extends Predis_InlineCommand { public function getCommandId() { return 'ZRANGEBYSCORE'; } } class Predis_Commands_ZSetCardinality extends Predis_InlineCommand { public function getCommandId() { return 'ZCARD'; } } class Predis_Commands_ZSetScore extends Predis_BulkCommand { public function getCommandId() { return 'ZSCORE'; } } class Predis_Commands_ZSetRemoveRangeByScore extends Predis_InlineCommand { public function getCommandId() { return 'ZREMRANGEBYSCORE'; } } /* multiple databases handling commands */ class Predis_Commands_SelectDatabase extends Predis_InlineCommand { public function canBeHashed() { return false; } public function getCommandId() { return 'SELECT'; } } class Predis_Commands_MoveKey extends Predis_InlineCommand { public function canBeHashed() { return false; } public function getCommandId() { return 'MOVE'; } public function parseResponse($data) { return (bool) $data; } } class Predis_Commands_FlushDatabase extends Predis_InlineCommand { public function canBeHashed() { return false; } public function getCommandId() { return 'FLUSHDB'; } } class Predis_Commands_FlushAll extends Predis_InlineCommand { public function canBeHashed() { return false; } public function getCommandId() { return 'FLUSHALL'; } } /* sorting */ class Predis_Commands_Sort extends Predis_InlineCommand { public function getCommandId() { return 'SORT'; } public function filterArguments($arguments) { if (count($arguments) === 1) { return $arguments; } // TODO: add more parameters checks $query = array($arguments[0]); $sortParams = $arguments[1]; if (isset($sortParams['by'])) { $query[] = 'BY ' . $sortParams['by']; } if (isset($sortParams['get'])) { $query[] = 'GET ' . $sortParams['get']; } if (isset($sortParams['limit']) && is_array($sortParams['limit'])) { $query[] = 'LIMIT ' . $sortParams['limit'][0] . ' ' . $sortParams['limit'][1]; } if (isset($sortParams['sort'])) { $query[] = strtoupper($sortParams['sort']); } if (isset($sortParams['alpha']) && $sortParams['alpha'] == true) { $query[] = 'ALPHA'; } if (isset($sortParams['store']) && $sortParams['store'] == true) { $query[] = 'STORE ' . $sortParams['store']; } return $query; } } /* persistence control commands */ class Predis_Commands_Save extends Predis_InlineCommand { public function canBeHashed() { return false; } public function getCommandId() { return 'SAVE'; } } class Predis_Commands_BackgroundSave extends Predis_InlineCommand { public function canBeHashed() { return false; } public function getCommandId() { return 'BGSAVE'; } } class Predis_Commands_LastSave extends Predis_InlineCommand { public function canBeHashed() { return false; } public function getCommandId() { return 'LASTSAVE'; } } class Predis_Commands_Shutdown extends Predis_InlineCommand { public function canBeHashed() { return false; } public function getCommandId() { return 'SHUTDOWN'; } public function closesConnection() { return true; } } /* remote server control commands */ class Predis_Commands_Info extends Predis_InlineCommand { public function canBeHashed() { return false; } public function getCommandId() { return 'INFO'; } public function parseResponse($data) { $info = array(); $infoLines = explode("\r\n", $data, -1); foreach ($infoLines as $row) { list($k, $v) = explode(':', $row); if (!preg_match('/^db\d+$/', $k)) { $info[$k] = $v; } else { $db = array(); foreach (explode(',', $v) as $dbvar) { list($dbvk, $dbvv) = explode('=', $dbvar); $db[trim($dbvk)] = $dbvv; } $info[$k] = $db; } } return $info; } } class SlaveOf extends Predis_InlineCommand { public function canBeHashed() { return false; } public function getCommandId() { return 'SLAVEOF'; } public function filterArguments($arguments) { return count($arguments) === 0 ? array('NO ONE') : $arguments; } } ?>