#!/usr/bin/env php * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // In order to be able to execute this script to create a PEAR package of Predis // both `onion` and `pear` must be available and executable in your $PATH. // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // function executeWithBackup($file, $callback) { $exception = null; $backup = "$file.backup"; copy($file, $backup); try { call_user_func($callback, $file); } catch (Exception $exception) { // NOOP } unlink($file); rename($backup, $file); if ($exception) { throw $exception; } } function buildPackage() { passthru('onion build && pear -q package && rm package.xml'); } executeWithBackup(__DIR__.'/../phpunit.xml.dist', function ($file) { $cfg = new SimpleXMLElement($file, null, true); $cfg[0]['bootstrap'] = str_replace('tests/', '', $cfg[0]['bootstrap']); $cfg->testsuites->testsuite->directory = str_replace('tests/', '', $cfg->testsuites->testsuite->directory); $cfg->saveXml($file); buildPackage(); });