* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Predis\Command; use PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase as StandardTestCase; /** * @group commands * @group realm-server */ class ServerInfoTest extends CommandTestCase { /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function getExpectedCommand() { return 'Predis\Command\ServerInfo'; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function getExpectedId() { return 'INFO'; } /** * @group disconnected */ public function testFilterArguments() { $command = $this->getCommand(); $command->setArguments(array()); $this->assertSame(array(), $command->getArguments()); } /** * @group disconnected */ public function testParseResponse() { $raw =<< '2.4.4', 'redis_git_sha1' => 'bc62bc5e', 'redis_git_dirty' => '0', 'arch_bits' => '32', 'multiplexing_api' => 'epoll', 'process_id' => '15640', 'uptime_in_seconds' => '792', 'uptime_in_days' => '0', 'lru_clock' => '197890', 'used_cpu_sys' => '0.08', 'used_cpu_user' => '0.10', 'used_cpu_sys_children' => '0.00', 'used_cpu_user_children' => '0.00', 'connected_clients' => '1', 'connected_slaves' => '0', 'client_longest_output_list' => '0', 'client_biggest_input_buf' => '0', 'blocked_clients' => '0', 'used_memory' => '556156', 'used_memory_human' => '543.12K', 'used_memory_rss' => '1396736', 'used_memory_peak' => '547688', 'used_memory_peak_human' => '534.85K', 'mem_fragmentation_ratio' => '2.51', 'mem_allocator' => 'jemalloc-2.2.1', 'loading' => '0', 'aof_enabled' => '0', 'changes_since_last_save' => '0', 'bgsave_in_progress' => '0', 'last_save_time' => '1323183872', 'bgrewriteaof_in_progress' => '0', 'total_connections_received' => '2', 'total_commands_processed' => '1', 'expired_keys' => '0', 'evicted_keys' => '0', 'keyspace_hits' => '0', 'keyspace_misses' => '0', 'pubsub_channels' => '0', 'pubsub_patterns' => '0', 'latest_fork_usec' => '0', 'vm_enabled' => '0', 'role' => 'master', 'db0' => array('keys' => '2', 'expires' => '0'), 'db5' => array('keys' => '1', 'expires' => '0'), ); $this->assertSame($expected, $this->getCommand()->parseResponse($raw)); } /** * @group disconnected */ public function testCanParseResponsesFromRedis30() { $raw =<< '2.9.0', 'redis_git_sha1' => '237194b7', 'redis_git_dirty' => '0', 'arch_bits' => '32', 'multiplexing_api' => 'epoll', 'process_id' => '16620', 'tcp_port' => '6379', 'uptime_in_seconds' => '444', 'uptime_in_days' => '0', 'lru_clock' => '198040', 'connected_clients' => '1', 'client_longest_output_list' => '0', 'client_biggest_input_buf' => '0', 'blocked_clients' => '0', 'used_memory' => '628076', 'used_memory_human' => '613.36K', 'used_memory_rss' => '1568768', 'used_memory_peak' => '570056', 'used_memory_peak_human' => '556.70K', 'used_memory_lua' => '14336', 'mem_fragmentation_ratio' => '2.50', 'mem_allocator' => 'jemalloc-2.2.1', 'loading' => '0', 'aof_enabled' => '0', 'changes_since_last_save' => '0', 'bgsave_in_progress' => '0', 'last_save_time' => '1323185719', 'bgrewriteaof_in_progress' => '0', 'total_connections_received' => '4', 'total_commands_processed' => '3', 'rejected_connections' => '0', 'expired_keys' => '0', 'evicted_keys' => '0', 'keyspace_hits' => '0', 'keyspace_misses' => '0', 'pubsub_channels' => '0', 'pubsub_patterns' => '0', 'latest_fork_usec' => '0', 'role' => 'master', 'connected_slaves' => '0', 'used_cpu_sys' => '0.06', 'used_cpu_user' => '0.06', 'used_cpu_sys_children' => '0.00', 'used_cpu_user_children' => '0.00', 'cluster_enabled' => '0', 'db0' => array('keys' => '2', 'expires' => '0'), 'db5' => array('keys' => '1','expires' => '0'), ); $this->assertSame($expected, $this->getCommand()->parseResponse($raw)); } /** * @group connected */ public function testReturnsAnArrayOfInfo() { $redis = $this->getClient(); $command = $this->getCommand(); $this->assertInternalType('array', $info = $redis->executeCommand($command)); $this->assertArrayHasKey('redis_version', $info); } }