* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Predis; use Predis\Commands\ICommand; use Predis\Network\IConnection; use Predis\Network\IConnectionSingle; use Predis\Profiles\IServerProfile; use Predis\Profiles\ServerProfile; use Predis\Pipeline\PipelineContext; use Predis\Transaction\MultiExecContext; class Client { const VERSION = '0.7.0-dev'; private $_options; private $_profile; private $_connection; private $_connectionFactory; public function __construct($parameters = null, $options = null) { $options = $this->filterOptions($options); $profile = $options->profile; if (isset($options->prefix)) { $profile->setProcessor($options->prefix); } $this->_options = $options; $this->_profile = $profile; $this->_connectionFactory = $options->connections; $this->_connection = $this->initializeConnection($parameters); } private function filterOptions($options) { if ($options === null) { return new ClientOptions(); } if (is_array($options)) { return new ClientOptions($options); } if ($options instanceof ClientOptions) { return $options; } if ($options instanceof IServerProfile) { return new ClientOptions(array('profile' => $options)); } if (is_string($options)) { return new ClientOptions(array('profile' => ServerProfile::get($options))); } throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Invalid type for client options"); } private function initializeConnection($parameters) { if ($parameters === null) { return $this->createConnection(new ConnectionParameters()); } if (is_array($parameters)) { if (isset($parameters[0])) { $cluster = $this->_options->cluster; foreach ($parameters as $node) { $connection = $node instanceof IConnectionSingle ? $node : $this->createConnection($node); $cluster->add($connection); } return $cluster; } return $this->createConnection($parameters); } if ($parameters instanceof IConnection) { return $parameters; } return $this->createConnection($parameters); } protected function createConnection($parameters) { $connection = $this->_connectionFactory->create($parameters); $parameters = $connection->getParameters(); if (isset($parameters->password)) { $command = $this->createCommand('auth', array($parameters->password)); $connection->pushInitCommand($command); } if (isset($parameters->database)) { $command = $this->createCommand('select', array($parameters->database)); $connection->pushInitCommand($command); } return $connection; } public function getProfile() { return $this->_profile; } public function getOptions() { return $this->_options; } public function getConnectionFactory() { return $this->_connectionFactory; } public function getClientFor($connectionAlias) { if (($connection = $this->getConnection($connectionAlias)) === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Invalid connection alias: '$connectionAlias'"); } return new Client($connection, $this->_options); } public function connect() { $this->_connection->connect(); } public function disconnect() { $this->_connection->disconnect(); } public function quit() { $this->disconnect(); } public function isConnected() { return $this->_connection->isConnected(); } public function getConnection($id = null) { if (isset($id)) { if (!Helpers::isCluster($this->_connection)) { throw new ClientException( 'Retrieving connections by alias is supported only with clustered connections' ); } return $this->_connection->getConnectionById($id); } return $this->_connection; } public function __call($method, $arguments) { $command = $this->_profile->createCommand($method, $arguments); return $this->_connection->executeCommand($command); } public function createCommand($method, $arguments = array()) { return $this->_profile->createCommand($method, $arguments); } public function executeCommand(ICommand $command) { return $this->_connection->executeCommand($command); } public function executeCommandOnShards(ICommand $command) { if (Helpers::isCluster($this->_connection)) { $replies = array(); foreach ($this->_connection as $connection) { $replies[] = $connection->executeCommand($command); } return $replies; } return array($this->_connection->executeCommand($command)); } private function sharedInitializer($argv, $initializer) { switch (count($argv)) { case 0: return $this->$initializer(); case 1: list($arg0) = $argv; return is_array($arg0) ? $this->$initializer($arg0) : $this->$initializer(null, $arg0); case 2: list($arg0, $arg1) = $argv; return $this->$initializer($arg0, $arg1); default: return $this->$initializer($this, $argv); } } public function pipeline(/* arguments */) { return $this->sharedInitializer(func_get_args(), 'initPipeline'); } protected function initPipeline(Array $options = null, $pipelineBlock = null) { $pipeline = new PipelineContext($this, $options); return $this->pipelineExecute($pipeline, $pipelineBlock); } private function pipelineExecute(PipelineContext $pipeline, $block) { return $block !== null ? $pipeline->execute($block) : $pipeline; } public function multiExec(/* arguments */) { return $this->sharedInitializer(func_get_args(), 'initMultiExec'); } protected function initMultiExec(Array $options = null, $block = null) { $transaction = new MultiExecContext($this, $options ?: array()); return isset($block) ? $transaction->execute($block) : $transaction; } public function pubSub(/* arguments */) { return $this->sharedInitializer(func_get_args(), 'initPubSub'); } protected function initPubSub(Array $options = null, $block = null) { $pubsub = new PubSubContext($this, $options); if (!isset($block)) { return $pubsub; } foreach ($pubsub as $message) { if ($block($pubsub, $message) === false) { $pubsub->closeContext(); } } } public function monitor() { return new MonitorContext($this); } }