1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041424344454647484950515253 |
- #!/bin/bash
- Install_PostgreSQL() {
- pushd ${oneinstack_dir}/src > /dev/null
- id -u postgres >/dev/null 2>&1
- [ $? -ne 0 ] && useradd -d ${pgsql_install_dir} -s /bin/bash postgres
- mkdir -p ${pgsql_data_dir};chown postgres.postgres -R ${pgsql_data_dir}
- tar xzf postgresql-${pgsql_ver}.tar.gz
- pushd postgresql-${pgsql_ver}
- ./configure --prefix=$pgsql_install_dir
- make -j ${THREAD}
- make install
- chmod 755 ${pgsql_install_dir}
- chown -R postgres.postgres ${pgsql_install_dir}
- /bin/cp ./contrib/start-scripts/linux /etc/init.d/postgresql
- sed -i "s@^prefix=.*@prefix=${pgsql_install_dir}@" /etc/init.d/postgresql
- sed -i "s@^PGDATA=.*@PGDATA=${pgsql_data_dir}@" /etc/init.d/postgresql
- chmod +x /etc/init.d/postgresql
- [ "${PM}" == 'yum' ] && { chkconfig --add postgresql; chkconfig postgresql on; }
- [ "${PM}" == 'apt' ] && update-rc.d postgresql defaults
- popd
- su - postgres -c "${pgsql_install_dir}/bin/initdb -D ${pgsql_data_dir}"
- service postgresql start
- sleep 5
- su - postgres -c "${pgsql_install_dir}/bin/psql -c \"alter user postgres with password '$dbpostgrespwd';\""
- sed -i 's@^host.*@#&@g' ${pgsql_data_dir}/pg_hba.conf
- sed -i 's@^local.*@#&@g' ${pgsql_data_dir}/pg_hba.conf
- echo 'local all all md5' >> ${pgsql_data_dir}/pg_hba.conf
- echo 'host all all md5' >> ${pgsql_data_dir}/pg_hba.conf
- sed -i "s@^#listen_addresses.*@listen_addresses = '*'@" ${pgsql_data_dir}/postgresql.conf
- service postgresql reload
- if [ -e "${pgsql_install_dir}/bin/psql" ]; then
- sed -i "s+^dbpostgrespwd.*+dbpostgrespwd='$dbpostgrespwd'+" ../options.conf
- echo "${CSUCCESS}PostgreSQL installed successfully! ${CEND}"
- else
- rm -rf ${pgsql_install_dir} ${pgsql_data_dir}
- echo "${CFAILURE}PostgreSQL install failed, Please contact the author! ${CEND}"
- kill -9 $$
- fi
- popd
- [ -z "$(grep ^'export PATH=' /etc/profile)" ] && echo "export PATH=${pgsql_install_dir}/bin:\$PATH" >> /etc/profile
- [ -n "$(grep ^'export PATH=' /etc/profile)" -a -z "$(grep ${pgsql_install_dir} /etc/profile)" ] && sed -i "s@^export PATH=\(.*\)@export PATH=${pgsql_install_dir}/bin:\1@" /etc/profile
- . /etc/profile
- }