v0.6.0 * New commands added for the Redis 2.0 (DEV) profile: - Strings: APPEND, SUBSTR - ZSets : ZCOUNT, ZRANK, ZUNION, ZINTER, ZREMBYRANK, ZREVRANK - Hashes : HSET, HINCRBY, HGET, HDEL, HEXISTS, HLEN, HKEYS, HVALS, HGETALL - Misc. : DISCARD, CONFIG * The GET parameter for the SORT command now accepts also multiple key patterns by passing an array of strings. * KEYS will return a multibulk reply starting from Redis 2.0 (DEV). Predis handles this change in a backwards-compatible way. * Switched to class-based handlers instead of anonymous functions to handle the various server response types. * CommandPipeline and MultiExecBlock return their instances when invoking commands, thus allowing method chaining in pipelines and multi-exec blocks. * MultiExecBlock instances can handle the new DISCARD command. * Introduced client-level options with the new Predis\ClientOptions class. Options can be passed to Predis\Client::__construct in its second argument as an array or an instance of Predis\ClientOptions. For brevity's sake and compatibility with older versions, the constructor of Predis\Client still accepts an instance of Predis\RedisServerProfile in its second argument. The currently supported client options are: - profile [default: "2.0" as of Predis 0.6.0] specifies which server profile to use when connecting to Redis. This option accepts an instance of Predis\RedisServerProfile or a string that indicates the target version. - key_distribution [default: Predis\Utilities\HashRing] specifies which key distribution algorithm to use to distribute keys among the servers that compose a cluster. This option accepts an instance of Predis\Utilities\IRing so that users can implement their own key distribution strategy. The new Predis\Utilities\KetamaPureRing class provides a pure-PHP implementation of the Ketama algorithm. - throw_on_error [default: TRUE] server errors can optionally be handled "silently": instead of throwing an exception, the client returns an error response type. - iterable_multibulk [EXPERIMENTAL - default: FALSE] in addition to the classic way of fetching a whole multibulk reply into an array, the client can now optionally stream a multibulk reply down to the user code by using PHP iterators. It is just a little bit slower, but it can save a lot of memory in certain scenarios. * New parameters for connections: - alias [default: not set] every connection can now be identified by an alias that is useful to get a certain connection when connected to a cluster of Redis servers. - weight [default: not set] allows the client to balance the keys asymmetrically across multiple servers. This might be useful when you have servers with different amounts of memory and you want to distribute the load of your keys accordingly. - connection_async [default: FALSE] estabilish connections to servers in a non-blocking way, so that the client is not blocked while the underlying resource performs the actual connection. - connection_persistent [default: FALSE] the underlying connection resource is left open when a script ends its lifecycle. Persistent connections can lead to unpredictable or strange behaviours, so they should be used with extreme care. * Connections now support float values for the connection_timeout parameter to express timeouts with a microsecond resolution. v0.5.1 * RPOPLPUSH has been changed from bulk command to inline command in Redis 1.2.1, so ListPopLastPushHead now extends InlineCommand. The old RPOPLPUSH behavior is still available via the ListPopLastPushHeadBulk class so that you can override the server profile if you need the old (and uncorrect) behaviour when connecting to a Redis 1.2.0 instance. * Added missing support for BGREWRITEAOF for Redis >= 1.2.0 * Implemented a factory method for the RedisServerProfile class to ease the creation of new server profile instances based on a version string. v0.5.0 * First versioned release of Predis