# About testing Predis # __ATTENTION__: Do not ever ever run this test suite against instances of Redis running in production environments or containing data you are interested in! If you still want to test this library on a production server without hitting the database, please read ahead about how to disable integration tests. Predis ships a comprehensive test suite that uses __PHPUnit__ to cover every aspect of the library. The suite is organized into several unit groups with the PHPUnit `@group` annotation which makes it possible to run only selected groups of tests. The main groups are: - __disconnected__: generic tests verifying the correct behaviour of the library without requiring an active connection to Redis. - __connected__: integration tests that require an active connection to Redis - __commands__: tests for the implementation of Redis commands. - __slow__: tests that might slow down the execution of the test suite (either __connected__ or __disconnected__). A list of all the available groups in the suite can be obtained by running: ```bash $ phpunit --list-groups ``` Groups of tests can be disabled or enabled via the XML configuration file or the standard command line test runner. Please note that due to a bug in PHPUnit, older versions ignore the `--group` option when the group is excluded in the XML configuration file. More details about this issue are available on [PHPUnit's bug tracker](http://github.com/sebastianbergmann/phpunit/issues/320). Certain groups of tests requiring native extensions, such as `ext-curl` or `ext-phpiredis`, are disabled by default in the configuration file. To enable these groups of tests you should remove them from the exclusion list in `phpunit.xml`. ### Combining groups for inclusion or exclusion with the command-line runner ### ```bash $ phpunit --group disconnected --exclude-group commands,slow ``` ### Integration tests ### The suite performs integration tests against a running instance of Redis (>= 2.4.0) to verify the correct behavior of the implementation of each command and certain abstractions implemented in the library that depend on them. These tests are identified by the __connected__ group. Integration tests for commands that are not defined in the specified server profile (see the value of the `REDIS_SERVER_VERSION` constant in `phpunit.xml`) are marked as __skipped__ automatically. By default, the test suite is configured to execute integration tests using the server profile for Redis v2.8. You can run the suite against a Redis instance built from the `unstable` branch with the development profile by changing the `REDIS_SERVER_VERSION` to `dev` in the `phpunit.xml` file. If you do not have a Redis instance up and running or available for testing, you can completely disable integration tests by excluding the __connected__ group: ```bash $ phpunit --exclude-group connected ``` ### Slow tests ### Certain tests can slow down the execution of the suite. These tests can be disabled by excluding the __slow__ group: ```bash $ phpunit --exclude-group slow ``` ### Testing Redis commands ### We also provide an helper script in the `bin` directory that can be used to automatically generate a file with the scheleton of a test case to test a Redis command by specifying the name of the class in the `Predis\Command` namespace (only classes in this namespace are considered valid). For example to generate a test case for `SET` (represented by the `Predis\Command\StringSet` class): ```bash $ ./bin/create-command-test --class=StringSet ``` Each command has its own realm (e.g. commands operating on strings, lists, sets and such) which is automatically inferred from the name of the specified class. The realm can be also provided manually leveraging the `--realm` option.